C54: Simple and Rude Battle

On the battle platform, Gu Yanran quickly disappeared after her Dantian was blocked, and the wind element power at her feet could not be replenished. She landed on a corner of the battle platform, her eyes were full of sinister colors, and she hugged her hands and gave orders to attack Lou Muyan to the Lightning Leopard.

   "Lightning Leopard, tore me the face of the woman opposite, and ruined her dantian." Gu Yanran's resentful voice sounded in the lightning leopard's monster sea.

  The dantian in her body was sealed by Lou Muyan. She was not too worried. She believed that as long as she returned to Gu's house and found an elder with a higher cultivation base than Lou Muyan, she would be able to get rid of the yellow spell.

But she couldn't let Lou Muyan let go. She couldn't let the woman shine. She wanted the lightning leopard to completely destroy Lou Muyan's dantian and make her a waste again, even with the marrow pill. Change.

  After hearing the owner's command, the Lightning Leopard immediately erected the fur on his back, opened his mouth and gritted his teeth and looked at Lou Muyan.

  Lou Muyan's eyes not only showed no fear, but faintly looked forward to it. It's been a long time since he had a good fight. In her previous life, she had obtained a set of heaven-level body-refining exercises that combined the power of the immortal cultivation world with the monster's hammer body.

  After taking Xisui Pill to eradicate Juemai physique, she began to re-practice that set of physical exercises. In fact, she prefers rough and simple combat methods compared to long-range magic attacks.

With the experience of the previous life and the excellent talents now, she quickly completed the first level of training, and the hardness of her body can barely compete with the fourth-order monsters. Now there is a live target for her to train her hands, why not for.


The Tier 4 Lightning Leopard has already begun to have intelligence. It looked at the war intent that ignited in the eyes of the human and also ignited the intent to fight. It wanted to be forcibly contracted by the spirit beast master to the lower-level humans that resented it. Vent it out.

   Lou Muyan moved his fist, and his eyes were full of brilliance, "Come on, let me learn how powerful the lower Tier 4 middle-level monster beast is."

   "Roar!" To be despised by humans is the greatest humiliation to it. The Lightning Leopard roared with coercion, kicked its hind legs, leaped up, and swung its sharp front paws towards Lou Muyan.

  Lou Muyan used instant steps to walk under the claws of the lightning leopard, no matter how the two lightning-like claws fell, they would not take up any of her clothes.

   "Roar!" The Lightning Leopard roared, and the demon inside the body quickly transformed, and the speed also increased several times.

  The **** human being has a speed not weaker than it. After it catches her, it must tear her up.

   Lou Mu Yan's eyes dazzled, and the elemental power of the wind attribute quietly focused on his feet, and instantly rose to the fastest pace, evading the lightning leopard's attacks with extreme speed.

  The people in the audience can't see the movements of the two at all, and can only see the phantom that flashes on the ground or in the air from time to time.

"What? Lou Muyan can evade the attack of Tier 4 monster beasts. This speed is too fast, right?" The students in the stands were dumbfounded, using such a speed that is not inferior to the sword spirit level monster beasts. Is it Lou Muyan?

   "What kind of exercise is she?" A sword king next to Ruan Li showed a hint of enthusiasm.

Ruan Li also had curiosity in his eyes, "I don't know, but it should be a speed-based auxiliary exercise method, which should be given by her master."

  Except for the expert behind Lou Muyan, he couldn't figure out how she got this exercise. After all, no one in Lou's family had used such a speed-based exercise for so many years.

   Mentioned that the master behind Lou Muyan was relieved, and it was normal for people who could refine miraculous medicinal medicinal effects like Xisui Pill to have several high-level exercises in their hands. The hearts of a few swordsmen who were ready to move were also thrown into a pot of cold water, and they could only give up unwillingly.

  Lou Muyan, who was fighting vigorously with the monsters and beasts on the battle platform, didn't know that the casually made up master had reduced her trouble again. There were many people who were responsible for obtaining her instant step technique.

  Emperor Yun Tianchen found that he couldn't see through Lou Muyan more and more. He used to have no thoughts, how could a pure and even somewhat ignorant woman become so smart and capable.

  Gu Yuankai had a stern look in his eyes. He didn't expect the result to be like this, and now he can only wait for the result. The Lou family had already emerged as the first genius of an empire, and they couldn't see the Lou family adding a new potential swordsman, no matter what, Lou Muyan couldn't keep it.

  After the Lightning Leopard’s failed claw strikes, it became completely angry, and raised its head several times and yelled: "Roar!"

   Lou Mu Yan half-closed her eyes, the stimulation has just begun, is she angry? Gu Yanran's spirit pet was as good as hers, and it was not fun at all.

   While the Lightning Leopard stopped roaring, she applied a layer of fire elemental power to her fist, tapped her toes, flew up, and took the initiative to attack the Lightning Leopard.

   "Lou Muyan is crazy, she didn't avoid it, but took the initiative to attack?" Xiao Ziang exclaimed.

  It was only his voice that fell. The others were still in the future, and they saw Lou Muyan approaching the lightning leopard one foot away, and directly stretched out his fist and slammed it to the left side of the lightning leopard's back.

"Boom!" Lou Muyan's punch fell on the Lightning Leopard's body with a violent elemental force. It couldn't help but was blasted onto the stone pillar on the battle platform, making a few noises. Loud noise.

  The lightning leopard jumped up from the falling rock that buried it after the stone pillar shattered, and the strong fighting spirit was inspired by Lou Muyan. It looked down on this woman too much before, but now it puts away its contempt, and it requires her to pay the price of active attack.

   "Roar!" The Lightning Leopard roared again and again, while leaping up, hitting towards Lou Muyan with his body.

   Lou Mu Yan chuckled, and the fighting spirit in his eyes became stronger. The fourth-tier intermediate monsters really couldn't be underestimated. If a sword master was hit by her with such a punch, he would have been seriously injured.

  She was fearless, with excitement on her face, clenched her fists, and immediately greeted her.

   Suddenly on the battle platform, I saw Lou Muyan bombarded with a punch, and many fists hit the lightning leopard's body. The Lightning Leopard was not idle either, while avoiding Lou Muyan's fist as much as possible, while wrapping his paw with demon power, he faced the fist that made him feel burnt to his skin.

   "Boom!" So one person and one beast launched the most primitive and simple battle. You come and I hit each other.

   Lou Mu Yan kept flashing in the air, avoiding the monster claw attacks from the monster beast. And every time she flashed her body, she would swing a fist with fiery energy on the lightning leopard's body, specifically at the weak point of the lightning leopard, and each time she waited to knock it into the air.

  Everyone saw on the battle platform, the impeccable purple-clothed woman, brutally and simply bombarding the Tier 4 Lightning Leopard, which is famous for its speed. The Lightning Leopard took away his paws and confronted Lou Muyan with his body, but he still stood up.

  Many people wonder if their eyes are dazzled. Some people keep braving black lines on their heads. Lou Muyan, is it really good for you to be violent like this...
