Nah man i love her

1 month later

Today im going for a movie night at the Beta House. I decided to just go in my pjs but some cute pink ones.

It was gonna be me, the beta squad boys, darkest, filly and harry.

I put my hair in a sort of messy bun but it looked cute, I got my lashes done yesterday so I just put some moisturiser and lip balm on.

I was very excited cause the boys agreed to watch a Disney film with me, we were gonna watch Beauty and the Beast and Princess and the frog, they are my faves. The boys acted like they were mad about it but I know they will be hooked.

I got in my car and drive to the house, i was listening to Stormzy and singing my heart out. I love his music.

When i got there I walked in to see some of the boys all sat in the ciniema room, they had mooved a small table in there which had a few empty bowls

"Hey guyssss" I shouted

"Hey baby" Kenny said, flagging me over to sit with him.

I sat on the sofa in between Filly and Kenny. Kenny put his arm round me and I rested my head on his chest.

"Wheres everyone else" i asked, AJ,Chunkz and Niko were all missing

"They went to the shops to get snacks" Filly replied

"You should have said I would have got some on the way" i said

"You know what AJ is like with his snacks" Sharky laughed

AJ is very protective and picky with his snacks. He has to get what he wants and he will not share with anyone.

"Well I'll set up the telly for when there here" i said getting up

I turned it on and found Disney plus,


"Honey it's a house of 5 boys why would we have a Disney plus account?" Kenny said laughing

"CAUSE" I shouted back

I logged into my Disney plus account and found the first film, beauty and the beast.

"Why are we even watching this?" Harry asked

"Cause there the best films duh" i replied

"Idk im excited" Darkest said smiling as i laughed at him.

"Kenny it's like us" i said jumping on the sofa


"Well im a beautiful young girl and your the beast" i smiled

"What the fuck" Filly shouted laughing

I giggled too but i wasn't joking...

The door slammed shut.

"YAY" I shouted and clapped

The three boys walked into the room and opened 3 bags to reveal popcorn, sweets and chocolate. AJ was holding some drinks, he got us all our faveourites, his of course being Mountain Dew.

"Here" AJ passed me my cherry coke while the boys emptied the popcorn into the bowls on the table. I grabbed a bowl for me Kenny and Filly to share while Filly grabbed some sour patch kids and chocolate buttons.

Once everyone had their snacks and drinks and were sat down, I pressed play on the remote.

As the moovie played I saw the boys get more and more invested. I knew they would love it. I mean how couldn't you? Disney is the best

Time skip

After we finished the first movie, I put on Princess and the Frog. The boys didn't even argue this time, they already knew they would love it. What can I say? Im always right.

As this movie played my eyes grew heavy. I closed them, still listening to the movie. I watch it all the time so just hearing it I could see the scenes in my head.

"Is she asleep" Kenny asked Filly. He couldn't see my eyes unless he mooved and he was probably cautious of waking me up. What a cutie

"Yeah" Filly said.

The movie was almost over so they turned it down a bit so they could talk. I was awake but I didn't say anything, I wanted to hear the conversations they had if I couldn't hear.

"You two are so cute yno" Harry said as Kenny played with my hair. I could hear the smile in his voice

"I know they are srent they" Chunkz said

"This is what I'm looking for in a relationship" Darkest laughed

"I'm so jealous" Sharky said "but I'm happy for my boy, he got a good one"

"How long do you think you will last" Filly asked

It was a weird but understandable question, to be fair we are still quite young and we haven't been together long

"Nah bro I love her yno like forreal" Kenny said


"When you gonna pop the big question den" Niko asked

"I've actually thought about it a lot yno but I don't wanna moove too fast" Kenny said

"Yeah I get u" Filly added

"Imagine having mini Kenny's running round the house" AJ laughed

"That's the plan, all 13 of then" Kenny joined him in laughing

"Poor Honey" Harry said

"Hopefully they don't have your hairline" AJ said

"Shush bro I need to get a trim" Kenny said mooving his hand from my head to his

"Yeah you always say that" Darkest said

"And that's coning from someone who can't get a trim" Harry added laughing

"Your hairlines back in 1888" Darkest snapped back

"Peakkkk"Chunkz shouted

"Aren't you gonna get him back" Filly asked laughing loudly

"That's all ive got ibr" Harry laughed

The boys all laughed while I dug my head into Kenny's chest trying not to laugh

"Your waking her up Filly with your loud mouth" Harry said

"Bro you were born in 8" Darkest said, backing Filly


"SHUT UP" i said throwing a pillow to the boys, i didn't care who it hit

"OWWWW THATS ABUSE" Niko shouted, throwing the pillow back but missing

"Bro u cant even throw shush" I said

For the rest of the night everyone was bantering and joking until it got late. Darkest, Filly and Harry left around 1am and the boys all merged to there rooms

"Do you wanna stay here?" Kenny asked

"YES" I shouted back

"Dont do anything tho i dont wanna be woken up by you two" Chunkz said, very seriously, as he walked up the stairs.

Me and Kenny laughed before going to his room

He took off his t shirt, revealing his abs and jumped into bed next to me.

"Enjoying the view?" He asked

"Yes" i said still staring at him

I've seen him like that so many times, from when he's been training to in the bedroom😉 but it amazes me everytime.

I rested my head on his soft skin as he placed his hand on my waist. We layed there for a bit on our phones til i put mine down

"Do you wanna have kids" i asked, turning over so the back of my head was still on his chest but i could see his face

"Yeah one day" he replied, putting his phone down

"Good me too" I paused "you need to pop the question first tho" I said before going back to my phone

He smiled before picking his phone back up.




Liked by kingkennytv and 123,456 others
@honeyyxo movie night with my boys x

@chunkz icl the films were cold
Reply> told u im always right

@kingkennytv ❤️❤️❤️

@yungfilly bestfriend x

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