Chapter 213 - 214

As expected, Ye Ming did not come back that night.

The next morning, Su Yuan packed up and planned to find the woman.

However, she suddenly remembered that she did not know the identity of that woman at all.

It was the other woman who had taken the initiative to add her on WeChat. After sending a whole bunch of intimate photos, she had been blacklisted again.

Other than knowing that it was a 19-year-old sophomore student, Su Yuan did not know anything else.

She had called Ye Yiming to ask him for his help to check it out.

However, after Ye Yiming had agreed, he had not replied to her for a long time.

By the afternoon, she could not help but ask Ye Ci to hurry him up.

“Lil Ci, go and ask your cousin whether he has found anything out yet?”

With the other party’s WeChat name and photo, combined with Ye Yiming’s ability, he should not have been so slow.

Ye Ci went back to her room and called Ye Yiming.

However, Ye Yiming kept his answers vague. In the end, he only said one thing to her.

“… Lil Ci, don’t meddle in this adult matter.”

Ye Ci immediately understood what he meant.

Ye Yiming had obviously already known about this matter, and he planned to stand on the side of Ye Ming.

Even though this child was illegitimate, it was still Ye Ming’s child and the blood of the Ye family flowed through it.

Ye Yiming loved Ye Ci and Ye Cheng very much. However, at a time like this, he was still more inclined to side with the Ye family as a whole.

Ye Ci felt a chill run down her spine before she heard Ye Yiming say, “You should also try to persuade your mother not to make too big a deal about this matter. Your father’s company has a lot of things to deal with right now, and it’s not good for anyone to blow this matter up at this time. Besides, I’ve asked your father’s opinion. He only wants the child, but he won’t opt for a divorce. Let your mother swallow her pride and stop being so calculative.”

These words completely shut Ye Ci’s mouth.

Her words were stuck in her throat, but in the end, she swallowed them all.

Right now, this matter was not only important to Su Yuan, but also her!

In Ye Ming and other people’s eyes, having another son was always good, but they were not considering her feelings at all!

After making the call, Ye Ci went downstairs.

Su Yuan immediately came over to question her.

“How is it?”

Ye Ci said hesitantly, “… Cousin said that he hasn’t found out yet and he needs more time.”

Seeing her expression, Su Yuan had already guessed a few things and sneered.

“Is it that he couldn’t find anything, or he doesn’t want to?”

She had already been in the Ye family for ten years. How could she not see through this way of thinking?

“Your father and your cousin are ganging up to bully us!”

Su Yuan was so angry that her face turned red.

Ye Ci was also in a terrible mood.

“Mom, don’t be anxious. We’ll think of something else.”

Since Ye Yiming was not willing to investigate, it was always possible to spend money to find someone else to investigate.

Money could make the world go round.

On Sunday morning, Ye Ci received the results of an investigation.

The woman Ye Ming was having an affair with was called Liu Ying. She was 19 years old and was studying financial management at a second-tier university in Yunzhou.

Her background was average, but she was pretty. Occasionally, she had gone out to pick up some car modeling jobs and other activities.

This had also been the opportunity for her to get to know Ye Ming.

More importantly, she had actually been with Ye Ming for more than a year.

She had hooked up with Ye Ming not long after she had come here to attend university.

Ye Ming had even rented a three-bedroom apartment for her.

“Heyuan residential area?”

Su Yuan looked at the information,

“Are you sure it’s here?”

Ye Ci nodded.

“She has lived there for a long time. This can’t be wrong.”

As soon as she had finished speaking, she saw that Su Yuan’s expression had become much uglier.

This Liu Ying was already seven months pregnant. Wasn’t she just staying here to raise her baby?!

Su Yuan stood up, clearly intending to go over immediately.

Ye Ci asked, “Mother, why don’t I go with you?”

Su Yuan had originally wanted to reject, but then she thought that it might be useful since Ye Ci was after all Ye Ming’s daughter. That sl*t might behave very arrogant when she saw her, but when faced with Ye Ci, surely she had to be a little afraid.

She nodded.

“Alright. When we get there, mother will talk to her. You just have to watch.”

As she spoke, she thought of her current appearance and said, “Wait for mother for a while.”

She had cried a lot in the past two days. The fine lines in the corners of her eyes had increased by a lot, and she looked rather haggard.

Of course, she could not go over with such a face.

So, she went back to change her clothes and applied a fresh face of exquisite makeup.

Before she went out, she glanced upstairs.

“By the way, where’s Ning Li?”

Ye Ci did not have any expression on her face. “She seems to have gone out early in the morning. I don’t know where she went.”

Su Yuan frowned.

Today was Sunday, and Ning Li was still nowhere to be seen.

However, she was not in the mood to care about such things now.

“Forget it, let’s go.”

Zhou Hua drove Su Yuan and Ye Ci to a building in the Heyuan district.

Su Yuan pushed the car door open and got out of the car. A few children ran over as they were screaming, almost knocking her down.

“This child is so insensible!”

She patted down the corner of her coat in disgust, afraid that they had dirtied her clothes and bag.

Ye Ci followed her down.

She looked around and said, “Mom, this place is so shabby. It shows that dad doesn’t really care about her.”

Hearing that, Su Yuan had mixed feelings.

When she had seen this neighborhood, she had momentarily had the same thought. However, when she thought of the woman who was still pregnant, she still could not swallow the anger in her heart.

She looked at the building in front of her.

“She’s in here, right?”

Ning Li stood by the window. When she had seen the familiar black Cayenne turn to the building in front of her, she had retracted her gaze.

She looked at the document in her hand and said softly, “Ninth floor, 903. Don’t go to the wrong one.”

Su Yuan and Ye Ci went upstairs and found door number 903.

Su Yuan suppressed the surging emotions in her heart and said to Ye Ci, “Lil Ci, when you go in later, just let Mommy talk to her.”

Ye Ci nodded.

“I know, Mommy. Don’t worry, I won’t let her bully you.”

Su Yuan adjusted her breathing and felt a little more confident. Then, she knocked on the door.

The first time, no one answered. The second time, a sweet young woman’s voice came from inside.

“Who is it?”

Su Yuan was annoyed when she heard this voice.

She did not sound like a decent person!

She did not say anything but continued to knock on the door.

Footsteps could be heard.


The woman walked over to open the door. As she opened the door, she smiled and acted coquettishly.

“Honey, why are you here so early today–”

The door opened and both parties looked at each other. Her voice suddenly stopped.

Looking at that young and charming face and her bulging belly, Su Yuan’s blood rushed to her head.

“You’re Liu Ying, right?”

The moment Liu Ying saw Su Yuan, she knew that something was wrong.

Her expression changed and she immediately tried to close the door!

However, since Su Yuan had finally found her way here. How could she just let it go?

She raised her feet and walked in.

“It seems that you know me, but I still have to introduce myself. I’m Su Yuan, Ye Ming’s wife.”

Liu Ying took a few steps back, seeming a little flustered.

“You, what do you want to do!?”

She touched her stomach and tried to act tough again.

“Let me tell you, the one inside is Ye Ming’s son! Don’t you dare touch me!”

Perhaps having this son gave her a lot of confidence, enough to directly threaten Su Yuan.

Su Yuan was almost crazy with anger, but she still held it in.

She sneered.

“At such a young age, you only know how to seduce men. Who knows whose b*stard child you are carrying? Speaking of children… Lil Ci is the pearl of the Ye family. What are you and this b*stard child?”

Liu Ying looked at Ye Ci and bit her lip.

Of course, she knew that this was the eldest daughter of the Ye family, Ye Ci.

Su Yuan motioned for Ye Ci to close the door.

Liu Ying was even more afraid.

She was alone and pregnant. How could she be a match for the other party?

She immediately went to the living room to get her phone, intending on calling Ye Ming.

Su Yuan beat her to it and took her phone instead.

Liu Ying shouted, “Give me back my phone!”

Su Yuan sneered.

“I’ll give it back to you when we’re done talking.”

Liu Ying gradually realized that the matter today would not be easily resolved.

“What do you mean? I have nothing to talk about with you!”

Su Yuan crossed her arms and sized her up. Her eyes were full of ridicule and contempt.

“Isn’t it money that you want? I’ll give it to you then. But you have to induce this child into labor. After you take the money, you’ll have to immediately drop out of school and get out of Yunzhou. You’re not to ever come back here again.”

Liu Ying looked as if she had just heard a joke.

“What kind of joke is this? Why should I listen to you?”

Su Yuan said, “Name your price.”

Liu Ying was pregnant. She wasn’t able to teach her a lesson like those people who had caught and fought mistresses on the streets. Besides, that would be too embarrassing.

The most important problem that needed to be solved was the child.

At this point, Liu Ying did not panic.

She leaned against the sofa and sat down, grinning.

“I have feelings for him. No matter how much money you give me, it’s useless. I won’t leave him.”

She touched her belly, the corners of her eyes and brows filled with pride.

“Besides, he really likes this child. He even has a nickname for him.”

This was a son. With this one child, her entire life would be changed.

She was not stupid. Of course, she knew what to do to maximize her own benefits.

Su Yuan was already full of anger. Seeing Liu Ying behaving so arrogantly, she was so angry that her whole body trembled.

“Are you that shameless?!”

Liu Ying’s expression turned ugly when she was scolded. She looked at her and sneered.

“Aunt Su, what right do you have to scold me? You are not his first wife, right? Oh, right, you seem to have been divorced once before. You even have a daughter with your ex-husband, right? At least I am better than you in that aspect.”


Liu Ying had sharp teeth, and every word she said felt like it was stabbing into Su Yuan’s lungs.

Ye Ci looked at her coldly.

“You have to get rid of this child. I won’t admit that an illegitimate child such as this is my younger brother.”

Liu Ying looked at her, but she was not afraid at all.

“Ye Ci, right? Is it that important whether you admit it or not?”

She smiled with a hint of mockery.

“Don’t you know how much trouble you’ve caused your father?”

Ye Ci’s face turned red.

These were the words that she could not listen to right now.

However, Liu Ying did not care at all.

She shrugged.

“Your father raised you for so many years, and now everything has gone to waste. Why was he so happy when he found out that I’m pregnant? It’s all because of you and your brother who can’t be relied upon.”

Ye Ci’s eyelids twitched, and the tense string in her brain almost snapped.

Just then, the door was opened.

It was Ye Ming.

When he saw the situation in the room, his face immediately darkened.

“Why are you guys here!?”

He had hidden Liu Ying well enough, yet who knew that Su Yuan would still be able to find her? She had even brought Ye Ci with her!

When Liu Ying saw him, she stood up and shouted aggrievedly, “Hubby–”

Su Yuan almost died.

This b*tch still dared to shout like this in front of her!

However, Liu Ying was the first to cry and complain.

“Hubby, they asked me to abort the child…”

Ye Ming’s temples were throbbing.

“Su Yuan! Go home immediately! And Ye Ci, why did you come here instead of preparing for your overseas studies?! Is this all you’ve got to think about now?!”

Liu Ying let out an “Ah” and looked Ye Ci up and down.

“She’s going abroad to study? Where is she going?”

These words completely snapped the string in Ye CI’s mind.

Was this Ye Ming’s goal?

To send her away and completely get rid of her as if she was some kind of problem, leaving all the remaining assets to this precious illegitimate child of his?!

She suddenly raised her hand and slapped Liu Ying hard!


Liu Ying had never expected Ye Ci to suddenly make such a move. Caught off guard, she staggered and fell to the side.

She did not know how, but her feet slipped, and her stomach hit the sharp corner of the coffee table!


The things on the table were swept to the ground, creating a big mess.

Liu Ying held her stomach, her expression was pained.

“My baby! The baby!”

Dark red blood flowed from her body.

The expressions of the few people present changed.

Ye Ming immediately rushed over:

“Lil Ying! Are you alright!?”

Liu Ying’s face quickly turned pale. She held his hand tightly, completely panicked and scared. She panted heavily and tears flowed out rapidly.

She wanted to say something, but the pain was unbearable. She could not say a word.

Ye Ming suddenly raised his head and shouted sternly, “Ye Ci! You’re crazy!”

She had actually attacked Liu Ying!

Ye Ci had not expected things to develop like this. When she saw the pool of blood under Liu Ying, she was also stunned.

All of her anger and resentment had been replaced by nervousness and helplessness.

“I, I didn’t!”

She had only given her a slap. How could this have happened?

Ye Ming picked Liu Ying up and shouted at Su Yuan.

“What are you still standing there for? Call an ambulance!”

Su Yuan’s mind had gone completely blank. When she heard Ye Ming say this, she subconsciously took out her phone and called 120.

Her hands were shaking.

Liu Ying’s face was pale from the pain while being held in Ye Ming’s arms. She could not stop crying.

“… It hurts… It hurts…”

Ye Ming continued to comfort her.

“Don’t worry. The child and you will be fine. Just hang in there. The ambulance will be here soon!”

Liu Ying soon did not have the strength to respond to him. She was extremely weak.

Ye Ming saw that the blood under her body was increasing. His temples were throbbing.

“Ye Ci! If anything happens to Lil Ying and the child today, I will not forgive you!”

The ambulance whizzed over, attracting the attention of many people in the neighborhood.

Many people went over to have a look.

Soon, the medical staff carried Liu Ying down, while Ye Ming followed closely and got into his car.

Su Yuan and Ye Ci were at the back, not knowing what to do.

Ye Ming turned around and saw them, his expression extremely cold.

Su Yuan could not help but say, “Hubby, I really didn’t…”

Ye Ming could not be bothered to listen to what she had to say. He turned around to look at Liu Ying.

The ambulance left very quickly.

The surrounding crowd looked at Su Yuan and Ye Ci who had been left behind. Their gazes were strange as they discussed something in low voices.

“What happened?”

“I don’t know. It seems like the mistress is pregnant and the actual wife brought her daughter to look for her. In the end, for some reason, the mistress was bleeding.”

“Oh my! I saw that pregnant woman six or seven months ago, right? Now she’s bleeding. This sounds like the cost might be a human life!”

“It serves her right for being a mistress. But the wife must be really powerful. She could even go so far…”

“Why do I find that girl a little familiar… Is her surname Ye?”

“Now that you mention it, I seem to have seen her somewhere before. Her surname is Ye… Could it be that Ye family?”

Hearing all kinds of words, Su Yuan and Ye Ci were extremely embarrassed

It was especially when they heard that Ye Ci seemed to be recognized, their bodies stiffened.

Zhou Hua walked over and said in a low voice,

“Madam, Miss, Sir said to send you both home first.”

Su Yuan had no choice but to pull Ye Ci into the car. The black Cayenne drove away very quickly, leaving behind a group of onlookers who were happily talking about what they had just witnessed.

The public had always liked to join in the fun, especially this kind of drama where the wife had challenged a mistress.

Ning Li listened for a while before closing the window.

She came to the front of the telescope and looked back at the picture she had just taken.

This was a low-power telescope that could take pictures.

Although the curtains in the living room had been half-drawn, the scene of Ye Ci slapping Liu Ying had been very clear.

After confirming that there was no problem, she imported the video into the computer.

In that folder, there was already a string of video files.

There were no names, only the dates were marked.

Ning Li put in this paragraph as well.

Ye Ming’s child was destined to be lost.

Ye Ci had not hesitated to make a move in her previous life, let alone now that she had been forced into a desperate situation.

The difference was that in her previous life after Liu Ying’s child had been induced, although Ye Ming had also been furious, he had not pursued Ye CI’s responsibility in the end. He had only told the public that Liu Ying had accidentally fallen at home and this was what had happened.

That child was already gone. If Ye Ci was also implicated, the loss would have been even greater.

Moreover, at that time, he had still doted on Ye Ci a lot.

Although it had been a pity to lose a son, he had still not been born, so there was not much affection.

So in the end, he had chosen to protect Ye Ci still.

However, this time the situation was different.

Ye Ci did not help the Ye family at all. Instead, she had become a burden.

Now, she had accidentally killed Ye Ming’s long-awaited son. For Ye Ming… What would his choice be?

Ning Li turned off the computer, got up, and left.

After Su Yuan and Ye Ci had returned to the Ye family home, they waited anxiously.

Ye Ming only returned at night.

His expression was exceptionally gloomy.

When Ye Ci saw his stance, she had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, in the next moment, Ye Ming stared at her and said, “Her child is gone. Now, are you satisfied?”

Ye Ci’s heart thumped.

Liu Ying’s child was gone, so this matter had to be blamed on her.

Su Yuan took a step forward and pulled Ye Ci behind her. She said anxiously, “Ye Ming, this matter is not Lil Ci’s fault. Liu Ying was really too much! You don’t know what she said about Lil Ci–”

Ye Ming suddenly looked at her:

“I’m talking to her, why are you interrupting?”

Su Yuan was so scared that her whole body shivered, but the resentment and sadness in her heart finally could not help but burst out.

“Ye Ming, don’t go too far! If you hadn’t been fooling around outside, how could such a thing have happened? Have you considered the Lil Ci, Lil Cheng, and my face?!”

If he had really cared about them, he would not have had an illegitimate child outside!

“That woman was pregnant with your child. Do you not look at Lil Ci and Lil Cheng on the same level as that child? Moreover, Lil Ci had not done it on purpose. It was her own body that was too weak. It was just a slap, that’s all. If she had known that this would be the result, why would Lil Ci have done it?”

Ye Ming sneered.

“Do you still have the nerve to say that? Su Yuan, if you had not brought her over, how could things would have ended up like this!? How are you a mother?!”

Su Yuan was instantly dumbfounded.

Regardless of anything else, she was indeed in the wrong in this matter.

The air froze.

Ye Ci gritted her teeth and asked, “Dad, so are you going to chase me out now just because of the other woman?”

Her voice was choked with sobs.

“All this time, have you just considered me as a burden that has embarrassed you and the Ye Family?”

This was what made her break down the most.

Because she had lost her mother a long time ago, Ye Ming had always doted on her all these years.

She knew that he had high hopes for her. This love had been mixed with the Ye family’s dignity and other factors.

However, she had always felt that Ye Ming still loved her.

Only now, after a series of events, did she finally realize that she was not that important after all.

To Ye Ming, her greatest value had been to become as outstanding as possible so that he could show it off.

She had merely been like a vase.

Now that her vase had a flaw, he did not want it anymore.

Ye Ming watched her cry and did not speak for a long time. His expression changed.

After a long time, he said, “Things have already come to this. It’s useless to say anything more. You should prepare to go abroad in the future. Don’t concern yourself with anything else.”

At first, when he had found out that the child was gone, he had indeed been extremely angry.

But now that he had thought about it carefully, if Ye Ci was really implicated because of this, in the end, he would lose more than he had gained.

He pressed the space between his eyebrows and felt extremely tired.

“I’ll go and talk to Lil Ying.”

Ye Ci cried as she turned around and went upstairs.

Ye Ming glanced at Su Yuan and then walked past her expressionlessly.

He went back to his room to get some things and very quickly left.

Su Yuan knew where he was going. Her lips moved, but in the end, she did not say anything.

When Ye Ming had left, she was the only one left in the living room. Only then did she cover her face and cry.

For the next two days, Ye Ming did not come back.

Liu Ying was bleeding heavily. She could not save the child. She had practically been on the brink of death in the hospital for the past few days.

When she had first found out that the child was gone, she had cried and made a scene. No matter what, she had wanted to look for Ye Ci and Su Yuan to get an explanation.

Ye Ming had spent a lot of effort to appease her and persuade her to give up on this idea.

The news had spread among the wealthy families in Yunzhou. However, the Ye family had made a lot of effort to suppress the matter so that it would not be exposed.

This matter seemed to have passed just like that.

After the short May Day holiday, the results of the second model exam had come out.

Ning Li was still firmly in first place with a score of 738.

In the afternoon, Ning Li and He Xiaochen went to the third floor of the cafeteria to eat.

Both of them ordered a serving of bridge-crossing rice noodles.

As they were eating, Ning Li felt someone walk up to her.

“Top student.”

The voice sounded quite familiar.

Ning Li looked up.

“Duan Xu?”

Duan Xu looked hesitant.

“Top student, are you free now? Is it convenient for you to talk?”

He Xiaochen coughed.

She was still here!

Ning Li nodded.

“If you have something to say, just say it.”

“Ah? This…”

Duan Xu scratched his head, looking very troubled.

Seeing Ning Li’s indifferent expression, he gritted his teeth and lowered his voice.

“Top student, the project of Qinghe Bridge, is it the Ye family’s?”

Ning Li’s hand that was holding the chopsticks paused.

She nodded lightly.

“Yes, what’s wrong?”

This project had been publicly tendered by the Yunzhou city government, so it was easy to find out.

Duan Xu looked even more conflicted.

“This… This… My dad is in the construction business, and he has a collaboration with Qinghe Bridge. Today, I heard from my dad that there seems to be a problem there. Did you know about this?”

Ning Li glanced at him.

“What’s the problem?”


Duan Xu gritted his teeth,

“That’s right, there seems to be an ancient tomb that was dug out below. The workers at the construction site had discovered it in the morning. It seemed to have been temporarily suspended. They even said that they had hired an archaeologist from the city? Actually, I don’t really know much about it anyway.”

Ning Li asked softly, “An ancient tomb?”

“That’s right! From what my father said, this matter seems to be quite troublesome.”

He Xiaochen heard it as well and her eyes widened slightly.

“An ancient tomb was discovered at a construction site? Then… This matter will take quite a bit of time, right?”

The country had always placed great importance on the protection of cultural relics. Now that an ancient tomb had suddenly been dug out, they definitely had to treat it with caution.

Duan Xu grunted.


One had to know that such a project had a construction period.

Delaying it for a day was already a great loss.

Not to mention that an ancient tomb had actually been dug up.

Once the archaeological work started, who knew how many days more it would delay?

As soon as Duan Xu heard about this, he had run over to ask Ning Li about it.

Although he knew that Ning Li did not have a good relationship with the Ye family, she was after all still living with the Ye family.

If the Ye family was in trouble, she would definitely be affected.

Ning Li nodded.

“Thank you, I got it.”

After saying that, she continued to eat her rice noodles.

Duan Xu was dumbfounded.

“No, brainiac, why don’t you have a reaction to this?”

Ning Li took a sip of the soup and thought for a moment.


That’s true.

She looked at He Xiaochen.

“I’ll buy milk tea later. What do you want to drink? It’s on me.”

He Xiaochen was still thinking about the ancient tomb. She did not know much about the benefits involved, so she was not sure why Duan Xu had reacted this way.

When she heard Ning Li say that she wanted to buy milk tea, her eyes lit up.

“Okay, okay! I want to drink grape-taro round boba!”

Ning Li nodded.


As she spoke, she looked at Duan Xu.

“Do you have anything you want to drink? I’ll treat you to it.”

Duan Xu’s eyes widened slightly, feeling a little suspicious of life.

No, why did this suddenly involve drinking milk tea?

He knew that the top student had always been very strong, but her mental fortitude had far exceeded his expectations.


His expression slowly retracted as he said seriously, “Top student.”

“A large cup of passion fruit, is that okay?”

Ning Li’s lips curved.


In the end, Duan Xu accepted the large cup of passion fruit with added sugar and ice and walked back with his long legs.

He bit on the straw and thought to himself, ‘Maybe this matter won’t affect them much? After all, the top student still had the spare money to treat them to milk tea.’

On the way back to the classroom, He Xiaochen was very happy.

Milk tea, happy.

Being blessed by Ning Li, doubly happy!

Ning Li had ordered a caramel latte for herself, and the sweet, creamy taste spread between her lips and teeth.

Her phone vibrated, and she saw that it was a message from Lu Huaiyu.

It was a photo.

He looked like he was in the supermarket, and the shelves in front of him were filled with all kinds of…


He asked:

[ Which one do you use? ]

