ch 86 - 90


Shasar did not panic in the face of the sudden hostility that arose from everyone, and still said in his gentle and calm tone: "This is what makes me wonder too. After they injected me with primary lifeforms, those lifeforms did not 'split' in my blood. And not only that, but my blood seems to have a special immunity to those zergs. "

"Immunity? What kind of immunity? Shen Xiuyun asked.

"The primary life form can't do me harm, I'm not conscious of being controlled."

"So those eggs didn't do anything in your body?" Ivan asked, his disdain for the term primary lifeform, and although Bai Mo always said that it was inaccurate to say that he qiáng, he preferred to understand it as a worm egg.

"No, they worked, too."

"You mean, your legs ......," Randy thought first.

Shasar glanced at his legs, and smiled helplessly: "That's right, I found that some of the tissues in my body are gradually being changed, the most obvious change is that my body is much better than before, my physical strength has increased, my reflexes have also improved, and the most incredible thing is that my legs have returned to normal and can make me stand up." "

"How can these bugs still do good things? It seems that His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince is really lucky, so far, we have not heard of a similar situation. Ivan was skeptical of Shasar's words, and still hadn't even let his guard down completely.

However, Shen Xiuyun didn't say anything at this time, because he thought of someone.

"Didn't the Zerg find out that you were immune to them?" Shen Xiuyun was silent for a moment and asked.

Shasar shook his head: "First of all, it takes a certain period for a lifeform to split into fragments in the Omega's blood, so I wasn't very conspicuous at first, and then I pretended to be eroded in consciousness like those Omegas. All the attention of those zergs had been on the other Omegas who had begun to split the 'shards', and it wasn't until they died one after another that the zerg discovered my specialness. Before you came, they wanted to test me analytically. "

"Ever wondered why?"

"I don't know, that's what I'm trying to figure out right now."

After Shasar said this, everyone present fell into deep thought, and among them, only Lanka's gaze at Shasar was somewhat complicated, Shasar felt his gaze, and looked back, but Lanka winked at him and made a silent gesture to him while people were not paying attention.

"Your Royal Highness the Fourth Prince, in fact, we don't welcome the royal family, but since you are an Omega, we are willing to bring you back to our Omega planet, what do you mean?" Randy asked.

"Omega Planet...... Sasar smiled, "I've admired the Daimyo for a long time, and I'm honored to be able to visit me." "

"In that case, there is a premise that we have to make clear here."

"Oh? What the? "

"Although we are willing to believe every word you say, for the sake of insurance, we will still conduct some tests and examinations on you when you arrive on the Omega planet, and we hope that you will cooperate, and of course, we guarantee that it will not be against you."

Shasar hesitated for a moment this time, then smiled and said, "Okay, I agree." "

At the end of the conversation, the group dispersed, and the television in the communal cabin was turned on, which was still broadcasting the news about Loga's abdication of the throne.

Shen Xiuyun had been secretly observing Shasar's every move, and seeing that he showed a very shocked look after seeing this news, Shen Xiuyun finally got up, walked to Shasar's side, and said, "Fourth Highness, would you like to talk to me alone?" "

Shasar was slightly stunned, but quickly regained a gentle smile, "Okay." "

Shen Xiuyun glanced at his companions, and then led Shasar out of the public cabin.

"You want to ask me what I told you when I was in the basement, right?" The two of them walked into a small cabin, and Shasar asked straight to the point, his warm eyes not aggressive, but they seemed to be able to see through everything.

Shen Xiuyun didn't answer, which was considered a default. When Shasar first saw his mech, he mistook him for a man named Joseph, but that wasn't the point, the point was that he asked him, "Have you all done it yet?" Who is this "everyone" and what is this "action", since Shasar appeared, Shen Xiuyun has been thinking about this question.

"Whether you believe it or not, but I really don't know the specific plan of action, I only know that Luojia is secretly organizing some people to resist the invasion of the Zerg."

"The Seventh Prince?"

"Hmm." At the mention of his brother, Shasar's eyes showed a bit of pride, but soon this pride turned into worry, "However, the news just now made me unable to understand. "

"What's the problem?"

"For Loga, the throne is what he values the most, and his thirst for power has been particularly qiáng since he was a child, and I can't think of any reason why he would make such a statement."

"Your Royal Highness doesn't have to worry about it, maybe this is just part of the grand plan of the Seventh Prince." Shen Xiuyun said lightly.

Shasar shook his head and frowned slightly, "No one knows my brother better than me, the throne is even more important to him than his life, no matter what plan he executes, he will not take the relinquishment of the throne into consideration, so I am worried that he is in trouble and has been forced to this step." "

Forced by bī?

Shen Xiuyun was a little distracted, remembering the scene of being imprisoned in the military department before, Luo Jia took one last look at himself...... Shen Xiuyun suddenly felt a fluctuation in his heart, and immediately waved away the thoughts in his head.

When the news of the secret test base being attacked and all Omega test subjects hijacked, he was almost mad when the news reached Van Stede's ears. Omega's blood is the source of their reproduction and growth, now that something has happened to the experimental base, causing such a big loss, Van Sted feels that there is no need to endure it anymore, they have now eroded half of the strength of the imperial army, with the combat power of the Zerg several times that of humans, they can completely annihilate these small creatures in one fell swoop, surprise, make them panic, fear, and have no ability to resist at all.

Dirty and selfish human beings, this is the lesson they deserve! The future masters of this planet will be their great Zerg!

Van Stead quickly regrouped his forces, this time abandoning the more difficult Omega planet and targeting another Omega concentration - Mezuo.

There, a large number of Omegas were gathered, they were firmly trapped in the Meizuo base, like guinea pigs in the test chamber, ignorant, weak, without the slightest ability to resist, but they had precious blood flowing in their bodies, which was the source of life for their zerg.

And this planet, which gathers one-sixth of the Omega population of the Interstellar Empire, the only protection it has is the Twenty-Fifth Corps stationed next to it, the Alpha Imperial Army that it relies on and trusts.

Thinking of this, Van Side's gaze shifted to a man standing beside him, who was none other than the new commander of the 25th Corps, Weide.

"Weide, tell everyone to get moving, and let those humans see what the hell is a nightmare." Van Sted pursed his lips and smiled.

"Yes." Wade replied, and by the time he turned around, his eyes were already a little lighter than they had been a few days ago.

On a calm midnight day on the planet Rama, just when people were used to the people around them being different from before, a jaw-dropping news came that the sharp troops of the Imperial Army's Mission Corps actually launched an attack on the Meizuo base!

Just when everyone was puzzled by the behavior of the Imperial Army, infighting and attacks began to break out in various places, and the people who were originally sent to the hospital by their families for treatment of "virus infection" actually launched attacks on the people around them! And when the first person plucked up the courage to shoot those attackers in the head, a terrifying scene finally came, and from the bodies of those people, worms flew out!

Almost overnight, the planet Meizuo fell! The black bug cháo is all over the skies of all the planets under the Empire! Those who are said to have been "infected by the virus" have all shown their true colors and have begun to attack the civilian population in a frenzied manner!

And at this time, Ivan and others from Omega Planet discovered that Shen Xiuyun was gone.

In the dilapidated cell of the Imperial Military Headquarters, Lorgar suddenly heard someone break through the door, and then heard only the sound of fighting and sirens, and the door of the glass cabin was blasted in an instant.

The shattered glass ballast scattered like shards of diamonds, falling on Loga's shoulders and hair, and Lorgar turned his head slightly to hear the sound of a sharp sword breaking through the air.

The chains on his body were severed, and someone grabbed his arm sharply and paused.

In the next second, Luo Jia heard a voice that haunted him: "What's wrong with your eyes?" "

Luo Jia knew who this person was, and even before he opened his mouth, he couldn't help but smile on his lips: "I can't see it." "

Shen Xiuyun looked at Luo Jia at this time, and still couldn't believe it, this person would let himself fall into such an embarrassing situation? In any case, he did not want to believe it.

"Why?" Shen Xiuyun asked.

Shen Xiuyun only asked these three words briefly, but Luo Jia already understood what he wanted to ask, what he knew, what he suspected, and what he wondered.

"If I hadn't been made so miserable, how could those disgusting bugs be so quick to show their original form? At that time, I don't know how many innocent people and soldiers will suffer. "

Shen Xiuyun's breath was suffocated.

At this time, they were still in a trap, Shen Xiuyun broke into the dungeon of the military headquarters, and the outside backup was about to surround them, but neither of them showed a look of fear or panic. Shen Xiuyun looked at Luo Jia, and an incomparably deep emotion suddenly surged out of his dark eyes.

That's right, this is Luo Jia, the Seventh Prince who will never put his personal feelings first, and only such a person is worthy of the status of the King of God.

The person Van Sted feared the most, the person whom Caesaron wanted to bring down the most, only when they thought that he had no ability to fight back and became a fish on their board, and let them trample in the dirt, would they unreservedly reveal their true form and fall into his chess game step by step.

Luo Jia gave up the throne and was poked blind by someone, ostensibly for Shen Xiuyun, but in fact he was still carrying out his plan.

Showing weakness on his own side and luring the enemy to advance, such a simple way of war, Shen Xiuyun didn't even see it before. However, compared to the love and righteousness shown by Luo Jia, Shen Xiuyun felt that such a Seventh Highness was the Seventh Highness he knew, which also made him feel a kind of admiration and emotion from his heart.

A person can be so cruel to himself, what can't he do?

Shasar said that he understood him and would not give up the throne for anything or anyone, but in fact, he still didn't really know Luojia, or rather, he didn't understand Luojia who had awakened the memory of his previous life and had sat firmly on the throne for decades.

"I'll carry you out of here, you hold on tight, don't fall down when you fight for a while." Shen Xiuyun said.

"Give me a sword." Loga closed her eyes and smiled and held out her hand.

"Do what?"

"Help you."

"Can you do it?"

"Why don't you try it?"

Shen Xiuyun hooked the corners of his lips, gave Luo Jia a laser sword, carried the person on his back, tied it with a rope, and then looked at the dense black insects outside, but there was a cold light of excitement in his eyes, and the horizontal sword was in front of him, and he rushed out towards the exit.

Luo Jia lay on Shen Xiuyun's back, the smooth skin on the back of Shen Xiuyun's neck rubbed against his chin, feeling the enchanting smell of this person, and Luo Jia's lips showed a relieved smile.

If it weren't for seeing Shen Xiuyun being marked by that person in front of his eyes, perhaps, he wouldn't have been able to make up his mind to be so decisive at all. So in the final analysis, whether it is for personal feelings or for justice, sometimes, even he may not be able to tell. He just knew that at this moment, the two of them were connected by life and death, and with this Omega man in front of him, he was willing to give his back to himself.


After more than 200 years, the human-insect war broke out again.

Only a few hours later, the Meizuo base fell, shocking the whole country.

And at the Imperial Military Headquarters, Shen Xiuyun rushed out of the dungeon with Luo Jia on his back, and in the corridor that was dimly illuminated by the pale lights, there were assimilated Imperial soldiers on both sides to block it.

Shen Xiuyun glanced at it quickly, then stepped back, and said to Luo Jia, "Close your eyes for a while, ......" Halfway through his words, he realized something and suddenly paused. Then he took out a bottle of reagent directly from his body and threw it out the door, but he turned his head sideways and closed his eyes.

The test tube containing the potion exploded, and the moment the chemical reaction of the potion in the air occurred, the dazzling qiáng light burst out violently, only to hear a painful wail, and the soldiers were all blinded by the qiáng light, covering their eyes and ignoring anything else. And Shen Xiuyun seized the time of these few seconds, rushed out again, rushed directly to the side of the corridor, slashed several people with his sword, broke through the encirclement, and ran to the stairwell.

"You used the qiáng light bomb just now?" Loga asked.

"Something like that."

"Bought from a smuggler?"

At this time, three people rushed down from the stairwell, Shen Xiuyun stabbed over with a sword, and solved one with a sword, and at the same time dodged the sneak attack of another person behind him, hooked back and kicked the person down, and with a hard kick, he kicked the person down the stairs.

"You're asking too much." Shen Xiuyun said.

Shen Xiuyun only solved two in this move, but the third person took the opportunity to stand a little farther away and take out a gun to aim at Shen Xiuyun, and was about to pull the trigger, Luo Jia's ears moved slightly, directly touched Shen Xiuyun's waist, touched a laser gun and came out, and returned a point to she, jīng accurately exploded the opponent's head, and the black flying insect flew out of the opponent's body and pounced on the two of them, but he didn't dare to attack because of Luo Jia, Shen Xiuyun continued to run up the stairs with Luo Jia on his back, and finally reached the first floor.

Luo Jia prostrated in Shen Xiuyun's ear, smiled slightly, and continued the topic just now: "Don't tell me?" Is this your military secret? "

Shen Xiuyun ignored him.

Luo Jia said, "Xiuyun, as the leader of a planet, you shouldn't be here now. "

"Seventh Highness, if you don't want me to put you down now, just keep your mouth shut."

But Lorgar did not shut up and continued to speak without fear of death.

"Xiuyun, why did you come back to save me?"

Shen Xiuyun glanced back at Luo Jia, "I originally thought I was returning the favor. "

"And then?"

"Later, I found out that I may have been self-inflicted."

Luo Jia hooked the corner of her lower lip slightly, but did not refute.

The two of them walked out of the stairwell, and there were already Zerg soldiers waiting for them outside, these people seemed to have just experienced a fight, with different degrees of wounds on their bodies, and under the broken skin, some even revealed Bai Sensen's bones and bloody internal organs, and the black worms could be faintly seen crawling inside, making people's scalps numb. But these people still maintain extremely high combat effectiveness, as long as the nerves in the head are not destroyed, even if they rot, they will still be used as puppets by the Zerg.

Shen Xiuyun narrowed his eyes and stared at these Zerg soldiers who stopped in front of the exit, there was no fear in his eyes, he just turned his head slightly and said to Luo Jia: "There are a lot of insects outside, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult for me to deal with it alone, what does His Highness Seventh think?" "

Luo Jia raised his hand, holding the sword that Shen Xiuyun gave him: "Isn't there still me?" "

Shen Xiuyun smiled disdainfully, "Unless there are rescuers descending from the sky, whether or not we can get out of here alive depends on the ability of the two of us." "

After saying that, Shen Xiuyun took Luo Jia and rushed towards the soldiers who had been eroded by the Zerg, some of those soldiers pounced on them, and some of them swept them with laser guns. When those lasers almost swept them, Shen Xiuyun unexpectedly propped up a light blue energy shield to block those lasers, and then threw a flying claw hook, hooked a fence in the hall of the military headquarters, opened the mechanism to shrink the rope, and instantly rose into the air, crossing the first human wall. But because of a person, Shen Xiuyun couldn't fly up completely, and soon fell back to the ground, but this time he inevitably fell into the pile of insects.

Too close to use the laser gun, Shen Xiuyun was surrounded by the Zerg, drew out the matching sword, and at the same time as he landed, the long sword swung and slashed at the neck of the person closest to him. However, that Zerg soldier reacted much faster than ordinary soldiers, and jumped back sensitively without being slashed by him. Shen Xiuyun was a little surprised, and before he could continue to attack, a soldier next to him also attacked, and his body was equally fast, almost making it impossible to see the movements.

"Solomon Arena?!" Shen Xiuyun was shocked and frowned slightly. "These people are the masters there."

"It seems that they were the first to be eroded." Although Luo Jia couldn't see with his eyes, he could tell that these people were extraordinary by the sound of their movements and the wind speed they brought, "As far as I know, the longer they are eroded by the Zerg, the more they are fused with the Zerg genes, the more their combat power will be, so be careful." "

In the face of these people, Shen Xiuyun had one of the biggest advantages, that is, because of Luo Jia, those zergs did not dare to erode their bodies, and could only fight them in close quarters like ordinary people.

Shen Xiuyun had more than one enemy, and he was already very difficult, and he had another person on his body, and his speed and reaction would be affected, so he struggled for more than ten minutes, but he still couldn't break through the encirclement, and he also suffered several minor injuries.

The enemy couldn't erode and get close to them, and they couldn't hurt the enemy, so they stuck for a long time without retreat or advance, and Luo Jia suddenly said, "Xiuyun, let me down." "

Shen Xiuyun didn't know what Luo Jia was going to do, so he untied the rope that bound the two together.

"Xiuyun, do you remember the one we used to play?" Loga asked.

Although Luo Jia suffered minor injuries to his legs and feet during the torture, it did not affect his movements, and Shen Xiuyun carried him because his eyes could not see, for fear of affecting the speed of escape, so he was still able to stand firmly on the ground at this time.

"What?" Shen Xiuyun asked.

"Be my eyes." Luo Jia just whispered this in Shen Xiuyun's ear, so he didn't talk nonsense, and directly raised his sword forward and rushed into the crowd.

Shen Xiuyun was slightly stunned, his eyes staring at his figure.

"Left mid, down the board." Shen Xiuyun said.

After Luo Jia heard Shen Xiuyun's voice, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise, sure enough, Shen Xiuyun didn't forget, he knew what he meant. In the previous life, the two of them hunted together, because they drank two more glasses, and their interest was quite high, Luo Jia blindfolded his eyes, and relied on Shen Xiuyun's password to send arrows and darts, but the two cooperated very tacitly, and they returned with a full load.

Shen Xiuyun reacted to what he meant so quickly, did it mean that he also put this unforgettable memory in his heart?

Luo Jia took out the sword according to Shen Xiuyun's command, his speed was also extremely fast, even faster than these Zerg soldiers, Shen Xiuyun said that the left middle lane was down, and the long sword in Luo Jia's hand went straight to his left front and slashed down, and he actually cut off the leg of a Zerg who tried to sneak attack him with a sword. As soon as the Zerg soldier fell, a man behind him swung his sword to make up for it.

"Sidethorn!" Shen Xiuyun shouted from behind, and at the same time, he had to watch out for those Zerg soldiers attacking him.

After Luo Jia listened to the order, the long sword was held horizontally, and he pushed it forward, and he directly cut off the head of the Zerg soldier who tried to make up the knife, and the black flying insect flew out with a snort, but it went straight to Shen Xiuyun, Luo Jia didn't need Shen Xiuyun to speak this time, and jumped back to his side following the smell of pheromones on his body.

"You don't have to worry about me, I have a way to deal with these bugs." Shen Xiuyun said, taking out the spray that Bai Mo gave him from his pocket, although this thing is only a small bottle, it is very useful, and it can kill those groups of low-level zerg in the shortest time. It was with this that he broke into the Imperial Military Headquarters, which had become a nest of bugs.

Luo Jia saw that Shen Xiuyun did have a way to protect himself, and his actions were even more open. One of the two is each other's sword, and the other is each other's eyes, fighting a bloody path in the encirclement, getting closer and closer to the exit.

Shen Xiuyun followed behind Luo Jia, looking at his extremely swift figure, but his heart became more and more confused. He knows Luo Jia's level very well, although his strength is very qiáng as the purest Alpha of the imperial bloodline, but it is not to the point of qiáng, you know, at the beginning in the Arena of Solomon, he fought with those masters in the ring, and he couldn't take any advantage, why can he completely surpass it now?

However, at this time, Shen Xiuyun was not allowed to think about it, they cooperated with each other to fight for a long time, and finally arrived at the exit, but those zergs had already sealed the door.

"Get out of the way!" Shen Xiuyun kept under his feet, but he felt something the size of a pill.

Luo Jia retreated and stood with Shen Xiuyun.

Shen Xiuyun directly threw the pill in front of the sealed military headquarters, grabbed Luo Jia and hid behind.


The flames were shining, and the explosive power of the miniature blasting bombs could not be underestimated, and the gate was directly blown out of a huge dòng, and the entire Imperial Military Headquarters building was shaken, and wall ash and rubble fell in a row.

Shen Xiuyun grabbed Luo Jia and jumped out of the gate, and ran outside violently, they had just jumped out, and the miniature blasting bomb actually sent out a second explosion, but this time it was more violent than the first time, blowing up some of the Zerg soldiers who wanted to catch up with them, and even the insects that flew out were scorched.

The square in front of the Imperial Military Department was unexpectedly empty at this time, but the night was thick, and the figures of the two people fleeing quickly were reflected under the street lamp.

Although some of them were blown away, there were still a lot of pursuers behind them. Turning a street corner, there were more and more people in front of me, and I could faintly hear the screams and cries of a crowd.

At this moment, a group of spaceships suddenly appeared in the sky above Rama, and they flew extremely fast, almost approaching the ground in the blink of an eye.

In appearance, the ships are familiar to the Imperial Army, and the symbol on them is an eagle with wings spread, which is the symbol of the Glory Corps of the Imperial Army. However, at this time, when the people of the empire on the ground saw the spaceship, their eyes did not rise with hope and joy, but were full of panic, and even ran in the opposite direction to where the spaceship landed.

Shen Xiuyun and Luo Jia also happened to arrive here at this time, seeing the spaceship landing on the ground, a group of armed Imperial Army soldiers came down from the spaceship, their eyes were very light in color, it was the kind of pupil color after being eroded by the Zerg, and the first one of them, Shen Xiuyun had seen, he was the henchman of Prince Luojia, General Joseph.


In the night, the screams of the crowd became more and more shrill and piercing, conveying the slightest trace of fear. Those light-eyed Imperial soldiers looked like ghosts in hell in the eyes of the people at this time, and the dark green cloak was stirred by the wind, and even the black falcon on it looked extremely hideous.

After Joseph's first spaceship landed, many more spaceships descended one after another behind them, and as far as the eye could see, the sky was densely packed with various flying machines. Probably because these days are tormented by those black insects, people will subconsciously feel fear and disgust from the bottom of their hearts when they see dense objects flying in the sky.

Shen Xiuyun looked at the starry skyships in the night sky in front of him, and his heart sank.

To attack with such a force, it's not just about attacking one area, it's about besieging the entire planet!

"Your Highness the Seventh, I'm afraid it's not good now." Shen Xiuyun whispered to Luo Jia.

"Oh? How? "

"Rama Planet, it looks like it's going to fall." Shen Xiuyun said.

Luo Jia listened to Shen Xiuyun's words but did not answer, closed his eyes and tilted his head slightly, he could hear the sound of the spaceship engine and propeller driving the airflow, thinking that when he was in the Military Command Academy, he had received special weapons training, and he could judge the model of the spacecraft just by the sound of the engine and turbine turning, know the armed level of the spaceship, and estimate the number of people on it by carrying capacity.

At this moment, the blue energy light of the spaceship was reflected on Luo Jia's side face, and the black forehead hair covered his eyebrows, and he could not see the panic, but was calm and showed a little coldness.

"How many ships are there?" Loga asked.

"There are about forty ships within ten kilometers, and it is impossible to estimate beyond ten kilometers." Shen Xiuyun said, and then glanced back at Luo Jia.

Several of the ships closest to the ground opened their hatches, and the Imperial soldiers assimilated by the Zerg slid down the ship with a halyard.

The black figures, like ghosts against the backdrop of the night, were reflected in the depths of people's frightened eyes, as if they saw the end coming.

"Ahh!!hh Come on! Bugs eat people!! "

These days, there are too many incidents of living people being eroded by the Zerg, Omega was directly abducted after being discovered, and Alpha was invaded alive by those black worms, while Beta, who had no use value, was wantonly killed as if it were fun. Today's Zerg has launched a full-scale attack on human beings, no longer forbearing, no longer sneaky, but brazenly trampling on human lives, it can be seen that their ultimate goal is not just to occupy a few planets, but just like the human extermination of the Zerg two hundred years ago, they will also wipe out the human race, so that this race will disappear into the cosmic civilization.

Shen Xiuyun wanted to retreat with Luo Jia, but they were already surrounded by heavily armed Zerg soldiers at this time. It was none other than the team led by Joseph, whose white eyes were fixed on them, and little by little they were approaching them.

Shen Xiuyun silently retreated, clenched the sword in his hand, and with his other hand, he also felt out the activation mechanism of the protective shield.

The Imperial officer, whose pupils were already close to white, slowly walked towards them, drew a laser pistol from his waist, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Joseph?" Loga spoke suddenly.

"Your Highness the Seventh, we haven't seen you for a long time." Joseph's cold face squeezed out a gān smirk.

Luo Jia was silent for a moment, but suddenly raised the corners of his lips and smiled, and said softly: "It's almost, it's time." "

As soon as the words came out, Joseph's eyes lit up, and he directly waved his gun and pointed it directly at the sky, banging and firing three shots in a row, but what came out of the muzzle of the gun was not an ordinary laser projectile, but a bright red signal flare!

The red qiáng light pierced through the clouds and sky, illuminating the sky above the entire planet Rama.

At the same time, people in various locations on the planet Rama have released such red flares, and immediately after, several major planets under the empire have also released such triple hit red flares.

As soon as the signal flare was issued, I saw that the Assimilation Imperial Army, which had originally surrounded Luo Jia and Shen Xiuyun, suddenly turned against them, and pointed their guns at their companions one after another, and then shot their heads with one blow when they were defenseless! The black flying insects immediately flew out of the corpses of those puppets that had been shot in the head, and frantically surged towards the imperial soldiers who had shot, and the Alpha soldiers, who were originally very tempting in the eyes of the Zerg, did not dare to approach when those black insects swept them up! Instead, they were burned to ashes with a high-pressure fire-breathing device.

And the scene of the Zerg soldiers defecting not only happened to Joseph and them at this time, but also happened in every corner of the planet Rama, as well as every corner of other planets under the territory of the empire.

The Zerg puppets working in various positions were stabbed in the back by what they thought were "the same kind", and they were forced to fly out of the puppet's body without even having time to react, but they couldn't erode the people who killed them, and they couldn't get close at all, as if there was an invisible wall to protect those hateful humans.

In front of Luo Jia, these temporary "mutiny" Zerg soldiers, after solving the "companions" around them, took out a square handkerchief from their arms, wrapped it around their arms, and silently approached it, but it was no longer surrounding, but the guards generally protected Luo Jia in the middle.

Joseph withdrew the gun from his waist, and his expressionless face, which had been very stiff a moment before, suddenly collapsed, revealing his usual languid ruffian smile, and came up and put his arm around Lorgar's shoulder, and patted him hard.

"Stinky boy, I'm finally at peace with you, I said, are you with your eyes closed? Enough is enough, right? "

Shen Xiuyun's face was cold beside him, and his eyes looked at Luo Jia like a knife.

And Luo Jia's eyes were still closed, and he didn't explain too much, but he commanded in a deep voice: "This time we must uproot the old nest of the Zerg, pay attention to that Van Sted, he is the highest level found so far, and Caesaron, must not let them escape!" "

"Rest assured, how could it be possible to let them run away after so long of painstaking arrangement? Those stupid bugs are still trying to catch us, and I think we're going to kill them all. Joseph sneered disdainfully, then suddenly felt a chill on his body, and turned his head, "Hey, I said, this is ...... Shen Xiuyun, right? Always pointing a gun at me, aren't you tired? "

Shen Xiuyun raised the gun and aimed at him as early as when Joseph took the gun into the sky, if he hadn't reacted fast enough and restrained himself from pulling the trigger in time, maybe Joseph had been beaten into a sieve by him at this time, and he dared to suddenly launch such a suspicious attack in front of him and was still alive, Joseph was still the first.

"Your eyes." Shen Xiuyun didn't talk nonsense, just said this sentence.

"Oh, you said this!" Joseph shrugged his shoulders, reached out and touched his eyes lightly, took off a white translucent wafer, and then approached Shen Xiuyun with a crystal bright eye, and blinked, "Contact lenses only." "

Shen Xiuyun silently moved his gaze to Luo Jia beside him: "So, this is the plan of the Seventh Highness?" "

"Xiuyun, I'm sorry for hiding it from you."

"Your eyes...... Also fake? Shen Xiuyun asked.

"What do you think?" Lorgar finally smiled bitterly. "You think I'm lying to you?"

After listening to the conversation between the two, Joseph, who had never taken Luojia's eyes seriously, suddenly felt that something was wrong, became serious, looked carefully, and his face changed suddenly, "Luojia, what's wrong with your eyes?!" "

Luo Jia didn't speak, his face still facing Shen Xiuyun.

"Damn, it's enough for you to give up the throne, what's wrong with your eyes!" Joseph was in a hurry and wanted to go over and peel off Lorgar's eyelids to see what was going on.

Luo Jia blocked Joseph and said lightly: "The Zerg can attack so quickly and comprehensively, without waiting for them to be more sure, this sacrifice in exchange for so many lives is enough." "

"Lorgar! Are you fucking kidding! Joseph yelled, "There are so many people down there waiting for you to command, who the are you blind to let take your place?" "

"Joseph, I am no longer the heir to the throne, and I am probably not even a prince. We'll talk about that later, but you take someone to the Klaipa Palace, and Princess Abigail will meet you inside.


"It's an order."

Joseph knew that he had more important things to do, and that he really didn't have time to spend it here, so he took one last look at Lorgar, left some of his men to protect him, and joined the battle with the others.

"By the way, Shen Xiuyun, I heard that Shasar was rescued by you to the Omega planet." Before parting, Joseph turned back to Shen Xiuyun and said, "Thank you very much, I have written down this favor, and he will entrust it to you." With that, he turned and left, and soon the dancing dark green cloak disappeared into the night.

And Shen Xiuyun looked at Luo Jia for a long time, but suddenly said: "As long as you resist for a day or two, your eyes may be saved." "

"Didn't I already explain to you, if I still have the ability to fight back, Van Stede was puzzled, he would definitely not launch a full-scale attack so quickly, and every day of delay, more people would be turned into puppets."

"Is it really worth it for someone who doesn't get along?" Shen Xiuyun looked at Luo Jia with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

Luo Jia turned to Shen Xiuyun and slowly walked a few steps closer to him, although his eyes couldn't be opened, they didn't make people feel pity at all, and his body was still full of murderous aura.

"Wrong." Luo Jia walked up to Shen Xiuyun and whispered in his ear in a calm tone: "It's for the important people, so it's worth it." "

Shen Xiuyun tilted his head slightly, he could feel the other party's snort, as well as the smell that belonged to the Alpha emanating from his body, and his heart fluctuated again, this feeling was very inexplicable, but it was the second experience.

Shen Xiuyun was stunned for a moment, then quickly came back to his senses, and his gaze lightly swept towards the battlefield behind Luo Jia, as well as the guards who loyally guarded his side, "Why are they immune to the Zerg?" "

"The people from the Imperial Military Hospital took my blood and made it into a reagent and injected it into their bodies."

Shen Xiuyun smiled, "It seems that you still have a lot of helpers, I thought you were in a desperate situation, it seems that you are indeed transgressed." "

"But you're still here to save me, Xiuyun." Loga said.

"I don't like to owe favors, you know."

"I know." "But I'm still happy." "

"Since His Royal Highness the Seventh is safe and sound, I don't have to stay here anymore." Shen Xiuyun said as he withdrew his sword, turned around and was about to leave, "From now on, we don't owe each other." "

"Xiuyun!" However, Luo Jia stopped Shen Xiuyun.

Shen Xiuyun turned his head.

Luo Jia smiled: "How can it be said that the two do not owe each other, this time it is obviously for you to run for nothing." "


"So I want to give you a great gift."

"Oh? What the? Shen Xiuyun raised his eyebrows with interest, as an assassin who was once notorious and full of evil, he actually preferred material rewards to those hypocritical things.

"A piece of ammunition."

Shen Xiuyun was even more interested.

Luo Jia seemed to be able to see the other party's expression at this time, and couldn't help but smile faintly, "When the time comes, someone will be sent to your Omega planet, remember to ask someone to receive it." "

"Why?" Shen Xiuyun asked, the conversation between him and Luo Jia often does not need to be said completely, just a few simple words like this, you can understand the meaning of the other party.

"You'll need it." Loga said.

Shen Xiuyun looked at Luo Jia and finally nodded, "Okay, I'll wait." "

"Now that the civilian spacecraft has been completely suspended, if you want to go, you can drive a small spaceship yourself." Loga said.

"Well, okay, then thank you to His Highness Seven." Shen Xiuyun also raised a faint smile on his lips.

On the second day of the full development of the Zerg and the human race, the overwhelming situation that was originally expected by Van Sted did not appear, and most of the Zerg soldiers who had been assimilated suddenly had a temporary rebellion, and because of the unexpectedness, many of them were plotted by their colleagues around them, so they suffered a big loss.

Why in the end, it was obvious that he had seen those people inject the primary lifeforms of the Zerg, how could it be that they had not been eroded and assimilated? And at that time, there was no abnormality in them at all, how could such a thing happen suddenly?! Van Sted was puzzled.

The human soldiers suddenly rose up, and under the leadership of the Jīng Rui troops led by Luo Jia and Joseph, they immediately regained the lost sphere of influence, causing the Zerg to completely destroy the dream of destroying humanity overnight, but because of the huge power gap between humans and the Zerg, coupled with some high-level Zerg who had evolved intelligence, the Imperial Army failed to quickly wipe out the Zerg, and the two sides soon fell into a stalemate.

Soon after, Caesaron was surrounded in the Klaipa Palace, and the dog jumped under the wall in a hurry, and pulled out the old emperor Kemis, who had not appeared for a long time, and asked him to order the removal of Luojia's military power, and let himself inherit the throne, lead the imperial army to resist the Zerg, and slandered Luojia as the internal response of the Zerg, and used his peculiar blood as a gimmick to trumpet the subtle connection between him and the Zerg.

However, Lorgar did not care so much, and continued to order his legions to bombard the palace of Klaipa, vowing to capture Catharon alive so that the world could see his true face.


Shen Xiuyun returned to the Omega planet, and as soon as his spaceship entered the monitoring range, someone reported to the general headquarters Joshua, who heard that Shen Xiuyun was back, and his face showed a hint of joy, but soon he sank his face again, got up and walked outside. And the other people who followed him, Lan Di, Bai Mo and Ivan, none of them had a good face.

The spacecraft stopped at the ground space station outside the city, and Shen Xiuyun opened the hatch and came down, and saw a row of black faces.

Shen Xiuyun was slightly stunned, "Huh? What do you guys do here? "

Bai Mo couldn't control it first, walked over directly, sniffed at him, frowned and said in disgust: "The smell of Alpha all over the body." "

"Xiuyun, you didn't say goodbye this time, do you know it, just to find you, how much manpower and financial resources did we spend?" Joshua looked a little angry. "Now that you're our leader, acting without any protection, do you know what it means to us if something happens to you?"

"Risking to a bug-infested place like Lamar is still trying to save an Alpha!" White Mo interface.

Shen Xiuyun knew that with his own position, he was not qualified to call on the resources of the Omega Planet to save Luo Jia this time, but there was such a crux in his heart, he didn't want to owe that person, so he acted alone. He used to be an assassin by profession, and it was his habit to be alone, but in fact, life on Planet Omega had made him a little uncomfortable. He slowly learned to take responsibility, but as the responsibility on his body became bigger and bigger, he also felt tired, so he willfully acted for once, but he didn't expect to make several of his companions have such a big reaction.

"Xiuyun, in fact, as long as you're fine, it's fine." Lan Di was not as excited as the others, he was the first person to follow Shen Xiuyun, seeing him go from an unrestrained assassin to this point little by little, Lan Di understood Shen Xiuyun's difficulty, so he couldn't bear to stimulate him with radical words, "But if you want to do anything in the future, don't act alone, your identity is different now than before." "

Shen Xiuyun knew that he was wrong, but if he wanted him to admit his mistake in person, it was absolutely impossible. He just glanced at a few people in silence, walked straight past them, stepped onto a flying machine, and walked away without saying a word.

"Hey! He did such a thing, and he was courteous! So horizontal? Bai Mo stared at Shen Xiuyun's back, angry.

"Forget it, there is a deep bond between Xiuyun and the Seventh Prince, and I can't say a word or two. They knew each other when they were in Solomon's Arena. Landy said.

"Hmph, what good things can Alpha have? Not all of them are the same, especially the royal ones. Ivan's tone was not good.

Joshua knew that his tone just now was a little impulsive and a little regretful, and he couldn't help but sigh, "Hey, we have accepted so much help from His Highness Shasar, and we should actually do his own brother a favor." "

At the mention of Shasar, Bai Mo's expression finally softened, "Thanks to Shasar, my research can be carried out smoothly, and I can also prepare for the next step, he is really a genius in the medical field!" "

"Yes, so let's go see Xiuyun for a while, I don't think he's in a very good mood. Besides......" Randy said, glancing at Ivan with a bit of teasing, "It's not that all Alphas are so unbearable. "

Ivan's face turned cold, "Randy, what do you mean by me!" Want to go out and go it alone? "

Randy laughed and ducked behind Joshua.

While they were talking, a report came from the surveillance tower that a full twelve unidentified cargo ships had entered the control of the Omega planet.

"Who's coming?" Joshua asked, frowning.

"Said it was a gift from a friend of the chief." The person who watched the tower reported.

"Friends?" Joshua had a suspicious look in his eyes, thought for a moment and said, "Let them stop outside the security line, and send someone to receive it when the time comes, and take precautions." "


A few people didn't know why, so they simply waited on the space station for a while, and it didn't take long to receive a report of the successful landing of the cargo ship.

"Report, report!" When the communication came again, the person in charge of receiving the cargo ship was a little excited, and he stammered, "We have inspected the goods, and the things in the twelve ships are all munitions!" "

"Munitions?" Joshua's eyes lit up, "What do you mean?" All this batch of arms was given to us for nothing? Have you checked for security? "

"Checked it, it's no problem at all!"

"How many are there, and what are they?" Ivan's eyes also lit up like he saw a rabbit, and he grabbed it and asked.

"It's all the most advanced on the market. Say it's a thank you gift to the chief! "

"The other party didn't say who it was?"

"Nope. But judging by their words and deeds, they look very much like they came out of the army. "

Hearing this, Joshua and Bai Mo glanced at each other, and they both understood something in an instant.

"It seems that Xiuyun has made a lot of money from this trip." After a moment, Joshua touched his chin and smacked his lips in a sigh.

"That's for sure, when have you ever seen our Yun Ye suffer?" Ivan also smiled from ear to ear.

Bai Mo really couldn't bear to look at it directly, and a few minutes ago, he was still righteous, but this time when he saw the good things, he turned around, looked at these two guys who saw the money, snorted from his nose, turned around and left.

It's a good thing to have money, especially for something as difficult as munitions, which can be described as a relief for them now. However, the ideological indoctrination of Shen Xiuyun must continue, after all, now that they all regard him as the leader, they must be repeatedly brainwashed so that he can no longer be like before, just one person can feed the whole family and not go hungry, otherwise, one day Shen Xiuyun's temper will come up and pick the son will not gān, they will be miserable.

Just as Joshua and the others were dealing with the arms outside the city, Shen Xiuyun returned to his residence alone and stayed in the house silently for a while, but he didn't expect to receive a request for a visit, and the visitor was none other than the fourth prince Shasar.

Shen Xiuyun had a good impression of this prince, agreed to the request to visit, and received him in the living room.

Shasar walked in slowly, his legs were obviously not as flexible as normal, but this did not affect his grace.

"Your legs ......" Shen Xiuyun glanced at him, "Are you okay?" "

"Well, it's better than no consciousness at all." Shasar smiled faintly, then sat down on the couch, "Thank you for saving my brother." "

"Your Royal Highness is polite. With the ability of His Highness the Seventh, even without me, he will be safe and sound. "

Shasar shook his head helplessly, looking at Shen Xiuyun's gaze like looking at Luo Jia, with his brother's tolerance, "Xiuyun, can I call you that?" "

Shen Xiuyun nodded, "Your Highness is free." "

"Just call me Shasar." Sasar's voice is very good, and always gentle, and it has the effect of soothing people's anxiety. However, perhaps compared to his voice, his eyes have more soothing magic, warm as water, but full of depth and wisdom like the sea, able to contain all things.

"Since you've met Lorgar and you've come back without incident, do you already know about his arrangement?" Shasar asked.

"Didn't the Fourth Highness say before that he didn't know anything about their plans?" Shen Xiuyun raised his eyes to look at Shasar.

But Shasar said calmly: "That's right, I really don't know, but after watching the news in the past two days, I can already roughly guess a little, otherwise, there is no way to help Bai Mo do the research of those reagents." "

"What does this mean, Your Highness? Why didn't I understand? "

Shasar patiently explained: "I know that my blood is immune to the primary life forms of the Zerg, because of the genetic problems in the blood, I once had a thought, thinking that if it was my closest relative, with genes similar to mine in the blood, would it also have such an effect." This idea was confirmed when I saw the latest news, and what surprised me even more was that there was a technology to extract Luojia's blood and make something similar to an immune injection, and inject it into other Alphas to provide them with protection, so I wondered if I could also extract my blood to extract the Zerg primary lifeform immune injection suitable for Omega. "

"The result?"

This time, there was a different emotion in Shasar's gentle smile, a kind of pride, "It worked." However, in such a short period of time, in addition to Bai Mo's talent, there is also a close friend of mine in the Imperial Military Hospital, who happened to be involved in Luojia's blood extraction research project and provided a lot of valuable information. "

"So why did the Fourth Highness tell me this?"

"In order to tell you, our Omega here can also get rid of the threat of being eroded by the Zerg, and not only us, but also a more important place, where the Omega population accounts for nearly one-fifth of the total population of the entire Star Empire, and it has now fallen into the hands of the Zerg."

"You mean the planet Meizuo?"

"That's right."

Shen Xiuyun raised his eyebrows, "Doesn't the Fourth Highness think that recovering the lost territory is something that the government should worry about?" "

"But before you also took the lead in rescuing the Omegas in the secret base who were used as test subjects, and I was one of them."

"This is different, at that time, the Zerg had not yet been revealed, if we didn't go, maybe those people would also be tortured to brain death like the group of people who were exposed before."

"Now the government is concentrating all of its jīng forces on the jiāo battle against the Zerg on the frontal battlefield, and there is no way to separate jīng forces to manage the Meizuo planet."

Shen Xiuyun sneered mockingly, "So why does the Fourth Highness think that we can willingly help those governments that have rounded us up?" "

"It's the Zerg who are rounding you up, not the real Imperial Army."

"If the Zerg is wiped out, it will be our turn, and this must be well known to His Royal Highness."

"Yes, I know that." Shasar's gaze suddenly became solemn, "That's why I said that taking back the Meizuo base is equivalent to helping us, Xiuyun, you listen, it's us, we Omega." "


Where Shen Xiuyun lives, you can directly see the Omega Factory outside the window, and in the building that has been transformed into an increasingly large building, there is the economic lifeline of their entire Omega planet. The Omegas who came to take refuge found their place here, and for many, it was perhaps their first job in life.

Shasar looked out the window, the Omega factory was like a bride in evening dress in the huáng dusk, and the magnificent shadow reflected in his eyes actually added a bit of brightness to the eyes that had always been as light as water.

"Xiuyun, as the prince of the empire, maybe I shouldn't have such thoughts, but I really feel that maybe this time the Zerg is coming back, not to unite us." Shasar withdrew his gaze and looked meaningfully into Shen Xiuyun's eyes, "Rather, ...... Let's fight. "

"Scramble? And with whom? Fight for what? Shen Xiuyun asked.

"These days, Bai Mo and I have discussed a lot about the reason for the resurrection of this generation of Zerg. The combination of the Zerg's genetic fragments with the Omega's blood will give birth to a primary lifeform, which can become qiáng in Alpha's blood. In fact, if you think about it carefully, is this very similar to the racial characteristics of our human race? The code name for Omega is Breeding, while the code name for Alpha is Strength. However, in the continuation of the Zerg race, the blood of Omega and Alpha is indispensable and cooperates with each other. On the other hand, we humans, the Omega population does not know when it began to become a vassal of the Alpha little by little, with no freedom or status, and can only be kept at home as a breeding tool, at the mercy of others like dolls. But you must know that more than 200 years ago, when human beings were just re-evolving, Alpha and Omega were also equal, they were interdependent, and no one was indispensable. Don't you think that's the relationship between the two major human populations? "

"So having said all that, does His Highness Shasar just want me to take the people of Planet Omega to rebel against the government? While the Imperial Army was fighting with the Zerg Jiāo, waiting for an opportunity to occupy the planets of the Interstellar Empire from the rear? "

"It can be understood in this way, and the first planet that is most suitable to be seized is the planet Meizuo." Shasar was blunt.

Shen Xiuyun smiled, "Fourth Highness, as far as I know, General Joseph is very good to you, if you do this, aren't you afraid that you will one day be opposed to him?" "

At the mention of Joseph, Shasar's gaze couldn't help but soften, and he lowered his eyes and fiddled with the ring between his fingers twice, before he said softly: "It is because we love each other that I have to fight side by side with him, and before that, I must first have the qualifications to fight side by side with him." "

Shen Xiuyun's usual Omegas all hate Alpha, but for some reason, at this time, Shasar lowered his head and gently raised the corners of his lips to talk about the appearance of another Alpha, which made his heart touch slightly. For a moment, he seemed to be able to see the disheveled general behind Shasar, smiling at Shasar with his military hat in hand.

At this time, Shen Xiuyun didn't know that this was not all an illusion he generated, but because Shasar and Joseph had marked each other, the oldest contract between Alpha and Omega was formed, and that subtle connection would make Shasar's side full of Joseph's breath, and in the same way, Joseph would also have traces of Shasar's there, and the kind of spiritual connection and tacit understanding between the two of them would never be understood by people who did not have this kind of bond.

"Xiuyun, you should understand a truth." Shasar raised his head and looked at Shen Xiuyun seriously, his expression became more serious, "A person's resistance is a crime and must be punished. The revolt of a group of people is bào chaos and is to be suppressed. And the rebellion of a race and class is justice and a ray of hope. The blood of Omegas and Alphas is also essential for the Zerg, and conversely, once they lack one of them, they will stop reproducing and growing. We don't want to see that one day, in order to prevent the invasion of the Zerg, human beings will sacrifice a small number of people to protect the majority of people, and we don't want to see that the small number of people who are sacrificed are Omegas. "

After listening to Sha Sa's words, Shen Xiuyun pondered for a moment before he slowly spoke: "Fourth Highness, when I escaped from the Meizuo base, what do you guess I was for?" "


"Nope." Shen Xiuyun shook his head, "I'm just here for revenge." "

Shasar's expression remained unchanged, "And then?" "

"No then."

Shasar smiled faintly, "Xiuyun, I'm afraid I can't believe your words. "

Then Shasar got up and walked to the window, and the blood-like sunset stained the heavens and the earth red, and also dyed Shasar's slightly pale face a little ruddy, like the color of life.

"If you just want to be an ordinary assassin, why do you want to make every action known to everyone? With your skills, it should be easy to assassinate secretly and then disappear, right? If you just want to live in seclusion and live freely, why do you consciously or unconsciously start to gather your subordinates? Or even this omega planet as a foothold? I don't believe you didn't see it at all when Lorgar bought you to assassinate Professor Feig and Quartermaster Zolon in order to deal with Catheron and Galeman in order to deal with them, but you still did it and made your name resounding throughout the interstellar empire and became the leader of the Omega. Xiuyun, whether you want to admit it or not, you have not been following the path of a professional killer from the beginning, you know this better than anyone else, even without the intervention of the Zerg, sooner or later you will have to oppose the government, because, unconsciously, you are already a revolutionary, Xiuyun, don't you see? "

When Shasar said this, he didn't look at Shen Xiuyun, but looked out the window, the sky of the omega star was burning, dazzling like fire, he didn't seem to be talking to Shen Xiuyun at all, but expressing his own emotion, or rather, he was sighing towards this new world outside.

And Shen Xiuyun was sitting in the sofa chair behind Shasar at the moment, with one hand on the armrest, supporting his head, his handsome side face was covered with a layer of gold by the afterglow that spilled in from the window, and his low-hanging eyelashes cast a faint shadow under his eyes.

In fact, what Shasar said was not wrong, he had never thought of living incognito. But why would he do it? Why turn this Alpha-dominated world upside down?

Just because there is a person who used to always repeat a sentence in front of him:

Xiuyun, some people can kill, and some can't, some people can kill to let people know, and some people can't.

He didn't know why he did what the man said, maybe it was just because of the failure of the previous life, and there was an unwilling obsession in his heart.

If you don't want to be manipulated by others, pull down the highest person who dares to manipulate you and replace it, this is the logic of that person. But Shen Xiuyun kept killing people who wanted to manipulate him, and then kept escaping until he was exhausted and besieged to a dead end.

The blade is fragile, and it is difficult to survive alone.

The words that were once hazy and heard between drunkenness seeped into the bone marrow unconsciously. Step by step, maybe even Shen Xiuyun himself didn't know how to walk through, until today, when he turned around again, he found that there were already many people standing behind him, they were his followers, and they were willing to serve him as the master.

And as Shen Xiuyun, an assassin who is used to being alone and has no worries, does he want such a life? Shen Xiuyun didn't know, and was even a little confused, which was why he was speechless when facing Joshua and them just now.

"Xiuyun, you are free now, and if you want to make such freedom legal and permanent, there is the best opportunity right in front of you, isn't it?" Shasar finally turned his head, and under the backlight, he smiled at Shen Xiuyun, "I look forward to you writing a legend for us." "

Shen Xiuyun glanced at Shasar, his eyes turned slightly, and his gaze fell on the Omega factory, at this time, it was just the end of work, and there were employees coming out of the factory one after another, and people were talking about going to work, their expressions were relaxed, and they didn't seem to be affected by the Zerg at all.

Shen Xiuyun watched silently for a while, when suddenly someone knocked on the door, and a guard walked in and gave Shen Xiuyun a letter.

"This is a gift from Lord Joshua, it is said to be a gift from a mysterious guest, and the gift is being counted, and the letter left for you by the giver." The guards gave the letter to Shen Xiuyun and then withdrew.

Shen Xiuyun opened the envelope and saw a familiar font on it:

Xiuyun, the gift has been delivered, use it well.

Attached to the envelope was a long list of types and quantities of munitions, and the size of munitions, estimated, should be one-tenth of the armaments of the entire interstellar empire, and I am afraid that all that Luo Jia can give him now.

Shen Xiuyun glanced at the list, looked at the line of words again, and after a long time, he silently put away the letter, with a faint smile in his eyes.

"Your Highness Shasar, you and your brother really have a tacit understanding, and I will think that you are colluding with each other."

Shasar chuckled, already guessing whose letter it belonged to and what it said.

"Really? In that case, let's think of it as me and Logari joining forces. "

"But I don't understand, Luo Jia, he is the Alpha prince, why should he support me?"

"Don't you understand?" Shasar's clear eyes full of insight looked at Shen Xiuyun quietly.

Shen Xiuyun turned his head a little uncomfortably, avoiding Shasar's gaze.

"It's always hard to guess what the Seventh Highness thinks."

"So, what is your decision now......?" Shasar changed the subject.

Shen Xiuyun took Luo Jia's letter into his arms and stood up, his eyebrows and eyes were already stretched out at this time, and he could vaguely see the wanton and free and easy when he broke into the Klipa Palace alone to find Luo Jia for revenge.

"Since His Royal Highness has said so much, if I am still just trying to hide here and be a coward who can't shrink, wouldn't it be in vain for you to think about Ivan?" Shen Xiuyun said with a smile, "But the legend doesn't dare to say, whether he will become a hero or a bear in the end, he can only take one step at a time!" "

In the evening, Joshua prepared a day's wording, ready to talk to Shen Xiuyun for a good talk, but he didn't find him in Shen Xiuyun's room, and asked the people in the guard room to find out that Shen Xiuyun actually went to the headquarters.

This headquarters was converted from a factory conference room when Caesaron led his troops to besiege it, and it has been preserved ever since.

Joshua walked into the command room and saw Shen Xiuyun looking at something.


Shen Xiuyun raised his head.

Joshua made up his mind to brainwash and persuade Shen Xiuyun again, Shen Xiuyun is stubborn, sometimes a little casual, Joshua in order to make Shen Xiuyun more deeply aware of his current identity and role, take a deep breath, sink his dantian, and prepare to come up with his posture of negotiating in the business field, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Shen Xiuyun.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think about it this time, and I promise that it will never happen again in the future."

Joshua almost flashed to his waist, he had been brewing all afternoon, who knew that before he could play it, he was choked to death by Shen Xiuyun's words.

"Xiuyun, you...... You okay? "

Shen Xiuyun glanced at Joshua inexplicably, and then said, "Call Bai Mo and Ivan, I have something to discuss with you." "

Joshua stammered twice, and finally just said "oh", and then glanced at what Shen Xiuyun was looking at, slightly surprised.

"Are you looking at the list of armed fighters?"

"Hmm." Shen Xiuyun nodded.

The so-called armed warriors are the armies responsible for guarding the planet Omega. In fact, strictly speaking, it is not an army at all, except for the monitoring and defense system that requires some fixed posts, most of the other armed forces come from various jobs on the planet Omega, and after Ivan simply trained, they took up arms and directly participated in the war temporarily.

Because there is no systematic management and training, the armed forces are still relatively loose, and it has to be said that it is a miracle that such a team can withstand the siege of Caesaron at the beginning.

"I'm looking at which people can be promoted to generals, and if there are more people recruited in the future, they can also be organized into regiments and command their own troops."

Joshua was stunned when he heard this, "General? Divided into groups? Xiuyun: What do you mean by that? "

Shen Xiuyun was finally willing to look up at Joshua, "Didn't you decide to attack the Meizuo planet?" "

Joshua said in surprise, "You agreed?" "

"Why don't you agree?" Shen Xiuyun asked rhetorically, and then his eyes sank slightly, "But if we want to attack the Meizuo planet, we must first have a decent army, which is different from the previous defensive battles, and it is also different from the last sneak attack on the secret base of the Zerg." This time, we're going to take over the planet! "

"Hmm...... I'm going to find Ivan first. Joshua was a little excited, although he had always admired Shen Xiuyun's personality, he had to admit that Shen Xiuyun was not enough for the quality of a commander in many aspects, and he himself did not seem to have the determination to be a commander, but Shen Xiuyun at this time made him suddenly hopeful, his heart was surging and his blood was boiling, he was afraid that this was an illusion that he made up in his brain for a while, so he didn't dare to delay for a moment, and ran out of the command room to find a few other people.

And Shen Xiuyun was still immersed in studying those lists, sketching out all the people he had an impression of in the last offensive and defensive battles and the Zerg experimental base battles, and after all the lists were sorted out, Shen Xiuyun silently sat in his seat and breathed a sigh of relief.

If you want to do it, you must do it decently, so that you don't make the person look down on you. The so-called division is famous, and the first thing to do now is to establish a military rank. Shen Xiuyun pondered for a moment, and finally picked up his pen and wrote five words at the top of the list - Omega Alliance.

Shen Xiuyun is a person who does not do it, and if he does it, he will be exhausted.

Zerg, Imperial Army, Races and Aliens......

Now that the military flag has been erected, glory, mission, and light, who belongs in the end, just do it and see!
