
'There is no way in heaven that I would fall for him.' You were thinking about one of the two other options. You knew that you weren't going to die soon. Just the thought of you falling for him made you sick. "He is a worthless mortal that can't even control his own anger." Now you were thinking out loud. " All I have to do is make him make a deal with me and I can take is soul and leave this hell hole."

You started thinking of ways to get him to give in, when suddenly you had this feeling like you weren't in the room alone.

"If your gonna fucking watch me, you might as well come out."

Then the same blonde haired boy that said he was going to sleep, came out of the shadows behind you. "How did you know that I was there?" He wasn't speaking in his normal loud tone. But in a soft kind tone. You turned around to face him to make sure that nothing was wrong with him.

"I'm a demon remember. I can do and sense things that you wouldn't even know was there." You were calm as usual but this time you weren't looking at him, but his wrist. The bounding band on his wrist turned from black to blood red. You were confused because it has never changed colors like this before.

"What did you do?"


"What did you do to make it turn red?"

You wanted to know why his band was the only one in demon bounding history to change colors.

"I didn't do anything." He said in a mocking tone. "That's the reason that I came back down here."

"Did you think that I was gonna know? Your dumber that you look." You were trying to annoy him so that he would go back upstairs and leave you alone. But it didn't seem to work exactly how you planed.

"HOW AM I THE DUMB ONE?!" Your plan to annoy him did work, but he wasn't going back upstairs. You really just anted to slap him for pestering you, but you weren't allowed to harm him.

"Well you are the one that thought that demons did not exist and yet saw a lot of people that had nothing have everything that they ever wanted." It was true. Everyday he saw this one man at the park begging for something. Then one day he came to the park with everyone around him begging him for things. He had just thought he made a deal with someone to stop begging in a public area.

"What does that have to do with me being the dumb one?!" You could see little sparks in his hands as he was talking.

"What do you think he did? Magically stumbled upon a butt load of money?! He made a deal with a demon. In specific, he made  deal with me."

You were tired of toying with him. You just wanted to make the deal, take his soul, give him what he wants, go back to hell, and TAKE A NAP!! But he was being stubborn.

"Can you explain something to me?" Bakugou asked you. "Yea what is it?" You were hoping that it was about making a deal. But sadly for you, it wasn't. "Why are there summons in the first place?"

You were silent. You your self have been wondering that. All the demons you know that are summoning demons are always so angry. You yourself, was always angry. There were times when you felt something other than anger, but no matter what you were always angry.

"I.......... Don't...Know" Your voice seemed said. You looked down while Bakugou was just staring at you. You knew he was staring, but you didn't do nor say anything.

"Ask something else. I'll get back to that later."

"Well then........."


"Are there different types of demons?"


It suddenly grew quiet. You could see that he was waiting on you to explain. You really just wanted to go to sleep, so you stayed silent."Are you going to fucking explain?!" You sense that he was annoyed. It really didn't bother you much, since all the summoning demons in hell were always annoyed.

"Maybe later. I'm tired. Tired of your talking, tied of being here, tired of being bound to you, a mere mortal, and just tired." Bakugou was about to say something back to you, but you had went to sleep.

'She looks peaceful while sleeping.' Bakugou was looking at you sleep. You could feel him staring but you were too sleepy to say anything. So you decided to slap him in his sleep later on.
