Chapter 10: The Party

(Your POV)
Denis and I have been talking for a while now. He's really nice, and funny. Well I expected that! All of the sudden We hear a glass drop. I turn around to see Peyton. She dropped her glass on the floor. "Umm, what's going on." Denis says to you. "I'm not sure." You say. "Whoops, oh well." Peyton says laughing. Tori, Ana, and Alex unalarmed by the glass are walking over towards me and Denis. "Hey Dingo!" Alex says. "Hey." Denis says. I'm just basically sitting awkwardly between the two boys. I stand up and walk over towards Ana.

(Nobody's POV Lel 😂)
*just thought I would tell you*

Y/N and Ana are turning the corner leading you both out of the living room where most people are. "Hey!" A voice says quickly as they grab Ana and Y/N's arms pulling you into a smaller room. Ana begins to squeal because the arm scared her but the person pulling us back covers her mouth. "Shhh." The voice says. Both of you turn around. "Oh, hey!" kaitlyn says relieved to see that it's Jenny. "Is it just me or is everyone a little umm..." Jenny begins. "Yep." You say pulling the door open. Standing right in front of you Is Peyton who is turned to the side. Peyton is talking to Sketch. "Hehe, yes Sketchie!" Peyton says leaning into Sketch who is laughing too. Alexis walks over to the scene. What in the world is going on?"Alexis says. "Umm Alexis..." Kaitlyn said. "I'd move." She quickly address. "Hey, Alexis?" Sketch calls. "Umm yea Sketch?" Alexis answers. "No no noooo Alexis ignore him." Kaitlyn says. "Oh Lord..." Jenny says. You take a huge breath hoping nothing drastic will happen. Sketch pulls Alexis over towards him and kisses her. "MMM! MMM, MHMM!" Jenny and Y/N pull Sketch away. "WAIT, HE'S DRUNK?!" Alexis says. "yes..." Jenny, Kaitlyn and Y/N say in unison and then all sigh. "Guys! Tell me next time! I'd only been over here for a minute I couldn't notice!" Alexis says. "Exactly, that's why we didn't say it!" Kaitlyn says. "Uh-oh well." Alexis says laughing. "Peyton's umm." You tell Alexis. "Yep, I know." Alexis says rolling her eyes. "Wait, where is Tori and Lane?" Alexis says stopping. "Uhhhhh.. idk!" Y/N says laughing. "Lets go see if they're upstairs." Ana says heading up. Everyone runs upstairs and opens the only door that was closed. All sitting on a small couch at the end of a bed were Tori, Lane, and Corl. This must have been Peyton's room because it definitely wasn't Sub's. They were all facing the TV screen. Corl was in the middle of the two girls. "Oh hey!" Corl said smiling. "Uhhh... hey?" You say confused. You turn around to see that Ana, Alexis and Jenny are already tip toeing away from the room and down the stairs. "UMM, BYE!" You say closing the door and heading after your friends. "Corl I think we better get going." Lane says as she leaves the room. "Bye, wait!" Corl calls out. "Yea?" Lane says. "I'll see you guys again right?" Corl says. "Of course! C'mon Tori." Lane says laughing. "Okay!" Tori calls out and begins to leave the room. "I'll walk you guys out." Corl says. "Oh okay." Tori says bumping in to Corl. Corl quickly leaned in to kiss her. "TORI LETS GO!" Lane and Y/N shout. Both Corl and Tori jumped laughing. "Okay." Tori says. Then Corl kisses her. She pulls away heading down the stairs. "Bye Corl!" Tori calls up once she gets down the stairs. "Bye!" He says. "You guys took so long!" Alexis says. "Yea, you did..." Jenny says laughing. "So." Tori says blushing and walking towards the car. "Okay anyway! How was everyone's time at the party?" Lane asks. "It was good!" You say smiling. "I'm glad you liked it Y/N!" Tori says. "I enjoyed it!" Jenny says. "Same." Alexis, Kaitlyn and Ana say. "Welp, I'm glad you guys liked it!" Tori says. Everyone smiles back. "Because tomorrow we're gonna hang out with the Pals!.. oh and Peyton!" Tori says. "Really!" You shout. "Yep!" Tori says laughing. Everyone starts squealing. "Okay well, everyone get a great night of sleep." Ana says getting out of the car and walking up to her house. "BYE ANA!" Everyone says. "BYE GIRLS!!" Ana says laughing. After that everyone was dropped of except for you and Lane. You both walk up to your apartment room. Once you are both inside Lane plops on the couch and says "That was a night!". "Yes it was." You say. Then Lane stands up and walks to her room. You do the same and put on pajamas.

"Goodnight!" Lane shouts. "Goodnight Laney." You say laughing and flick off the lights.

Hey guys, so unfortunately I haven't been very active recently. Well I've been trying to be. Anyway, a lot of things are going on at school so I've been really busy. Luckily I'm on a plane to go see my sister in New York. Since I'm on a 4 hour plane ride I have some time to write. Plus I can't do my homework because we don't have wifi and the only homework I have left is on the computer, soooo yep. Lol at least I can still write! (It's a couple of hours later now I'm not on a plane anymore)
I ❤️ you guys! ~ Tori
