- C H A P T E R * * T H I R T Y F I V E -

Author's Note: Warning, there's a sexual moment between two boys. If you're not comfortable, you can skip that part. But as I know some of you are raging homosexual and homosexual lovers, feel free to read as I know you'd skip this author's note anyway. Hahaha.

Twitter: JMSenar
Instagram: JMSenar


Isaiah had been watching porn.

It was finally November where it would start raining or snowing. While the weather in Maine was cold, it was a pain in the ass for him when end of October reached because that's the time it would start getting colder. Isaiah wasn't a big fan of cold as he had to wear a lot of clothes and thick jackets to keep himself warm. Although there were heaters in the house, and there was a heater in the shower, it wasn't enough sometimes.

And just like any other guys out there, he sorted to watching porn and jerking himself off as that was an effective way to keep himself warm. But this time, it wasn't because he wanted to feel warm or anything. He was getting ideas – ideas because he didn't know how to do it with a guy. Sure he had sexual experience with a girl, but it was different for same-sex.

Isaiah wanted to do it with Chad, but he didn't know how it would start in the first place. First off, porn settings were bad enough, so that wasn't an option. Second, asking explicitly would be quite awkward. Third, if he were to drop hints, he didn't know how Chad would react. Isaiah could setup a romantic getaway for them, but the weather was going to be bad and that would be a big risk.

Additionally, he wasn't going to do it under the same house with his dad and Sarah still in the house. His dad worked 8 hours a day while Sarah spent her day in the house, and he doubted Chad would agree to do it with him while his mother was in the same house doing chores. That reminded him the porn he was watching.

It wasn't actually a straight porn, but rather a gay porn.

It was really awkward for him, and he was uncomfortable. The dude was slamming into the small dude, and the receiver's face contorted somewhere between pleasure and pain, and just by looking at it, Isaiah thought it was painful. But at the same time, he couldn't let go of the image of Chad wreathing underneath him as he screamed his name. It was enough to send him over the edge. He closed the browser, cleared the history, and turned off his phone. Isaiah really wanted Chad, and now that it was cold season in Maine, he wanted to get warmed up with Chad. He could think of million ways to pleasure his boyfriend. Of course, he was no saint. Just like any other teenager, he was having lewd thoughts and he was horny sometimes. Well, that was a lie. He was horny most of the time. It just so happened that he was too caught up in the changes in his life these past few weeks that he had barely enough time to be horny.

But now that he had a boyfriend, and they had already done something naughty, of course he was back to his old self. He was back to being a horny son of a bitch, and he wondered if Chad was the teenager who was curious as to how sex felt like.

It was nearly a week before they got back home. It had been snowing as well, and Bill bought a few jackets and clothes for Chad to wear. Chad was vocal about the weather being cold and how he could not stand it sometimes. Although he liked the air the aircon was breathing out, it was a different case when it was snowing. It was just Thursday yet he was excited for the weekend to come. Isaiah had yet to ask his dad for a ski vacation, and he wasn't sure how he was going to open the topic. Bill knew Isaiah didn't like skiing – he wasn't a big fan of it since he was a child, and Bill knew that ever since considering he tried bringing his son on a ski vacation when he was a child but little Isaiah only did was to sit and watch people, not wanting to wear the ski boots and board.

Basketball had only been his passion his whole life; and now Chad came into his life, and somehow that boy became his passion, too.

Isaiah washed his hands in his own bathroom to wash away the sins he just committed, and went downstairs to eat what Sarah had prepared that afternoon. As he went to the kitchen, he saw how Chad was freezing and Isaiah just wanted to reach out and kiss him boyfriend until he was all warm.

Their eyes met for a moment, and Chad blushed. He blew into his hands and rubbed it together, then he put it on his cheeks and he let out a sigh. Looking at Chad, Isaiah couldn't help but smile, thinking how cute his boyfriend was being right now. He was wearing a thick black jacket and pants, and he was wearing a beanie as well.

"Isaiah, would you like some sopas?" Sarah asked me. Isaiah nodded.

He remembered the food while he was back in the Philippines. It was that creamy, white soup that had macaroni, carrots, and hotdogs in it. He had no idea how its taste was, but he was lucky enough to have a chance to try this. Chad got him some bowl, and Sarah pout sopas in it.

"Thank you," Isaiah said.

"You should put a little bit of pepper on it," his boyfriend said as he grabbed the pepper mill grinder and put some on Isaiah's soup. God, the little things his boyfriend did would make him crazy. One of these days, he would surely go ballistic and eat his boyfriend up. "There you go."

Isaiah tried the soup. It was actually good. It was a bit salty, but at the same time, he could tell how sweet it was because of the milk that had been poured over. Hotdogs were a nice addition too. The soup was warm, and he felt it in his system. Chad watched him and was happy to see him enjoying his food. Although Chad was twitching a little, his lips trembling, his cheeks a bit red from the cold, he was eating like there was no tomorrow. Isaiah could hear the sound of sucking as Chad devoured the soup.

Damn it. He was remembering the way Chad's lips were wrapped around him, and now the image was stuck in his head. He couldn't get it out. Every time Chad would make that slurping sound, and that fucking moan, his underwear would tighten and it was fucking uncomfortable.

"It's delicious, Sarah." Isaiah mumbled.

"I'm glad you liked it," Sarah said. Today, she was wearing a floral dress that really looked good on her. "By the way, Bill and I have something to do this weekend. I don't know if your dad already told you, but we're actually buying another house."

Isaiah wanted to ask if they were moving, but all he fucking heard was that Chad and him were going to be alone this weekend; they were going to have the house for themselves. The Lord must have heard his prayer for this to happen.

"We're moving?" Chad asked the question Isaiah wanted to ask.

Sarah shook her head, smiling. "No, we are not." Sarah grabbed the empty bowls and put it in the dishes. "It's just that, Bill just wanted to have another house and he's thinking that someone, either you or Isaiah, or both of you, would occupy that house someday. I mean, at some point, we're going to get old so Bill wanted to invest as much as possible. Isaiah's college is already planned ahead, like the budget, and you, well, you know I was able to save up for yours, too."

"That's nice," Isaiah said.

But Isaiah was thinking of something else. He liked the idea of him living in the same house as Chad, and they had to house to themselves only. With no one to bother them, Isaiah would make sure he was going to make love with his boyfriend whenever he could and as much as possible.

After they ate, both boys went to Isaiah's room. Isaiah locked the door while Chad took off his jacket. They cuddled, keeping each other warm as the weather got a bit stronger, and there was snow everywhere. Despite how cold it was, Chad liked the feeling of feeling warm as his body was pushed to Isaiah. Isaiah's arms were wrapped around him. They weren't doing anything sexual, but they were contented at each other's presence.

Isaiah trailed his fingers across Chad's neck to his jaw, and Chad giggled. He was ticklish, and Isaiah was liking Chad's reaction to his touch. Their eyes met, and their mouths pressed together, and they were feeling each other up. Now, as they kissed each other like there was no tomorrow, the weather didn't seem too bad.

When Friday came, Isaiah was in a convenience store buying some condoms. He was quite shy to be seen buying this stuff, but it's not like everyone here was innocent and pure. But what ticked him off was the cashier was looking at him like he knew what was going to happen this weekend, and his presumptions were true.

Isaiah only saw Chad on practice today, and he was with Dylan. Despite the jealousy he was feeling, Isaiah learned to control himself and made a mantra that Chad was only his, and that no one was going to take that boy away from him. Not even Dylan.

Isaiah knew Dylan had feelings for Chad. Chad couldn't see it, but Isaiah could. Dylan was conflicted to show his emotions and what he felt towards Chad. They were in the same scenario, but Isaiah had the guts to pursue what he felt for Chad and that was the big difference between them. Isaiah could recognize the look Dylan was giving his boyfriend. Isaiah was confident that Chad wouldn't return the feelings back because that boy was smitten with him, and he almost felt bad for Dylan.

Dylan was only going to get hurt in the process.

After he purchased the condom, and after being watched by two ladies who were pretending to check the isle, Isaiah got out of the store, practically running. The tip of his ears was red, and he knew it wasn't because of the weather. Though it was quite sunny, Isaiah could still see the smoke coming out of his mouth as he breathed in and out. The weather was still bad, especially at night. Tons of snow covered were all around their house, even on the roof. People started wearing thick jackets and beanies.

When he arrived to the house, his boyfriend was in the living room, sitting on the couch with a bowl of cereals in his hands. He was watching Adventure Time on Cartoon Network. Isaiah scanned the house and found no one. He tiptoed and walked with light footsteps until his boyfriend was within reach, then he wrapped his arms around Chad and kissed his cheek. The boy yelped and pouted once he realized who it was that scared him.

Isaiah immediately let go of his boyfriend as he knew Sarah was somewhere around the house. Chad went home by himself as Isaiah had to go to the convenience store, and he wasn't about to show his boyfriend what he was going to buy.

Chad already changed into his regular clothes ever since it started snowing. He was wearing grey pants, thick long-sleeve shirt, and a black beanie. His cheeks were tinged pink, and his lips were slightly trembling. Chad looked cute even though he was basically in misery due to the cold weather, but he was handling himself fine.

As much as Isaiah wanted to stay, he had to change clothes and get into shower quickly. He didn't want to catch cold, especially since weekend was coming. The condom he bought weighted heavy in his bag, and he took his mind out of the gutter to focus on other things rather than thinking about his boyfriend in a sexual way as he showered.

Later that night, Isaiah checked the internet, looking for any articles that were about preparation. He found an article about how sex would work for two men, and what preparation they had to do before they get it on. The bottom, as what the article said, had to clean and the most effective way to clean was to take high-fiber foods and drinks as it would do the cleaning naturally. As for the top, well, they just had to clean their dick.

As he was reading the article, Isaiah couldn't but be flustered from the terms present in the article. It was a pain in the ass – no pun intended – and he felt like he was committing huge sins in his life.

When Saturday morning came, Isaiah was in a good mood. Going downstairs, he found out that his dad and Sarah already left the house. There was a note on the table and a thirty-dollar bill underneath it. Although the money was quite big enough for them to survive the weekend, he tucked it in his pocket. Chad was still asleep.

Isaiah prepared his boyfriend a breakfast. Of course, it was cereals which were rich in fiber, strawberries, and pineapple juice. Isaiah felt crazy for doing this. Isaiah found the only tray they had in the house; Bill bought it a few years back as his mother liked breakfast in bed. Once done preparing, Isaiah went to his boyfriend's room and woke him up.

Chad opened his eyes, and there was still a gound – or eyes booger as Isaiah liked to call it – in the corner of his eyes. He let out a groan, stretching his arms wide as he lifted himself up. Isaiah took off the cover and placed the tray on his lap. Chad beamed, liking the breakfast in bed setup.

"Good morning to you, too." Isaiah mumbled, his lips tugged in a smile.

"Good morning," Chad replied, his voice groggy. He rubbed his eyes to remove the sleepiness off. Isaiah was about to kiss him when Chad pulled back, laughing. "I have to wash my face first, and my breath probably stinks."

"I don't care," Isaiah muttered, wanting to kiss his boyfriend.

Chad flicked his boyfriend's nose. "I do,"

Chad stood up, setting the tray aside, and went to the bathroom. Isaiah waited impatiently, and once Chad came back, Isaiah didn't wait any longer and just pressed his mouth to his boyfriend's. Chad tasted like the toothpaste he just used to brush his teeth, and it was so sweet.

He ran his tongue across Chad's bottom lip, making him quiver. After kissing him on the mouth, Isaiah then ran his tongue across his neck and sucked on his collarbone, making the shorter boy moan. Chad gripped his boyfriend's shoulder, liking the feeling of his boyfriend's lips against his body.

"Isaiah... I'm hungry." Chad mumbled, breathless.

Chuckling, Isaiah detached his lips from his boyfriend's body and nodded his head.

"Let's continue, um, that later, yeah?" Chad mumbled, getting shy all of a sudden. Isaiah just gave him a smile and ruffled his hair, nodding. "Thank you for this."

"You're welcome," Isaiah replied, happiness bubbling in his stomach as he watched his boyfriend eat with a happy expression etched on his cute and round face.


By afternoon, the weather had become pretty bad. The gush of wind was strong, and it kept snowing. A few minutes later, he received a text from his dad that they were doing okay and they wouldn't be able to come home today. He sent an immediate reply, telling his dad that Chad and him were fine and could handle themselves.

As for Chad, his teeth were chattering. He looked really cold. Isaiah turned on the heater around the house and brought Chad to his room. Chad followed suit. Isaiah wrapped his boyfriend in thick comforter and hugged him. Isaiah was used to the weather, so it wasn't really a big deal for him. Isaiah decided that he'd make his boyfriend some hot chocolate to warm him up. It didn't matter if he had him eat high-fiber foods this morning; what mattered was his boyfriend to be okay, and hot chocolate seemed to be a good idea.

Chad reached out and grabbed his boyfriend's arm as Isaiah got up and was about to leave. Isaiah turned around to face his boyfriend, and Chad shook his head.

"I'm just going to make some hot chocolate for you," Isaiah said.

He shook his head again. "I don't want that."

"What do you like then? Anything you'd like to drink?" Isaiah pressed, taking a seat beside his boyfriend. Chad wasn't really sick, but he knew those drinks wouldn't help him in any way. He just wanted his boyfriend to be beside him. "Chad?"

Chad pressed his mouth to Isaiah's, and Isaiah was taken aback but he quickly recovered and kissed his boyfriend back. Isaiah's hands began roaming around his Chad's body, touching him in every part. Both boys were on fire as they kissed each other, and Isaiah couldn't think straight as his boyfriend played with the nape at the back of his neck. Chad helped him remove his top, and he fumbled with the button on Isaiah's pant. Isaiah smirked at his boyfriend's eagerness but complied, removing his shirt and pants, leaving him in his underwear.

Isaiah's underwear began to tighten as he saw the look Chad was giving him; it was pure lust, and his breathing was erratic. Isaiah grew more excited, and Chad saw it happening in front of him. Isaiah stood up, ran towards the door, locked it, then ran back to his boyfriend. Isaiah helped his boyfriend undress, a bit hasty, and Isaiah couldn't wait to see all of him.

As soon as both men were undressed, they kissed again; their kiss filled with a lot of emotions. Chad wasn't feeling cold now that his boyfriend's body was pressed against him. Isaiah rubbed himself on Chad, and Chad let out a moan as Isaiah began kissing his neck. Chad dig his fingers on Isaiah's back, and Isaiah let out a hiss as he continued to rub himself on his boyfriend who was underneath him.

Chad clutched the sheet as he let out sounds he thought he would never make, but here he was, mewling under his boyfriend's touch, each touch and kiss driving him crazy. Isaiah put butterfly kisses across Chad's chest down to his stomach, and there was a little happy trail disappearing in his underwear. Isaiah hooked his fingers in his boyfriend's underwear and pulled it down. There, Chad's member stood in all its glory – his dick was an average size, but it was definitely hard.

Without waiting any longer, Isaiah wrapped his warm lips around Chad, and Chad let out a loud moan, arching his back. Isaiah looked at him through his lashes as he jerked himself. It was definitely a sight. Chad tasted salty, his dick was a bit veiny to the side, and Isaiah was loving it. He would have never thought that he would put someone's dick in his mouth, but here he was, sucking his boyfriend to heaven. Isaiah spit on his fingers and teased Chad's hole, making the boy gasp in anticipation. Isaiah completely took off his underwear as he sucked Chad, then afterwards, he let go with a pop and began kissing his stomach to his lips, his fingers still teasing Chad's hole.

"Do you like to continue this?" Isaiah asked his boyfriend. "Like the sex?"

"Yes," Chad breathed as he got lost in lust and pleasure.

Isaiah chuckled, kissing his boyfriend in the lips. "I've been wanting to do this."

Just like what he remembered in the porn he watched, Isaiah went down and faced Chad's hole. He stuck out his tongue, tasting Chad and Chad arched his back, a little bit uncomfortable just to the sudden attack on his entrance. Isaiah licked it a few times before pushing his tongue in. It was weird at first for Isaiah, but a few minutes, he couldn't get enough, especially his boyfriend was mumbling his name. As he ate Chad, Isaiah jerked his boyfriend off, wanting him to feel the pleasure in all of this.

Once it was enough, Chad whimpered when Isaiah pulled away, but the taller boy tended his lips immediately. He then pulled away to grab his back to get the condom he purchased yesterday. He ripped the package and rolled it onto him as Chad watched him.

There was no denying; Isaiah was a monster. His member was standing firm and hard, and he was thick. Once the condom was properly worn, he gave himself a few pumps before positioning himself. He grabbed the lube that was inside the drawer of his nightstand and smothered his dick before taking a deep breath and going in slowly.

Both boys were nervous, and their hearts were beating rapidly as if they wanted to get out of their ribs and run free. Isaiah watched his Chad, his face contorting into a mixture of pain, pleasure, and somewhere in between, his breathing ragged, his eyebrows drawn together. Chad wrapped his legs around his boyfriend's waist.

"Isaiah..." Chad breathed out as he gripped his boyfriend's shoulder.

"Ssshh, hubby, relax." Isaiah murmured, kissing his boyfriend's neck.

"It... ha, hurts..."

"I know, hubby," Isaiah wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, leaning down to capture Chad's lips. Isaiah nibbled on his lower lip, and Chad let out a groan as Isaiah went all the way in. "Just relax, hubby, I promise this will feel good."

"Easy... ow, easy for you to... say."

Chuckling, Isaiah began kissing his neck, letting himself rest for a minute before moving slowly. And as soon as he began to move, Chad groaned out loud, mewling, as Isaiah hit that spot inside him that made him see stars. Chad threw his arms around Isaiah, rocking, as Isaiah picked up speed. Chad was tight around Isaiah, and Isaiah was glad he was the first one to pop his boyfriend's cherry.

Chad screamed Isaiah's name, and it was music to Isaiah's ears. They were being loud, and Isaiah was glad that Sarah and his dad were not home. Otherwise, they'd hear how Chad was loud in bed. Isaiah continued to thrust inside his boyfriend as the boy underneath him mewled, groaned, and gasped as Isaiah kept hitting that g-spot inside him.

Both boys were sweaty, trickling all over their body, and despite the cold and bad weather, the room was suddenly a hundred degree. Isaiah didn't know if it was because of their body or just the room, but nonetheless, both boys were driven by lust as they continued to make love.

There was something bubbling at his lower abdomen, and Isaiah knew he was close to coming. Chad dig his fingers on his boyfriend's back, making sure there was a proof that they made love, and Isaiah groaned as he felt both pain and pleasure. Chad kept muttering Isaiah's name, and it was sending Isaiah over the edge.

"I'm close..." Isaiah breathed as he pressed his mouth to Chad's, thrusting harder, faster, and sloppier as each second passed by. Meanwhile, Chad took it like a pro as he screamed Isaiah's name. "Hubby, I'm close... so close... so fucking tight. Good fucking Lord, Chad, you're perfect. Fuck, I'm near... you're so tight, ah, God, I can't... fuck, I love you. I fucking love you. I fucking love you so much."

Isaiah kept babbling while Chad kept throwing his head back in pleasure, arching his back as Isaiah continued to get in and out of him. Finally, as both boys reached their climax, the room was filled with their scream, and Isaiah came to rest on top of his boyfriend. Isaiah let himself rest inside Chad, and he looked at his boyfriend through his lashes who was as just tired as he was. Slowly, Isaiah got out and Chad flinched, but then sighed immediately.

"You're amazing," Isaiah rolled over, murmuring in Chad's ear.

Chad blushed, hiding his face in Isaiah's chest, wrapping his arms around him. No words were spoken after they made love, but still, their hearts communicated. Their eyes met, and Chad saw how Isaiah really loved him, and Chad was glad he was feeling the same thing. They loved each other, and that's what mattered.
