Chapter One

Chance Encounter

Becky’s POV

A new hit pop song blasts through the speakers of my shining black Mercedes CL Class making me squirm on my custom white leather seats, to hype beat of the song. I must say that, I’m doing pretty good for a 28 year old, so far no one that i know of, in my age bracket has accomplished anything close to me. I'm a rare species so to say - I have both brains and beauty, and not much people can claim that they have the two. They are either a stupid  hoe, who gets played or they are an ugly hag with brains that no one dares to touch. However, I 'm different. I have luxurious blond hair that shines radiantly framing what I would call a perfect face and my body. Some would call me vanity, but I prefer self-confidence.

I can't believe I have to spend another 40 hours in that place before I get another break. I know I should be grateful that I actually have a job. However, my job is so stressful and demanding. Just because I'm the manager doesn't mean I have to do all of the work. My job is simply to oversee the work being done. Besides this face has sold the most houses every year for FIVE years straight! What more do they want from me?

“I'm going to be late, again. Its 8:30 already." I sigh.

As much as I like to pull everyone's legs and break all of the rules. I can’t be late today. I have to interview some lame newbie who's probably some smart ass, that's going to try to show me up. Therefore I have to make a good impression, and seem like the tuff boss that no one wants to mess with. That way they will know their place and never try to overturn my leadership. This is Beckyship, not a democracy. Yes, people do hate me and call me cocky. But like I said earlier it is self confidence. So of us have it and others of us are not so fortunate.

Apparently, this lamebie is suppose to help with me finances, as if I never one of those. I bet you someone upstairs is behind all of this. Someone is trying to bring me down and I can feel it. Everyone is vicious and cruel. Believe it or not they don't only hate my 'stellar' personality they also hate the fact that my father is one of the major driving factors in company. From now on I have to be on a special alert to watch my back. I know a couple of my projects have gone over budget. To be fair more than a couple of them has succed their orginal budgets'. However, I still don’t think I need an accountant. Maybe the accountant is a spy for one of the minions upstairs. In my opinion this new person  is just going to be an intruder in my office space, just another office vulture trying to steal a couple bucks. 

Adding to my annoyance is this stupid traffic. Why in the world is there always traffic on Atlanta's streets? These people need to get a life and get off the highway, so that I can get to work. I can’t even get my morning coffee anymore because of this traffic. Does my office building really have to be in the cities center? I don’t care anymore I have to get to work. Instinctively I push down on the gas pedal increasing the speedometer from 60, to 65 m.p.h. and over 70m.p.h. I switch from lane to lane on what I called the six legged highway, which traps and entangles you like bad women. I grab my leather steering wheel turning it in the direction of semi free lanes, so that I can overtake the wanna be gangsters, the gangsters, the hoes and the boring soccer moms. Finally! My exit’s soon coming up.

"Sh*t! "

Instantly, I smash the brakes, trying to stop my baby. This stupid Prius driver can't be serious. THEY JUST CUT ME OFF! Who the hell do they think they are? I can’t believe it. Do they not know who I am? Great! Just great! Can my morning get any worse? I don’t have time for this nonsense today. NOT TODAY! Immediately I grab one of my business cards out of my Coach purse, they should be smart enough to call me. I'm afraid that I don’t have time for all this drama. Angrily I stomp out of my car, armed with my stink attitude. I just know that this is probably some animal loving, earth hugging, tie dye wearing pot head who was probably kissing her mutt instead of watching the road.

As I approach the black dirty car I shout:

“YOU SHOULD HAVE WATCHED WHERE YOU WERE GOING! IDOIT!” I know that shouting was probably not called for, but I'm pissed and I need to vent my anger somehow. I'm sorry if I offended her. The next time we meet I'll try to make it up.

To my surprise a middle age woman steps out of the car, with a beautiful smile. She's really pretty, even though its obvious she has aged. Staring at her a switch of familarity clicks. I know her face, but I can't remember where I know her from. Maybe she works for one of our sister companies. No she doesn't look like she works in the real estate industry. There is a possibility we go the same gym.  I wish I had time to find out where I know her from. Feeling a little bit guilty for shouting at the lady with a sweet smile I give her one of my cards.

“Call me.” I say to her calmly so that she can understand that I’m not some insensitive jerk who fails to take responsibility. “I will take full responsibility. I’m sorry but I really have to go.”

Graciously she accepts, with a bow. Wow! She beautiful and she's a lady. If she was a little younger I would definitely have my way with her. Taking her bow as an invitation to leave I galop into a vigorous sprint towards my car. I leap inside without delay. Before I can get in the car properly I race off onto the highway. If I speed maybe I can still be on time.

Can you believe it? I'm still late to work, even though I speed on the highway like a mad woman. You know it’s all because of that stupid Prius driver. I would have arrived earlier if she didn’t cut me off. Man who am I kidding; being late is partly my fault as well. Just partly, though. I probably should have woken up earlier and maybe I shouldn’t have drank so much liquor last night. In the end it seems that both of us have to share the blame.

The towering doors of S.T. Real estate stand before me, making me feel like an insignificant piece of trash. I'm not college educated and I'm blonde, but that does not make me stupid like they all think. I know real estate better than I know myself. In fact real estate is my life.  For ten years now I have been working at this company and I consider this place my home anyway from home. It’s strange, but I don’t have anything else meaningful in my life right now.

Enough staring at the doors, I need actually need to go through them. The minute I walk through the doors, Joe, the kiss up, hands me my black coffee while he greets me with a fake smile. He has been trying to get on my good side ever since I caught him gossiping negatively about me, around the water cooler. I bet you he poisoned the coffee. Bill I'm not that stupid.

Now it’s time for my game face/ sober face, so that all those haters can less have less to say about me. Everyone hear thinks that they can just push me over, but when I get promoted again they will all squirm under my Beckyship. Quickly I snatch the coffee out of that traitors hands and I head towards the elevator. I run so fast my heels clack loudly on the gray porcelain tiles creating an echo.

Just great my hangover’s coming back on, with a wicked vengeance. You’d think aspirins would help, right, but they don’t!. Dizzily I make inside the elevator, I place my free hand on one of the railings, in an attempt to stay balanced. Swoosh! Someone passes me throwing me off, making the coffee fall out of my hand. Clumsy!  I turn my head to side to see if I created a scene, however the doors of the elevator shut before I could check.

 Kimberly's POV

 I can't wait to find that blonde hair green eye devil! I CAN'T WAIT! Today was going to be my special day. I had done everything right. I was getting the job of my dreams. Then that witch came and ruined everything. First she was recklessly driving, switching from lane to lane. Second she disrespected my mother, by shoving some trashy business card in her precious face. Third, she just left. Lastly, she made me late for my interview. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THAT GIRL AGAIN!

I am just going to break that skinny white girl in half. Poke her in her vicious green eyes. Then I am going to rip those false blonde extensions out her lice infected hair.

Hold on Kimberly, deep breathes, deep breathes. Today is going to be an excellent day; in fact it is going to be a wonderful day! All you have to do is stay positive and positive things will happen to you. Breathe in and out. Good!

I going to try and stay calm while I wait on this elevator. Even though a number of bad things happened to me today, the day is still young and many positive things can still happen. In fact one positive thing already happened today: I made it to be interview. Now all I have to do is wow the interviewers, with my impressive personality and then my fantastic resume would do the rest. I have this job in the bag!



"OUCHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"   I scream in the corridor causing an echo and a number a people in suits to look at me. Hot steaming coffee splashs in my face and all over my new suit. I feel the steam burning my face and the heat from the coffee creeping under my skin. The pain feels awful, it is as if red stinging ants were thrown at my face. My face is definitely ruined; I must look like Darth Vader from Star Wars. Surely my chances of getting this job are over. There is no way they are going to hire someone like me. They will think that I am cursed or something. My day is definitely ruined, destroyed, and terminated.

The receptionist comes to my rescue with a first aid kit and an enormous grasp. Truly my face is horrendous. I must look like a monster. Why do all bad things happen to me? Now I am jobless and meaningless. How will I tell my mother this? I can’t help but cry, tears pour from my eyes like the flood of Noah’s Day. The receptionist, places her warm arms around me, rocking me as I cry. Her slow rocks subtly take away some of the pain, but they certainly cannot take away the boiling angry in my body.

Guess who is the culprit again? Yes, you’re right it’s that same blonde hair arrogant devil. Oh, I can't wait to see her again and when I do see her again she is going to deeply regret pissing me off. The burn has taken everything from me: my dignity, my confidence and my job, now I have to take something away from her.
