we're just such different people

"no no no" billy muttered, quick to stand in front of steve, who was sat in shock still on the bed.

neil was slumped against the doorframe, terrifyingly calm, like a storm before it rolls through and destroys everything and everyone in it's way.

his eyes were clouded over with intoxication, for he had know this cycle of addiction too long. billy knew it, neil knew it, max, and especially susan knew it too.

neil grabbed billy by the collar of his t-shirt and slammed him against the wall. "care to explain the situation?"

"fuck off" billy sneered, before neil slapped the smirk off his face.

"get your hands off of him!" steve pushed into neil's shoulder

these actions seemed to amuse him, as he laughed, "you really want to go there?" "how about you get your preppy ass home, huh?"

"leave billy alone" "he doesn't deserve thi-" steve was cut off by the loud sound of neil shoving his weight against billy, pushing his back into the shelves, causing billy in groan.

"look, i worked so hard to make this house spotless" neil kicked billy down, causing the books to tumble off the shelf onto the floor with him.

"but you boys are making a mess" he turned to steve, "you, get the hell out of my house" "your rich mommy and daddy would be so disappointed in you"

steve quickly glanced down, billy was still on the floor, clutching his rib.

a streak of his anger ran through him in the moment, causing him to lash out, swinging left and right at billy's broken father.

he only got a few hits in, but it was enough to distract the intoxicated man.

"come on billy!" steve rushed over, grabbing the car keys out of his pocket.

"it's gonna be okay, i promise, but we have to get out of here" billy nodded at steve.

they ran out to steve's beat up black car and got in, running off all the adrenaline thrashing through their veins.

they drove to an empty parking lot and got out of the car, taking a second to process everything that had happened.

"this is breaking my heart" steve sighed deeply, sitting on the hood of the car.

billy hated to admit how much that hurt, "what even is this between us?"

"you know i have feelings for you" steve's glassy eyes stared heavily into billy's.

"we're just such different people, steve" "it's not safe for you to be around me"

the sky was clear tonight, the stars were almost perfectly aligned. the soft moonlight lit up their faces and seemed to highlight the heavy emotion already lingering in the air.

"don't you see i'm trying" steve snapped, getting off the hood and pacing back and forth near the car.

"steve" "come on, don't be like that" billy intertwined his fingers through steve's, holding him from behind.

steve turned around, burying his face in billy's shoulder, "why do you build up so many walls?"

"because" " i love you and i don't want to hurt you, pretty boy"

steve's frustration quickly resolved,"i love you too" "but why do you call me that?"

billy's brows furrowed, "call you what?"

"pretty boy" "like if anything you're the pretty one"

he laughed lightly, shaking his head in disagreement.

billy ran a hand through his messy hair, contemplating what to say.

"i just" he sat down on the hood once again,"i just want you to be happy"

"i'm happy with you, though" "you know what" an idea clicked into place, "let's go somewhere else, i'm so tired of this town" steve smiled

"i couldn't agree more" billy returned the smile and kissed steve before they climbed into the car.

after a couple minutes of driving, billy began to drift off in the passengers seat. his blonde curls slightly clung to the side of his face as he rested his head against the window, causing a smirk to form on steve's lips.

a couple hours later billy woke up and they were still driving, passing by life so quickly.

"where are we going pretty boy?" he yawned

"california" steve beamed

a/n: and that's the scene :)
if this chapter gets about 300 reads i'll think about making a squeal if people are interested!

let me know in the comments
