15. Original form

Pov. Kayla

Okey so we have a plan to see my mom is the one behind this, at first I didn't want to believe it but there were many more proofs like someone seeming my mother in the closed off area recently or the sudden hand writing... I thought to myself while looking for said women and I found her, she was cleaning the floor. I sighed and walked up to her with a smile.

"Heya mom, what are you doing today?" I asked, I know that she has to only mop this hallway and then she has free time afterwards.

"Uhm... This floor and a couple more things, I have the whole day of work today-" She said, she looked nervous? Well she didn't get the first one.

"Oh okey. Also, can we play our favourite board game in the evening? Ya know, like we did every Friday... Maybe I can finally win this one time! You always win..." I said, of course it was a lie. My mom sucks at board games and we go out to the city every Friday.

"Yeah sure. I believe in you. You'll definitely win this time-" She said calmly. Another lie.

"Mom what were you saying about my eyes usually? I wanted to write it down so I can show it to Y/n when we find her-" I said. My mum always told me that my eyes are like stars in the night sky.

"That, They are beautiful like fresh grass? Why are you suddenly asking me lots of questions Julie?" She asked. Come on my name doesn't even start on letter J!

"Ah no reason. I just wanted to know" I said casually. I know that others are waiting for me to say the line.

"Know what?" 'mother' asked confused.

"That you're not my mother." I said with a smirk as ninja jumped out of their hiding spots and tied her up.

"Hey! What's wrong with you all? I am your mother Julie! Untie me this instant!" She said

"My name is Kayla." I said as she realised what was happening. She looked down and then up with a smirk

"Very clever girl. Unfortunately not clever in time. Now you won't find that green ninja and the princess in time~" she said and turned into a demon-looking figure.

"Who are you? And where are Lloyd, Y/n and my mother?" I asked with concern

"Your mother is in the dungeon, as for the two lovebirds, they're in a place you'll never find! Because I'm Deimos! You'll know my name and bow to me in a short time!" She laughed and disappeared with a strange mist. Everyone went their own way, the team went to their room to make plans and I went to the dungeons to free my mother. But before I got there The earth ninja, Cole I believe stopped me.

"Hey- I'll go with you just to be safe, we don't know if someone bad isn't guarding the dungeon your mom is-" Cole said while rubbing back of his neck, I smiled gently and nodded.

"I didn't even think about, I'm impressed... you know a lot-" I said as we started walking, he had his head turned away but he hummed to me

We walked for some time in silence untill we got to the dungeons. I never was there and I got scared a little. I instinctly grabbed Cole's arm. He looked at me and resumed walking. I slapped myself in my head because how stupid it must have feel.

After some more walking we heard someone sobbing and someone yelling at the sobbing person. I quicken my walk and Cole did too. When we got there we saw some dude yelling at my mom. She was beaten up pretty badly which shattered my heart. Cole saw it and got to actions. He quickly dealt with the dude and I ran up to my mom

"Mom! Are you alright??" I asked and hugged her I saw she was unconscious, then I tried to break the chains but to no avail. Just then Cole walked up and swiftly broke the chains. He picked her up and we quickly went upstairs and to the medical wing of the palace. Cole set her down and the doctors took over helping my mom, I walked out of there and sat down on the couch next to the doors. Cole followed me.

"How are you feeling...?" He asked softly and sat down next to me. Even though he could easily win practically every fight he's too much of a softie. That's nice...

"A little better knowing my mother is safe now... thanks for the help..."

"You can call me by my name it's not a problem... Also I'm glad that we could help..." He said with a smile I smiled back

"Y-yeah... thanks for that, maybe we'll be closer in finding Y/n and the green ninja..." I sajd as my eyes were starting to close, probably after whole day of this events isn't good for me because the last thing I remember was falling asleep on Cole's shoulder.

I'll send the schedule of updates on either Saturday or Sunday
(Aka: Which story which day because I don't have the energy to write both books at the same day)

There's a pic of how Deimos looks in the media
