The meeting

Bakugou was walking to the café that him and his squad always hung out at when they weren't doing anything. As usual he was annoyed at everything that passed him. Dogs barking, children playing and yelling, babies crying. It all annoyed him. He'd rather be training and finding better, stronger ways to use his quirk.

He was a block away from the café when he heard Mina yelling with excitement towards him , telling him to hurry up. This made him walk even slower, making Mina, Kiri, Denki, Sero, and Jirou run over to him. He clicked bis tongue in annoyance.


Mina was screaming at him because she was the one that called everyone because she had something that she wanted to tell them.


"No need to yell you two" Jirou said this with a tired look on her face. They did get called at 9 am and only had 30 minutes to get to the café.

" Now, now, should we really be yelling at each other at 10  am?"

The three had looked over to see a boy with spiky red hair, a boy with black hair, a d one with yellow hair with a black line through his hair.

They had  had finally caught up to them.


At this point, Bakugou was yelling at hem all loud enough for everyone by the café to bear him. Everyone had told him to shush, and after going back and forth he finally stopped yelling. Allowing them to walk in the café without a fuss.

When inside the café they had sat down at their table that they usually sat at and started talking.

"So what did you call us for Mina?" Sero asked Mina."Well I was scrolling on insta and say something that I thought might be cool!" Mina was really exited and was almost yelling at the last part. This pink headed girl was always calling or texting them to meet up for things like this. Trying to find something that Bakugou would do with them without a big fuss for it.

"Well......What is it." What Mina had said perked Jirou's interest. "Well ..........I say that there was a demon ritual going around and that it actually worked!" When she said this everyone at the table was quite for a few seconds before Bakugou had said something.

"Do you really think that you can believe that that shit actually works?" Bakugou had a annoyed yet interested look on his face. Mina had looked over to him with a confused look. "OF COARSE I DO! WHY ELSE WOULD I HAVE CALLED YOU ALL SO EARLY?!" The last part was followed by a yawn.

"Well you do call us everyday about stuff like this." Kirishima had said with a laugh. Mina made a fake pouting face at his comment. "Do you guys honestly think that I wanted to leave the house this early either?" Mina was now laughing while looking at Kirishima.

"Well you did call us really early." Denki was laughing while saying this. All of their laughing was starting to annoy Bakugou. Mainly because Mina wasn't getting to the point of calling him so early saying that it was an emergency. He may have always looked annoyed and was always yelling to them about how dumb they are. But deep down, he really cared about them and was going to kill whoever hurt them.


"Fine fine I will. No need to tell yell, jeez" Mina was now rolling her eyes with annoyance. " Well I had wanted us to do it........... of you anyways."

"What do you mean by that Mina?" Denki was confused because Mina had usually called them to do things together.

"Its simple actually..................... I don't wanna do it. I'm to scared of might happen." Everyone had looked at her like she had lost her mind. Well everyone except for Bakugou. Mina was normally never scared to do stuff like this. ( I'm watching Haikyuu ep. 6 when Kageyama got hit with the ball that hinata threw and waled towards him. Let's just say that I'm gonna be up all night long😅😀😂. okay, back to the story.) "What do you mean by, ' what might happen'?" Sero said trying to break the overwhelming silence that surrounded them.

"Well, while reading it I saw that you can get get anything you want but..............the price is your soul." Once again, there was an overwhelming silence surrounding them.

 "Your....soul.....?" Denki said concerned and scared. Denki was down for anything. From pranking the teachers to sky diving. No matter what, he was willing to do it. But this.......this was on a new level. Giving your soul to a demon for whatever you want? That scared him. He didn't want to do that. " I........ don't wanna do the ritual...." Denki had broke the silence with his statement. He was looking down in his lap. They were shocked but one after another, they all said that they didn't want to do it. The only one that was left was none other, Bakugou.

"Well.... Bakugou...... Will you do it?" Mina was desperate. She really wanted to do it but everyone was scared.

Mina had realized that he wasn't paying attention because he had headphones in. Eventually she had got up and took them out of his ears. "BAKUGOU!!"


"Pay attention ya dumbass. Everyone said that they didn't want to do it. "

"And?! Why does this have to do with me?!"

"ARE YOU GONNA DO IT OR NOT?! Mina was mad that he wasn't listen. Mina being mad was one of Bakugou's fears. An angry Mina was scarier than Mitsuki. And she was just a female bakugou. Though he wasn't completely scared of her when mad, he would rather not make her mad. Which was a little hard considering that he would constantly ignore her.

She didn't like being ignored.

"tch......... Fine whatever." He said rolling his eyes.

"GREAT. THANKS!!" She was exited and had completely forgot about how angry she had gotten. This had gave Bakugou some relief. Mina had walked back to her seat with a wide smile. " So how do I do the damn thing anyways?. "  Bakugou had looked over at Mina, with an annoyed look.

( I honestly know nothing about summoning a demon. My Dad does and he's not here right now and I am inpatient. So basically I'm just making up as I go.😅😂)

"Hold on." Mina had wrote down how to do it on a piece of paper and put it in her bag. After a few rustling she found the paper. She had handed it to Bakugou with a smile.

Bakugou looked at the paper. It was folded in all types of ways.

"What is this?" The folded paper that Mina had handed him had confused him. Because when he opened it, there was a bunch of writing and a few pictures. The handwriting made no sense to him. He could see that she was in a rush. Like always.

"Its the directions dumbass, what else." Mina had said sarcastically. If it was one thing that had rubbed off on the others, it was how sarcastic Bakugou was. Bakugou clicked his tongue in annoyance. " Whatever."

He had put the paper in his pocket. They had then continued talking, trying to forget about the precious conversation. A few hours later they had all said their byes and left to do other things.


While walking home Bakugou looked back at the paper that Mina had gave him and rolled his eyes. He knew that demons did not exist. He was only doing the thing to prove Mina wrong and to show her to not believe everything she finds on the internet.

But what he doesn't know,

Is that they do.

An: Thanks for reading. I might only update a new part once or twice a week. I'm getting inspired by Nyxxon, their story, Eclipse (demon Bakugou x reader) just changed it up some😁

see ya later

