Chapter 215 - 216

For some reason, Ning Li’s face turned hot.

Lu Huaiyu must have found out about what had happened at Qinghe Bridge.

Picking toothpaste…

Of course, his family did not lack this kind of thing.

She raised her foot and kicked away a small stone on the road. The sweet smell of caramel lingered on her tongue.

After a while, she replied:

[ The one on the left of the second row. ]

Lu Huaiyu saw her message and raised his eyebrows. He took the tube of toothpaste from the shelf and put it in the cart.

There were already a lot of things in it.

When the news from Qinghe Bridge had come in the morning, he knew that this was the opportunity for her to move out of the Ye family home.

The Ye family had been in a lot of trouble recently, so it was better if she moved out as soon as possible.

In fact, he had wanted to wait for her to come over before picking things out together. However, after thinking about it, he decided to do it first.

How could he wait until that time came?

He walked forward for a while and swept his gaze across the shelves. Then, he chose several powder-blue and white bath towels.

The discovery of an ancient tomb under the Qinghe bridge plot was quickly reported.

Ning Li scrolled through the news with a picture of a few experts and scholars standing next to a pit, looking very cautious.

There were also a few workers standing behind them.

Once this news had been released, it quickly spread and caused quite a stir.

The Qinghe Bridge project was jointly developed by Yunzhou City and two other neighboring cities. It was definitely a key project.

It had been receiving a lot of attention since the start of the bidding.

Now that such a thing had suddenly happened, it naturally attracted the attention of everyone very quickly.

An ancient tomb had been dug out under the construction site. Anyone who had anything to do with the relevant work knew what it meant.

She was browsing the web when she received a call from Ji Shu.

Ning Li left the classroom and found a remote corner before she picked up the call.

“Hello? Sister Li? Have you seen the news about Qinghe Bridge?”

Ji Shu went straight to the point, not able to hide his excitement in his voice.

Ning Li replied with a “Hmm”.

“I saw it.”

“There’s an ancient tomb down there!”

Ji Shu clicked his tongue.

“Now their entire project will have to be temporarily suspended, right?”

Although he was not very concerned about his family’s business, he was still aware of the impact of this matter.

The Ye family’s company was the developer of this project. Anything that happened on this plot of land would affect the interests of the Ye family.

Ji Shu remembered very clearly that when they had bid for this project, the Ye family had bid a little higher than their bid price. In the end, they had successfully won this project.

At that time, his parents had been very unhappy about this for some time.

Who would have known that there would be such trouble now?

At that time, everyone had thought that Qinghe bridge was a juicy piece of fatty meat. However, looking at it now, it was not necessarily so.

“To begin with, the Ye family’s recent situation has not been good. This time, it’s even worse. Tsk, how pitiful.”

Through the phone, Ning Li could already imagine how happily Ji Shu was smiling.

The corners of her lips curved.

“The Ye family’s luck doesn’t seem too good.”

The Ji family and the Ye family were both famous families in Yunzhou. The two families were polite on the surface, but in fact, they did not have a good relationship in private.

Firstly, the two families had a competitive business relationship. The Qinghe Bridge project was an example. Secondly, the two families had different temperaments and did not like each other very much.

The Ye family felt that the Ji family was pedantic and stubborn and did not know how to change.

The Ji family felt that the Ye family was shrewd and cunning, and lacked sincerity.

They disliked each other, so naturally, their relationship was estranged.

This was especially true for Ji Shu.

He felt that every time he saw the Ye family, it was like they were wearing a mask which made him very annoyed.

Moreover, their attitude towards Ning Li really made him feel disgusted.

Ye Ming aside, Su Yuan had left Lincheng and had not even gone back to see Ning Li for ten years.

He was doted on by the Ji family. Although Father and Mother Ji occasionally scolded him for being willful and constantly tried to control him, they were really good to him.

Therefore, he could not understand how such a mother could be so cruel to such an extent.

In addition, everyone knew that the Ye family had been involved in the exam cheating scandal. He felt that those people were not good.

Now that the Qinghe Bridge project was in trouble, he was naturally happy to watch the show.

“Fortunately, our family was not the one who had taken the Qinghe Bridge project back then.”

Ji Shu laughed carelessly,

“Otherwise, my parents would have a few more white hairs.”

Ning Li took a light breath and said softly, “Yeah, it’s a good thing it wasn’t you guys.”

It was better to leave this trouble to the Ye family to deal with.

Ji Shu did not notice the strange tone in her voice and continued.

“By the way, Sister Li, I also heard that Ye Ming had an illegitimate child outside, but it seems that he didn’t manage to keep that child. The Ye family’s recent troubles have been happening one after another. If you continue to stay there, will it affect your college entrance exam?”

This was the purpose of his call.

Although Ning Li’s results were very good, surely she could not handle so many troublesome things.

The environment for preparing for the exam was not good. What if it affected her performance?

He knew very well how much Ning Li valued this college entrance exam.

The corners of Ning Li’s lips curved up.

“I know what you mean. Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.”

Hearing her say this, Ji Shu finally felt a little relieved.

“Alright then, Sister Li, if you need help, feel free to look for me.”

In Yunzhou, the Ji family still had quite a bit of power and capital.

Ning Li smiled and nodded.

“I know.”

On this day, Ye Ming held two emergency meetings at the company. He had been discussing how to deal with this matter.

However, even after some discussion, he still had not come up with any good plans.

No matter how powerful the Ye family was, in this matter, they could only listen to the authorities.

Once an order had been given, they would stop work immediately.

The experts said that they wanted to protect the ancient tomb. What else could they do?

They could only do as they were told.

When Ye Ming returned home, he decided to smoke alone in the living room. He was extremely agitated.

It had already not been easy for him to settle the matter with Liu Ying. Who would have known that the company would encounter trouble like this again?

When Su Yuan came out of her room, this was what she saw.

She walked over and asked worriedly, “What’s the situation at Qinghe Bridge?”

Since this involved the Ye family, she put the other matters aside first.

Ye Ming smoked silently.

Su Yuan said hesitantly, “An ancient tomb… When those experts finish their investigation, the project should be able to resume as soon as possible, right?”

Ye Ming frowned. “I don’t know.”

It was not that he was anxious, but he really had no choice!

After the news of Ye Ci’s exam leak scandal had been exposed, the Ye family’s reputation had been affected, and many partners had canceled their cooperation with them. The Qinghe Bridge project was now their company’s largest project.

Ye Ming had put almost all his energy and effort into this project, waiting to rely on this to support the Ye family.

However, with this mess now, he did not know when the construction site would start.

If he dragged it out for too long, the money in his account would not be able to hold on.

Once there was a problem with the liquidity, it would be troublesome.

He put out his cigarette.

“This project is huge. If it’s just an ancient tomb, it shouldn’t drag on for too long. Let’s wait.”

Ye Ming did not expect that he would receive another piece of news instead of the notice to resume work.

The few people in charge of exploring and archaeological work on the ancient tomb under Qinghe Bridge had stopped after only one day and reported on it overnight, inviting relevant experts from Beijing to come over.

Among them were even researchers from the national museum and professors from the Department of Archaeology at Xijing University.

This was insider information, but the Ye family was the developer of the Qinghe Bridge Project. Ye Ming was the president of the company, so naturally, he knew this as soon as possible.

The moment he heard this news, a strong sense of unease rose in Ye Ming’s heart.

Anyone with a brain knew what this meant!

The city-level experts did not dare to act rashly. They stopped and waited for the higher-ups to send people.

This could only mean that the value of the ancient tomb had far exceeded their previous expectations!

If that was the case, the project on Qinghe Bridge would definitely have to be delayed.

Ye Ming became more and more anxious.

However, no matter how anxious he was, it was useless. Everything could only follow the decision of the higher-ups.

On the afternoon of the next day, several top archaeologists from the country had rushed to Yunzhou and gathered on Qinghe Bridge for further exploration.

Ye Ming could barely sit still in his office.

The site of the ancient tomb and even the surrounding area had been cordoned off. The entire Qinghe Bridge area could not be moved.

Time passed slowly, and Ye Ming felt worse and worse.

Ye family, early morning.

Ye Ci lay on the bed with her eyes closed and her brows furrowed.

She was caught in a terrible nightmare.

She was alone in the vast expanse of whiteness.

She looked around and shouted a few times, but no one answered.

The space around her seemed to be constantly squeezing and contracting around her, making her feel suffocated and her whole body faintly aching.

She panicked and began to walk forward quickly, her footsteps getting faster and faster.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, a person appeared in front of her.

It was a blurry figure.

She did not care about anything else and immediately started to chase after him.

After she arrived behind that person, she reached out and patted his shoulder.

“Hello, may I ask what–”

Before she could finish her sentence, the person in front turned around.

It was the face of a purple baby!

Ye Ci’s heart suddenly tightened!

She took a step back in a panic and subconsciously looked at her own hand. She saw that the palm of her hand that had just used to touch the other person’s shoulder was covered in blood!

The baby’s face was expressionless. It suddenly crawled towards her–


Ye Ci cried out in shock and suddenly woke up!

She opened her eyes and panted heavily. Other than cold sweat all over her body, her heart was beating so fast that it almost jumped out of her chest!

There was the sound of hurried footsteps coming from outside.

Knock, knock.

Su Yuan knocked on the door and asked worriedly, “Lil Ci, what’s wrong?”

She was about to call for Ye Ci to wake up when she had heard a scream from inside the room, which had frightened her.

Ye Ci was still in shock. She pressed her heart with one hand and forced herself to calm down.

“… Mom, I’m fine. I just… I just had a nightmare.”

Su Yuan heaved a sigh of relief, but her voice still seemed to have a little tremor in it, so she said, “It was just a dream. Don’t be afraid. Come on down and have something to eat.”

Ye Ci closed her eyes.

“I’ve got it, Mom. I’ll go down right away.”

Su Yuan went downstairs.

In the room, Ye Ci’s bloodless lips were tightly pursed.


She had actually had such a nightmare!

After Liu Ying had been sent to the hospital, she had not gone to see her. However, she knew that Liu Ying had had a miscarriage. Moreover, Liu Ying’s own body was also greatly damaged. Even now, she was still lying in the hospital.

The fetus had already reached seven months.

If that was the case..? Was that not the equivalent of her killing someone?

Even though she had not done it on purpose, she had indeed given her that slap.

Every time Ye Ci thought about it, she felt her heart palpitate.

Now, she had even begun to have this kind of nightmare…

She took a deep breath and continued to reassure herself.

“It’s nothing… It’s nothing…”

She was the only daughter of the Ye family. Half of the Ye family’s assets belonged to her.

No one could snatch what belonged to her!


Liu Ying’s child could never have been born!

Although Ye Ming had been furious, he had not pursued her responsibility.

The loss of the child had finally solved a huge hidden problem.

Initially, she had been worried that Liu Ying would make an issue out of this matter.

However, Ye Ming had said that he would take care of things over there and that it would not affect her studying abroad.

Ye Ci sat on the bed for a while. After she calmed down, she went downstairs.

When she arrived at the dining room, Ye Ci realized that Ye Ming was home today.

He looked tired and listless. Compared to before, his condition was much worse.

It was no wonder. The Ye family had been in constant trouble recently, and he had not stopped working.

Since the construction of Qinghe Bridge had stopped, he had especially not gotten a night of good sleep for the past few days.

Yesterday, he had really not been able to take it anymore. He had only come back to rest at two o’clock in the morning.


Ye Ci called out to him.

Ye Ming pressed the space between his eyebrows and looked up.

“Sit down.”

Only then did Ye Ci sit down at the dining table.

Today’s breakfast was very sumptuous. Everything had been personally cooked by Su Yuan.

After Aunt Zhao had been fired, the Ye family had never found a suitable candidate.

Moreover, Su Yuan had done this to try and compromise with Ye Ming.

Previously, she had made a fuss purely because the woman outside had been pregnant with Ye Ming’s illegitimate child and had threatened her interests.

However, the child was now gone, and to a certain extent, it had been caused by her and Ye Ci.

So she was now taking the initiative to show her vulnerability and show that she still wanted to continue this marriage.

“This is yam and lily congee, to nourish the qi.”

As she spoke, she scooped a bowl of congee for Ye Ming first.

The expression on Ye Ming’s face was not good, but he did not want to quarrel with Su Yuan anymore.

The matter at Qinghe Bridge was still not settled, so how could he have any other thoughts?

He did not say anything and merely accepted the bowl of porridge.

Su Yuan calmed down a little and served Ye Ci some porridge.

“Lil Ci, I see that you haven’t rested well these past two days. Do you want to see a doctor and get some pills to calm your nerves?”

Ye Ci felt uncomfortable when she heard the word “doctor”.

She said, “There’s no need.”

At this moment, Ning Li also went downstairs.

She walked over and pulled out a chair to sit down.

The atmosphere at the dining table froze for a moment.

However, Ning Li did not seem to notice.

After a long while, Ye Cheng yawned and arrived late.

Su Yuan could not help but reprimand him.

“Lil Cheng, did you play games all night again yesterday?”

Ye Cheng did not even raise his head.

“Just for a little while.”

Su Yuan could tell that he was lying just by looking at him, but she could not reprimand him directly at the dining table.

Recently, Ye Cheng had become more and more addicted to playing games. He refused to listen, no matter what she said.

Ye Cheng took a few bites of his rice and suddenly looked up at Ye Ming.

“Dad, could you give me some more pocket money?”

Ye Ming frowned.

“Didn’t I just give it to you last week? Why do you want it again?”

Ye Cheng’s gaze was a little evasive, but his tone was relaxed.

“I’m buying equipment in a game I’m playing.”

Ye Ming looked unhappy.

Seeing this, Su Yuan could not help but ask, “You spent all that money on the game?”

The Ye family was rich, and Ye Cheng was Ye Ming’s only son. Of course, he was doted on.

At the very least, when it came to money, Ye Cheng had never been lacking.

Apart from the five-figure allowance he received every month, he also received a lot of New Year’s money during the Chinese New Year holidays.

All of that was kept in his own small treasury.

Now that he was asking for money, it was easy to imagine how much he had already spent on the game.

Ye Cheng was unhappy after being reprimanded.

“I just bought some things while I was playing the game. It didn’t cost much.”

Ye Ming rubbed the space between his eyebrows.

“I’ll give it to you later, but I won’t give it to you again within this month.”

The Ye family did not lack this bit of money, but it was really not a good idea for Ye Cheng to be taught like this.

Only then did Ye Cheng laugh.

“Thank you, Dad!”

Ye Ming’s phone rang. It was his secretary’s call.

He picked up the call.


Su Yuan served some food to Ye Ci.

Ye Cheng took his phone out, looked at it, and then put it back.

Everything seemed so peaceful, as if everything was back to normal.

Ning Li was calm as she ate her porridge.

Suddenly, Ye Ming stood up.

“What did you say?!”

His action was so sudden that his hand knocked over his porridge bowl.


The exquisite porcelain bowl fell to the ground. The porridge that was still steaming spilled all over the ground, leaving a mess.

The rest of them were stunned.

Ye Ming’s face turned from white to red, and finally, it completely lost its color.

Sensing that the atmosphere was not right, the people at the dining table all quieted down.

Dead silence.

After a long while, Ye Ming hung up the phone in a daze.

Su Yuan asked worriedly, “What happened?”

“What’s wrong? What’s happened?”

She saw that the phone call seemed to be from Ye Ming’s secretary.

“Is… Is it about the company?”

Ye Ming’s eyes were blank, as if he had not recovered from the huge shock.

He muttered.

“… Under the Qinghe Bridge, it isn’t an ancient tomb…”

Su Yuan was stunned. “What?”

Ye Ming’s throat was dry, and his mind was blank. His hoarse voice was filled with disbelief and deep despair.

“… It’s… an entire cemetery…”


The spoon in Su Yuan’s hand instantly fell with a crisp sound.

Ye Ci suddenly realized something and her eyes widened.

“How is this possible?! Dad, has there been some kind of mistake?!”

Hadn’t they said that it was just an ancient tomb?

How did it suddenly become a cemetery?

Ye Ming’s lips moved.

How could he have been wrong about something like this?

He closed his eyes.

“The expert group in the Capital has basically been confirmed, and… They all agree that the owner of that group of tombs had an extremely high status when he was alive. This group of tombs is extremely valuable for related historical research.”

With every word he said, Su Yuan and Ye Ci’s faces turned paler.

They knew very well what this meant.

Only Ye Cheng did not understand anything, but he also sensed that something was wrong. He put down the chopsticks in his hand and looked at the few of them with some unease.

Ye Ci could not help but ask, “So? About the situation now–”

Ye Ming took a deep breath, and his voice was trembling.

“The higher-ups have already decided that the Qinghe Bridge project… will be suspended indefinitely.”

The air froze.

For such a large project, even a day of suspension would be a huge loss, let alone an indefinite period!

This cemetery was so important that it was uncertain if the Qinghe Bridge Holiday Resort could ever be successfully built!

This was currently the Ye family’s biggest project!

Looking at the current situation, forget about making a profit, everything that had already been invested would probably go down the drain!

How could the current Ye family withstand such a blow?

Ning Li slowly finished the last mouthful of porridge, her peach blossom eyes curved.

It seemed that the Ye family was very satisfied with her return gift.

The news that an entire cemetery had been excavated under Qinghe Bridge was quickly reported on.

This was a major discovery for the archaeological world, and many scholars and researchers were very excited.


# Yunzhou Underground Cemetery #

# Qinghe Bridge #

A few entries were connected to the trending search. The front page was full of historical and archaeological analysis of the significance of the excavation of this cemetery, as well as the related history of science.

Professionals looked at the door, while the laymen watched the fun.

In short, everyone was jubilant.

[ As expected of historical Yunzhou, even a shovel can dig out a few cultural relics. ]

[ Experts estimate that the area of this cemetery is likely larger than all the ancient tombs that have been excavated so far. The identity of the owner of this tomb must be extraordinary, right? ]

[ The appearance of the history profession. There are very few records of this period in history. The appearance of this cemetery has filled in the blanks of the relevant era! I heard that several top archaeological bigwigs in the country have gone over. This stance– There’s really nothing to say! ]

[ Hey, I heard that this Qinghe Bridge was supposed to be a resort tourism development. Which developer is that unlucky? ]

[ Person above, speaking of this, there is a piece of gossip. Do you remember that girl Ye Ci who cheated in the national competition some time ago? Their family was responsible for the Qinghe Bridge project. ]

As soon as this comment was posted, it was quickly pushed up. The number of replies was astonishing.

[ F*ck! Is this for real? What a coincidence! ]

[ Yunzhou? Yunzhou! Ah, I remember that someone said that Ye Ci’s family was very rich. Thinking about it, I guess it really must be their family? ]

[ Amazing! Hahahahahaha! What kind of luck is this? When the protection and excavation work of the burial group is carried out, who knows how long it will take? I don’t think their family can build this resort, right? With such a thing happening, the developer will surely lose everything. ]

[ Tsk tsk, so this is karma? I love it! ]

The Internet had memories. Once the news of Qinghe Bridge was out, the netizens quickly followed the clues and dug up the Ye family. When they thought of the incident that had caused a commotion a while ago, everyone became furious, they dragged Ye Ci out for another whipping.

This kind of person, who relied on their wealth and power, wanted to use illegal means to seize other people’s educational resources.

Now that they were faced with this matter, it seemed that justice had really fallen from the sky!

The Internet was in a commotion.

Meanwhile, the Ye family’s company was in complete chaos.

When Ning Li arrived at school, she found that even the students here had already found out about this matter.

Everyone was talking about it.

Many people were also secretly watching her.

However, probably through experience, no one bothered her with news about the Ye family anymore.

Instead, Ji Shu excitedly sent her a message.

Thinking back to the time when the Ye family had taken over this piece of land, many people had been jealous. Who knew that in the end, not only was it not a juicy fat piece of meat, it was actually a sinkhole!

He could not help but feel lucky that the Qinghe Bridge had not fallen on their heads.

[ Sister Li, the Ye family is in big trouble this time. ]

Almost at the same time, Null also sent a message.

It was a thumbs-up emoji.

Back then, when Ning Li had asked him to interfere in the bidding, he still had not known what was going on.

Only now did he finally understand that Ning Li had been waiting for the Ye family.

[ Did you know that there was a problem at Qinghe Bridge? ]

Ning Li smiled.

[ Qinghe Bridge is at the junction of the three cities. It is an ancient city. Thirteen years ago, an artifact was unearthed fifty miles southwest of that place. Such land is definitely not easy for an ordinary person to take. ]

Null stared at this answer for a long time.

An artifact from thirteen years ago was in such a remote location. Who would care about it?

She was really…

[ Were you that sure that something would happen to Qinghe Bridge? ]

Ning Li replied: [ I just treated it as a gamble. The Ji family didn’t need to take such a risk. It was better to give it to the Ye family. ]

Null shrugged and smiled.

[ It seems that you made the right bet. Congratulations. ]

The news of Qinghe Bridge having excavated a large group of tombs quickly spread throughout Yunzhou.

Liu Ying naturally knew about it.

At the same time, she also saw the notice of the project being suspended indefinitely.

Almost as soon as she had seen the news, Liu Ying called Ye Ming.

However, Ye Ming did not pick up.

She did not know if he was busy dealing with this matter, but Liu Ying could not care less.

She only knew that this matter would most likely drag the Ye family down with it!

She had to take advantage of the fact that the Ye family still had money on their books so that she could make a quick buck.

Otherwise, who knew what would happen if the Ye family’s funds were to be cut off in the future?

After dozens of calls, Ye Ming finally picked up.

His voice could not hide the exhaustion and impatience in it.

“What’s wrong now?”

Liu Ying’s child was gone. Other than the first few days when he had been in pain, the feeling had already faded a lot.

He had paid for Liu Ying’s medical fees and hired a professional nurse to take care of her. He did not know why she had so many things on her mind that she had to look for him at this time.

Liu Ying heard his tone and was also filled with anger.

For whom had she ended up like this?!

She had not even been discharged from the hospital yet, and Ye Ming’s attitude was already like this!

What else could she have expected?

Men were indeed unreliable.

She gritted her teeth and could not be bothered to say a lot to him. She went straight to the point.

“I want 30 million in compensation.”

When Ye Ming heard this amount, he almost laughed out of anger.

“Liu Ying, is there something wrong with your brain?”

30 million.

The Ye family’s company was currently being delayed by the Qinghe Bridge incident. Now she was asking for 30 million. She was really asking for too much. She had not even considered him at all!

Liu Ying asked in return.

“Are you not willing to pay?”

She still felt that she was going to be short!

If it had not been for the child…

Ye Ming sneered.

“Are you worth this kind of money?”

Liu Ying gritted her teeth.

“If you’re not willing to pay, don’t blame me for being impolite! Ye Ming, I know about all your matters very well!”

Ye Ming hung up the phone directly.

He knew what Liu Ying was thinking, but he was not a pushover either.

Without evidence and no backer, so how could she do anything?

If she wanted to fight with him, she should at least take a look at herself.

Liu Ying listened to the busy tone on the phone and was extremely angry.

She opened her email.

This was an anonymous email that she had received last night.

It was also because of this that she had called Ye Ming and asked for 30 million.

Ultimately, this was the attitude that Ye Ming had shown her.

Since he was unkind, he could not blame her for being unkind!

For that whole day, Ye Ming did not go home.

Ye Ci was reading in her room, but she could not get into it.

For some reason, she was very uneasy, as if something bad was about to happen.

Knock, knock.

Su Yuan came in, bringing her some fruits.

She looked Ye Ci up and down and knew that she was also worried about their family matters, so she comforted her.

“Lil Ci, don’t worry about the family matters for now. You’ll be able to get rid of these things once you’ve completed the procedures for studying abroad.”

“Don’t worry, your father dotes on you the most. No matter what, he won’t let these things affect you.”

Ye Ci’s mood was somewhat better when she heard this.

Originally, she had been very reluctant to go abroad to study, but with the current situation of the Ye family, she felt that going abroad was a better choice.

“I know. Thank you, Mom.”

As Ye Ci spoke, she hugged her waist again.

“Mom, I’ll miss you very much when the time comes.”

She rarely left home. Previously, when she had participated in the Winter Camp of the competition, she had already felt very uncomfortable even though it had only been two weeks long.

What more would it be like to go abroad to study?

Su Yuan stroked Ye Ci’s head.

“Mom can’t bear to part with you either.”

Familiar footsteps came from outside. It was Ning Li.

Ye Ci’s eyes flashed. She withdrew from Su Yuan’s embrace and went over to open the door.

“Sister Ning Li.”

Ning Li stopped in her tracks and looked back.

Ever since the Winter Camp, they had completely fallen out, and Ye Ci had never called her that again.

Ye Ci looked at her and said, “Don’t misunderstand. I called you ‘sister’ for no other reason except for one. After I go abroad, please take good care of mom at home.”

Ning Li’s expression was calm.

Ye Ci continued, “The jasmine in mom’s room needs to be changed once a week. The fragrance helps her to sleep. In addition, she goes to the spa on the fifth floor of HG every two weeks. I used to accompany her to the spa.”

Every word was a condescending “instruction.”

It was the affection and pampering that Su Yuan had spent ten years on her.

In comparison, Ning Li was indeed an outsider.


Before Ye Ci could finish her sentence, her phone suddenly rang.

It was a call from the agent of the organization for studying abroad.

