Chapter 2

Baseball and Soccer Time. (That's what I'm naming it) LOL! This is dedicated to XoCANDYoX for being the first person to comment this story!! And I am so scared and nervous for the lastest 2 chapters. I am feeling so intense right now!! NOOOO!!!! Okay... here you go. 

Cups are in the air, as everyone cheers and karaokes to their favorite song, it was the day when Karma killed Koro-sensei, there was a slight funeral held for him, but soon after it was party time. Karma paid for the entrance and service for our karaoke with the new money and decided to give most of the money to Isogai, due to some personal issues that Isogai was facing. As everyone was fighting over the mic, it was you and Nagisa sitting away from everyone. And suddenly, "(Y/N)!" Nagisa snaps, you look to him surprised and he says, "I have liked you forever." You blush intensely and before anything, as Nagisa slowly leans in...... The ringtone of your phone starts to blast. You launched yourself straight up. "I'M AWAKE!!" You screamed only to realize that it was only your phone. And you grunted a little before falling back into your pillow. "Who the hell calls this early in the morning?" You mumbled as you reached over to your phone and see on the screen, '6:30 A.M. Tomohito Sugino. Mobile. Decline. Answer." 'Oh.... it's Sugino.' You thought. You pressed the green rectangular button and pressed the phone against your ear. Your voice groggily answer, "Moshi moshi?" "Morning, (Y/N)."  You yawned as you replied, "Ohiyo, Sugino." You moved to the edge of your bed, "So, um, well, Nagisa came to my house earlier this morning. So we're heading over  to your house right now. We'll make it at around 6:40." "No! It's okay! You guys can head over first." You replied, and feel a little flustered when you remembered Nagisa was there too. "I'm gonna go." Before you hung up, "You better be up the mountain before us, (Y/N)!"  You smirked, "Are you really going to test a government's agent's daughter?" He laughs, "Maybe, hurry up."  He ends the call and you jump from your bed. Quickly brushing your teeth and throwing your white dress shirt on, and throwing a pair of shorts on you run back to the bathroom to rinse your mouth, as you inspect your teeth in the mirror, you gasped when you see that it was 6:35. And only to remember that the night before you forgot to pack your lunch. "AH!" You screamed frustrated as you stomped your way down the stairs. You arrived in the kitchen and see a little box bento with a note in your dad's writing, Dad made some extras, XOX. You smiled, and whisper, "Thank you so much, dad!!" You packed your lunch and set it aside with your bag. You run back to your room and grabbed your skirt and tie. Grabbing your phone and looking at the time, it's 6: 38 and you finished. You ready!! "HA! BEAT YOU SUGINO!" You screamed, luckily, no one else was home. You smiled, grabbed your house keys, and walked out. Walking out into the sidewalk, you hummed to yourself and notice Sugino leaning against the wall. "Too slow, (Y/N)." He smirks, "What the hell, Sugino? I thought you were walking up the mountain." He laughs, "Not yet, as an agent's daughter, you should always be early." You punched him lightly and say, "And who are you? Mr. Incredible?" You both laughed at your comment and you said, "You didn't have to wait for me." Only seeing Sugino, and suddenly, "Ohiyo, (Y/N)." Nagisa says peeking from behind Sugino's shoulder. And from that moment, you felt so embarrassed due to the fact that you didn't see Nagisa. Your thoughts rumbled in your head a little before replying, "Ohiyo, Nagisa." He smiles his beautiful smile and if you weren't a strong girl ,you would of have melted right there on the spot, but Sugino was here, so you're standing on the spot, standing strong, you cleared your throat and said, "You guys didn't have to wait for me." Sugino smiles and says, "It's okay we decided to drop by since it was 6:40." You replied a sorry and Nagisa says to you with his innocent smile, "It's okay!" You smiled nervously, and said, "You guys are so sweet." Inside you only meant that Nagisa was sweet. Sugino points and says, "Should we go?" You and Nagisa both nod before following Sugino. You walked on Sugino's left as Nagisa walks on the other side. 

Nagisa's P.O.V: 

I was pretty upset when (Y/N) said, 'you', I was here too. So I spoke up looked over Sugino's shoulder, she stood there a little surprised before turning back into her most wonderful smile, "Ohiyo, Nagisa." I smiled inside knowing that she only didn't see me, so I decided to forgive her cute attitude. "Should we go?" Sugino asks, as he walks ahead, I look over to (Y/N), as she stares ahead and runs towards him, I jog to Sugino too, Sugino then speaks up, "I've got my baseball. (Y/N), did you bring your soccer ball?" (Y/N) sweats and replies, "I forgot to bring it," Before I could suggest that we can head back and grab it, she smiles and says, "It's okay, I got some anti-sensei bb in my desk and there should be a soccer ball in the storage, I'll grab that and we can do our plan." Sugino nods and says, "I'm really confident that this will work!" I just smile and listen, Sugino goes on to say, "If I get the money, I'll split it up with everyone." (Y/N)  smiles and says, "That's so considerate of you. I bet Kanzaki will definitely notice you then." As she laughs a whole-hearted laugh. Sugino blushes and slaps (Y/N) back, "Stop it!" From what I know, Sugino and (Y/N) were in the same class before transferring into Class-E, they were close with each other ever since. I'm kinda jealous, I wish I was in the same class as (Y/N), but luckily now I am. Sugino then pokes me and I ask, "Yes?" Sugino and (Y/N) smile and suddenly stop, soon they both bowed down and said, "Domo arigatou gozaimasu Nagisa-san!" I became a little flustered and wave my hands, "It's not a problem. I really wanted to help!" (Y/N) looks up with a only a tint of a pink and smiles largely. "I think that without you, we would of never gotten even half way through the plan. Soon Sugino looks at his watch and looks baffled when he pulls (Y/N) up and widen his eyes, "It's already 6:50. We have to get to the mountain. Let's go!" And with that he runs ahead. I look over to (Y/N) who smiles, "Thanks againNagisa. It means a lot to us." She smiles and runs after Sugino. My heart felt moved, and I smiled as I chased after them. 

Back to you. Plus time skip, now you're on the mountain. 

You arrived on the mountain, at around 7:20? And no one else was around. Sugino pulls out his anti-sensei covered baseball and throws it repeatedly, "(Y/N), you wanna grab a soccer ball and your anti-sensei bullets?" You nodded, Nagisa then says, "I'll grab the anti-sensei bullets. And (Y/N) can grab the soccer ball. How does that sound?" Sugino nods and says, "I'll go grab a baseball glove from the storage room with (Y/N)." And Sugino starts to head to the storage room and says, "Come on, (Y/N)!" You yelled back, "Okay!" And look to Nagisa to see him smile and say, "Go. I'll be back before you with the bullets." You felt butterflies and said, "The bullets are deep in my desk, their in a (fav. animal) pouch." And you ran off after Sugino. You head inside and see no one. You shrugged it off and started to look for a soccer ball, you looked into a box and notice a soccer ball. You smiled as you picked it up and threw it in the air before catching it again. "Time to head back to Nagisa." You whispered before turning and that's when Sugino jumps scares you. "GGGLLLEEEHHH!!" You explodes waving his arms. You screamed right away, throwing the soccer ball in the air. It hits the one word golden plate that sits above the storage room door. He breaks out into laughter after that. He falls down and starts to roll around. "SUGINO!!" You yelled at him, as you stomp on him. "That wasn't funny!" You finally let him go, when he repeatedly apologized. Tears filled his eyes from laughing too much. Nagisa then charges in, panting uncontrollably, "Wha-What happened?" Sugino laughs as you crouched down to hug yourself, "(Y/N) got scared!" And he continues to laugh. You look away and yell, "Get out there and find a place Sugino! I'm gonna find another soccer ball." Sugino laughs and bends down to pet your back, "Sorry, (Y/N)." You watched him walk out, when he looks back, you glared as he hurries back out. You sighed into your knees, "Oh gosh!" You stood up a second later to rub your face and head to the door and bent down to pick up the thrown soccer ball. And walk back into bright light, you look to your right and see Sugino smiling a guilty smile, "Sorry again." You glared at him and gave him a sucker punch to the arm, he yelps in pain, "HA! DON'T EVER SCARE THE DAUGHTER OF AN AGENT!" You said, and Sugino rubs his sore left, (Not throwing) arm. And you laughed an apology smile and said, "Where's Nagisa?" Sugino scratches his head and replies, "Probably still in the class." You nodded and leaned against the storage, just as you were about to shut your eyes, you hear some pants and puffs. You look over to see Nagisa jogging over. You stood up as he came closer, sticking your bag out, you stretched to reach it and his hand softly brushes against yours. You held the bag in your hand as Nagisa bends over to re-catch his breath. "Thank you, Nagisa." As you spilled the bullets onto your palm, you thought out loud, "How am I suppose to stick these onto the ball?" Sugino grunts in frustration and he pulls his hair, "AIYAH! (Y/N)! Why do you have to be so complicated?!" You chuckled and remembered, "No need to head back! I think I have something that might help! How about gluing it?" Sugino shakes his head, "This doesn't belong to you though." Nagisa regained his breath when he says, "I think we don't have to use the bullets on the soccer ball!" 

Time skip:

You were currently on the opposite side of Nagisa and Sugino, in between you all was an empty space where Nagisa said that Koro-sensei always sits before school starts. You stood behind a tree with the soccer ball under your foot. "I've done some small research, and it turns out that he always relaxes behind the school  every morning before homeroom, with a drink and an English newspaper brought from Hawaii using his Mach 20. So standing behind the trees will be the right spots to take. Sugino can conduct a countdown so both of you can launch your ammo at the same time. Since we can't stick anything on the soccer ball, I think it might be a good idea to just scare sensei with the soccer ball and with the baseball it might hit Koro-sensei. How does that sound?"  Now you're watching as Koro-sensei is reading his newspaper as you look over to Sugino he nods to you, signalling you to get ready. You nod back and shuffle quietly so you're hiding but you're ready to kick the soccer ball. You look back as Sugino is ready too. You nod to him and he gets ready, Nagisa pulls out 3 fingers and counts down, landing to 1 your foot is ready to send the soccer ball flying. He closes his finger and your soccer ball along with Sugino's baseball are sent flying towards Koro-sensei. Suddenly, out of no where, you're being held and staring at Nagisa. We all drop open our mouths and are startled by what just happened. "GOOD MORNING, (Y/N)-chan, Nagisa-kun, Sugino-kun! Come say your greetings out loud." You get dropped as you said, "Ohiyo, Koro-sensei!" Nagisa does the same but all Sugino could do was gasp in shock at Koro-sensei's action. He stares at the empty tipped over chair, the newspaper lying on the ground and the soccer ball rolling away from the incident.  Koro-sensei goes on to say that Sugino's plan was smart as Nagisa helps me up. As I stand beside Nagisa, as Sugino listens in awe, Koro-sensei explains what happened, you look to your knee and see it a little cut and tiny hints of dirt, you brushed it off paying no mind to Koro-sensei. Sensei pulled up a glove with the baseball as smoke rises. Sugino's face turns into the most ridiculous looking person you've ever seen. Nagisa also looked a little ridiculous, but Sugino looks even worse!! He walks off, "You should be able to kill me before graduation. Now come, it's time for homeroom." Sugino mutters a "Yes." As we watch him jiggle away, you notice Sugino sag a little. You slapped his back as he stands straight, "Don't worry, Sugino, we'll get him another time." You said to him with a smile. Really, you were just as upset. Soon we were in class and listening to Koro-sensei. You look and see Kaede talking to Nagisa and both stare at Sugino. You felt a little disheartened too, not only because of the incident but because Kayano and Nagisa are so close. You sank into your seat and just sighed. 

Time skip to lunch: 

Karasuma, an agent that works in the same place as your dad, walks in and starts to talk. All you did was pull out your lunch and start to eat, ignoring him as everyone else answered his questions. He goes on to talk about more things related to the teacher. And he gets so serious to the point where he starts saying that the only place that we can kill him at is in this classroom. Soon after he finishes talking and everyone is thinking, you finished your bento and packed it back up and setting it back into your bag as you walked past the agents. Karasuma stares down at you, but all you did was give a slight nod and walked on. "I'm need to use the bathroom." You thought as you walked past the open windows. As you looked out and felt the breeze of air, you notice Sugino. You laughed and decided to sneak up behind him. You slowly but surely moved namba (It's when both your left arm and leg and right arm and leg are walking in unison. It is used so it creates less ruffling noises with your clothes. Like regular walking except you don't move your arms and legs in different directions.) style. As you closed up on him, you shook his shoulders and said, "GLLLLEEHH!!" He tenses up and freaks out, "AAHHHH!!!" And you can't but start laughing. And that's when he realizes that it was you. He looks at you and slaps your leg, knocking you down, "STOP IT! I'm trying to be depressed right now!" You laugh and poke his cheek, "AW! Is this big boy going to cry?" He slaps your hand away and says strictly, "No!" You moved back and mumbled, "Sowwy." You leaned back and asked, "You were in the baseball team, right?" Remembering the day he asked you to stay behind to watch him play, he nods and says, "Yea. You were always at my practices." You laugh and replied, "Uh huh!" He smiles and says, "You were also the one that threw me a party when I got kicked out." You defended yourself and said, "Hey! I hated the guys there anyway!" He laughs and says, "That's probably how I ended up in Class-E!" You felt like a knife stabbed through your stomach when he said that. You slapped him on the same spot you punched him earlier this morning, "Don't say that! You're amazing! I don't care if you ended up in Class-E, you're still one of my close friends!" He rubs his sore arm rapidly as he whimpers, "Okay! I'm sorry!" You averted your eyes to look in front of you, as you said out loud, "I have to pee!" Sugino face palms and says, "GO!" You laugh and replied, "Thank you!" And you ran back in. As you finished and are washing our hands, "Stupid dirty wash room!" You mumbled as you turned the tap off. You wiped your hands on your skirt hoping it will dry. And you walked out into the hallway and walking back you hear, "IT'S EVEN WORSE THAN I THOUGHT!!" You heard this and rushed out to see Nagisa approaching a tangled up Sugino and a Koro-sensei tangling Sugino up. You ran out and said, "Koro-sensei! Stop!" He ignores you and continues, "Yesterday, I saw Sugino-kun's habitual position stance. It's the same stance as the Major, Arita." You notice Sugino snap his eyes a little more, as Koro-sensei explains more about baseball, something you weren't very interested in, and letting Sugino down back onto the ground, you bent over and asked if he was okay, trying to untangle Sugino from Koro-sensei's tentacles, as Nagisa snaps a question regarding how Koro-sensei could be so sure about something. Koro-sensei pulls up the most recent newspaper and comments, "Because I went to go check him out yesterday." Your jaw landed open and sweated uncontrollably as you stared at how weird your teacher can get. And he shows you a board that reads, "Don't screw with me, tentacles. -Arita." And you started to laugh, as Nagisa comments, "You asked for an autograph in a situation like that? Of course he'd be pissed. " As Sugino sags a little, he says, "I see... so there's really a difference abilities after all." You felt a little saddened as you pet Sugino's hand. But Koro-sensei objects by saying, "On the other hand," He grabs Sugino's away from yours' and continues that Sugino's elbow and wrist are much better than Arita, if Suginos can practice with that then he will certainly surpass Arita no doubt." Sugino's mood lightens up as you smile. Koro-sensei lets go of Sugino's hand and points to us with his back towards us, "My tentacles' comparison of things are never wrong. There isn't one type of ability. So please find an assassination that bests suits you." You stare in awe as Koro-sensei walks away and Sugino pulls his hand to himself and mumbled, "My wrist and elbow are more malleable." He smiles warmly and says, "My ability, huh?" And you watch Koro-sensei leave. You notice Nagisa snap his head to Koro-sensei and run after him saying his name once, and starts to talk. You thought to yourself, "No ordinary teacher would go that far just to advice his own students." And you asked Sugino, "You okay?" He looks at you and says, "I'm going to become a better baseball player!" You smiled and nodded, "Okay, gambarou. (Good luck)" And you helped Sugino up before looking into the distance, "I might start to like this teacher. Wouldn't you, Sugino?" And you can feel him nod a yes. As you both stand and breathe in the nice air. Sugino says, "Our teacher is incredibly fast, has tentacles and has no intentions of being killed." You nod, and smiled, probably leaking a few drops of blood lust, "This is going to be fun." 

I believe there's a time skip in the manga. So after school I guess. 

You watched as Sugino and Nagisa are playing baseball, but have gotten bored and decided to listen to some music instead, totally zoning out any talk that they are having. You laid back into the grass as you listened to what you were listening. Soon enough, you felt a presence and sat back up to see Koro-sensei with his face all striped in green along with Sugino with his baseball equipment and Nagisa smiling as they make their way over. You pulled your ear buds off and watched as Koro-sensei laugh maniacally and Sugino walk over to another area as Nagisa makes his way to sit beside you. You smiled and said, " How did practice go?" Nagisa replied, "He really is using his elbows and wrist more and has found a way to make the baseball look like it's going faster." You nodded and watched as Sugino starts throwing his baseball at Koro-sensei, who is going at Mach 20 speed to get away. Nagisa soon pipes up, "(Y/N)." You looked to him and he asks, "Do you think that Koro-sensei is being very motivational?" You looked to Koro-sensei and tilted your head a little, "Yea. I think it's kinda fun." As you felt your hand filled with bloodlust, gripping the grass beneath you. Soon, you're all walking home, and Sugino dropped off at his house first, "Thanks again Nagisa! (Y/N)! I'm coming at 6:40! You better be ready!" And you stared at him, "I'll be outside before you!" And it was just you and Nagisa. It felt peaceful before you got a text. You pulled your phone out, "HEY!" It's was your dad. Nagisa looks over and asks, "Who is it?" You smiled and replied, "It's my dad." And Nagisa was soon dropped off at the station, "Stay safe, (Y/N)." You waved as he went inside the train and continued to walk, texting back, 'Hi dad.'  'Heard that that someone's suspension was lifted. Will be transferred to your class.' 'Rly?' 'Yep! Winky face.' You laughed, and replied, 'Thanks for heads up.' 'No prob. Not going to be home 'til 12, late shift for me 2morrow. YAY!' 'Great! Ramen?' 'Go for it!' 'Thanks! Bai!' 'Bai' You slipped your phone back in your pocket and threw your hands up, "WOO~ Ramen cup-noodle!!" And you rushed home. Tomorrow's bell will sound tomorrow as well. 

Yay! I finished!! That was pretty long! Dang! Thank you all you liked, comment and read! Thanks a bunch!! I had a lot more to say.... forgot. Okay.... btw karma's your cousin....... andasfsadndngsgsakgbsa;sd;fnsdkj;bgfsd;gsakjgbfdsuagsakjgnbsdau;ghsagbksjabgfus;adgfskdgbsau;ghdsagbsagfskajgn;sufadhgfsakvnfunvuvgangsana;snfksdabvfavnalkvnlabvalbvuabgagnabgulfabunvuhasflanslfsabnvulavjaklnauvajlvnsdalhfdsalfbdjskahfsauifsaklfnsajkfndsavau.        
