Chapter 16

Caleb's POV

I knew I could easily pass as Luke. They don't have a clue. Now I can easily just get ahold of them now but where's the fun in that? These boys escaped me and I don't like that, so it's time for me to have my fun.

"So where do you think this ghost friend of yours hangs out?" I ask Reggie as we walk along the beach.

"I don't know, I mean I know she likes the beach." He shrugs. "Why does she need to help us again, I mean like she's probably busy with her stuff I don't wanna drag her into this."

"Well to be honest I just wanted to meet her." I say.

"Oh, well you can meet her later than, shouldn't we help with the plan?"

"You really like her, don't you?" I say.

"I already told you I don't really know. It's complicated." Reggie says. "Can we please not talk about this right now?"

"Do you actually think you could have a chance with her?" I say.

"What?" He says. Hopefully this creates tension between Luke and Reggie. If I create tension in the group they won't wanna work together as much and therefore won't try to escape. Aren't I a genius?

"Well I mean, just by the way you talk about her she seems really cool. And you are, well you."

"Oh..." he says. "I'm actually gonna look for her myself you can just help Alex." He says.

"Wait Reggie I didn't mean it like that." I say before he poofs away. "What I meant was, do you really think you of all people are capable of being in a healthy, stable relationship?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Reggie asks turning back around.

"I just mean, it's not like you ever saw what one looked like with your parents always fighting and then there was me and Alex, I mean we weren't bad but we sure weren't stable. All I'm saying is it's not like you ever had a good example of a good relationship, so why do you think you could maintain one." I say. Don't ask how I know all this, why would I reveal my secrets to silly lifer obsessed with a Netflix show that brought you to read this fanfic written by another silly lifer obsessed with the same Netflix show?

"Whatever Luke, I can't believe I actually thought I had feelings for you." He mumbles. What a twist, not one I care about really. I should have seen it coming really. "Uh, I mean, nothing." He quickly says. "Just go back to the studio I'd rather look for my friend alone." And he poofs away.

I smile, this is way more fun than I thought. Time to create tension between Alex and Luke.

Reggie's POV

After what happened with Luke I poof to the park. I can't believe Luke said all that. I can't believe I said I told him I had feelings for him. Well, I didn't say what kind of feelings, so maybe it's all good.

I don't know I'm too upset to even think about my complicated feelings. I don't know why but whenever he brings up my parents it upsets me, not only because it reminds me of what it was like but because he doesn't even know the half of it. That's my fault though, I hid the truth from him and Bobby. Alex only knew about everything else because one night I just needed someone and he was there. Also it's Alex, it's impossible to get anything by him.

I just don't know why Luke said all that, does he really think I could never be in a happy relationship? Do I even want something like that? And now we're back to my complicated feelings. Ugh, you'd think life would be easier in the afterlife but it's not.

Steve would know what to say right now. I may have been older but never wiser. Steve was the most intelligent person I knew. He always gave the best advice and knew exactly what to say to help me with whatever problem I had.

I wish I didn't have to leave him. I wish I could just find him and see how he's doing. I need to know if he's okay.

"Heyyyyy it's you again!" I hear a familiar voice. "How's it going Stranger?" She smiles at me.

"Hi." I say. "Are you stalking me or something, I can never find you but you always find me."

"Awe, you were looking for me?"

That reminds me of the reason I'm here in the first place, to get her help. But, I can't ask her to help us with this. I can't drag her into my problems or with all this Caleb drama, she doesn't deserve it.

"Yea, actually can...can we talk." I say. "I mean like, I just kinda need to talk to someone, you can say no, you should say no, actually say no forget I asked because really it's not a big deal and I'm fine, I don't wanna force you to listen to me ramble and rant on because I do that a lot and we just met and I don't even know your name, and you still call me stranger, so really I don't wanna load all my problems on to a stranger I can just-" I stop realizing I was talking really fast and probably saying nonsense. "Sorry- that probably made no sense."

"No worries, but I have all the time in the world to listen if you wanna vent." She says. "I have an eternity to be exact."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Talk until my ears fall off. I'll glue them back and continue listening." She smiles and that makes me chuckle.

"Okay." I say nervously. "It's kinda a lot though, so you can change your mind at anytime."

She laughs and sits down on the bench. "Just sit and talk."

"Okay." I say sitting down next to here. I can't believe I'm actually telling a girl who I don't even know the name of pretty much everything. Normally I don't open up to anyone, not even my friends. Maybe it's because I didn't know her so well that makes me feel inclined to spill my guts out to her. Or maybe I just need someone right now and she's here.

Alex's POV

It's not long before Luke poofs back to the studio without Reggie or his friend.

"You're back early." Parker says.

"Yeah me and Reggie had a small disagreement, no big deal." Luke says nonchalantly. "He's gonna look for her and I'm gonna help you two."

"Ok, well since I know my way around the club me and Alex thought I would take a look around to see if Julie's there."

"Caleb told me he has her." Luke says. "She's at the club, I know it and we all need to go to get her back."

"You do that and Caleb could get you too." Parker says. "If I find her I'll poof her safely back to you guys."

"And how can we trust you?" Luke asks.

"Because they're Willie's sibling!" I say. "They hate Caleb just as much as us, and they want Willie back just like we want Julie back."

"Well to be fair, Willie's the reason we're in this mess in the first place." Luke says. "We can't trust him and we can't trust Parker either!"

"Yes we can!" I say.  "We can trust Willie, if it weren't for him Caleb would have our souls! And Parker is trying to help us, why are you jumping down their throat like their the enemy?"

"Caleb wouldn't know we existed if it weren't for Willie, I can't believe you actually like him." Luke scoffs. "I mean come on. He's probably just your rebound after me"

"What the hell is your problem Luke?" I say. "You said you were happy for me." I don't understand why he's acting like this, I mean it's not necessarily so unlike him but it is unusual. Maybe he's just really stressed about Julie.

"That was before he ruined our lives." Luke says. "Julie wouldn't be in danger and we would be living our normal afterlife but now we can't thanks to him. Us sitting here isn't gonna do anything either."

"Willie didn't ruin our lives!? It was you who asked if he could teach us more tricks that lead us to wanting to see Caleb!" I shoot back.

"It's not my fault! You're the one that introduced us to Willie in the first place!" Luke shouts.

"Oh so now it's my fault!?" I say. "Two seconds ago you were blaming the guy I love!"

"I'm just gonna go, I think you two need a moment." Parker says and poofs away.

"You probably don't even care about Julie you just want to save Willie!"

"That's not even true, of course I want to save Julie! You're the one who doesn't want to save Willie!" I say. "We're gonna save them, both of them!"

"Well we can't do that here now can we?" Luke says.

I know he's right. If we spend to long just sitting here we might be too late by the time we get there. We need to act now.

"You're right, let's go." I say and we poof to the Hollywood Ghost club and Luke immediately starts going down a random hallway as if he knows where he's going.

"Wait Luke slow down, where are you going?" I ask. He doesn't answer and keeps walking. I start to feel dizzy and my vision starts to blur. "Luke. Luke wait." I say wearily and I feel myself fall to the floor. Everything g is a blurred mess and it's as if the world is spinning but only for a few seconds because than everything goes black.

Caleb's POV

Everything was going according to plan. I have Alex and Luke, Julie's out of the way for now, and I should be getting Reggie very soon. Now that brings me to my next problem. What do I do when I get all of them? If I could get them to play for me that would be great but I doubt they would willingly. And what am I gonna do with Julie? So I get her to join my house band too? I mean it's kinda unnecessary since her only purpose is to make them visible. I can easily do that myself. But I can't risk killing her either.

But, I can't have the guys a reason to not want to be in my band. They say they already have a band with Julie, well what if that's not an option anymore. What if I'm their only choice?
