C61: Big than Bonus

  Ruan Li gave a few words to several people and introduced them to the instructor who led the trial.

  "In this trial, the academy will send three mentors to lead the team, namely Lance, Ji Xuan, and Hu Fei." Ruan Li pointed to the three people next to him and introduced them one by one.

  Eleven people nodded all together. The academy's ability to send Lance as the team leader's mentor really attached great importance to this trial and selection.

"In the next month, we are very happy to be your team leader." Lan Si's gentle and handsome face with a spring breeze smile on his face, and then blinked at several people, "But we are not Will release water."

  Some people were bewildered by Lance's gentle smile, and they were very fortunate that he was the leader of the team this time.

Lou Mu Yan secretly estimated in his heart that Lance would never be as gentle as the surface. This person now wears a mask.

Lou Mu Yan secretly estimated in his heart that Lance would never be as gentle as the surface. This person now wears a mask.

   "Dean, where are we going to try this time?" Lou Mubai asked.

When facing Lou Mubai, Ruan Li’s attitude was extremely kind, “This time the trial site was set in the Arctic Mountains. Except for the two trial teams of our Yanzhou Kingdom, the ten largest families in the Eastern Region The trial of place competition is also in the extremely cold mountains."

  "Are they participating in the trial selection with us?" Lou Mubai's eyes were slightly surprised.

"No, the standard of their trials is much more difficult than you, but it is inevitable that you two will meet each other. At that time, keep a low profile and don't cause trouble." Ruan Li said cautiously, the core children of the top ten families are not even the imperial royal family Dare to provoke.

  "Is the trial team selected by the imperial royal family with us?" a student asked.

  Ruan Li nodded: “Of course, your two teams have to compete for those six spots together. For the sake of fairness, all trial tasks are the same.”

  "Can we form an alliance with each other?" Fu Chen thought for a while and asked.

"No matter what method you use, as long as it doesn't endanger the lives of the people participating in the trial together." Ruan Li took a sip of tea and reminded him: "The two teams that participated in the trial will work together to deal with the other at first. Yes, so you have to be careful."

   "Of course, you have to deal with it as one at the beginning, otherwise the only thing waiting for you is eliminated."

Then Ruan Li answered the questions of several students. Seeing that the time was almost up, he gently tapped the table with his fingers, and said faintly: "It's late, you should go back and rest first, and report to the academy in three days. The three mentors lead you to the extreme cold mountains to join the royal family."

   "Yes, Dean." All eleven people stood up and prepared to leave.

  Just when Lou Muyan turned around, he heard Ruan Li's voice transmission.

   "Come back for me later."

Lou Muyan paused. Although she didn't know what the dean was looking for, she nodded slightly to show that she knew.

  Leaving the hall together, Chi Yixuan walked to Lou Muyan, his eyes were softer than ever before, "Mu Yan, let's team up during the trial."

   "No need." Lou Muyan was a little surprised by Chi Yixuan's attitude, but didn't want to have anything to do with him, so he refused without hesitation.

  Chi Yixuan frowned. He thought that Lou Muyan would be very happy as usual when he made such a request and agreed, but he did not expect that he would be rejected.

   Suddenly a panic rose in his heart, as if something had changed. He might lose important things, but he couldn't catch this inexplicable feeling.

   "Be safe with you and me." Although he was dissatisfied with Lou Muyan's refusal, he wanted to tie Lou Muyan with him from the bottom of his heart, so he said sullenly.

Lou Mubai’s pale eyes were stained with an invincible color. He stood in front of Lou Muyan and blocked Chi Yixuan’s vision. His voice was neither salty nor weak, and he said, "My sister has my own protection, so I won’t bother you. Master Chi."

  After he finished speaking, he didn't care about Chi Yixuan's reaction, he pulled Lou Muyan straight to leave.

  When his sister wanted to like Chi Yixuan alive, the man didn't cherish it, but now he finds that his baby sister is better and wants to save it. Humph, how can there be such a cheap thing.

Lou Mu Yan casually glanced at Chi Yixuan, who was half-stiff and blue, his lips raised a very shallow arc, and left with her elder brother.

  Chi Yixuan looked at the backs of the two siblings leaving, his face was dark, his expression was vague, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

   "Brother, the dean told me to go back and find him just now." After walking for a while, Lou Muyan grabbed Lou Mubai's arm and said.

  Lou Mubai didn’t know why the dean would look for his sister, but it wouldn’t be a bad thing to come, “Go, I’ll wait for you to go home in the small building where you live.”


  When Lou Muyan returned to the hall again, only two brothers Ruan Li sat in the front position.

   "Dean, are you looking for something to do with me?" Lou Muyan walked to the two of them and asked with a smile.

   "There is indeed something." Ruan Li took out two brocade boxes from the space ring and handed them to Lou Muyan, and said: "These two things are the first prize for you to win the local class this time. Do you like it?"

Lou Muyan didn't expect that the academy would give her extra rewards, but she was not polite, and opened the box in front of the two of them.

  The inner layer of the first box is made of thousand-year-old black ice, and inside it lies a seven-leaf ginseng that looks a bit old.

   Lou Mu Yan's eyes showed a hint of joy and flashed quickly, this time it was really good luck.

The purple monkey flower, which is one of the three main medicines needed to refine the Jidan, was photographed at the last auction, and now she has obtained the seven-leaf ginseng, and she also has the deep orchid, which is only found in the extreme cold mountains. Can take advantage of this trial to find it.

  I believe that it won’t take long before she can gather to refine the spirit grass of Jidan. Once she advances to the foundation building period, her strength will be greatly improved, and she will have a little more confidence in the Continental Battle for Hegemony.

   Lou Mu Yan's eyes were shining brightly, she clenched her hands into fists, thinking in her heart that she would refine Zhu Jidan before participating in the Continental Wind and Cloud Competition.

She closed the box containing the seven-leaf ginseng, and she opened the other box. Inside was a scarlet-gold whip. On the whip, there were faint fluctuations of spiritual power, indicating that it was a middle-level spirit. precious.

"I got this long whip by accident. I found that you don't like using swords, so I gave it to you." Alchemy Ruan Yang, who was sitting next to Ruan Li, saw Lou Muyan staring at the long whip in the box. Frozen, he explained in a good mood.

Lou Muyan closed the brocade box, his eyes rolled, and he smiled: "Thank you for the kindness of the dean and Master Ruan. Mu Yan accepted it. I accepted the seven-leaf ginseng when I really needed it, but this is not the same as the long whip. Dare to ask."

  She really likes this red-golden long whip, but she doesn't have any merit. She always feels that it is not that simple for Ruan Yang to give her this spiritual treasure.

  Ran Yang did not expect Lou Muyan to reject such benefits, and more and more wanted to accept her as an apprentice, so a sincere smile appeared on his face, "This Lingbao is for you, why don't you like it?"
