
[Charizard became confused!]

You were perched on a high branch, your breathing rapid. Luckily there were other noises in the night to hide it.

But sure enough, Levi was looking high in the trees for you. Did know what you would do in every scenario?

That, you thought, I would never know.

"(Y/n), will you come down from the tree?" Levi looked up.

You sat on the branch like a chair, [fyi you were on your feet and crouched before if that helps and makes sense...] keeping your cool. "Why should I come down?" Suddenly rage filled the void in your heart that once held love and respect for Levi, "So you can chain me and beat me?"

You could barely make out Levi's form, but it seemed he looked down at the ground as you said this.

"I'll never forgive myself... Just as you will never forgive me." He looked up, his silver eyes reflecting the moonlight, "But I couldn't just let them hand you over the the military police like Eren would have, or death row..."

Narrowing your eyes, you could see shiny streaks down Levi's face. It felt slightly strange not wanting to cry over this. You felt no pain. No dagger.

"I'm not coming down from this tree..." You said stubbornly.

Humanity's strongest didn't seem so strong here in the moonlight, but something else was causing your stomach to writhe. You whipped your head around to crickets chirping and leaves rustling.

As you looked back down at Levi, your uneasiness increased.

Then, your heart started racing when Levi gasped, "(y/n)! Look ou-"

As he said this, a faint whiz, and everything went black...

~Time Skip Sponsored by Fullmetal~

You didn't know what was happening, but you could hear something, and your vision was fuzzy.

"Look out!"

"Quickly, now!"

"Don't get that close!"


A shrieking, squealing, deafening noise rang through your head as your name was screamed louder and louder.

It was too much, and your senses went away again...

~Time Skip brought to you by the fabulous NEE!~

This time when you woke up, you were lying in a field of grass, the breeze unusually warm. The sun blinded you, and when you sat up, you felt as if you hadn't eaten in weeks.

"You're finally awake, eh?" A familiar voice said from behind.

Twisting around, you saw [PETRA~!] Mikasa.

And behind her, Levi, Eren, Armin, and Commander Erwin.

You looked away, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. You hated them all, but a part of you still loved your friends.

"(L/n)... Are you aware of what-"

Suddenly Hanji was in front of you.

"(Y/n)! So? Do you remember what happened, or-"

"Excuse my interruption, but shouldn't we let the Commander ask (y/n)?" Mikasa said, her voice even and low.

Hanji sighed and nodded, "Alright, you guys..."

"Are you aware of what happened the night you left your hospital bed unauthorized?"

You looked at the grass, so soft and green. It was a nice day, but you knew your superior officers wouldn't let it be.


Sighing, you turned your head to respond, "I am aware of leaving and entering the kitchen, sir. Then my captain came in. Yes, then I ran to the forest and everyone was after me."

Standing up, you faced them and continued, "I remember a conversation with the captain, but then that is where my memory ceases. I apologize, sir."

"Would you like us to tell you?" Eren asked, his emerald eyes shimmering.

"To a certain extent would be appreciated..."

"To put it simply, you were knocked out of the tree against orders. When you hit the ground, steam was everywhere. Then, after the steam cleared... A titan in the 20-meter range. We are under the impression that titan was you, since when the nape of the female titan's neck was finally cut," Levi glanced at Mikasa, "steam returned, not a single solider witness. When it cleared, you were there, covered in blood, but perfectly fine."

You looked at the grass again, thoughts swarming.

Your head ached, the sharp, squealing sound filling your ears.

Putting your hand to your head, your name was being screamed, and everything became nothing.

The light was dark, and pain was numb.
