Draco Malfoy X Y/n

Backstory: You're a Hufflepuff, your older brother is Cedric Diggory, and it's your 4th year

I walk out from Herbology and rush to the Hufflepuff common room. I turn a corner and run into people. I fall flat on my butt and my glasses tumble off. My books fall around me, and I look up. I see Slytherin students, the people I ran into.

"Shoot." I curse and scramble to find my stuff. The group laughs, and I hear glass crack, my glasses. I find my gold frame glasses with cracked glass and twisted frames. I shove it in my pocket as the group walks away.

I don't think any of the Slytherins are there until I see white blonde hair and grey eyes. Draco Malfoy, the most well-known Pureblood here. Well, minus my friend Harry Potter.

"Let me see your glasses." He instructs and puts his hand out. He is crouching down to my level or next to the floor. I cautiously hand my glasses to him.

He pulls his wand out and says, "Oculus Reparo." The glasses quickly form back into their normal shape.

"Thanks." I studder, I didn't know Draco was this nice.

"No problem, you're a Pureblood." He says and hands me my glasses.

Though I hate how he said I was a pureblood, I blushed. I put my glasses back on, and Draco was already holding my books. I take then from him and start walking away.

"Astronomy Tower, 10 o'clock." He calls after me. I give him a thumbs up and walk to the common room. I enter and look at the time, 4:30. It's wouldn't hurt to hang out with Draco right? I finish my Christmas homework and my brother waltzes in.

"You're missing a partner." I say.

"Not any more!" Cedric exclaims. "I asked Cho!" I leap up and this is when Cedric turns into a girly boy.

"Oh my god! When, how, and why is she going with you?" I ask.

"1, I'm a champion and a Hufflepuff. 2, I asked her while we were in Hogsmead. And 3, a few hours ago." We jump up and down together.

"What about you?" He asks.

"Haven't found anyone yet. I might not go." I shrug.

"But you wouldn't want to waste your dress." He says and I roll my eyes. I walk up to my dorm, which I share with 5 other girls. I walk over to my bed and see Artemis rush in.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Ron asked me to the Yule Ball!" She squealed. I smiled and she continued talking. "Now I'm glad I got a red dress, do you think he'll like it?" She rants on and on. She's awesome but she can become a total people pleaser.

"You'll look perfect." I squeeze her hand.

I yawn, "I'm going to take a nap." I fall flat on my face and curl into a ball. Needless to say I fall asleep, for a little too long.

I wake up and my clock reads 9:30.

"Shit." I say and quickly change into a brown crewneck, brown flannel pants, and brown combat boots. I brush out my hair and put it in a quick French Braid.

I run out, sneaking around Flinch. I climb up the Astronomy Tower and check my watch, 9:58. I barely made it. I stand there looking at the stars and the moon, leaning against the railing.

Arms wrap around my waist. I turn and Draco Malfoy's face is centimeters from mine.

"Hey love." He smiles, he smells like mint and expensive colone.

"Don't call me love." I say, though midly enjoying it.

"Just wait." He smirks and I roll my eyes. "You got a Yule Ball date yet?"

"Nope. What about you?" I say, pulling my jacket closer.

"I'm going with the prettiest girl in the world." He smiles.

I roll my eyes. If he's going with someone else, why talk to me.

"What's her name?" I ask.

"Y/n Diggory." Draco says and moves his hand to my chin. He makes me look up at him and I blush. "See, I knew you liked me. Love."

"I guess." I try and look down. But then two hands are around my neck, and lips are on mine. I resist it for a second and then I kiss back.

I slowly pull away and Draco smiles, "See you tomorrow, love." He uses the name I disliked a minute ago.

"Bye, ferret." I smirk. He laughs and we walk down the winding stairs. He stays with me until I have to go into Hufflepuff common room.

"Where have you been?!" Cedric questions as soon as I walk on.

"Getting a Yule Ball date." I smile and fall onto the couch.

"Who?" Cedric asks, putting the newspaper he was reading down.

"Draco Malfoy." I say and a face of worry falls onto Cedric's face but is then replaced by a look of happiness.

"I'm glad you found a date, because Professor Sprout asked if you would dance with the champions." Cedric says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I'm the only champion with a sibling old enough to go. They also want an odd amount of dancers for the first dance."

"Cool. I'll see you tomorrow." I say and walk to my dorm. I change into my pjs and fall asleep.


"Come on Y/n!" Hermione drags me to her dorm, where makeup and hair stuff is layed out neatly organized. Our dresses hang on her closet rod.

"Where's Ginny?" I ask, the two are roommates.

"She's getting a few snacks." Hermione grabs a makeup sponge and foundation.

"Crap, what have I gotten myself into?" I think as Hermione dabs the foundation on her hand. Two and a half hours later, we're done.

*your dress*
*your hair and makeup is whatever you want*

"Are you guys ready?" Ginny smiles and we all nod. We walk out and Ginny heads to Neville. Hermione and I walk to where the Champions wait.

Draco waits there in a classic, clean black tux. His hand is slicked to one side, but still a bit tousled. He has a black bow tie and I smile when I see him.

But then I see Cedric talking to him, overprotective brother mode. I walk over and Draco looks at me in awe.

"You look stunning." He smiles and takes my hand. He kisses my hand and I blush.

"Thank you." I say and Draco takes my arm. The music starts playing and the champions walk out and then Draco and me.

We face each other and start the waltz we were both taught. I look into Draco's silver eyes and lose myself in them. They could hold so many stories and I wouldn't know. They shine with pride, love, but still hide something.

"I love you." He says and I lay my head on his chest. The music ends and we walk to a table. Draco stands up and walks over to get us drinks.

"Hello, Y/n." I hear and look over to see Pansy.

"Hello Pansy." I smile and wave. I turn back to the table and watch the dancing.

"You stole my date." She growls and walks over to look straight at me.

"Draco asked me, that's all I'm gonna say." I say and try to look past her.

"Imperio." She says, pointing her wand at me. My body screams to not do anything but as she whispers my mouth moves.

"I didn't really want to go with him, I just settled. I really wanted to go with Harry Potter." I try to keep it as quiet as possible but still say it normal. Draco walks over with two drinks in his hands, hearing the whole thing.

"Y/n?" He asks, on the brick of tears. Pansy turns around, shoving her wand into her pocket.

"I'm so sorry Dray-dray! She just blurted it out to me!" Pansy says, sounding so innocent.

"No Draco, she did the Imperio curse on me! Then she made me say it...." I rant.

"Stop it, Diggory." Draco says and walks away.

I can't speak and I just run. I run somewhere, my hands over my eyes and tears streaming down my cheeks. I land at the Astronomy tower, the place where just last night Draco asked me to the dance.

I lean against the wall and slide down, my dress flowing down. Tears drop down my face, making a wet spot on my dress. I pull my shoes off and my knees go into my chest.

"Stupid Pansy, stupid Yule Ball, stupid me!" I exclaim. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" I cry and then I hear footsteps. I turn and see Draco coming up. My cheeks are stained red and my eyes are puffy and my makeup is streaming down my cheeks.

"Hey Y/n." He says.

"Hi." I mumble. "Why aren't you with Pansy?" I ask.

"Why would I be with her, when I could be with you?" He asks and sits down next to me.

"Because she made me say those awful things." I say and wipe my cheek.

"Y/n Diggory." He cups my face in his hands and forces me to look at him. "I know she was lying, I talked to a few people, they saw what happened. And I believe her over you, any day of the week." He kisses my forehead, then I lay my head on him.

"I don't deserve you." I sob and bury my face into his tux.

"No, I don't deserve you. You were so upset when I got upset, you really felt my emotions and let it affect you. You went to the ball with me, a day before we go. Y/n, I love you." Draco runs his fingers through my hair.

"I love you too, Ferret." I smile and look at the stars.

"Oh shut it, love." Draco laughs.

A/N 4 fucking days it took to write this and I couldn't be happier. I hope u enjoy it!
