Chapter 13

Luke's POV

It's been awhile and I haven't seen Julie or Nick and I'm beginning to worry. Alex says I'm just being paranoid but what with Luke is secretly a serial killer and kidnapped her or something!? I know it sounds crazy but you never know.

"Look, it's just crowded in here." Alex says. "I'm sure you just can't see them. Who says they're even still together."

"I don't know. The dance is almost over and Julie hasn't come over to talk to me." I say.

"I don't know, I don't trust that Nick kid." I say.

"Yeah, so I've heard." Alex sighs. "Look Julie is clearly having fun with her lifer friends here so do you think we could go to the Hollywood Ghost Club to continue looking for Willie?"

"Maybe after the dance." I say. "I'm gonna go look for Julie." I go out in the crowd to search for Julie hoping she is okay.

Alex's POV

Luke goes out in the crowd to look for Julie so I thought of going to look for Willie by myself. I just gotta be careful Caleb doesn't see me there and everything should be fine.

I poof to the Holly Wood Ghost Club a slip away from the crowd of lifers and ghosts chatting away. I find an empty hallway. It was completely empty. There were no doors, no windows, nothing. Just a long endless hallway that looked to go on forever.

"Willie?" I say quietly even though I knew how unlikely it would be he'd be here or even hear me. This hall way gave me the creeps but what if Willie's this way?

Every horror movie ever tells me not to go down the creepy hallway but to be fair I'm already dead so a serial killer is the least of my worries. So, I continue down the hallway as if I wasn't walking to my sudden doom because if I think about it like that than I won't go down the hallway and I won't find Willie.

What if he's not really missing? What if he's just avoiding me? Or worse. I've been avoiding the idea for awhile but what if it's true? What if Caleb did something to him, and he's gone?

"Hey, you're friends with Willie right?" I hear from behind me.

"Uh, yeah why? Do you know where he is?" I ask.

"No actually. No one has seen him for a while." They say.

"He's not here?" I say. If he's not here where else could he be?

"No. But everyone's been talking and they think Caleb got rid of him."

"G-got rid of!?" I say. "What do you mean got rid of!?"

"Well everyone thinks Caleb destroyed his soul after breaking so many rules. He even tried to break his staff which is rumored to make him powerless but the staff is actually just for show."

"I'm sorry who even are you?" I ask. I shouldn't even be trusting a word this person says if I don't even know them.

"My names Parker, I'm Willie's sibling." They say.

"Willie never told me about a sibling." I say, not completely buying it yet. But it does make sense, they have the same eyes as Willie and the same dark hair and the same nose.

"Well I'm them, and you must be Alex. Willie talks a lot about you."

"H-he does." I say. "Wait stop distracting me, where is Willie? And what do you mean his staff is useless, Willie said if we smash it Caleb's powers will go away." I'm not even gonna focus on the fact he tried to do it without me, I just really hope he's okay.

"That's just a rumor, no one really knows how Caleb gets his power. Just from souls of lifers and ghosts, but no one knows how." Parker says. "But I was hoping you would know where Willie is, but seeing that you're here looking for him, that answers my question."

"So you haven't seen Willie anywhere?" I ask. "And you think he- that Caleb..."

"I don't know." Parker sighs. "I mean Caleb really likes Willie, I don't think he would just destroy him but Willie has broken so many rules lately, that maybe Caleb had enough."

"This is my fault." I sigh. "He broke rules to help me, he was right. We never should have met." I blink back tears realizing Willie could be gone and it's all my fault.

"No, don't talk like that. The way Willie talks about you...I've never heard him talk about anyone else like that." Parker says. "You make him so happy. I'm glad he met you."

"But now he might be gone." I sigh leaning against the wall.

"Well what do you say we find him together?" They say.

"Okay, let's do it." I say. I'm just hoping we're not too late. If Willie's gone, I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Flynn's POV

I'm at the dance and Julie seemingly ditched me. She's probably hanging out with her new bestie Carrie.

I want to be happy that they're friends again, I really do, but whenever we're hanging out it's either Carrie this and Carrie that, or something about Luke.

I'm so happy for my girl. Ever since her mom died things have been rough, and then her and Carrie had their fallout and everything started going downhill for her. I'm happy that she's happy now. She's friends with Carrie again and Luke and her are a thing- I think. She hasn't exactly told me they were boyfriend and girlfriend but they admitted their feelings for each other.

I look around the crowd while I'm on the stage for her, but I can't find her. Where could she be?

Just then Carrie walks up from back stage and I resist an eye roll.

"Do you know where Julie is?" I ask since it doesn't look like she's with her.

"I was gonna ask you the same question." Carrie says. "I saw her talking to Nick earlier. They went out into the hallway and I haven't seen either of them sense."

"That's strange." I say. Why would she leave with Nick? Isn't she over him?

"Do you you think they're like together?"

"Why, jealous Nick likes her and not you." I say.

"No, I-"

"Nick broke up with you because you're so conceited and mean." I say. "But Julie's actually really sweet and kind and caring and wonderful. She's talented and amazing, and beautiful and all the things you'll never be! She's perfect in every way, who wouldn't want to be with her?" I freeze. Did I just say all that out loud?

"I'm trying to not be that person anymore." Carrie says. "And I'm glad Nick broke up with me because it made me realize I don't like men!" Carrie blurts out. "Uh I mean...nothing. Look I just wanted to talk to Julie about something is all."

"Well I don't know where she is, but if you'd like you can just tell me and I'll deliver the message."

"You hate me, I doubt you'd just do my a favor like that." Carrie says. "Besides it's something I need to say, it's kinda personal."

"You're barely a person." I roll my eyes. "You're like half demon."

"Look, I never did anything mean to you. Why do you hate me so much?" Carrie says.

"Because you hurt my best friend." I say.

"We had a fight that destroyed our friendship, yes I was a jerk after the fight, and I'm sorry and Julie forgives me." Carrie says. "I regret everything I said to her, I was just so jealous because she's amazingly talented and beautiful and she has this picture perfect family that's always there for her. I never got to meet my mom and my dad is always too busy to do anything with me or show up to a performance! So yeah I was a jerk because I was jealous and in love and I still am and I didn't know how to tell her until now."

"Woah." I say. That is a lot to take in at once. "You like Julie?"

"It's like you said, who wouldn't want to be with her?"

My heart sinks. Not only is Julie in love with a ghost from the 90s, now Carrie likes her too and all Julie had ever wanted was Carrie back in her life. How can I compete with a ghost and Carrie? I mean sure she's a jerk but Julie's obviously moved past that.

I really have no chance with her.

"I'll help you find her, but a word of advice, she's kinda in love with someone else." I say softly. "The lead guitarist of her band, they're kinda a thing."

"Oh." Carrie says. "They...they're cute together. Lots of chemistry on stage."

"Yeah." I nod. "Lots. You still wanna find her?"

"Well...we probably should I mean, she kinda just vanished." Carrie says.

"I'll call her." I say pulling out my phone. I pull up her contact and call her but it goes straight to voicemail. "Straight to voicemail." I say putting my phone back in my pocket. "She always has her phone on."

"Do you think something's wrong?" Carrie asks.

"I don't know." I say. But I definitely did not have a good feeling about this.
