ch 126 - 130


In fact, there are no photos on the news, but Luo Jia curled up the corners of his lips and smiled, while Shen Xiuyun stood next to him and looked sideways at him. Shen Xiuyun's eyelashes are long and thick, and he doesn't avoid it directly when he lowers his eyes to look at people, but in the eyes of others, he looks extremely focused, as if he is staring affectionately.

The most important thing is the post-processing of this photo, the soft lighting and color grading, not only made Shen Xiuyun and Luo Jia's beauty instantly break the table, but also showed the atmosphere between the two of them tacit and ambiguous.

In this moment of panic, there are too few beautiful things, and people who have been hungry for a long time with gossip hearts finally found jīng god food, and soon the words "good match, good match, good match, two people are good match" appeared in some online message areas.

"Are His Royal Highness Luo Jia and General Shen Xiuyun in love?"

"It's General Omega who likes the Seven Princes, right?"

"Both of them are so handsome......"

Never underestimate the power of gossip, not long after this photo broke out, the parliamentary interview videos of major TV stations were also broadcast one after another, and the sharp-eyed crowd soon discovered that when Luo Jia and Shen Xiuyun walked out of the council, the two were actually holding hands! Although it was just Luo Jia grabbing Shen Xiuyun's wrist and letting go as soon as he came out, it was enough to make people excited. Then someone broke out the video of the two of them in the Solomon Arena back then, and the final of the promotion to the higher region was re-revealed, which made people's blood boil, and some people who were skeptical of Shen Xiuyun before finally became brainless fans. Soon, a master opened a post, detailing the experience of Shen Xiuyun and Luo Jia over the years, and then found out that they have always been jiāo Ji Ji, it is said that when Shen Xiuyun escaped from the Meizuo base, the first target of assassination turned out to be Luo Jia!

People seem to have suddenly understood something, and "yooooh~~~" swiped the screen. Looking at the photo between Luo Jia and Shen Xiuyun, how do you see how there is jian's love.

At this time, Shen Xiuyun didn't know that overnight, the world had changed, and inexplicably he was pushed to become a national CP, and he was also paired with Luo Jia.

The news soon reached the planet Omega, and Ivan couldn't help but be furious when he saw this, "What is that woman in Shalatandine thinking?" Crazy! I bet this guy definitely did it on purpose! "

Joshua touched his chin and looked at the photo, but just smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's good." "

"Okay? Xiuyun has been allotted to that prince, okay? This is an insult! "

"It's not a good thing to be tied to the prince of a country, it can bring us a lot of unexpected conveniences, Shalatandin gān is beautiful, I think I should give her a bonus."

Ivan rolled his eyes, and then said: "Now that the Omega Alliance has obtained the legal number, Xiuyun will also send our people to fight this time, have you thought about who to send?" "

"Randy and you have to have one stay, what do you mean?"

Ivan immediately said, "Then naturally I left with Xiuyun!" "

Joshua glanced at Ivan, "You want to go to war so much?" "

"Needless to say! Or I've been practicing for two years, just to give them an alpha visit? "

"If you leave, there will be no one here who will not be able to live, a new generation of intelligent mecha is still under development, and it will cost you a lot if you give up halfway."

Ivan's face changed: "What do you mean?" What does it have to do with others whether I can go or not! "

Joshua laughed and didn't say anything.

After nearly four years of construction, the Omega Planet is now approaching perfection in all aspects, and the products of the Omega Factory have gradually expanded from the initial isolation package to medicines, biological weapons, and now even a complete mecha production line. The planet's permanent population is increasing, and according to incomplete statistics, nearly half of the Omegas in the empire have settled here, bringing a lot of productivity and making the planet's economy more diversified.

As the chief mecha master of Planet Omega, Lanka's status on Planet Omega is very high, even if he is an Alpha, it does not affect him to become a top manager of the Omega Factory. But at this time, sitting outside the factory, the blond-haired mecha master looked sullenly at the sky, thinking only one thing: when will the dear Ivan beauty be kind to him?

Because the little blue bird Xinlai once helped Shen Xiuyun out of the siege in the bar, since he fled to Planet Omega, he has been treated well, Joshua and they took good care of him, and arranged a well-paid idle job for him. And he has a good personality and can play jiāo with people, so he is very popular in the Omega factory.

However, Sinlai is optimistic and cheerful on the surface, but in fact he has low self-esteem on the inside. Among the senior managers of the Omega Factory, every Omega seems to have a skill: Ivan is regarded as the number one warrior of the Omega Planet, and is the only Omega who can independently control the intelligent mecha except for Shen Xiuyun, Bai Mo manages the Omega Factory's R&D base, it can be said that the entire Omega Planet can have today, he is indispensable, and Joshua needless to say, he is Shen Xiuyun's most trusted right-hand man, even Landi, who is from the same Fengyue Field as him, can also be alone on the Omega Planet, Even with those Alpha nobles jiāo, they can maneuver with ease.

It's just him, and it seems that he can't do anything but talk to people......

Sinlai was in a panic in the empty office, and came out alone to breathe, just in time to see Lanka sitting there sighing.

"Yo, Great Mecha Master, what's the matter?" Xin Lai has low self-esteem, but his usual speech and demeanor are completely unrestrained, and he looks very coarse, and no one will know that his coquettish appearance hides a shy and sensitive heart. "Are you thinking about our Ivan Beauty again?"

Lanka glanced at Sinlai silently, and continued to look at the sky and sigh depressedly.

Xin Lai smiled: "Actually, I think Ivan has a good impression of you." "

Lanka instantly resurrected with full blood, "Really! "

"You still don't believe me? With my eyesight, how could I be wrong. "

"Then he never looks at me squarely......"

Lessing thought for a moment and said, "In this way, I have a way to help you test his mind, what can you give me a thanks?" "

Lan Kai suddenly came to the god jīng, "Anything will do!" As long as you can make Ivan ignore me. "

"Okay, that's it, I don't actually have any requirements, I just want you to help me get a pass for the mecha production department."

"Oh? What do you want from that gān? "Lanka was surprised.

Lessing sighed: "Staying in the office all day, doing nothing, watching everyone have their own things to do, I also want to really do something meaningful, so I want to go to your machine shop to see, I was quite interested in mecha manufacturing when I was a child." "

"Interested in mecha building? Then you said earlier, I can let you go now, it just so happens that we have a mecha master's assistant on maternity leave, and we are looking for someone to replace it. "

Lessing's eyes lit up, "Really? But I don't have any foundation, can I? "

"Of course, it's very simple, you don't need any technology, you can come tomorrow!"

After chatting with the little blue bird for a while, Lanka felt very happy and returned to his residence from the factory early, but he did not expect to see a person he did not want to see at the door of the apartment.

"Your Royal Highness the Sixth Prince, I was sent by the Archbishop to find you." The man in the isolation cloak saluted Lanka, and the corner of the cloak was flipped open to reveal the bishop's robe inside. "You've been on a trip for so long, and he's worried about you."

Lanka's eyes froze,

"Your Highness, the Archbishop said that if you don't want your current life to be ruined, go out of the city to see him today, he is waiting for you outside the main city of Omega." With that, the man in the isolation suit saluted Lanka again, and then left without a word.

Lanka stood alone at the door of the apartment, his always clear and blue eyes were also dyed with a little haze at this time, and he couldn't help but clench his fists a little and hit the wall around him.

"Shhh It hurts......" Lanka hurriedly withdrew his hand and shook it, tears welling up in pain in his eyes.

So, it's really annoying to let him have a brother......

On behalf of the royal family, Princess Abigai held a ceremony for Shen Xiuyun to be the commander of the Glory Corps, and officially announced to the whole country, announcing that the Omega Alliance Army had become the fourth largest corps of the Imperial Army, and the Omega Planet was a planet with autonomy, and the Glory Corps was increased to six corps, and the personnel transfer list was determined by Shen Xiuyun himself.

As soon as the news came out, outside the temporary palace where Shen Xiuyun was arranged, the visitor's flying machines began to flow endlessly, some wanted to be transferred to the Glory Corps to seize military merits on the battlefield, and some people tried their best not to send them to death, afraid of being selected into the Glory Corps, so they all wanted to come to Shen Xiuyun to walk around.

Shen Xiuyun attended the appointment ceremony in the morning, was poured a few glasses of wine, dizzy and dizzy, and wanted to take a rest, but unexpectedly, so many people came to annoy him, so he simply told the doorman to thank him and never see him, but the doorman still handed a letter of worship to Shen Xiuyun later, because it was sent by Luo Jia, the seventh prince.

At that time, the doorman saw that Shen Xiuyun's expression was still full of deep meaning, and he specially adjusted it a few times, which was sent by "His Royal Highness Luo Jia". Shen Xiuyun wondered in his heart, and said that what Luo Jia sent was sent by Luo Jia, why did this person still have an expression of chūn' medicine, and began to consider whether to change the doorman.

Of course, Shen Xiuyun didn't know that there were countless pairs of eyes in the empire now watching him closely, and these eyes had nothing to do with power and reputation, just to find the pink and ambiguous relationship between him and the Seventh Prince.

"Let His Highness the Seventh come in, I'll wait for him in the living room." Shen Xiuyun felt more and more tight, and impatiently unbuttoned a few collar buckles and said to the doorman.

As Shen Xiuyun's personal guard, Zabu was very conflicted at this time, and he was hesitating to tell Shen Xiuyun about the rumors he had heard in the past two days, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was better to remain silent for the time being. After all, everything is a matter of chasing after the wind, and he can't say that the fan videos and fan fiction of him and His Seven Highnesses on the website are very popular now, right? In times of war, people always have to be a little bit of jīng god entertainment, and at this critical time, the Seven Princes are their only allies in the royal family, and this kind of basic political consciousness he Zabu still has

However, their general is now going to see His Highness Loga...... Is it really suitable?

"General, you ...... Do you want to wash your face and change your clothes? Zabu kindly reminded from the side.

"What's wrong? What's the problem? Shen Xiuyun asked coldly, probably because the previous wine strength had come up, Shen Xiuyun's face was slightly drunk, and his eyes were a little fluttering.

Zabu swallowed his saliva, he was sure that if he told the truth and said that you look charming and seductive now, General, he would definitely be shot by Shen Xiuyun. In the end, he decided that it was better not to say anything, anyway, who their general was, and he would not be taken advantage of.

In this way, the upright Zabu quietly withdrew, leaving Shen Xiuyun alone in the reception room.

Shen Xiuyun closed his eyes, half-lay on the sofa and waited for a while, and soon felt the pheromone taste of the Seven Princes, in fact, now in the Interstellar Empire, the purchase restrictions of pheromone isolation suits have long been useless, and the popularity of isolation suits is getting higher and higher, basically no one goes out without wearing isolation suits, but Luo Jia is an exception, so every time he appears nearby, Shen Xiuyun can know his existence.


A familiar and deep voice sounded, Shen Xiuyun opened his eyes slightly, turned his head, and saw Luo Jia coming from the door.


"Your Highness the Seventh, what are you doing here?"

Shen Xiuyun was lazy, still leaning on the sofa and not moving, his voice was low and hoarse, and he was a little careless. Luo Jia heard this, and his footsteps paused slightly, and then he slowly walked to the sofa and sat down beside Shen Xiuyun.

"The people from the Academy of Sciences asked us to go and said that there were some analysis reports about the Zerg to discuss with us, which was very urgent."

"When are you going?"

"It's now. They informed me and I just came to pick you up. "

The sofa was slightly sunken because Luo Jia sat down, because Shen Xiuyun was lying half crooked in the sofa, so there was not much space left, after Luo Jia sat down, his knee gently touched the outside of his thigh, Shen Xiuyun felt as if a burst of electricity was launched from the place where the two of them came into contact, and instantly ran through the whole body, and the smell of the Alpha pheromones that filled the entire room became more and more intense, as if it was a hallucinogenic incense, with an indescribable attraction and bewitching power. Shen Xiuyun squinted at Luo Jia, his throat tightened, as if he was thirsty.

For many years, Shen Xiuyun has been fighting against his Omega nature, he has never believed that Omega estrus cannot be without Alpha, and he has indeed proved this to the world with his actions. Even if he is really in estrus, looking at the entire interstellar empire, there will not be a long-sighted Alpha who has ill intentions towards him now. And he was also in the long-term depression, hypnotizing himself not to move that aspect of his mind, although Bai Mo reminded him many times that this is not good for his health, he never refused to relax.

Now, even when Alpha is dangling in front of his eyes when he is most unwell, he can be calm and self-controlled, not affected in the slightest. But now it seems that his self-sufficiency is an exception for one person.

Luo Jia waited for a long time and didn't hear Shen Xiuyun's response, and then turned his head sideways and shouted: "Xiuyun? "

Shen Xiuyun stared at him from the side, silent.

Luo Jia waited for a while, and saw that Shen Xiuyun was still silent, so he stretched out his hand and approached Shen Xiuyun tentatively.

Shen Xiuyun didn't move, and it wasn't until Luo Jia's hand was about to touch his face that he suddenly grabbed his wrist tightly.

Luo Jia was stunned for a moment and wanted to withdraw his hand, but Shen Xiuyun refused to let go.

"I'm sorry, you haven't spoken, I thought you were asleep." Loga explained.

Shen Xiuyun looked at Luo Jia intently, and his deep eyes didn't know whether it was because of being drunk. They looked different from usual, a little less cold, and more of a desire originating from his nature. It is as if a cheetah is staring at its prey that is equal to or even stronger than itself, observing patiently with hidden hunger, waiting for the best opportunity to pounce and kill it.The top few buttons of the brand new dark green military uniform and shirt were unbuttoned, forming a long and narrow deep V-shaped gap, and the scene inside could be vaguely seen. Shen Xiuyun held Luojia's hand and slowly sat up. The two silver stars on the shoulder straps, representing the commanders of the four major corps, flashed past the cold metallic light."Your Highness Seventh, why don't you always wear isolation clothes?" Shen Xiuyun asked.

Luo Jia could feel Shen Xiuyun's somewhat heavy snort, and knew that he was very close to him at this time. He slowly turned his head sideways to face him, his expression unchanged, but his voice lowered: "Oh? What's wrong, what's wrong? "

Shen Xiuyun lowered his eyes and looked at Luo Jia's lips, and unconsciously moved closer to him a few more points, his voice was so low and blurred that only the two of them could hear it, "Feel free to let out the smell of your body, if this is on the battlefield, isn't it to tell the enemy your whereabouts openly?" "

Luo Jia heard Shen Xiuyun's increasingly unsteady gasp, and just as the lips of the two were about to touch together, he suddenly stepped back a little and said, "Xiuyun, are you drunk?" "

Shen Xiuyun's eyes were much clearer, and he didn't seem to realize what he had just done, his eyes looked straight at Luo Jia, and only after a moment did he slowly distance himself from him.

"Maybe." Shen Xiuyun said.

"Today is a good day for you, and it's natural to have two more drinks."

"Good day?" Shen Xiuyun sneered, "Yes, it's indeed a good day, didn't you expect that I would have such a day?" Shen Xiuyun let go of Luo Jia's wrist, his body shook lightly out of balance, and Luo Jia immediately supported him with his backhand.

"What I didn't expect was that I wouldn't be able to see you in this uniform with my own eyes again." Luo Jia closed his eyes, his hand slowly moved up from Shen Xiuyun's arm, the palm that was cocooned by the saber rubbed against the dark green military uniform of the pulp shampoo, and finally stopped on his epaulettes, his fingertips slowly outlined the two silver stars on it, and said, "In my opinion, this should be three stars." "

"Three stars?" Shen Xiuyun seemed to hear a joke, "That's only for the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army." "

"So what? There will come a time. Luo Jia said with a serious expression. I believe that one day. "

Shen Xiuyun looked at the Seventh Prince with his eyes closed for a long time, his familiar face, his eyebrows and eyes that would not be blurred even in his dreams, he was entangled with this person in his two lives, like a dream bubble, and he couldn't tell right from wrong for a long time. Shen Xiuyun suddenly asked: "Luo Jia, if I accepted your proposal in my previous life, would you not have killed me?" "

Luo Jia was slightly stunned, and then he realized what Shen Xiuyun meant. He refers to the fact that before the East Window incident, he had given him a makeover and followed him into his army. But Shen Xiuyun at that time did not agree.

Luo Jia was his last life's name, how long has it been since he heard someone call him that? So long that he almost forgot that he was also a person who had lived for a lifetime.

"I don't know." Luo Jia was silent for a long time before giving such an answer. "Maybe when the time comes, I'll sacrifice you."

Shen Xiuyun smiled, but he was not angry, "Your Highness the Seventh, you are really honest. "

"I said I wouldn't lie to you in the future."

"What about this life? I can have today, thanks to His Highness's help all the way, I am really not afraid of my high achievements? "

"I am not the master in this life, and you are not a servant."

"But your goal is still the throne. If one day I stand in your way, will you get rid of me as you did in your previous life? "

There was an almost eerie silence, as if the dust in the air had also stopped fluttering at this moment, quietly listening to the wrong breathing and heartbeat that only belonged to the two of them.

"I don't know." Loga gave the same answer.

Shen Xiuyun looked at him and didn't speak, but when he heard these four words, there was still an emotion flashing in his black eyes, and the name of this emotion was disappointment.

"So, Xiuyun." Luo Jia said and grabbed Shen Xiuyun's hand, held it tightly, leaned forward, the tips of the two noses touched as if they were nothing, and their lips were so close that they were almost close to Shen Xiuyun's lips, and then he whispered softly: "So Xiuyun, if that day really comes, use your army and the sword in your hand to kill me." Get rid of me before I get rid of you. Because you are no longer the assassin you used to be at the disposal of others, you have to climb higher, become more qiáng, and never allow anyone to touch your interests. "

Shen Xiuyun closed his eyes, at this moment, he seemed to understand something, maybe he had already understood, so he was reborn in this life, he did not repeat the mistakes of the past and become a murderer full of evil, but embarked on a completely different path, and went further and further on this road.

And why did he embark on such a path?

Not only did he have a large number of followers, but he also became a general with military power. Even in such an ABO world, they were not reduced to fertility tools kept in captivity by the aristocracy because they were born as Omegas, but were respected and even worshipped.

Perhaps, it is the person in front of you who is inseparable from the gān system, right? If it weren't for this person, there would be no him today, and if it weren't for the words and deeds of his seventh prince Luo Jia in his previous life, and the secret help in this life, there would be no Shen Xiuyun today. It's just that he hasn't been willing to admit it.

"Okay, I promise I'll kill you before you try to get rid of me." Shen Xiuyun replied, and then felt two hot lips gently covering his lips.

The last time a similar scene happened before he died, when Shen Xiuyun's first thought was to stab this person with a sword, but at this time, he did not refuse, the familiar aura belonging to Alpha made him feel reassured, and the lingering temptation between his lips and teeth soothed the impetuousness in his heart a little bit. Shen Xiuyun knew that at this moment, it had nothing to do with Omega's estrus, nor did it contain any erotic color, they were just continuing to do something that they had not finished in their previous life.

Shen Xiuyun suddenly remembered that a voice had asked him before he died, if he wanted to live again, Shen Xiuyun asked why he wanted to live again, and the voice said that because he didn't understand one thing, it was called love.

In fact, Shen Xiuyun still doesn't understand what bullshit love is, he only knows that when he stands at the door of the parliament building with this person as the commander of the corps and is interviewed by reporters, it feels good. It doesn't have to hide in Tibet anymore, and it feels good to see people. When people mention his name, there is no longer fear in their eyes, and it feels good. At the ordination ceremony, this person looked at him from the audience and felt good. Also, the feeling of this kiss...... Not bad.

The two just had a superficial kiss, Luo Jia got up consciously, Shen Xiuyun went to the bathroom to wash his face, tidied up his military uniform, and then they left the temporary palace as if nothing had happened, and boarded the flying machine to go to the Academy of Sciences.

"What are those people doing?"

Before the two of them got on the plane, Shen Xiuyun saw someone sneakily filming them, and couldn't help but wonder in his heart, now that there is no news, and no reporters are coming, how can someone secretly photograph them?

"What's wrong?"

"It's like taking pictures."

"Maybe it's your admirer." Lorgar said, a smile on her lips.

In the dusk, the aircraft slowly drove through the air, flying half of the planet Rama towards the Academy of Sciences in the southern hemisphere. Shen Xiuyun propped his head and looked out through the window, and the rama star after the war was bathed in the crimson of the sunset, fading a little bit of depression, looking gentle and charming. And at this time, he didn't know that just behind him, Luo Jia actually opened his eyes and was staring at him silently, those eyes were still as dark as night, bright and deep, as if they had never been traumatized.

"What would you do if that Zerg mother was really your mother?" Shen Xiuyun was still looking out the window and asked Luo Jia.

"She has become a mother, and she should no longer have human consciousness. I will get my mother's body back intact. "

"What if she still had human consciousness?"

"Why, my mother has died."

"Didn't you die with my sword?" Shen Xiuyun said this as if he was teasing.

"Then you can get rid of us together. Maybe I'm not human anymore. Lorga also joked.

"Then I'll really be a hero by then."

"And then you're three stars here." Luo Jia said and gently patted Shen Xiuyun's shoulder.

Shen Xiuyun didn't say anything more, but there was a faint smile on the corner of his lips.

Luo Jia was also smiling, he couldn't guarantee that he would always stand by this person's side, but he could guarantee that he would become qiáng big enough that no one could easily shake him anymore. If there really is a day when swords face each other, he hopes that he will be the one who dies. Just as he can't guarantee that he will love him forever, he is willing to exchange his life for his eternal freedom.

Where his eyes could last look, in the way he wanted, to live.

The Academy of Sciences is located in the southern hemisphere of Ramaxing, surrounded by golden deserts and blue man-made oceans, in a remote location, but it is the heart of human wisdom. As the highest scientific research institution of the interstellar empire, it brings together the most cutting-edge science and technology in various fields, adopts closed management, all research projects are classified by the empire, and all staff have strict restrictions on entry and exit. Different from the retro style of other buildings on the planet Rama, the two-hundred-story silver main building that reaches into the sky like a saber is glowing with a cold metallic color, symbolizing the brilliance of reason.

After Shen Xiuyun and Luo Jia's aircraft arrived at the gate of the Academy of Sciences base, Luo Jia showed his pass, and the aircraft passed through the security laser scan, and Luo Jia and Shen Xiuyun passed the identity verification of genetic comparison, and they were finally able to enter.

"The security here is stricter than the Klaipa Palace." Shen Xiuyun said.

"It's nature." Luo Jia said, "The palace is only inhabited by the royal family, even if there is a real accident, it is just a change of surname for the royal family." But this is different, any scientific research in it is related to the lifeblood of the empire, when Rama Star was surrounded by Zerg, and even the Klaipa Palace almost fell, but it was not affected at all. "

After the aircraft entered the base, it changed to the academy's own jiāo tong tool, and sent Shen Xiuyun and Luo Jia to the scientific research building, and the academy sent them to greet them was Dr. Lauren, who was a close friend of the fourth prince Shasar, and was also an acquaintance of Shen Xiuyun and Luo Jia.

Since Professor Feige of the Imperial Military Hospital was assassinated by Shen Xiuyun, Lauren took Feige's position and became the chief doctor of the hematology department. Because the key factor in the resurrection of the Zerg is human blood, the field of blood research has received more and more attention in recent years, and Lauren, as a top talent in the field of blood medicine, was naturally selected to be a researcher at the Academy of Sciences. Born in Beta, but able to establish himself in the Academy of Sciences, where there are many talents, Lauren's talent is undoubted. But on the other hand, with his ability, if he were an Alpha, maybe his achievements would be much more than that.

"General Shen Xiuyun, His Highness Luo Jia." Lauren still had the same lukewarm expression towards anyone, nodded lightly to the two, and led them into the building.

Shen Xiuyun has a good impression of Lauren, if it weren't for this expressionless doctor who put an anesthetic injection on his body and deliberately released him, he probably wouldn't have been able to save Bai Mo, and without Bai Mo, he would not have earned the first start-up capital, and there would have been no Omega Planet later.

Dr. Lauren led them from the elevator directly to the conference room on the top floor of the building, and the researchers had been waiting for them for a long time, and when they came, everyone didn't talk nonsense, all the floor-to-ceiling windows automatically turned dark, and the light in the conference room dimmed, and at the same time, the holographic projection lit up. Shen Xiuyun and Luo Jia, as military representatives, sat in the front VIP seat.

The main purpose of this meeting was to report to Luo Jia and Shen Xiuyun and summarize the latest research results on the Zerg, hoping to let them know more about the enemy and increase their chances of victory. Although the Academy of Sciences also sent someone to the parliament to make a report before, it was only the surface, and the real core content was only qualified to be known by senior commanders like Shen Xiuyun and Luo Jia, who were about to lead the corps to the battlefield.

"As for the reason for the rise of the Zerg this time, we have not found a definite answer before, until a recent experiment, which allowed us to draw a conclusion that is relatively close to the truth." Lauren said with a light tap on the holographic screen, and two genetic maps were immediately displayed on the screen, "This is the genetic map of the first generation of Zerg two hundred years ago, and next to it is the genetic map of the second generation of Zerg now, it can be seen that the gap between the two is very large, from their dominant characteristics, the second generation of Zerg and the first generation of Zerg are qualitatively different, the most obvious point is the subtle relationship between them and humans." "

When Lauren said this, he paused slightly, and Shen Xiuyun felt that Lauren's gaze hidden behind the lenses seemed to sweep towards Luo Jia's side.

"The Zerg's primary lifeforms are born from contact with their genetic fragments and the blood of the Omega, and there is no need to repeat this. The permutation and combination of this gene fragment overlap with the genetic map of the first and second generations of the Zerg, so we can determine that the second generation of the Zerg evolved from the first generation of the Zerg, and there is a continuous relationship between the two. Therefore, we have speculated that this genetic fragment was left by the first generation of Zerg, sealed for two hundred years, and then rediscovered due to some chance, which led to the rise of the Zerg this time. Recently, however, we have discovered that this is not the case. Because, on this genetic fragment, we find the genes of humans. More precisely, the genes of the Omega human, moreover, the genes of the same people. "

After Dr. Lauren finished speaking, the conference room was silent, there was no sound, Shen Xiuyun sat beside Luo Jia, with his keen awareness as an assassin, he could clearly perceive that there were countless eyes behind him throwing towards them, or rather, towards the Seven Princes beside him.

"So, can you be sure who this person is?" Luo Jia asked, from his expression to his tone, he was very calm, so calm that even Shen Xiuyun, who knew the inside story, couldn't help but admire it from the inside.

Lauren said: "Now we have a total of 39 ultra-light brain computers in our laboratory operating at the same time, just to find this person. "

"What does it mean that all the genetic fragments of the Zerg have a human genome encoded on them?"

"It means that the mother body of the Zerg is very likely to be a human being, an Omega."

"It's incredible." Lorga sighed softly.

Lauren still looked at Luo Jia without any change in expression, and said with a glance: "Your Highness the Seventh is, the Academy of Sciences has a small request for you this time. "


"After the meeting, could you please cooperate with us to do another blood test?"

Lorgar raised an eyebrow, "Oh? Why? Then he couldn't help laughing as if he suddenly understood something, "Aren't you suspecting that my mother has something to do with the Zerg again?" Just because you 'speculate' that the Zerg's mother is an Omega? So doubt me too? "

"Your Highness Luojia, I believe you also understand that this battle is very important for us humans, and we will try to avoid any accidents that may occur."

"Okay, I'm willing to cooperate." A smile tugged at the corner of Lorga's mouth.

Lauren bowed his head slightly to show his gratitude, and then, as if nothing had happened, completely ignoring the suddenly delicate and awkward atmosphere in the conference room, he continued: "The Zerg are a mind-sharing species, and from the perspective of the first generation of Zerg, the mother body has an influence on the consciousness and thinking of the Zerg, and can manipulate the actions of any Zerg. But this kind of influence is not so obvious in the second generation of Zerg now, at least what we can be sure of is that some of the Zerg advanced life forms that have evolved superhuman intelligence are no longer controlled by the mother, at least not completely □□ control, they already have independent consciousness, and can control certain low-level life forms. Before General Shen Xiuyun returned, Van Sted had always been the most advanced life form we knew. "

"What do we know?" This time, it was Shen Xiuyun who opened his mouth and asked, "In other words, there are other high-level life forms, right?" "

Lauren's face has not fluctuated, and there is a hint of uncertainty at this time, "Judging from our intelligence, it is true that no life forms higher than the Van Side level have been found, but according to the analysis of the images transmitted back by the detection satellite, the current signs of the Zerg's activities indicate that they are becoming more and more organized and disciplined. Such a high-scale organization would be absolutely impossible without the control of advanced life forms in it. It disturbs us that these advanced beings have never been seen, they seem to know how to hide themselves, and they have not made an action since our army left the worm. "

"In other words, they are very likely to wait for an opportunity, deliberately hide their strength, and want to catch us off guard?"

"That's right, so this battle may be extremely dangerous, General Shen Xiuyun."

Shen Xiuyun's eyes darkened a little, and a person's name suddenly flashed in his mind. Turning his head to look at Luo Jia, he saw that he was also frowning slightly.

"In addition to the above two points, the last item in our report at today's meeting was briefly mentioned in the council before, the mother body of the Zerg is in a weakening period, and the point that the council did not explain is that we found that the mother body of the Zerg is not the only one. In other words, they are looking for a second-generation mother to replace the current mother who is about to die, and according to the research of the current mother, we have reason to suspect that this second-generation mother is likely to be a human and an Omega. "

Hearing this, Shen Xiuyun's body stiffened imperceptibly.

Only he knew that all the inferences of the Academy of Sciences today were exactly what Van Stede had told him at that time.

So who is the second-generation mother of the Zerg, the answer seems to be beyond doubt.

"Okay, that's all for today's report, I hope it can be helpful to His Highness the Seventh and General Shen Xiuyun, if the army has any technical needs, we are willing to do our best to help. There are still two weeks to prepare, and hopefully our troops will be prepared. Lauren finished the presentation, turned off the holographic projection, the glass window became transparent again, and the conference room lit up.

At this time, there were already a few heavily armed people walking up to Luo Jia, and Shen Xiuyun realized at this moment that the report of the scientific research conference might just be an excuse, and wanting Luo Jia to cooperate with the experiment was the real purpose of the Academy of Sciences. But judging from Luojia's expression, he didn't seem surprised by this, and stood up very calmly, ready to go with those people.

"Xiuyun, I'm going to let you wait for me a little longer." When Luo Jia got up, he whispered to Shen Xiuyun.

Researcher Alpha, who was wearing a special isolation suit and a laser gun on his body, glanced at Luo Jia and said, "General Shen Xiuyun, if you don't mind, you can also cooperate with us to do a blood test experiment." "

The humility that Luo Jia had always maintained disappeared in an instant when he heard these words, and his whole person suddenly erupted with a cold and dangerous momentum.

"What do you say? Say it again. "

The researcher who spoke seemed to be taken aback by Luo Jia's momentum, and his voice was a little lacking in confidence, "We, we want General Shen Xiuyun to also cooperate in doing a blood experiment." "

Luo Jia slowly took a step forward, and the researcher was so frightened that he stepped back, and several researchers next to him had already made a move, covering their hands with laser guns, as if they were going to pounce on Luo Jia collectively in the next second. At this moment, Shen Xiuyun stood up, took a step forward with a cold look in his eyes, blocked in front of Luo Jia, and then said, "Okay, I am willing to cooperate with you." "


After drawing blood, Luo Jia straightened her sleeves outside the laboratory and waited for the results of the blood analysis. The main purpose of this test is to see if he has Zerg lifeforms in his blood, so as to make sure that he has not been corrupted by Zerg. In fact, this kind of test is now a routine test, and every Alpha soldier will be tested before going to the battlefield to ensure that the Zerg will not be mixed into the Imperial Army.

"It's just trying to draw my blood, is it necessary to make such a stirring of people?" Lorga said to Lauren next to her.

"I just want to draw blood for General Shen Xiuyun, is it necessary for His Highness the Seventh to react so violently?" Lauren didn't answer the rhetorical question. "As far as I know, the Seventh Highness should not be such a person who doesn't know how to control his emotions."

Luo Jia glanced at Lauren and said lightly: "If Dr. Lauren can have someone in his heart who is more important than himself, he will probably understand my gaffe just now." "

The results of the blood test came out quickly, and Lorga's blood response was completely normal, and there was no sign of being eroded by the Zerg.

"Are you satisfied?" Loga asked.

When the researcher brought the test report to Lauren, he just glanced at it indifferently, and then said to Lorgar, "Your Highness, can you come with me?" There are some things I would like to talk to you about separately. "

Luo Jia hesitated, and Lauren guessed that he was worried about Shen Xiuyun, so he said: "Don't worry, it won't take up too much time, and I promise to come back before General Shen Xiuyun finishes the test." "

In the end, Lorgar agreed to leave with Lauren, and Lauren took him into another laboratory where no one was around, the decoration style here was different from other places, the ceiling, the walls, the floor, and all kinds of tables and chairs were all bright silver, and it was a bit dazzling when you entered.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Lorgar just stared at him for a long time after seeing Lauren come in, but he didn't speak, a little impatient.

But Lauren just looked at him expressionlessly, and after a while, he said, "Your Highness Luojia, if I'm not mistaken, you're wearing a pheromone isolation suit right now, right?" "

"So what?"

"So, can you explain to me why you still don't feel the pheromones that belong to Alpha in this lab where you can eliminate the effects of pheromone isolation suits?"

Lorgar's expression changed suddenly, but she quickly regained her calm smile, "What does Dr. Lauren mean by that?" Why can't I understand? "

"This lab is my private lab, which was just completed last month, and all the equipment used here has a micro-thread function, which is the latest technology that can penetrate everything that exists. Speaking of which, doesn't His Highness Loga understand what I mean? "

Lorgar still had a smile on his lips, but if he looked closely, he could see that his fists had tightened a little, and a chill had gathered on his body.

"The primary lifeforms of the Zerg can repair the tissues of the human body while eroding the human brain, which is why those Alpha soldiers who died in battle will 'live' again after being invaded by the Zerg and completely become puppets of the Zerg. When Alpha becomes a puppet, it loses its pheromone flavor. "

"Oh? So what is Dr. Lauren trying to say? Lorgar said, approaching Lauren a little bit.

As if he didn't feel the dangerous aura on Lorga's body, Lauren continued, "And Omegas are easily not corrupted by the Zerg primary lifeforms, because once they are eroded, they will die instantly. So far, there is only one exception, and that is His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince, Shasar. "

After Lauren mentioned Shasar's name, Lorgar flashed in an instant, appeared in front of Lauren at a speed impossible for humans, and slammed him against the wall behind him, grabbed Lauren's throat with his hand, and then slowly opened his eyes. The eyes that had been closed were still as dark as ink, black and deep.

Dr. Beta looked into Lorgar's eyes, his face showing no fear, and his voice remained calm, as if he was just verbally recording the experimental phenomenon, "After humans are eroded by the Zerg, the color of their pupils will light little by little, until they completely lose human consciousness and turn white. Judging from the current physical functions of His Royal Highness the Seventh, his quality in all aspects is much higher than that of normal humans, the eyes that were originally confirmed to be neuronecrotic have also recovered as before, and the sharpness of the body's sensory organs is a hundred times higher than that of normal people, except for being transformed by the primary life form of the Zerg, I can't think of any other reason. However, the color of your pupils has not changed, and your consciousness remains awake, which is very similar to Shasar, only the body tissue function has been optimized, but the consciousness has not been affected by the Zerg. "

"So, what exactly are you trying to say?" Luo Jia's hands gradually strained, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Lauren was a little choked, and had to grab Loga's hand that was stuck in his throat, and with all her might, he couldn't shake the amazing force that was holding him back.

"Your Highness Luojia, this is my private laboratory, blocking all surveillance and monitoring, and the micro-wire technology is also set up by me to conceal the Academy of Sciences, except for you and me, no third person will know about our conversation, but if I die here, even if it is you, you will not be able to escape."

Luo Jia still looked at Lauren with a look in his eyes, refusing to let go of his hand, as if he had made up his mind to strangle him!

"Ahem...... Your Highness Loga, don't you notice that your emotions are becoming more and more unstable? Easily angry, easily attacking humans...... Think about General Shen Xiuyun, maybe when, you will ......"

Hearing Shen Xiuyun's three words, Luo Jia seemed to wake up from some stubborn emotions in an instant, and slowly let go of Lauren.

Lauren lost Loga's grip and nearly collapsed to the ground, having to stand against the wall, panting heavily.

"What is the purpose of you telling me this?" Lorga asked in a deep voice.

"I just want to ask you one question."

"What's the problem?"

"What would you do if you really found the mother of the Zerg?"

Lorgar looked at Lauren, the Beta man in the doctor's gown who had almost died at his hands just now, but his gaze was still calm and cold.

"Dr. Lauren, who my brother has always praised, you really know everything. When did you know that? "

"From the first time you donated blood to the Imperial Army, when we examined your whole body, we found that there was a scar on your heart, and there was absolutely no way anyone would survive that location, with that level of trauma. There were a lot of people who were suspicious of you at the time, but your blood was very pure, and you didn't find any Zerg primary lifeforms, so they dispelled their doubts until I found out that Shasar's legs were healed. Others don't know about his physical condition, but I know it all too well. His legs and body were congenitally weak and could not be cured. "

"Then why have you been withholding this information? I don't know you almost lost your life just now? "

Lauren glanced at Luo Jia, his eyes behind the lenses were still calm, his tone was flat, and he couldn't hear any emotion, "Just like His Highness himself said just now, if you have someone in your heart who values you more, you will probably understand why I did this." "

Luo Jia was slightly stunned, looking at this Beta doctor, who had always been very cold to everything, as if he suddenly understood something.

"Both your and Shasar's blood have an immune function to the Zerg, and the Zerg's primary lifeforms only have a positive effect after entering your body...... Probably because of her protection of you. Speaking of this, Lauren glanced at Luo Jia with deep meaning, "Your Highness the Seventh, you have to be ready, you and Shasar's mother are very likely to still retain the consciousness of human beings. Are you sure you'll really be able to keep your promise and get rid of her with your own hands? "

Lorgar lowered her eyes and stood quietly under the lamp of the laboratory, her slender shadow cast on the silvery metal floor, blurry and cold.

"There are countless signs that the Zerg's mother body is failing, and I just want to see her before she dies." It was a long time before Luo Jia whispered.

"But have you ever thought of a possibility?"


"The reason why you and Shasar are not being eroded by the Zerg in your body now, and even ordinary blood tests can't detect their presence in your body, is because of your mother's genetic protection. And once the mother dies, the genes and consciousness sharing of the Zerg will be replaced by the next generation of the Zerg mother, and at the other time, the maternal protection in your blood may not exist. "

Luo Jia's eyebrows furrowed imperceptibly, "This is just your guess after all. "

Lauren looked at Luo Jia seriously, "To be on the safe side, I still recommend finding a way to get rid of the primary lifeforms in your and Shasar's blood as soon as possible before the death of the first-generation mother. "

"It can't be." Lorga immediately said.


Lorga glanced at Lauren, "Because I can't afford to lose my combat right now." "

"You're not afraid of death?"

Luo Jia smiled, his eyes were relieved, "If you can do everything you need to do before you die, it's worth it." "

"Then what if you are eaten by the Zerg and lose your human consciousness?"

"Don't worry, I'll finish myself up before then." Luo Jia said and glanced at the time, turned around and walked out of the laboratory, and when he was about to leave the door, he said as if to himself: "Or, if I am too late, I will also give my life to a reliable person." "

Lauren looked at the Seventh Prince, who had always been indifferent, and a faint sadness and respect swelled up in his heart, and he suddenly thought of what His Majesty Kemis had said.

At that time, Caesaron was in power, he had not completely lost his human consciousness, and His Majesty Kemis was critically ill, and he summoned the top doctors of the Imperial Hospital to the palace for rescue, and Lauren was among them. Kemis was once in a dying situation, Caesaron forced the old emperor to sign the royal decree to pass on to him in front of the sickbed, but His Majesty Kemis would rather die, pointing at Caesaron with a gray face and scolding, Caesaron was furious, asked him where he was not worthy of the throne, and accused the old emperor of favoring the seventh prince Luojia everywhere.

At that time, His Majesty Kemis only said to Caesaron: "You can sacrifice everything for the throne except yourself." And Loga can sacrifice everything, including himself, for this throne. You ascend to the throne and are only the one who sits on the throne. And when Lorga ascended to the throne, he was the king of the empire. "

In Lauren's view, any politician who competes for power is only dominated by ambition and power, and there is no justice, and it was not until this moment that Lauren suddenly understood the words of the old emperor Kemis.

Luo Jia was about to go out, but as if he suddenly thought of something, he turned around and asked Lauren, "Why do you want to smoke Shen Xiuyun's blood?" "

Lauren came back to his senses from his contemplation, "Actually, it's not just General Shen Xiuyun alone, now all the Omegas in the empire with high blood concentrations are being tested. "

Luojia's eyes flashed, "In order to find the mother?" "

"Well, yes."

Lorgar pondered for a moment, didn't say anything more, and was about to leave, but was stopped by Lauren.

"By the way, there's one more thing."


"Someone within the Academy of Sciences is targeting you, they have identified your mother as the mother of the current Zerg, but there is no evidence, and now the super light brain computing is analyzing the genes of the Zerg, maybe it won't take long to determine who this omega is, and they will find out your mother, you...... Do it yourself. "

"How long does it take for the results to come out?"

"Ten days."

Luo Jia thought for a moment and nodded, "Thanks for the reminder." "

"If I want to thank you, I also have one more thing to ask His Highness the Seventh." Lauren said.

"What's the matter?"

Lauren: "I don't care if you want to be treated or not, but please convince Shasar to let him undergo the exchange transfusion surgery to expel the primary life form from his body as soon as possible, and as long as he agrees, I will arrange for the operation to be carried out in secret, and no one else will know about it." "

"Okay." Lorgar nodded, "Thank you, Lauren, but let me remind you that my brother and Joseph ......."

"I know, they've tagged each other." Lauren said lightly, "But it doesn't affect my feelings for him, no matter what, we are friends, and I won't watch him have an accident." "

Luo Jia returned to the place where Shen Xiuyun had taken the blood test, just in time for Shen Xiuyun to come out of the laboratory. The two stood opposite each other in the long corridor, and at this time, Luo Jia had already closed his eyes, so he couldn't see Shen Xiuyun's gaze falling on him, and there was a trace of imperceptible worry in it.

"Your test results are out?" Shen Xiuyun asked.



Luo Jia walked up to Shen Xiuyun, smiled and said, "Naturally, everything is normal, I made a big fuss just now, I'm sorry to make you laugh." "

Shen Xiuyun seemed to be relieved, but his tone didn't change much, "That's good, I don't like it here, let's go." "

"I don't like it either." Luo Jia said and walked with Shen Xiuyun to the outside of the Academy of Sciences, and then suddenly asked Shen Xiuyun with interest: "Xiuyun, what would you do if my blood test showed that I was eroded by the Zerg?" "

Shen Xiuyun glanced sideways at him, and at this time, the two of them had already sat back in the flying machine.

"What will I do?" Shen Xiuyun smiled absently, "Of course I killed you." "

Loga: "Well, remember what you said, don't be reluctant to do it. "

Shen Xiuyun glanced back at Luo Jia inexplicably, smelling the smell of Alpha pheromones on his body, and the trace of doubt that had originally risen in his heart was also dispelled, and he simply ignored him anymore.


Just as Shen Xiuyun and Luo Jia were leaving the Academy of Sciences in a flying machine, Shen Xiuyun's blood sample was sent to the special reaction room by the researcher, but on the way, the researcher was hit by another researcher who suddenly came out of the elevator pushing a mobile medicine cabinet.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, are you alright?" The researcher pushing the medicine cabinet asked, helping the researcher pick up the reaction box that had been spilled on the ground.

"It's fine." The researcher shook his head and took the reaction box from his colleague.

"That's good." The researcher pushing the medicine cabinet smiled, and continued to push the cabinet in the other direction.

No one noticed that the researcher was holding a small vial of blood in his palm, unwittingly carrying it into his pocket.

Shen Xiuyun's bottle of blood sample was transferred.

"Oh! Dr. Lauren? "

The researcher pushing the medicine cabinet turned a corner and ran into Lauren coming out of the lab. Lauren glanced at him lightly, the eyes that always looked rigid like machines without any mood swings, glanced into his pocket, intentionally or unintentionally, and then, without saying anything, passed by him, and strode away.

That night, in the archbishop's room of the Imperial Church, Dott gets a message from an undercover agent at the Academy of Sciences that he doesn't quite want to hear.

"What? You said that Shen Xiuyun and Luo Jia's blood reactions were normal? Dott frowned slightly, "How is this possible...... The man clearly said......"

"Your Highness Dort, be careful!" The subordinate immediately reminded in a whisper.

Dott also realized something, and temporarily stopped in the middle of speaking, and then asked: "Who did they bring with them on this expedition?" "

"It is said that there will be a few generals on the Omega planet, and the Seventh Prince is here, I don't know if General Joseph will go, I heard that Prince Shasar is seriously ill now, General Joseph may not be relieved to ......"

Dott immediately sneered, "Hmph, this empire was built by Alpha, and now that the world is collapsing, it will anger the gods sooner or later to let so many Omegas participate in state affairs." When God created the three types of ABOs, He had already arranged their respective roles, and if they wanted to disobey God's will, they would one day be punished. "

Ancient churches have been standing on this planet for hundreds of years, long before the second evolution of humans, and even witnessed the first human-insect war. Dott walked to the window, pushed open the heavy two-story window that reached to the ceiling, looked up at the starry sky, but a somewhat strange smile curled into his lips, and said softly: "If only this time, none of them can come back, it will be good." "

In the middle of the night that night, over the planet Lama, which had not rained for a long time, a bolt of lightning suddenly pierced the sky, and a torrential rain poured down. Shen Xiuyun's personal bodyguard, Zabu, was suddenly woken up by the doorman, saying that there was a blue-eyed man who was in a hurry to see him, and that if he dared not inform Shen Xiuyun, he would definitely regret that he had given birth. As soon as Zabu heard this in a daze, he immediately jumped up from the chuáng, hurriedly ran to the door downstairs, and after seeing the comer, he rushed to the door of Shen Xiuyun's room, and was about to knock on the door, but Shen Xiuyun had already opened the door from the inside.

"What's wrong?" Shen Xiuyun was wearing a nightgown, standing at the door of the room and asking, his black eyes did not show any sleepiness, as if he had never slept at all.

Zabu was stunned for a moment before he said, "General, Xi, Lord Sino is back." "

Shen Xiuyun and Sino had a secret meeting in the small living room for nearly an hour, Sino's whereabouts have been unknown since the Zerg War began, many Omegas who escaped from the Klaipa Palace said that the last time they saw him was on the day when the eldest prince Caesaron fled into Windsor Cemetery, at that time, the entire Rama planet was surrounded by dense insect cháo, Lorga and Abigail joined forces to activate the royal warship, sacrificing tens of thousands of Alpha soldiers before expelling the insect cháo, The civilians who remained in Rama were escorted to the anti-aircraft dòng, but no one ever saw Sino again.

Joshua and Shen Xiuyun had sent people to find Sino, but they didn't hear from him, and finally had to accept the fact that he was dead, but today he appeared in front of him again.

Sino looked very embarrassed and haggard, wearing a long gray hooded cloak soaked by the rain, and strands of golden hair stuck to his forehead, making his face whiter and whiter. But even so, it didn't affect his beauty, and the trace of arrogance and unruliness that always carried him in his expression.

"He's alive." After a brief Jiāo recounted his recent encounters, Sino said to Shen Xiuyun again.

"You mean, Caesaron?"

"Well, I can feel it. Omega has a sense of who has marked him, not as obvious as the legend of marking each other, but I'm sure he's still alive. "

Sino's blue eyes looked at Shen Xiuyun, there was an incomprehensible emotion in those eyes, Shen Xiuyun intuitively felt that during the days of Sino's disappearance, his experience was not just "tossing and turning to a deserted planet, and after being seriously injured, he has been recuperating in the house of the villagers".

"He's on Rama Planet?" Shen Xiuyun asked.

"Nope." Sino shook his head and frowned unconsciously, "Xiuyun, I will tell you all the details later, now you go to the Imperial Military Hospital, His Highness Shasar is in danger, and if it is a little later, he will probably be killed." "

"How do you know?" Shen Xiuyun's gaze seemed to be penetrating, staring straight at Sino.

Sino was a little irritable, and his voice became louder, "Xiuyun, please believe me, there is really no time, Shasar he probably knows some secrets that are important to us Omega and even the entire human race, and the Zerg don't want us to master these, you go quickly, they will go back tonight!" "

Shen Xiuyun was silent for a moment, Sino didn't seem to be in a very stable mood, Shen Xiuyun was afraid that he was stimulated by something, so he asked Zabu to take him down to rest, and gave him some calming potions. After settling down, Sino took out the communicator to contact Luojia, but no one answered.

"Zab, arrange the aircraft, I'm going to the Imperial Military Hospital."

"General, do you want me to send someone over?"

"Don't make a noise yet. This is the star of Rama, don't give a tongue. "

The rain outside was getting heavier and heavier, smashing on the ground and almost smoking, Shen Xiuyun took advantage of the night to take a flying machine to drive quickly towards the Imperial Military Hospital, and when he was still some distance away from the Imperial Military Hospital, he ordered the driver to put him down, and a person arrived at the gate of the Imperial Military Hospital by taking advantage of the shadows of the buildings on both sides of the street.

The first time he came to the Imperial Military Hospital, Shen Xiuyun was to kill people, but what he didn't expect was that the second time he came here, it was to save people. Now the security of the Imperial Military Hospital has long been incomparable to the past, after the outbreak of the war, the population has decreased sharply, and the security everywhere has been loosened, Shen Xiuyun almost didn't have much effort this time, so he quietly blended in.

In order to assassinate Professor Feige before, Shen Xiuyun had done a lot of homework on the Imperial Military Hospital, and he knew the terrain and the layout of various places, he knew that Shasar was really in the high-level care ward, and although the place was hidden, he quickly found it.

The ward is located on the basement floor, the light in the long corridor is dim, there is no sound, Shen Xiuyun is wearing an isolation suit, like a black shadow, little by little approaching the room with the lights on. If there are no surprises, Shasar is here.

Finally, Shen Xiuyun arrived at the door of the room, but at this time he heard a conversation from inside, Shen Xiuyun listened carefully, and was slightly stunned, the person who spoke turned out to be Luo Jia.

"Shasar, why are you so stubborn! If you don't get treatment now, the situation will only get more dangerous! Lorga's voice sounded a little angry.

"If you get treatment now, I don't know if you'll ever wake up, Lorgar, I think, something you've felt too...... The results of my research are coming soon, and I don't want to just give up. Shasar's voice was still so gentle and pleasant, but it was probably because of his serious illness, and there was a little weakness in his voice.

"Don't you want to think about Joseph? What would Joseph do if you died? Don't forget your contract. "

Shasar said slowly: "If my research is successful, I can remove the marks on my body, and then the contract will be terminated, and Joseph will be fine." "

"Shasar, you are so cruel."

Shasar was silent for a moment before he said softly, "If I can definitely live, I probably won't stick to it." But if I'm more likely to die, I might as well do something meaningful. "

Loga: "Something meaningful? Omega's method of unlabeling, even if this method is developed, what can it be? "

Shasar: "It means, belonging to the Omega, total freedom. "

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps on the other side of the corridor, Shen Xiuyun's heart was shocked, and the conversation between Shasar and Luo Jia in the room also stopped suddenly. Shen Xiuyun quickly flashed into the emergency passage next to him the moment Luo Jia came to open the door, holding his breath and hiding himself.

Luo Jia pushed open the door and stood at the door, tilted his head to a place in the dark, frowned slightly, he took a step, and wanted to go to the emergency passage, but then he heard a voice say from afar: "Seventh brother." "

It was Maynous, the second prince.

"Second brother? What are you doing here? "

"I'm coming to see Shasar." Maynoos replied naturally, and then returned to the ward with Loga.

Not long after Shen Xiuyun saw them enter, Maynoos and Luo Jia came out again, and the two of them actually came to the emergency passage! Shen Xiuyun immediately jumped lightly and slid down the handrail of the stairs for two floors. As soon as he was in hiding, he saw Lorgar and Maynoos push open the door of the emergency passage and walk in.

"Luojia, it's not convenient to talk here, wait a while for you to come to me, I have something to talk to you about alone."

"If you're not mistaken, it's about the Omega?" Loga asked.

"There are things that I know to cherish when I lose them, and now nothing is more important to me than him."

"I understand." Lorgar smiled and said, "When Joseph comes back in a while, and Shasar has someone to take care of, I will go to you." "

Maynoos nodded, and was about to leave, when Shen Xiuyun, who was hiding under the half-story stairs, suddenly stiffened, and he felt that there were a lot of Alpha's pheromone smells, and they were all heading towards Shasar's ward, and the speed of movement was amazing! Shen Xiuyun suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart, and without hesitation, regardless of whether Luo Jia and Maynoos would find out, he drew his sword, rushed up the stairs, slid quietly through the night like a shadow, grabbed the door, and ran quickly towards Shasar's ward!
