Chapter Seven

“D-o-n-t-e!” I squeal at him running into his arms. I can’t belief that I am actually seeing him here. Wow it’s so random. He squeezes me tightly lifting me high up in the air like I am a little child. Stupidly, I giggle uncontrollably, placing my head in neck.

“Girl, I never remembered you be so anxious.” he replies giving me a toothy grin, while he places me on the ground.

“And I never remembered you having all these muscles.” I remark while I feel his toned arms, as he gently rests me on the ground and flexes his sexy muscles.

 “Well that’s why we need to keep to in touch. That way we won’t have to reminisce about the past and only think about the future.” A bright smile appears on his face.

“Well, then, from now on I promise to keep in touch with you.” I purse my lips as I said promise and I point my index finger into his chest making him blush.

“Me too, I promise from now on we will have to keep in touch. However, in order to keep in touch we first have to become acquainted. How about you let a brother buy you some tasty lunch?” I see he likes to flirt.

Me and Donte go way back. We first meet while we were in high school, at the big brother, big sister program. He was so sweet, so kind and so handsome. Even though many girls would throw themselves at him, he never used them or took advantage of them He was a complete gentleman. When I was younger I lived in a pretty bad neighborhood and my mother was almost never home so every day after the program he would walk me home.  He even used to help me with my homework. Secretly I had a crush on him and I knew he had a crush on me. However I never really dated him because I was afraid that I would end up pregnant with a baby and walk the streets, you know the usual. I couldn’t throw away my future like my mother did, so when he asked me out I would always decline, but not this time things are about to change.

“So baby, what you think” He blurts out breaking my concentration. I was so deep in thought that I forgot that I was talking to him. “About lunch I mean, what do you think?” He clarifies for me to understand.

“Sure I loved to.” He holds out his hand for me and I graciously accept. He's still a gentleman, and that's exactly what I'm looking for. For three years straight my ex played me. I was trying to be the good girl friend: I cooked, I cleaned and I helped him pay for his doctorate.  I was so stupid I thought that I would get the ring; instead I got the shock of my life. He had a family behind my back and with a white woman at that. So now I am single, broke and heartbroken. Anyways let’s talk about something positive Donte.




Becky POV

Honestly, the two of them sicken me, giggling and smiling in each other’s faces. They look like they’re about to make out in any second now. It seems as if they need some privacy and I need to leave before I throw up. It’s not like I’m jealous of Kimberly or anything it’s just that I hate seeing people all lovely dovey. If they want to make love they should just get a room.

Searching for fresh air I leave the dusty building looking for a place to rest. Maybe I finally get some real work done, unlike Kimberly who’s flirting with the contractor. Slouching on a nearby step I look through my phone.

Ten missed calls.


I am not that close to much people, so it’s very strange for me to get this much miss calls. The only person who would blow my phone up this is Arianna, and we broke up months ago, so this definitely can’t be her. Hopefully, it’s not one of those sneaky bill collectors, who try to reach you by all means possible. They really irk me, if I say I am going to pay then I am going to pay. This number is very strange, even the area code is different, maybe I should call them to see what they need.

"H-ell-o." I say nervously, not knowing who's on the other end. What if it’s someone I don’t want to talk to?  At least I get points for trying.

"Hello, Becky is that you?” a cheerfully familiar voice replies.

"Yes this is Becky speaking. How can I help you?"I REALLY want to know what this woman wants.

"Becky it’s so nice to finally get you, I’m calling on behalf of your fath-"I slide the red button on my phone ending the phone call. I just can't take talking about him; I have to get away, run away and go some place.

Tears start flowing from my face as many painful memories fill my head-all those tragic moments in my life am starting to remember them all over again. How that man abandoned me and mother. How that man never loved us and caused my mother to become a drunken. How that man carelessly cheated on my mother and how he took care of his other family, but he left us to take care of ourselves.

 How could he have hated us so? What did we do to him to make him hate us? All these questions still run through my mind occasionally. Sometimes I feel like I am worthless and no one wants me. My mind tells me that I don’t deserve to be loved because my father did not love me. Sometimes I wonder whether I caused my parents’ divorce. Do you think that if I was a better child he would have stayed and mother would not have killed herself by an alcohol overdose? I am so confused its killing me.

I am at a dead end. I can’t run anymore. A beautiful majestic lake stops me in my meaningless chase of meaning. Somehow I feel closure; it is as if all of my problems are diminished by this glassy lake. I step closer, admiring my reflection- the only thing I have going for me is my looks and they are slowly fading. A sweet melody starts playing, taking always my sorrow.  In the nearby amber trees embracing the lake there are sweet little birds singing a joyful tone. There are skittering lizards adding to the diversity of the tone. And finally for the climax the ripples on the water make a big splash so to say. Nearby one of trees is a big rock perfect for sitting, giving me a front row seat to nature and its beauty. I watch the happy squirrels dance playfully with their respective mates and I see the fish glide in the water. I’m glad I found this little hide away, the beautiful scenery has taken away some of my negative feelings.

If only this peaceful life could last a bit longer, but nothing good lasts forever. In the back of me of hear some leaves rustling, hopeful it isn’t a bear or a perverted construction worker. I really need to start thinking things through before I just go out and do them. My adrenaline starts to kick in and I pick up one of the sticks off the ground.  This should help me ward it off for a while. I just have to make sure I hit them in groin area.

The bush rustles again and I can tell that the thing is coming nearer. If I have the first blow I will have the upper hand.  With a great deal of energy the thing jumps from the bush and I knock it down, making it tumble to the ground. I have got that sucker good! It’s definitely going to take them a long time to recover.

"Ouccch! OMG BECKY WHAT THE HELL!"  Kimberly screams in my face. I can tell that she is in serious pain. She looks awful. Red liquid is pouring from her legs and one of her ankles looks like its twist. What did I do?

I rush to her aid. “Kimberly I'm so sorry I didn’t know that you were in the bush." Seeing the pain on her face made me feel horrible. I hope she didn’t look like this when I spilt the coffee on her face. I really feel bad now. Wait why I am I caring about Kimberly I don’t care for anyone.

"Are you going to help me up or are you just going to stare into space all day long?" I reach to help her up, but she's too weak to walk and her tight dress is torn into pieces. I take off my linen shirt and hand it to her, I don’t mind giving her my shirt because I have an under shirt on.

"Here wear this, your dress is torn and it’s going to rise up when I give you a piggy back ride."  I say trying to console her and she looks satisfied at the fact that I am going to give her a piggy back ride. She’s obviously too weak to walk and too tired to put on my shirt. I bend down sitting myself next to her, so I could help her put on her shirt. Carefully, I put her left hand in the shirt making sure that I don’t hurt her any further. I know I am not the nurturing type, but I want to make her feel comfortable; don’t think anything strange, it’s nothing else. I place her next hand in the shirt making our finger tips touch. I swear I just felt a spark of electricity. After putting on the shirt I place her hand in mine, and I bring our faces closer together.

"So when are you going to take me back to civilization” she breaks my concentration as I start to stare her in the eyes.

“Um, yeah. I’m going to carry you back right now" I turn my body around and I place my knee on the ground so that she can easily get on my back. I tilt my back down some more and I drag her body on top of mine. Instantly, my hearts starts to race like insane Bolt. Feeling her body on my back is a complete turn on. I know she is feeling the same thing, because I can feel her heart racing in sync with mine.

"So what were you crying about?"She said is a sweet intimate way. I didn’t realize she was behind me all of that time.

"How do you know I was crying?" I ask wanting to know, just how long she had been behind me.

"I followed you, because you looked distressed and I wanted to make sure that everything was okay with you." her voice sounded sincere. Somehow I feel drawn to her kindness. I think she is first person to ever ask me if I am okay and it feels good.

"I didn’t think you would notice me, since were so caught up in my Donte.” I pretend to kiss someone and make childish kissing noises, making her laugh.

“You must be jealous cause you can't have this." Instantly my heart sinks and my body freezes. Is she trying to say that having a relationship with me is impossible? Is it because we are both girls?"Are you tired, cause if you are we could take a break." she continues, still caring about me well being, unlike me who just left her in a hospital bed.

"No I am not tired" I push her slouching body up and carry on with the trail, letting her know that I am just as strong as Donte or even stronger. For a moment we are in silence, it feels awkward and I don’t like it. So I break the silence.

“Hey Kim, I’m sorry about spilling the coffee on you and saying all those bad things about you while you were in the hospital.” I say trying to seem caring and concerned, like her.

“It’s cool, don’t worry about it.” Her reply soothes my heart and makes me feel a little better, even though she clearly said it in a nonchalant tone. Then she wraps her arms tighter around my body, making me feel that it was real and making me self conscious of my throbbing lady parts.

 "Don’t worry we are almost to the top" I say in an attempt to get my mind off the feelings I am having right now.

"Good cause I don’t think I could take anymore of my cuts rubbing against your jeans." and I don’t think i could take her body on mine. My little heart is soon going to give way.

After what feels like eternity we finally reach the car and I think my legs are going to give way.  Kimberly’s not exactly light or heavy, but she has my back screaming in pain. I need to put her in the car, NOW.      

"Hey Kim can you get the keys out of my front pocket." She places her sexy fingers around my waist, making me more conscious of my throbbing core. I think I feel her nibbles harden, but my heart is beating so fast that I don’t really know what's happening to me. She then slides her fingers in my pocket scraping the denim on my jeans, making my heart race even more (if that’s even possible)

"You don’t have the keys yet?" I ask trying to mask my pleasure.

"Um, yeah I have it now" she says sounding a little excited. Good because I don’t I could take anymore of her feeling me up. She bleeps opens the car and I place her bloody body in the back seat.

“Wait here I'm going to get the first aid kit, so I can clean you up."As I go to get the first aid kit I meet Donte. Looking at him makes me angry. He approaches my with a cocky grin on his face, in my opinion something's fishy about him. He seems like he is snake in the grass.

“I hope you didn’t pounce on my baby girl. I know how y’all people go." he waves his arrogant hand at me emphasizing the blood on my shirt and implying that all lesbians are ferocious.

"No, I did not. Unlike you I do not pounce on any breathing female. I have standards and morals.”I reply to him showing him my annoyance.

 “Anyways, where’s Kim I know she probably missing me right now. You know if it wasn’t for kindness back in the day, she wouldn’t have known what communication is. The only way she would have found out was through books. “He said in a mocking tone, increasing my anger. I know I was not the best person to Kimberly in the past, but being a bully is better than being a frienemy.

“Where she is, is none of your concern.” I finally reply feeling defeat.

“Just remember this Becky, no matter how hard you try, you will NEVER be me and you not be able to satisfy her the way I do" this is really pissing me off now.

“As far as I am concerned you’re not satisfying her now and you will never be satisfying her. There are many fish in the sea, go get another one." I say reviving myself a little as I turn and walk away.

“No can't do I only want to play with Kimberly's heart, just like you" he concludes and walks away winking his eyes.

I have already wasted enough time on Donte and I am tired of his BS. I grab the first aid kit and sprint towards the car where Kimberly is waiting. I don’t want him to interrupt, so I jump in the car and drive to the end of the road, where there is an empty lot. It’s like anything going to happen between us, it just I don’t want him around Kimberly when she is already in a weak state. I smell competition and for some strange reason I have a sick feeling that he doesn't play fair.

"Finally you come and now you’re driving off! WTF!” she screams at me. Now the angry black woman comes out. I was wondering when she would appear.

“You should be happy I actually came back!” I shout at her, still feeling annoyed from my confrontation with Donte.  

“What do you mean by I should be happy that you actually came back. You had me waiting in this car for what feels like hours. Girl you must be crazy! I have been sitting in this hot car with these painful cuts and I should be happy. Past me the first aid kit and drive back to office. I don’t need your assistance anymore, I can do it all by myself.”

“Fine clean up your cuts all by yourself, and make sure you clean off my seats. I don’t want blood stains on my white seats.” I say evening the score, if she wants to red me up I will do the same thing.

“You really are crazy, if you think that I am going to clean up your car seats.” She remarks, while she gives me a stink look.

Donte already pissed my off and I don’t want to get any angrier. I turn the radio and I play the music as loud as possible making the car shake.

“Can you turn that crap down? The police are going to think that some gangster is driving this car and we are going to get pull over.” She reminds me of some annoying know it all mother. I turn do the radio just to create peace in the car.

“Why do you listen to such degrading music? You’re a woman, why do you want to listen to music talking about woman clapping their ass.”I’m starting to remember why I disliked her so much. Why does she have to be so bossy?

I am going to try and be comically so we don’t get into an argument, again. “This is music your people created, why don’t you like it” a laugh escapes my lips.

“Excuse me; what do you mean by this is music your people created. My people are everyone who lives on earth. Therefore every single type of music is my people’s music. Don’t you ever associate me with stupid, perverted men who only sing about strip clubs, alcohol and receiving money by illicit means?”

Wow, how can I respond to that? Maybe I should say sorry. No, by the look on her face the best apology is probably a silent one.  For the rest of the drive we sit in silence. I dare not say another word in fear that I might get eaten alive. I never remembered her being so confrontational, but people change.

When we reach to the office I open the car door for Kimberly, and of course she is still angry.

“I already told you that I don’t need your help.” She spits at me, as she leaves my car. We walk towards the building and she flings the door in my face. That was not called for.  As I enter the office I recognize a familiar figure. His stature has changed, no longer does he have that strong stance, instead he is bent over with his heading hanging low. His legs wobble as they try to hold his fragile frame. His face is painfully pale, gaudy and thin. Darkness lures around him making my stomach hurl.

Is this really him?

“Becky!”A foreign word,  comes out of his mouth.

Thanks a lot for reading. J

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