She's a threat.

After we had made it back to the ship and got a decent distance from the island we put down anchor and evaluations started. Everyone who was checked out and deemed fit for duty was sent to eat and write out a full report on what happened before amd during their imprisonment.

Garp tried to make me go first seeing as how I was the only one turned into an experiment. But I wanted to go last just in case there was something seriously fatal and would take time to fix, and to make sure all my crewmates were able to get on with their life's. Turns out the worst problem was simple malnutrition.


I was sat on a cot in the med bay, Melus had yet to run any tests on me. And if I was completely honest with myself- I'm actually really scared, terrified even. I seriously dislike needles. And now -if not Melus, than other doctors of the goverment- were most definitely going to want to do a series of blood tests, which meant drawing blood.

I think in those few hours I was in that lab, I had lost double the amount of blood I have lost in my entire life. And that was saying something.

Another sigh.

I hate waiting. I just want to get this over with. And then eat and sleep- oh yeah and shower. A hot shower would be nice right now.

And I even heard Fleet Admiral Sengoku is on his way to this location as well. I don't know why though.

Admiral Sakazuki who had been close by had immediately responded to Garp's request for backup. Most of Sakazuki's men were rounding up the remaining citizens of Portama and I had also heard that (well technically that's not true because I actually saw it happen) Whitebeard leveled just about the entire island before swiftly leaving. Just in time too, because three minutes later Sakazuki showed up.

That's when I heard it - distant shouting. I assumed it was Garp probably arguing with Sakazuki. And was right. I stood and cracked the door open to hear better.

"That isn't true! I don't care what those damn scientists say!" Garp shouts angrily.

"She is a threat to the government! And a menace to all! We need to know what she is capable of doing!" Sakazuki exclaims with just as much venom.

I gulp, so they were arguing about me. But why? What does he mean I'm a threat? How can I be a threat? Or a menace?

"It needs to go into the top labs for testing! Once they deem it safe it can do what ever it please-" Did he just call me an it? That bastard.

"They will not be experimenting on Ensign Wilder!" Garp spits.

The door pulles open and I leap back, eyes wide. I hadn't even sensed the doc's approach. He raises a brow, shutting the door behind him.

"Sit down Mara. It's alright." he sighs, my body jumps almost a foot into the air as a loud crash reverberates through the ship.

They really do want to experiment on me. I forced myself to sit and swallow the lump in my throat. Looking up at Melus through my lashes with a look that spoke louder than words.

Melus sighs again, pulling his rolling chair beside the cot and sitting, "He won't let them take you. You know that."

I visibly relax, I didn't want to go back to the labs. I've heard stories about what happens in there- and it's not pretty.

"Sengoku is coming here. But that is nothing to worry about, he just wants to see everything first hand himself. Garp is discussing other options other than sending you away. Which by the way you won't be going to Sakazuki's ship anymore."

I nod thankfully, Sakazuki would not hesitate to give me up in cuffs personally.

"Also, Garp is suggesting going through all files the doctor kept - which are close to tens of thousands- since the doctor himself was killed by Whitebeard. And the only survivors are simple civilians. You should rest. We'll talk later." Melus stands and walks to the other side of the cot.

I nod laying down. He pulls the white cloth divider all around my bed and only stopping to where he could still see my head from his desk, but I ignore him opting to turn the other way curl up. Before sleep over took me completely I felt a few tears break through and slip down my cheeks. How the hell am I going to make it out of this safely?


I woke up to Melus shaking me and sat up immediately.

"Sengoku just arrived. Get dressed he is calling you for this meeting." Melus represses his sigh as he backs away.

I nod and get dressed quietly. I really don't want to sit in on their meeting. It's most likely going to end up in a shouting match between Admiral Sakazuki and Vice Admiral Garp.

As silent as could be, I made my way to the meeting room with Bogart as my escort -because apparently I can't walk down a hallway on my own. I should be grateful though without him I would've still been standing outside the door listening to Sakazuki and Garp argue all day, or at least till they sent someone to look for me.

"Thank you for joining us Ensign Wilder." Sengoku nods as I sit down at the large rectangular table, Garp on my right and Bogart on my left. Vice Admiral Aokiji across from me, Vice Admiral Kizaru across from Bogart, Admiral Sakazuki across from Garp and Fleet Admiral Sengoku at the head of the table.

I'm not going to lie, everything that wasn't directed at me went in one ear and out the other. So I almost got into a huge amount of trouble when Sengoku asked me to share what happened and I hesitated, that's when Aokiji kicked me and I spilled everything that happened in the lab room. Well other than goading the doctor, there was no way I was annoucing that.

They all listened quietly with different expressions. But I ignored everyone opting to just look at Aokiji as if it were just another day in his office when I was share my encounters from Garp's ship. When I was done the room fell silent, well until Sakazuki decided that now while the room was quiet is a perfect time to start yelling, jumping forward and banging his fist on the table,

"It doesn't even know what he did to it! We should lock it up before something goes wrong!" he exclaims, causing three angry men to glare at him, Aokiji being the only one to try and reign the glare in. And once again with the 'it's? Seriously Sakazuki? And people wonder why we don't get along.

"No!" Garp spits crossing his arms and leaning back.

"That's hardly the choice to make. There's nothing wrong with her, she just has a new ability." Kizaru starts lazily, obviously not understanding- or caring- of the reason he's been brought here. I was thankful for an outsiders opinion though. An outsider who doesn't hate my guts. Like Sakazuki for example

"Vice Admiral Kizaru is right. Ensign Wilder simply has a new power and she should begin training. " Bogart nods along, not even bothering to make an effort -unlike Aokiji- to stop the glare that formed.

"What would you have me do? All top researchers are demanding that I place her in their care, so that we can gain knowledge on this new... ability." Sengoku shakes his head, fisting his hand and letting his temple rest on it.

I stare down at my hands, that rested in my lap. I just knew the scientists wanted to do tests. I'm not sure if I can go there, if Sengoku makes that call I think I might actually try my hardest to leave- even if that means abandoning my dream and becoming an outlaw.

What am I thinking? Of course I would leave, there's a water drops chance in hell that I'm going to be an experiment again.

"Then we should do it! Once they deem her a threat-"

"She is not a threat!" Garp interjects heatedly. Sakazuki continues,

"The sooner the better! Then we can figure out what to do with her for good."

I attempt to swallow the lump in my throat but it really wants to stay. Sakazuki has serious problems. I didn't know they were this bad until now though. This must also be apart of his 'aboslute justice' if something poses a threat to it, he eliminates the problem completely.

Where the hell would I go? I can't go back to Dawn island. They know I was raised there. I have no clue where my father is, I don't even know where my mother is. Maybe Shanks would help me? I hear he's well on his way to becoming a yonko though. He must be real busy. My torso burns. Is that weird? Maybe it's from the lack of food- no then it would be my stomach hurting not the skin on torso and chest. How odd.

"Why are you so quiet?" Bogart asks quietly, not that anyone was even listening to us. Kizaru and Sengoku both seemed to be focused on Garp and Sakazuki who had started that shouting match I predicted. And Aokiji seemed to be deep in thought.

"It's not place to speak." I whisper back. He glares at me from under his hat but doesn't reply. My torso really burns, like, worse than two seconds ago. It was a gradual pain that slowly got worse and worse. Garp and Sakazuki had both lurched out of their chairs sending both objects into the walls behind them and Sengoku was seriously about to explode.

"Alright that's enough, I told both of you to keep it under control! If you can't do that I will make the decision on my own." Sengoku slams his own fist on the table, effectively silencing both males. I move my hands to push down on my stomach hoping to push the pain away, but it still burns.

"Why the hell are you so quiet Aokiji?" Sengoku asks after everyone is seated again. Why can't you just dismiss me? I don't want to know what you decide until it's decided! I clenched my jaw and dipped my head down.

"Kizaru is right. It's simply a knew ability. With proper training Ensign Wilder could be a very good high ranking marine officer." Aokiji says after a moment of silence.

"So you think we should train her?" Sengoku asks warily.

"Yes. I do." Don't mind me guys, I'm just on fire- wait whats that sound? A light sizzle could be heard. That better not be me! Why the hell am I sizzling? I shouldn't sizzle!

"Than we'll make it a vote, who votes I hand Ensign Wilder over?" Sengoku asks, well there you go talking as if I'm not in the room again. Thanks! Sakazuki is the only one to raise his hand,

"Who votes we train Ensign Wilder?" the rest of the hands go up excluding Sengoku who didn't even vote. Is the sizzling getting louder or is it just me?

"So be it. I will oversee Ensign Wilder's training for the upcoming season." With that said Sakazuki is the first up and out the door grumbling evilly under his breath.

"Is something... burning?" Bogart asks suddenly, making me chuckle humorously. Sengoku's glare along aith other curious looks turn to Sakazuki's chair but they find it in its normal, not sizzling state.

"I could've sworn I heard a burning noise." Bogart shakes his head, Finally the pain is to great and my head falls to the table with a light bang.

"That would be me." I mumble, clutching my stomach harder, I swear I'm on fire.

"Excuse me?" Sengoku questions,

I clench my teeth, praying words come out instead of a scream. "I said- I think the burning is me." I repeat a little louder.

"What are you talking about?" Kizaru drawls lazily.

"My torso is literally burning right now-"

"Like when you were imprisoned?" I could no longer tell the difference between voices, and felt my consiosuness already trying to leave.

"Worse!" I slip from my chair and fall to my knees.

"We need a doctor in here!"

"Melus! Get your ass in here!" I think that one was Garp.

I feel them gather around and my arms are pulled away and held tight, and my shirt is lifted to expose my stomach. I try to control my breathing hoping that it would help with the pain but that is out the window-

"Aokiji. Do something!"

"What the hell am I supposed to do? Freeze her? She'll die!"

"Move back, hold her arms. And don't let go!"

I glance down at my stomach to see first off see a single hand pushing down on my waist obviously to keep me from moving then I see my skin, it wasn't steaming thankfully, but it looked as if it was rearranging itself.

"What the hell is happening to me Melus?" I growl, my head falling back onto- well whoever the hell was behind me.

"Your scars- all of them are healing. Molding back together. Disappearing completely. " I make out his calm voice.

"A side effect of the drugs?"

"Possibly. Aokiji place your hands over her torso."

My body flinches feeling the ice cold hands press onto my stomach.

"Try to form just a small layer of ice over her stomach." Melus orders. I could feel the ice inching over the exposed flesh and before I knew it my mind was back to the prison cell- Marco proding my stomach and Thatch not letting me look. The differences now? I feel the pain. I'm being forcibly restricted. My torso is frozen over, and the ice is melting? Why is the ice melting? Please don't tell me I'm seriously that hot right now.

"Why are you melting the ice?" Melus' smooth voice zaps me back,

"I'm not. Her temperature is extremely high. Any higher and she will pass out and probably not wake back up. Her body is doing it on its own." Aokiji forms another ice sheet. That's unfortunate.

"You still with us Wilder?" Melus asks, "That's not good."

"Wilder? Mara! You have to stay awake. Can you open your eyes?" I wasn't aware I closed them, but now that you mention it I cant open my eyes. Aokiji makes another ice sheet, is my temperature going up? I can't tell, I think I'm going numb.


"Don't waste your breath. She's out of it clearly." Was that Sengoku? I didn't know you were still here. How nice of you to make it. Wait no- I mean stay, you were already here weren't you? I'm confused. Why can't I hear them anymore- oh look! A waterfall! With a rainbow! How pretty?
