- C H A P T E R ** S I X -

Author's Note: Hello everyone! Here's the chapter six of "My American Stepbrother" and I hope you all like it. Sorry if I published this late, and sorry that this is a short chapter. Right now, I'm sick and taking medicines but the flu is really making my body weak. I may need a lot of rest so I can heal faster. My body is always tired.

Anyways, I'm glad I was able to write and publish this chapter today. I promised you all that I'd give it to you this weekend, so here it is. Thanks so much! I'm going to sleep now lol.


Twitter: @JMSenar
Instagram: JMSenar

To say I'm not surprised when I see my step-brother seated on the table next to my mother would be an understatement. Isaiah has a smug grin tugged on his lips as my mom talks to him about how festivities work in the Philippines while Bill casually takes a sip of his brown and creamy coffee. Isaiah is already dressed, and we still have an hour and a half before the school starts.

Mom has prepared fried rice, eggs, meat loafs, and fried milkfish. I know for a fact that this isn't a regular American breakfast, and I'm basing this on movies I've seen, but Bill and Isaiah are adjusting pretty well, and my mom has been happier ever since.

Bill motions for me to take a seat, and mom ushers me to sit beside Isaiah, who in turns greets me good morning. I say it back, finding it weird that we're really in speaking terms. Despite the weirdness I feel, I begin putting food on my plate while greeting Bill and mom a good morning. I can feel Isaiah's eyes on me, but I choose to ignore it and focus on the food that's' in front of me. Mothers are the best cooks out there, and my mom makes fried rice the best. It has some corn kernels, thinly sliced hotdogs, and small strips of bacon. She knows this is my favorite breakfast, and I call it the ultimate breakfast, because it's really the best.

"What time did you wake up?" I ask Isaiah while shoving a spoonful of rice in my mouth.

He looks at me and grins. "I woke up around 5 am. Never thought I would be able to do that, but life keeps surprising me, I guess." Bill rolls his eyes at that statement.

"Because you always feel like it's a crime to wake up early to fulfill duties," Bill mutters as he takes another sip of his coffee. Mom chuckles and shakes her head in amusement, looking lovingly at the people in front of her.

"I'm a growing boy, and I'm evolving," Isaiah responds as he lets out a chuckle. "Plus, I promised someone I would give him a ride to school today this early. Don't want to disappoint him." He turns to look at me and I just let out a huge smile, unable to say anything as there's still food inside my mouth.

We continue to eat for about 30 minutes, because we all want to take time as we eat. By then, we're already full. Bill does the dishes, even though he's wearing a suit for work, while Isaiah and I are grabbing our backpacks upstairs. We meet up at the garage where his old grey SUV is parked. I climb in the passenger seat and Isaiah hops in the driver seat, immediately turning on the radio as the SUV roars to life. He backs away from the garage and in a minute, we're already on the road, with Something Just Like This by The Chainsmokers playing in the background.

"So how do you find schooling here?" Isaiah asks me while keeping his eyes on the road.

I turn to look at him and think what it really feels like, and the differences. Besides the people and their attitude, I find the environment really weird. Not really the bad weird, but good weird. But there's just something missing that I keep searching for, even though I don't know what that is. But all in all, it's good. But if given the chance, I would go back to my old school back in the Philippines because I've grown to love it. Plus, my friends are there, and they've been my family ever since.

"It's okay," I tell him. "It's really different how things work here. Like for now, you're already driving even you're still a teenager. It's not allowed in the Philippines, maybe it is, but we don't get to drive because our parents are very strict. Second, we have no detentions. Subjects are different here, too. I mean, there's still English, Math, Science, History, but there's more to it, you know what I'm saying? And the culture here is different, too, but I'm adjusting and taking it all in."

Isaiah hums. "No need to rush in adjusting," he says and gives me a small smile. "It's not that bad once you get used to this, and I know the culture is different, but don't let the difference decides for you, like making friends, grabbing opportunities. This world may be different now, but you'll come to love here."

"Maybe," I tell him honestly. "Never pegged you for someone who likes to talk deep."

"I'm not usually like this," he chuckles, shaking his head. "But it's a nice change every once in a while. Makes it feel like I'm very human." He continues to chuckle. I don't know why, but his laugh is pleasant to listen at. He may have showed hostility towards me, but now I can tell that there's more to Isaiah that I haven't discovered yet.

"We're here," he announces as he parks near the front entrance of the school.

There's only a couple of students milling around the area, phones on their hand as they walk past each other. Isaiah turns off the radio, and we both climb out. His phone rings, and he immediately grabs it out of his pocket.

"Oops, that's my alarm," he turns off the alarm and sets his phone on silence, then puts it back in his pocket.

We both grab our backpacks and head inside the school side by side. People are now giving us curious glances, their eyes immediately leaving the screen of their phones. Isaiah must have been so popular here that they get interested when someone walks together with him. And to be honest, I hate the attention I'm receiving right now. Based on their expressions, they are just pretty curious as to why Isaiah would walk with someone like me. But I still hate the attention.

Since we still have a lot of time to spare, Isaiah decides to give me a tour of the school while talking about his experiences as a student here. He won gold medals for participating in competitions such as Spelling quiz bee, English storytelling, and for being MVP several times when playing basketball. I ask him if he has a girlfriend already, and he tells me no, but he likes someone. But he mentions that it's not enough for him to pursue a relationship because it doesn't work that way.

"How does it work though?" I ask him, simply curious as to why he wouldn't choose to be in a relationship with the girl he likes. "If you like her, and she likes you back, what more could you ask for to be in a relationship with her?"

"You have to consider a lot of things," he tells me, eyes serious. "While almost everyone would decide to go for it, I wouldn't. Sometimes we have to think it through before we make actions. I know I'm young, and I've got a lot of time in the world to explore, but if you want to be in a relationship, you have to see yourself in the future where both of you are happy, and if you can't see that, then it's really not worth getting in a relationship with the person you like."

"But did you like her?"


"Dylan's ex." He stops abruptly, staring at me with penetrating gaze. I smile at him, letting him know that I mean no harm, that I'm not throwing shade at him, and he seems to get it because he shakes his head and he continues walking with me.

"Sofia is a great girl," he tells me as he shoves his hands in his pocket. "But no, I didn't like her. I knew that Dylan doesn't like me at all, so I used Sofia so he would be more pissed. But I completely regret it. She doesn't deserve Dylan, and she doesn't deserve me. Because we're both assholes. How about you? Got any girl back home?"

I shake my head. "Not really."

"Do you like someone here? Met any nice girl yesterday?"

I shake my head again. "Nope."

"Why is that?"

"There's a lot of beautiful girls studying here," I say to him honestly. "But as cheesy as it sounds, nobody has really caught my attention. I did have a girlfriend, but we broke up because our relationship was getting toxic. Since we're both students, we just decided to stay friends and focus on studying."

"You can do that?" he asks me, a little perplexed at what I said. "Be friends with your ex?"

"Yeah, why not?"

Believe it or not, my mom is still friends with my real dad and his girlfriend. When my mom used to drop me off at my dad's house, while on the way, she would tell me how she and dad met and how their love story groomed and ended. And according to them both, they had no regrets loving each other, and they don't regret breaking up. It's really weird, considering I'm hearing a lot of people telling me that ex-lovers shouldn't be friends because it means that they still have feelings for each other. I am friends with Rachel, my ex-girlfriend, without issues at all.

Honestly, why can't anyone be friends with their ex-lover? You made good, exciting, and sweet memories. But you also made bad, bitter, and sad memories with them. But that doesn't mean you should throw it away like it's nothing, like it meant nothing. Maybe this is just my belief, and I'm not going to force this to anyone who has had an ex.

"Wouldn't that be weird?"

"Only if you make it to be," I chuckle at his expression.

We still have 30 minutes left and this is when I see Dylan. Dylan's eyes meet mine and a smile immediately makes its way on his lips, but when he sees Isaiah standing beside me, his expression completely changes. Nonetheless, he walks towards us but he doesn't say anything. Both Isaiah and Dylan's jaw is clenched, and they look like they about to have a fist fight in front of me, and I don't like that to happen.

"Remember what I said, Chad," Isaiah says to me as he throws a glare at Dylan, who in turn does the same thing.

I watch him leave by my side, now completely ignoring Dylan. Meanwhile, Dylan is still can't move on. His hand is still in a fast, his jaw is still clenched, and he's still throwing dagger looks at the retreating figure of Isaiah.

Surely, these two can be friends at some point, right? Or is that too much to ask? I know they are complete assholes, but they seem to be good people inside and out. Maybe they just need to talk things out and that would end up them being friends. Dylan is a great person, and Isaiah is a caring person. But somehow, both of them can't past see each other.

"Why was he with you?" Dylan asks me gruffly.

"He gave me a ride today," I answer simply. "And because he's my step-brother."

"Well, if you need a ride every day you go to school, then I can give you a ride," he tells me, his tone of voice telling me that he really wants me to accept the offer. But like the shy person I am who doesn't want to cause trouble, I decline his offer.

"Thanks, but no, I'm alright."

"Are you sure? I can pick you up always."

"No, no need," this is getting exhausting. "I'm okay, really. It just so happened that he woke up early and decided to give me a ride so I accepted it. But I doubt he'd give me a ride again. Plus, I love walking in the morning. That's my exercise."

"You're really weird,"

"And there's nothing wrong with that,"

Dylan smiles. "No, no, there isn't."
