8. Name clearing

Pov. ???

I walked inside the dark room and turned on the lights. It was a Royal chamber. Inside there was a glass box with a silver ring and a purple gem. I need it so bad to take over whole ninjago realm.. yet I couldn't have it. Not untill that brat is dead and not in the line for the throne. I have an idea... I thought to myself with a mischievous chuckle. That plan will be perfect. I just need to get him.

Pov. Nya

Why patrols are so boring???? You litterally do nothing but either walk or sit and wait for something to happen... I thought to myself while walkingin the one of many halls. But I suddenly saw princess walking towards the throne room with a few of the staff members. Wasn't she like grounded? How is she out of her room?? And why so late?? It's like 12pm, Do royals not sleep or something???? I walked up to the door when they were out of my sight to see what is happening.

"Mom. Can I have a moment with you and dad?" Princess asked, Her parents didn't look too pleased that she is out of her room.

"Y/n.. Do I need to remind you that you are grounded which means that you do not leave your room? How many times do I have to repeat myself about-"

"And I'll stop you here. I am innocent and I have proof." Y/n said firlmy cutting her mother off

"Oh? What proof?" Her mother asked

"Well first: The writting is whole another style than all of the mine that I have." Princess said pulling one finger up

"Okey go on."

"Second: All those staff members can vouch for me that I was sleeping in my room the whole night." She continued and pointed at all people that were in the room with her. Her  mother realised something and stood up. She quickly made her way to her daughter and hugged her tightly

"I'm so sorry sweetheart... I should've thought about it more..." Queen said and Y/n hugged her back. Honestly? I think it's good that Princess isn't the bad guy. Just as I wanted to walked away I heard the sound of broken earpiece in my ear. Someone broke one of the earpieces? who was that???

I put my hand to my earpiece and turned it on. "Pixal do you copy?" I asked with confusion. I heard a soft ding sound

"Yes Nya what is it?" My friend asked

"Can you check who's earpiece is broken?"

"Of course let me check... It's-"

"Guys! metting in my boy's room asap!" Kai said with nervous voice. I quickly went there. I opened the door to find everyone already there.

"Kai what happend??? also who broke the earpiece?" I asked.

"Lloyd is missing. We cannot locate or contact him..." Kai said with hint of concern


Helloooooo :D

(The ring at the start is in the media)
Also sorry that it's short-
