[Naruto And Friends React To Ship]

Xylos: Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro will be joining the group *Smile*

Off: The creator or Tale likes this ship so, if you don't you can leave or skip to the previous chapters to read

[This ship is Lee x Gaara]

[I like ship by the way]

[Warning: This picture may contain sexual]

[Off~San explained, what a ship is and who they were going to react]

Kankuro: Wait wait wait, did I just hear that Lee and my brother Gaara a ship?!

Lee & Gaara: ......

Temari: That's something....

Shikamaru: Troublesome *Mumbling*

Ship Photo 1

Kunoicha's Girls: Oh my...

Shinobi's Boys except Lee and Gaara were glancing at the photo with intense stares.

Ino: That's cute *Giggling*

Temari: Gaara?

Temari looking at blushing or confused Gaara, while Lee was processing his brain.

Gaara💭: What is this feeling *Slightly Blush*

Kankuro💭: ....I'm speechless...

Naruto: Lee and Gaara...together?

Ship Photo 2

Naruto: Woah, Lee looks good!

Tenten: Wow, Gaara in a female geisha dress

Neji glancing at the art details from top to bottom using his byakugan.

Sasuke: ....Hn

Kiba: What dog breed is that beside Lee?

The girls had to admit that Gaara looks beautiful in female clothes and make up.

Gaara: Why i'm I holding a smoker?

Ino: Those flowers look beautiful on Gaara Kun

Ship Photo 3

Sai: Hoh~....they're adorable

Lee and Gaara became embarrass and a blushing mess.

Kankuro: What The F###! *Stand's Up In Shock*

Temari: Kankuro Language! *Hitting him in the head*

Kankuro: Ow! *Rubbing his head*

Naruto: 👁️👄👁️, Dattebayo they're kissing

Sasuke💭: The photo seems intimate for both Lee and Gaara

Choji: Lee is holding Gaara's hips *Pointing it out*

Sakura: Yeah, we can see that...

Shikamaru: Seems like it

Others were murmuring with each other.

Ship Photo 4

Some of them laugh at Lee in the photo, who was scared because of Kankuro's deadly glare.

Temari: Never seen this side of Kankuro before... *Snicker's*

Hinata: T-that's scary

Naruto: Yeah! *Shuddering*

Tenten: How is that puppet blasting fire?

[I don't know myself either, how it works...*Verbal Tick Activated*=dibs]

Shino: That might be made out of metal, maybe? *quietly says*

Lee could feel Kankuro's glare stabbing him like knife's.

Ship Photo 5

Naruto: My Eyes Dattebayo!,🔥🔥 *Covering His Eyes In Horror*

Sasuke: Dear Kami's *Looking Away*

Kankuro: You B###tard! *Temari holding him from not attacking Lee*

Gaara blush much to Lee's touching his lower hip.

Lee fainted from, what his seeing himself inappropriately touching Gaara.

Others only watch in blush or disgust.

[Xylos To The Rescue]

[A Long Break Later]

Xylos: Ok *Presses Button*

Ship Photo 6

Everyone: .....

Thought that Gaara clothing is to revealing showing some skin.

Lee and Gaara both felt more intensified by the Ship, they're minds were scrambling.

Temari: Why does Gaara have wing's and horn's?

Gacha: Will...About that...

[Explaining to them what an incubus or succubus is...]

Kankuro face was blank.....as he fainted, while his face was petrified with shock.

[I think I saw Kankuro's soul going out of his body?]

Some blush hearing, what a incubus and a succubus is.

Gaara: Who would even made me, into that...

[A fan!]

Sai: That's interesting *Smirking*

Sasuke felt unease hearing about a seductive creature exist, so was Sakura, who thought that the creature might have deflowered her Sasuke.

Naruto was holding both his legs and was rocking back and forth, while his face was traumatized about a incubus/Succubus, Ino had to comfort him.

Shino was innerly sighing.

[That was uneventful]

[Thank You For Reading]

[Merry Christmas]
