Chapter 7

Aaayyyyy Im finally going to continue haha i finally know how it feels like to wait for someone to update and to everyone who waits for this or anything else, im so sorry! No promises that ill update every day but yaa lmfao ill continue now since theres rly nothing to spoil hahaha reminder: *pov* is your pov 


You sit up in your bed and stare at the space in front of you, you slightly scream as you threw your pillow to the door, the pillow slumped down to the ground and you stare at the pillow, imagining your dream, 'Hey, (Y/N)." Nagisa sang as he walked beside you, you smiled at him and replied, "Hi."  As it was silent around you, you turned red from the awkwardness, then  all of a sudden.... you jumped under the blanket and muffled your scream. "Dammit!" As your face is still red, you kicked the blanket off and swung your legs off the bed. Trudging to your desk, you slumped into the chair and went through your phone, looking on the weather network, not that it mattered. You yawned and opened the door, throwing your pillow back into your bed and walking down the stairs, you trip on your sleepy feet and you laid on the cold ground in surprise, but just accepted that fact and laid there thinking, 'I'm going to die. You know what? I refuse to get up. Ground! I'll marry you instead! Ground, you are so great!' Your dad shuffles behind  and then he steps on your back lightly while yawning, "Get up kid." You groaned as you get yourself up, your dad made himself coffee and while he did you sat at the dining area and watched. When your dad added cream and turned around to put the cream away, you jumped from your seat and stretched for the coffee, but just as you were almost there, "No." Your dad mumbled as he hit your head. You looked up at him and went back into your seat. You asked, "Do you have work?" He nods in his cup and pulls the cup away, "I'm leaving in the afternoon, won't be back until tomorrow morning." You looked at your fingers, "Oh. Okay." You shrugged and walked into your room, you rushed to get ready and sat by your desk in your uniform, on your phone. Sugino texted you, 'Morning r we ready to go? Ill pick you up now' You replied, 'Okai. Im rady ttyl c u later'

You threw your homework into your backpack and heaved it onto your shoulder. You stomped your way down the stairs, "Stop stomping, big foot!" your dad said as he opens the door for you, you jumped into your shoes and laughed, "Bye Dad." You kissed his cheek and he patted your head, you walked out and waved one more time before he closed the door, you stood by the sidewalk and you checked your phone for the time before looking up into the sky, you smiled and waited for Sugino to appear, when he does, you both walk to school side by side, laughing at each other. 

"Hey, (Y/N). Did you get the sweets for today's science lesson?" You stood there frozen before replying, "Oh. Shit. I forgot" He laughs at you and you pouted. Sugino points down the streets, "There's a 7-eleven store, let's go pick something up." You sighed and rubbed your neck. "O.k." Making your way to the store (Making my way downtown! sorry) with Sugino, the doors lide open smoothly as music softly floats around the store. You walked to the candy section and picked the cheapest candy there is. You walked to the front, finding Sugino flip through a baseball magazine. "Are you looking at Arita?" He sets the magazine down, "Was. Hurry up and buy it, we have to head to school." 

Timeskip: As the lesson revolving around food coloring ended, you laughed as Nakamura and Toka tell you puns realted to color. Toka points to the front as she whispers, "Look." Nakamura and you watch as Okuda walks up to Koro-sensei and hands him a liquid, "These contain poison, please drink them." Nakamura chuckles at the blunt statement and you nearly fell of your chair, it was way too blunt, no way was Koro-sensei going to actually drink them. You heard Okuda claim, "Chemistry is my only strong point in school, my assassination attempts are weak." You sighed, 'I wish my chemistry was strong.' When Koro-sensei snatches the veil and chugs the poison in one go, you siged in defeat, 'HE actually drank it.' Suddenly horns appeared, you played with your fingers, 'I'm tired.' You thought as you see him chug another. This time wings has sprouted, "His look is so.... bizzare." As he chugs the last poison, everyone is on their toes, thoughts ran through heads, 'What's going to happen next?', 'What's the final poison going to do?' His face turns into an emoticon. You stared. 'Wow. I don't get chemistry and it's logic at all!' As everyone is making fun of sensei's face, he dares to say, "Even if you hate me, please do not hate assassination."  

Timeskip to after school: 

You started to pack your things as you heard Sugino call your name, you look up to see Okijima, Kimura, Isogai, Maehara, Mimura and Sugino all holding baseball gear. "Hey, (Y/N). Wanna play baseball with us? You're good at it right?" Maehara asks. You smiled, "I'm not good at all. But I guess I wanna play." They laugh and say, "You can't play in your skirt, can you?" Isogai states. Then Okijima gives a dirty smile, "I wouldn't mind." You scrunched your eye brows, "Ha ha. Funny Okijima-kun." You promised to hurt his face in the baseball game later. "I'll meet you guys at the baseball field, I'll head home to grab my bat and glove." 

*A/n: Taking a short break. This is really short.* Changing into a pair of track pants and long sleeved shirt. Grasping onto a small bag, you stuffed in a towel, 2 water bottles, your keys, your phone, and your glove. You grabbed an/a (fav. fruit), biting into it while wearing your running shoes, you grabbed your bat and headed out the door. Upon reaching the field, the boys had already started passing. You ran to them, dropping your bag into the sand and swung your bat at the already thrown baseball. The ball hit against your bat and flew into the sky. You watched in satisfaction as it spun in the air before landing right into Mimura's out reached glove. "Can we start playing?" 

Standing at the pitcher's mound, you practiced breathing for a second when you eyed, Okijima on the other end, gripping onto the bat tightly. You took one more breathe before chucking the ball, unfortunately it didn't hit his face, (XD LOL sorry Okijima!) However, he did miss. You did this 2 more times and he was considered out. You smiled at the boys who congratulated your pitching. 

The sun started to set as the boys and you took a break before heading home. Sugino took one of your water bottle, lightly throwing the other right into your hand, he looks through your bag and pulls out your phone, typing in your password, he swiped left and right, up and down. "Sugino, I don't have Kanzaki's number, don't try and find it." He groans and chucks the empty water bottle at you, "(Y/N)!!" You laughed with the others, he turns your phone off and drops the phone back in before passing the bag to you, "Let's go home. I'm using your bathroom before I go home." You nodded and chugged the rest of the water before picking up the other bottle, you made small talk with the guys as Sugino volunteers to throw the trash away. Kimura asks, "Hey, (Y/N), are you sure Sugino likes Kanazki-san? I mean, you guys are much closer, I'm sure he has feelings for you." You snickered as Sugino came jogging back, "I'm sure that the feelings between us are mutual. And there will be nothing more." You turned around and started heading home with Sugino tailing behind. 

Next morning: You set your things on your desk Hara walks to you and hands you a small (fav. animal) shaped container, "Here you go, (Y/N)-chan. It's the cake you wanted me to make." You opened it up, to be hit with a refreshing fragrance of cake. "This smells so good! Thank you Hara-chan!" She nods and hands you a piece of paper, "So, here's the recipe and etc. Why do you need a cake for anyways?" She takes a seat in front of you and you smiled, "My dad's birthday is around the corner and I want to make him cake, but..."

"You suck at cooking." Hara finishes, you nodded, and you both joked about your cooking. There was a sudden explosion. Hesitantly looking up from under the desk, there was another sudden outburst as on the front table was a melted sensei. The whole class was in shock and were frozen in their spot as sensei explains about his body fluid action as he slips into Megu's desk, he begins to jump around the class, bouncing from across the room to the other. As he jumps back into his clothes, you went back into your seat, and opened the cake container and decided to take a lick from the excess the cream. You watched as Okuda's eyes sparkled as she replied back seriously. 

After school:  Koro-sensei disappears from the classroom as soon as the bell rings, "REMEBER TO DO YOUR HOMEWORK KIDS!" You slowly begin to pack up when you looked up to see Okuda rise from her seat and start to leave, "Okuda!" You called as she turns around, "Where are you going after school?" She smiles as she pushes her glasses up, "Oh! I'm going to go back home to study more chemistry and possibly try to practice my english." 

You stood up and walked to her, "Really? Cool! Can I drop by? I can help you with english if you help with my chemistry~" She laughs and replies, "Sure! Let's go." You jumped and called, "Let's stop by 7-eleven, I wanna get ice-cream." We laughed as we headed out the door.

It's probably 6: 35 pm when you started heading home with your bag in hand. Going through all the chemistry formulas through your head, you weren't aware when you hit yourself against a telephone pole. Jumping back up, you looked around in hopes of no one noticing, picking your bag, you dusted your skirt and about to continue your journey home when you see Sugaya walking towards you with a plastic bag in hand, he looks up as he notices you, he waves to you and walked up to you, taking off his ear plugs, "Did you hit your head again?" Embarrassed, you turned your head away pouting, "No." You lied through your pouty lips, he laughs and pats your head. "You should go home, I'd walk you home but I need to head home now." You pushed his hand away, "Bye, (Y/N)-san"   

AHHH! Finally! I updated! I need to finish the other stories, cheesseeeee! Okai, enjoyy! Bai bai! 
