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"So? It's true Kurokocchi style is the only one I can't imitate. But what does that change?" Kise asked.

"End of the first quarter! Take a two minute break!"

"It changes everything. We'll bring you to tears in the second quarter." Kagami said.

Then Kagami walked away.

It's now a break time and the Kaijo's coach were scolding the team.

"I see. Yeah, that could work." Riko said.

"Kagami-kun, looks like you finally cooled down."

"No, I was always-"

"You were really pissed!"

"But Kuroko-kun and Kagami-kun, your coordination will be key. Can you do it?"

"Yeah, probably. We'll wo-"

Kuroko nudged Kagami.

"You bastard, where did that come from?"

"You want to beat Kise-kun, don't you?"

Kagami looked at Kuroko.

"Of course I do!" He nudged him back.

"Well, then."

"Let the second quarter begin!"

"Take care of the counter attack!" Riko said.

The second quarter has begun. Kagami started coordinating with Kuroko and scored points. Kuroko's lack of presence makes him almost invisible on the court when he redirects the passes made. Making it impossible to determine where the ball will be passed next. An ever changing strategy. With this Seirin closed up the gap making the scores equal.

The distress was obvious in Kaijo's players.

Kuroko stepped forward. "Kise-kun, you're strong. I'm powerless, and Kagami-kun can't stand against you. But when we work together, we have a fighting chance."

Kise looked at Kuroko. "You really have changed, Kurokocchi. We never played basketball like this at Teiko, but you still can't stop me. I will be the winner! It's true I can't copy your coordination, but since you'll lose your effectiveness after 40 minutes, you'll lose this game in the second half!" Kise turned around and ball was passed to him.

"Not so fast." Kagami said.

Then Kuroko stepped forward and blocked his way.

"Kuroko's on Kise?" Kasamatsu couldn't believe what he's just saw.

"I never dreamed we'd play together like this, Kurokocchi."

"Neither did I."

"I don't know what you're up to, but you can't stop me, Kurokocchi!"

Kise passed Kuroko with ease. But when he did Kagami was marking him.

"Wrong. We're not gonna stop you. We're taking the ball!"

Kuroko pushed the ball out of Kise's hand from behind.

The other Seirin members now taking the ball and head to the hoop and scored another basket.

Second time around Kise had the ball again.

"I just won't run by you, then. No one said I couldn't shoot a three pointer!" Kise said.

Kagami quickly blocked his shoot.

"Fast break!" Kagami said.

Responding to that, Kise turned in a hurry and accidentally hit Kuroko, who was right behind to him on his head.

Then Kuroko fell down.

Kise froze at what had happened.

"Kuroko-kun!" Eliza quickly stand up from the bench and run towards Kuroko.

Referee blew the whistle for a timeout.

Kuroko's head injured and blood dripping out from his head.

"Are you okay, Kuroko?!" Hyuga asked.

"I feel lightheaded." Kuroko said.

Without waiting, Eliza quickly running to get a first aid kit.

Kagami runned to him. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. The game is just getting started-"

Before he could finish what he said, he fainted and fell on the floor.

Everyone panicked. Kagami and Hyuga got him to the bench as Eliza came back and brought out the the first aid kit. She's slowly treating Kuroko's wound while he laid down.

"How's Kuroko?" Kagami asked.

"The cut isn't deep, but obviously he can't continue." Eliza said.

"Then.. We'll have to make do with the members we have left."

"Make do?"

"Isn't this gonna be tough without Kuroko?"

"The second years will be our offensive core. It's only the second quarter, I know it's early, but it's game time, Hyuga-kun."

Hyuga just nodded.

"Kise-kun will just copy you, so don't play offense, Kagami-kun. Focus on defending. Do everything you can to stop Kise-kun from scoring."

Kagami wasn't happy with the plan. "Are you sure that will work?"

"It'll be fine. Have some faith." Hyuga said.


"I said it'll be fine, dumbass. Listen to your seniors once in a while, or I'll kill you." Hyuga gave him a creep smile.

Kagami fell silent.

"First years should show more respect for your seniors! Get on your knees!" Hyuga said.

"You're showing your true colors, Captain." Izuki responded.

"Don't worry about him. He's always like that during clutch time. When he speaks his mind, he won't miss many of his shots. Leave the offense to him. You just defend like your life depends on it." Izuki said to Kagami.

Game resumed again.

Eliza stayed by Kuroko's side while he rested. The seniors were really giving their all out in the game. The point difference increased again.

"Coach, isn't there anything we can do?"

"They don't have any energy left for plays after the first half's pace. If only we had Kuroko-kun..."

Kuroko upon hearing that got up.

"Very well."

"Wait Kuroko-kun, you shouldn't move!" Eliza said.

He stood up anyway. "Good morning. I'll be going, then."

"Wait, Kuroko-kun you shouldn't push yourself too far!" Eliza said.

"But the coach just told me to go."

"I didn't tell you to do that. It just slipped out." Riko said.

"Then I'm going."


"If I can change anything by going out there, please. Besides... I promised Kagami-kun I would be his shadow."

Riko look hesitant then sigh.

"Fine. But if I think you're in trouble, I'm switching you out immediately."

Eliza didn't like the idea of sending him out there when he was injured. "But..."

"Don't worry, Eliza-san. I will do my best, and we will win this match." Kuroko said.

Kise was looking in their direction intently. Kuroko replaced Koganei on the court. His return had a great impact on the flow of the game. Seirin had started to keep up with the scores, not only that but closing the gap too. Soon Seirin was only two points behind kaijo in the final quarter. Hyuga shot the ball in time and the scores were tied. The first years on the bench started cheering.

Then Kasamatsu had the ball and he called out to Kise. Kise was gone in a flash. Getting a hold on the ball scored a dunk. He landed from his dunk, glaring at Kuroko and Kagami.

"I won't lose. Not to anyone. Not even Kurokocchi." Kise said.

"This isn't good. Give it your all, everyone. This'll be just like the first quarter from here on out. A back and forth run and gun game! Hurry up, defense!" Hyuga said.

"Hyuga-kun, hurry! Mitobe-kun, post up!" Riko shouted.

Less than 30 seconds.

"Kagami-kun. If we can get the ball, there's one more thing we can do Kise-kun can't copy." Kuroko said.

"It's a simple strategy that will only work once, though."

When Kasamatsu was shooting the ball, it was stopped by Kagami. Then Hyuga got the ball and threw it to Kagami and Kuroko.

"Don't let them through!" Kasamatsu shouted.

Kise went ahead, faster then them and took a defensive stance.

Kagami passed the ball to Kuroko. Kuroko shot the ball towards the hoop.

"No... It's an alley-oop!" Kasamatsu said.

Kise jumped in. "I won't let you do that!"

"I don't need you to return the favor! Because... This ends now!"

Kagami dunked it on the final buzzer, an alley-oop, buzzer beater.

And Seirin won the match.

