
golden sunlight poured through the white blinds, spilling across steve's bedroom.

steve's eyes fluttered open to the view of the light scattered across the bruised, ridged, perfect body belonging to billy.

his blonde hair was a complete mess, but a mess that looked so good.

yawning through a slight smile, steve got up and left with his crutches to (struggle) and go downstairs.

the clock read a blurry 6:55 a.m. as he sat down in the kitchen.

steve gasped, putting a hand over his chest when max gently tapped his shoulder, "christ, don't sneak up on me like that"

she backed away slightly, "sorry" she sighed, "i just wanted to apologize about last night, i guess i don't want you to get hurt by billy" "you know?"

"also the fact that you guys were uh-"

"yea, yeah, that's enough right there" steve chuckled, "thanks for looking out for me, but i think we have a bigger problem than my weird relationship status"

max sat down next to him, "what do you mean, there's a lot to be worried about"

"right" steve ran a nervous hand through his disheveled dark brown hair.

"the- the black is all over billy's arm" "you know when will was uh- i don't want to say possessed, but you get what i mean"

"oh, shit" max's expression fell

"yeah, i know" "it's just like what the fuck are we supposed to do?" "and i ju-"

steve was cut off by max's hand covering his mouth, as billy had started walking down the steps.

"sorry" steve mumbled

max only rolled her eyes, "shush"

"i feel like everybody's staring at me" billy said, beginning to rummage through the refrigerator.

the two looked at each other before looking back at billy, trying their best to act natural.

"staring isn't very nice, you know, harrington" he turned around with a beer bottle leaning against the counter.

"hey max, you should probably get your backpack and stuff together so we can drop you off" steve gave a small smile.

she nodded, trotting back up the steps, leaving billy and steve alone.

billy was wearing a black button up, of course almost fully open, with a pair of sweatpants hanging dangerously low on his hips.

"so, how're you feeling?" steve attempted to make a conversation.

"you know i hate small talk, pretty boy" a gleam in billy's eyes drew steve's complete attention to him.

billy set down his beer and picked up to steve, setting him on the kitchen counter.

he shivered as he felt billy's rough hands moving up his shirt, followed by the peppered kisses trailing down his neck and collarbones.

"fuck" billy growled in pain, pulling back from his temptations.

"what's wrong?" steve's eyes darted to the black spreading down billy's arm.

"it's okay, i'm fine, i'm okay" he held back his groans.

"you can't go on li-" steve was cut off by billy's lips.

"i don't want to die before getting to be with you one last time" he gritted his teeth

"i am your dying wish, your last desire?" steve flipped his long hair back sarcastically, like a teenager girl would.

billy smiled at him, "of course, dumbass"

"carry me upstairs like the true hero i am then!" he held his arms out before being carried bridal style back to his room.

billy held steve's chin, tilting his head up and leaving plenty of red-purple marks, being anything but gentle.

"fuck, daddy" steve said when billy grabbed his thigh. billy immediately smirked, causing steve to blush hard, "what was that?"


billy laughed lightly, "this ought to be fun"


the two laid back on the bed, steve was against billy's bare chest, holding his hand.

"you should go get ready" billy mumbled

steve whined, "i don't wanna leave you" "plus, i am sore"

"you love it, don't even lie" he kissed him briefly before lighting a cigarette.

steve cringed when he offered a drag to him. "pussy" billy faked a cough, smiling.

"am not!" steve lightly hit his shoulder, taking the cigarette.

he took a drag, then broke into a coughing fit, "fuck you, and your cigarettes, billy hargrove" "i've tried smoking way too many times and it never works out!"

billy laughed so hard he had sat up and fallen back onto the bed.

"holy shit, you're such a good boy"

"so what? you're the scary bad boy of the town" steve pouted, turning to go take a shower.

"it's lonely in here!" steve called out with the warm water running down his face.

he frowned when there was no response. "damn we could've had more fun in there" steve said, drying his hair and face. 

surprised, steve looked around, "billy?"

there was no trace of hargrove, his black leather jacket laid still on the bed post, his cigarette only half smoked, left on the dresser, and his bag disheveled on the floor.

beginning to panic, steve looked down at the floorboards. a trail of black liquid continued in a line before abruptly stopping in the middle of the room. this couldn't be good. and yet it was only 10 a.m.

a/n: who else is patiently awaiting season 3?
