[Naruto And Friends React To Gojo Uzumaki Family Requested]

Requested By:

Off~San: Tale~San was requested by Cherrybomb_5000

Gacha: She requested that I should make another universe

Off~San: Yep, This Au universe is about Naruto Married to Fem Gojo and have three children.

Nezric: Uh huh...*Snuggling On A Pillow*



Ino Yamanaka

Kiba Inuzuka

Shikamaru Nara

Hinata Hyuuga

Shino Aburame

Neji Hyuuga

Choji Akimichi

Rock Lee

Sakura Haruno

Naruto Uzumaki

Sasuke Uchiha

[Akamaru will be not be joining as he is in the Vet for a check up]

Gacha: Me be the operator since Nezric will be taking a break for a while or days

[Explaining About Future Naruto/Au]
(I had to fake it so that I could make them think that this is real, I will be erasing their memories at the end of the chapter)

[Gojo Uzumaki Family Written By:
Die Tale Discord]

Title: Gojo Uzumaki Family

All except Sasuke and Naruto: Oooh~

It's been some years since I could remember, lots of things change after the entire Otsutsuki scheme, but they were defeated.

Shikamaru snorted about the Otsutsuki's since they were a pain in the neck.

Kiba: Uh huh *Bored*

Waking up and blink, rubbing my eyes from the tiredness, glancing at her made my entire world better.

Sai: Oh my, Dickless has a wife * Teasing Him*

Naruto: Shut Up! *Fuming*

Hinata💭: I wonder, who she is...

Her white hair that shine's, opening her eyes, she had gorgeous blue eyes that resemble gemstone's, her pale skin, plump lips, D-cap and slender hourglass body.

Hearing that her chest was D-cap since a cough from the male group.

Shino stayed quiet, but interested is Naruto's wife.

Gojo Satori was an angel I have breathtakingly married the love of my life for long that I could remember.

Sasuke: Hn

Kiba: *Scowling*, Lucky Bastard

Sakura and Ino: *Squealing*,

With her eyes blinking at me.

Satori: Good Morning HoneyBear

She said kissing my lips as I kiss back at her and holding her waist.

Some of the males had a nosebleed reading the book.

Shikamaru: *Mumbling* Troublesome

[Called Doctor Xylos]

Naruto: Good Morning Angel

Got some of the girls giggled.

Satori smiled and stood sitting at the bed, she stretch her body standing up and went out of the room.

Nosebleed from the boys, Choji was eating some fried chicken.

Sasuke scowled in envy towards Naruto's future wife.

Stood at the entrance, she said.

Satori: I'll be taking a bath and cook some meals

She said and left the room, I smiled also and felt pink, everytime I wanted to do more then that....I'm not a pervert!

Everyoneel except Naruto💭: Yes you are.

Naruto blush and steam came out of his ears, covering his face.

The girls except Hinata were teasing Naruto, while the boy only laugh, smirk.


Going downstairs I could see three of my children eating at the table.

Neji: Children?

Lee: My Youthful friend has made children with a beautiful women!

Lee was shameless as Naruto fainted on the spot having his nose bleed like fountain.

[Off~San called Doctor Xylos again and went to check on Naruto]

Yuki Gojo Uzumaki ate her pancakes with blueberry syrup, Minato Jr and Kushina Gojo Uzumaki were happily chatting with each other, while Satori is cooking more breakfast.

Ino: How cute!

Tenten: Such a cute family

The girls were cooing a lot.

I strode towards the table and greeted by my kids.

Yuki: Morning Tou San

Minato&Kushina: Morning Tou Chan!

They then continue there eating, I sat down and greeted them back.

Naruto: Morning little One's

Satori came to the table and gave my empty plate some pancakes and syrup with the add of butter on top.

Everyone were drooling about the strange food they never heard.

Eating the delicious meals prepared by my wife I started summarizing some of the things.

I met Gojo Satori, when I was doing a friendly visit going to the Sunagakure to hang out with Gaara, who is in his office suffering from paperwork.

All: Pity

And I gladly quit being Hokage candidate since I don't want to be like Gaara, who is suffering from the Kazekage position.

Naruto woke up and in shock that won't be Hokage, got a lot of murmuring from the group.

And laughing my a## out, that I didn't tell Gaara about how to beat paperwork at first, but I feel pity that I told him, which made him extremely happy.

With Tsunade

Tsunade felt perk for some reason and was looking around.

Tsunade: I heard someone saying, how to beat paperwork!

*Searching around the tower*

Being so I went a look around Suna as things change drastically with new structures being rebuild.

Neji: Seems good for Suna to advance a bit

Sakura replied: Agreed

The others only nodded to Neji's words.

Took me time to glance each places without being burned by the sun, I might ended up melting.

Team 7 remembering, the painful agony of the weather in the desert.

Kiba: Hot as s###

Sakura: You can say about it

Sitting in a shade near the training ground's of Suna, I then met her.

First glance, she was very beautiful sitting down beside the bench, I was pink and look at her with a shyful look.

Sai: So this is, where they met *Smile*

Shikamaru: What a drag *Leaning On His Sit*

Naruto: *Blush*

Hinata, just smiled that Naruto was happy and wonder what her future will be.

Then she said with a smile.

Satori: Hi, My name is Gojo Satori

Naruto: Name's Naruto Uzumaki, Dattebayo!

Darn, I forgot about my verbal tick, but Satori only laugh and said.

All except Naruto and Hinata: Obviously

Satori: Hahaha, you pretty charismatic Naruto~Kun

Startled by her sweet tone ,I blush for the first time with a girl I just met minutes right now.

Ino: Seduction~

Sakura: She's good with it

Naruto just look away from Ino, Sasuke could only glance at Naruto.

Her hand was on her chin and leaned at me.

Satori: Where are you from?

She asked, which I felt wanting not to trust her, hesitating for a moment, but I replied.

Naruto: I'm from Konohagakure known as the village of the hidden leaf

Satori Replied: Will me, I'm from Japan

They're brow's raised, they never heard of Japan at all.

Sasuke: Japan?

Tenten: Never heard of it

Lee: Indeed!

Naruto was surprised hearing her, where she came from, Japan was outside of the elemental nation, which unlike them that have chakra, the country of Japan had no Chakra at all and is more advance then the elemental nation's.

They were utter suprise that Satori was living outside the elemental nation, which they heard rumor that, if you go outside of the elemental nation you will never comeback alive.

Naruto: Your from Japan?!

Satori: Yes, I came to the elemental nation to start a new life

Naruto looking at Satori and while so, he saw her beautiful eyes that which were more beautiful then any thing he had ever seen.

Satori: Do you like my eyes

Ino: Seduction 2~ *Giggling*

Shikamaru: Troublesome women

Choji: *Munch*

Blinking at me, which I felt more blushing mess, since every blink I felt mesmerized by her.

Girls felt jealous by her beauty, but Hinata wanted to meet Satori in the near future.

Me and her chatted for a while and got some interesting facts about her or not.

Satori is a jujutsu sorceress that was feared by other jujutsu users like her, she also became a teacher at a young age with having three students named Nobara, Megumi, and last Itadori, laughing hearing that her three students were chaotically fun.

Kiba: Naruto's Twisted Love Child!

Naruto: What The Dattebayo Dog Breath!, Shut Up!

But she explained more, at the end everything was torn apart as her cheerful and sweet student Itadori was executed.

They all slumped hearing that Itadori was executed.

Naruto: ....

Neji💭: Sad *Frowning*

Satori was sadden, which I felt comforting her, holding her shoulder saying some gentle words for her to stop crying.

Everyone smiled and some bitterly smiled with sadness, but happy that Naruto comforted Satori.

What I didn't know that I would end up with her.....

Others were grinning and smile's in their faces.


Years past I married Satori, we had a grand wedding in Konohagakure.

I would say, she was beautiful in her wedding, her white kimono dress fit perfectly with her appearance.

Many saw her and we're breath taken by her appearance.

Girls: Yeah! *Cheering*

Naruto was congratulated by his friends and Sai would say some words, that I wish that I could strangle him to death.

Naruto: I would *Glaring At Sai*

Sai: *Smile* Don't be like that Dickless

Naruto: My name is not Dickless, it's Na-Ru-To, Naruto!

Luckily, he was lucky because, my wife calmed me down, while Kurama watch the scene inside the seal, laughing or cackling like a maniac inside the seal.

Inside The Seal...

Kurama giggled like a perverted maniac, which gained Kushina's attention and was about to attack Kurama, but Minato stop her before it happened.

I huff and blush hearing Kurama that I should kiss and do more with Satori, which lead me to have a nosebleed.

Some of the girls fainted hearing the Kyuubi said those sexual words, cause the boys to look down.

Hinata got hit the hardest as blood came out of her nose more, Neji called Off~San for help.

[Off~San sighing, Calls Doctor Xylos again]

Yes...I did it and one year later, we had our first daughter named Yuki, she was named after Haku's Clan.

Naruto smiled and trembled remembering Haku at the land of waves.

Sasuke frowned knowing that Naruto really cared deeply about Haku, Sakura glance at Naruto with a sad look.

Yuki is very talented at a young age and graduated at age 5, she surpass me and Satori with flying color's, truly a prodigy, but still she wasn't allowed yet to go on C, B, A, and S ranks missions, do to her still being young.

Naruto: My daughter smart!, Believe It! *Fist To The Air*

Everyone nodded in agreement and groaning by Naruto's childish action except Hinata, Choji, and Shino, while with Sasuke.

Sasuke: Prodigy....

That word made Sasuke hate being a prodigy because of reasons he know's or didn't know, but it made his blood boil.

She was 9, she went on many missions, which were successful, Yuki was busy doing missions with her team is Hayoshi Hyuga, Tsuyuro Inuzuka and they're sensei Konohamaru Sarutobi.

Shikamaru: Can't believe that Konohamaru became a sensei

Neji: New Generation...

Hinata: O-one of our o-wn is also w-with her t-team *Stuttering*

Shino nodded about that part.

Kiba💭: Tyuyuro Inuzuka...he's new, I guess *Scratching His Head*

What I was most terrified that Yuki and Tora were getting along...I don't know how, but I felt my spine shiver hearing Tora's name.

Everyone: Whaaaaaaaaaaaat! *Petrified Look in their Faces*

They panic hearing Tora's name even Sasuke felt fear because of the cat.

My wife laugh only, while I was pale as a ghost seeing both Yuki and Tora getting along so will.

Everyone was agreeing that Tora was a menace to very genin team in Konohagakure.

All: That cat is curse!

Next were the twins named Minato Jr and Kushina both were strong at a young age and went to school at 3, which were both prodigies I would imagine or didn't expect.

Sasuke: Hn

Kiba: Whatever *Grumbling*

Tenten, Sakura, and Ino: They're Cute!

Minato Jr was a carbon copy of my dad and Kushina was the carbon copy of my mother, it might be because the gene's or DNA, explained by Satori.

Sakura got interested about DNA that Satori explained that children have chances of inheriting.

Yuki is calm and collective, Minato Jr. is cheerful and a prankster, Kushina was more scary as she had my mother's hot temper.

With Kakashi...

Kakashi shivered for no reason and felt that a new Kushina will be coming soon.

Kakashi: Kami, I felt horror for no reason *Scared*

Walking towards the dango shop.


Sasuke and Sakura came back with a baby girl also named Sarada Uchiha, I'm glad we had a reunion, Kakashi sensei is of course still Hokage.

Team seven idiotically smile hearing or maybe hearing things like Kakashi painfully drowned by paperwork.

Sakura felt happy that she was with Sasuke.

[Which is canon, everyone knows that Sasuke and Sakura will end up with each other, It had me in a bitter smile]

Sarada is playing with my son and daughter Minato and Kushina, while Satori and Sakura were chatting.

All: Awwwww *Cutified By The Kids*

My daughter Yuki was on a stare down with Kakashi Sensei.

Had some laugh's and snicker's,.

Me and Sasuke were talking some things that happened long ago.

Got some smile's from the group.

Both Naruto and Sasuke glared at each other.

It was a nice reunion to have...

All: Yeah

[Deleting Memory....]



[Memory Successfully Deleted]

[Thank You For Reading]

Gacha: This is Tale's story idea and it's one-shot, in my opinion

Off~San: I agree with Gacha
