Chapter 1: Pilot

"No way Y/N?" Your best friend calls out to you. "Yes way Lane." You exclaim. Laughing at your friend. The thought rose above your head. "Your going to YOUTUBE AWARDS!" Your brain repeats the words. You run over To lane and hug her, you're both squealing happily. Im finally going to meet Denis! You think. Your mind processes the moment. First you will walk on the red glistening carpet while photographers take photos of you and then you will se him, standing just feet in front of you with bright eyes. You will walk up to him and say hey Denis! You wanna hang out somtim- your train of thought was soon cut of by Lane tapping you on the shoulder and calling your name. "Y/N?" She says multiple times. "Hello? Are you alive?" She asks sarcastically. "Sorry." You say as she's scuffling through some paper on your desk. "I just can't wait to see Denis." You both pause in awe. "Well I can't wait to see Corl!" Lane says. You know that lane has a huge crush on Corl. Lane's phone begins to ring. She walks out of the room. For a moment your alone thinking about Denis and seeing him in person. And then you hear Lane hang up and walk back into the office. "Ashlynn is going to YouTube Awards!" Lane says. "Oh is she coming to see us?" You ask. "No she's Denis' new Girlfriend! Duh!" Lane says. Your mouth drops open. Your whole life, WASTED like thanksgiving dinner. Nobody wants to finish it now. You feel like your life is over. All of your wishes about meeting Denis are over. You'll never get a chance with Denis now. Ashlynn is way to pretty. She has bright shiny Wavy blonde hair that she curls into perfect flawless curls. Her bright blue eyes are brighter than the sky. You don't say anything to Lane you just walk away depressed.

Elllooo ppl! U enjoying so far? Btw Lane's full name is Laney Delilah Grey. So if I make a character call her Laney that's because it's her name. Lol if it's still not clear just in case Delilah is her middle name. And Grey is her last name. I hope I left you on a good enough cliff hanger. More parts coming soon!!❤️
