
It was dark out by now, and no one was in the hospital wing.

Despite the pain, you eventually got out of the bed. Every step was like walking on hot coals, every joint movement was like the tin man in rain.

Your head was throbbing, but you were trying to ignore all the pain. "I'm not weak," you repeated in your head.

-time skip sponsored by the Amity-

Eventually you got to the dining hall.

Sick of the glop they always fed you, you headed straight for the bread cabinet. Which took awhile...

But you got there, and that's an accomplishment you're proud of. You brought your shirt up to form a kind of basket, stuffing bread in it. The last loaf was in your hand when a voice behind you said:

"Thought I'd find you here when the hospital wing was reported empty..."

You turned around slowly.

Through your squinted eyes, (since your face was so bruised and swollen) you saw Levi.

"Captain," you said bitterly.

"I will never forgive him for what he-" your thoughts were interrupted as the man pushed you against the counter.

His face was by your ear when she whispered, "Disobeying orders, again?"

"I never heard any orders to stay in bed, captain," you said, painfully breaking away from Levi.

He grabbed your arm, you trying your best not to scream in pain.

"Seeing as you can walk, I'll see you in my quarters, sunrise." He said coldly.

You ignored this, walking out of the kitchen with the bread cupped in your shirt.

Levi's arms suddenly grasped you from behind, your stomach writhing.

A grunt escaped your lips, instinct taking over. You put the hem of your shirt, holding the bread, in your mouth, then jabbing your elbow into Levi's gut.

Teeth bared, you swung your numb leg as you turned toward Levi. He doubled over, you taking this as a time to escape.

Adrenaline pulsing through your body, the pain you once were stiff with was gone. Running as fast as you could, you got away from Levi. The man who beat you brutally in court.

"I'm not Eren," you thought angrily.

(Are you sure about that-)

Soon, you were gasping for breath, hands on your knees as you were bent over. You could hear people shouting as you were hidden in the trees.

The voices seemed to be getting closer, so you thought quickly. Ducking behind a tree, you eventually achieved climbing it.



Sorry this is so short, I just wanted you guys to have something >^<

[I feel so sick oh my Akatosh why.]

I'm sorry I can't really update, I can't think when I'm in so much pain what the Oblivion.

Btw sorry this chapter sucks
