Beta house

Finally, we pulled up on the driveway after 20 minutes of singing our hearts out to the radio. We all got out the car and Chunkz opened the front door. We could see straight into the kitchen were Aj and Niko were sat talking about video ideas. We walked into the kitchen
"Yooooo" sais Darkest
"Hi- omg its Honey i didnt expect you to walk in" Niko says and throws his arms around me tightly.
I hugged him back and then hugged Aj after saying hello.
Its so weird that they know who i am even tho i havent met them but they probably think that about me too.
Sharky ran downsairs first,he stopped right in front of me "Oh hey Honey i cant beleive were finally meeting"
"I knoww" I replied opening my arms to hug him
Then Kenny runs down "Sorry i was in the showe-"

Kennys POV

I had just got out the shower when i heard Chunkz call me and Skarky downstairs. I quickly got dressed and went downstairs to see what all the fuss was about. Then i saw her, Honey, i had been watching her on youtube since not long after she started and honestly i had the fattest crush on her and all the boys knew that. I could tell that's what they were thinking when they saw me as they all had smirks plastered on their faces.
"Sorry i was in the shower, OMG hi Honey what are you doing here" i said awkwardly
"Oh i had a shoot with Footasylum and Chunkz asked if i wanted to come back with him and Darkest" she said opening her arms for a hug.
I hugged her back and death stared all the boys, knowing what was going through their minds.
"so Honey let me give you a tour" Said Chunkz already starting to walk upstairs with Honey right behind him

"oh my days why is she here why didn't you say anything" i said to Darkest after making sure Chunkz had taken Honey upstairs fully so they wouldn't hear us. I know he knows i like her i always watch her and talk about her.
"I thought it would be a fun surprise" Darkest said laughing, walking to thr cinema room

Honeys POV

After meeting everyone, Chunkz took me on a house tour and we had a little chat.
We then went down into the cinema(/mafia) room which was the last room of the tour, coincidentally that's where everyone was sat. We all had a little chat and i noticed Kenny looking at me a few times but i brushed it off. It was mad to think i was sat in his house cause to be honest i do have a bit of a crush on him. Can you blame me tho?!? He's gorgeous
It got to about 10pm, we had all ordered McDonalds earlier on and we were just chilling.
"Anyways guys i best get going i'll order an uber now" i said out of the blue
"No don't be silly i'll drive you home where do you live" Chunkz insisted
After some arguing i finally agreed to let him drop me off and told him my address.
"Great let me go get my shoes and that i'll meet you by the door" He said leaving the room to go upstairs

I gave everyone a hug goodbye other than Kenny cause he had gone to get a drink from the kitchen.

Kenny's POV

I was getting a glass of water from the kitchen when all of a sudden Honey comes in.
"Oh hey, you alright." I asked, not expecting to see her
"Yeah i'm going home now so i've come to say bye" She said with the most beautiful smile on her face
"Oh do you need a lift?" i asked returning a big smile
"No thank you Chunkz is taking me" she said throwing her arms out for another hug
I wrapped my arms around her waist and hers were round my neck, it was kind of cute to be fair cause she was on her tip toes, she is so much shorter than me. She was about to walk off when i decided to be bold-
"Honey before you go" i said passing her my phone " put your number in so we can message each other"
I was scared she would say no but to my surprise she took the phone out my hand

Honeys POV

I put my number in his phone, little did he know i was so excited I had always wanted to do him on instagram or something but I was too scared he wouldn't see it and it would be awkward if we ever met up
"There you go" i said handing him his phone back
"Thank you beautiful" he replied with a contagious smile plastered on his face
I walked out the room with butterflies in my stomach. 'Beautiful' i can't believe he called me that, does he know what he's doing to me? About 10 minutes later we were back at my place. I didn't realise how close I lived to them.
"Thank you Chunkz" I shouted through the window after getting out his car
"No worries, come over again soon" he shouted back waving at me as he began pulling off my driveway
I let myself into the house and went straight to my room, i quickly got changed into my pjs and went and brushed my teeth and washed of my makeup. Then I got into bed, finally, it had been a long but fun day. I was scrolling through tik tok before going to sleep when all of a sudden I got a message.
