Finnick Odair X Y/n (part 2)


I sit next to Haymitch, my fingers tapping on the panel board. When you're a mentor, you get a little room and your partners with another district. It's very cozy, a couch, large screen TV to watch the Games, and food. But I would rather be here with Finnick.

Usually, I'm not this nervous, but my soulmate and the person who raised me were in there, and only one could make it out.

"Let the 75th Hunger Games begin!" Caesar Flickerman yells with his stupid lilac hair and eyeshadow.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" Katniss and Finnick dive straight into the water, swimming to the Cornocopia. They each grab weapons and swim to the shore. Finnick reaches land first and they talk a minute, then Finnick jumps back in. He swims and grabs Peeta; swimming back to Katniss, who grabbed Mags. They start the treck into the forest like Haymitch instructed.


Katniss aims and fires at the dome. It ripples and crumbles. Haymitch grabs may hand, and we run to a hovercraft. We load in with Plutarch Heavensbee and we fly forward. We pick up a bloody, almost unconscious Katniss and an unconscious Finnick. I run to his side and feel for his heartbeat. It's there but faint. They carry Finnick to the Medic area on this stupid thing. I stay by him the whole time, until they need to remove his tracker.

"Y/n, I'm going to need you to step out." One of the medics said.

I grab Finnicks hand, "No." He was almost ripped away from me and I wasn't going to lose him again.

"Y/n, get out." Haymitch says.

"No, no, no, no." I repeat making Finnick's hand go white.

"I'm gonna ask one more time, Y/n get out." Haymitch says and I see a Medic with a syringe.

"No, no! I almost lost him Haymitch!" I start crying and Haymitch wraps his arms around my arms and carries me out. I kick and punch, spitting every foul name I know at them.

These stupid games! Forcing kids to their deaths! (And yet we still read this) Haymitch shoves me on a medical bed, next to Katniss. He click a button and something wraps around my waist. I cry and sound like a dying animal. I slowly cry myself to unconscious

I wake up with no restraint and an apple in front of me. I slowly nibble on it and then stand up, swaying a bit. I walk through the door, past an unconscious Katniss, and I see Finnick sitting on the medical bed where his tracker was taken out.

I run as fast as my numb legs will let me. I wrap my arms around Finnick, tears streaming down my cheeks. He pulls me close, not wanting to let go either. I burrow my face in his chest. I'm only a month younger, I'm still only to his shoulder.

"I'm alive, suprise." Finnick says and I force out a horrible choking noise.

"I guess we're even." Finnick gives me a confused look. "You watched me in my Games, I just watched you in another Game." I explains and Finnick kisses my forehead. Everything was gonna be okay.

"I love you." He smiles and looks at me.

"I love you too, Seaweed Brain." I smile and kiss him. His hands wrap around me and my hands hold onto his neck.

"Come on, lovebirds. We've got a rebellion to run." Haymitch breaks the silence.

A/N I know, the percy jackson nickname. I thought it was perfect, sorry if u don't like it? I'll try and post more but I hoped you enjoyed this
