
This is multiple random memories or in some cases just random crap that I can't fit into my story line and honestly I love the fluff.

All Mara and Marco was a few small dashes of Shanks.

"Happy birthday!" Old, graying hair, terrible smoking habit, to smart for his own good.

Glare. "I hate you."

"How old are you now? Thirty?" Stupid stubby sniper jerk face.

Glare. "I. Hate you."

"No no, she's closer to Marco's age. Try forty!! Right Mara?" One armed, childish, red headed brat.

Glare. "I. Hate. You."

She hung up the snail phone.


Mara sighed for the upteenth time.

Redhair was such a pain to deal with. She silently decided that if she doesn't get some peace from the rowdy pirates she'd be forced to kill them all for something as silly as silence. But then it would be too quiet. Sigh. Stupid Redhair. Stupid banana headed turkey. Stupid gramps. Stupid life. Stupid pirates. Stupid marines. Wait, Marco?

"You're glaring at nothing again."

"Eeep!" Mara vaulted backwards, the only thing keeping her from flipping off the tree branch was a blue flaming fist entwined in the front of her shirt.

Mara righted herself and swatted the hand away. Marco smirked and straddled the branch, facing her.

Mara glared. "Better?" She questioned sarcastically.

"Much," Marco nodded, "You release way to much negativity into the world. It's better to keep it directed at the object of your irritation. That way it doesn't latch onto some random child and drive them to insanity."

To her credit, Mara didn't even flinch at the stupidity coming her way.

Something glinted in Marco's eyes but before Mara could defend herself the blonde had wrapped an arm around her waist and leapt into the air like he had done countless times before.

Mara's startled scream and the warm feeling of her arms wrapping tightly around his shoulders made it worth it, Marco thought happily.

"Why do you always feel the need to do this to me?!" Mara whispered breathlessly in his ear. Marco bit his lip holding in the groan tempting to escape. Doesn't she realize what she does to me? Instead he replied, "I don't know what your talking about." He smirks down at her, flying higher into the clouds the ground no longer visible. "And besides this is just a simple stroll with a friend." He added to tick her off.

"I would take a walk in the park over gliding through clouds any time of the day." She chattered. "And we aren't friends."

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you gained a fear of heights girly." Marco taunts, she had seemed to enjoy the last time he had taken her to the sky. He wondered what caused the sudden fear. Surely he hadn't done something to cause this right?

"What are you doing Marco? You know I don't get days off often. Why do you always have to ruin them?" She frowned deeply, taking a glance passed his shoulder to the clouds below them before ducking her head into his neck, nuzzling her nose against his jaw in the process.

"You know you enjoy my company. And besides you have a whole week anyways." He shrugged feeling a solid clear surface form under his feet, letting his wings fade he stood easily. Glancing down at the woman in his arms, she probably didn't even realize she was doing it- her feet dangled from the way she was holding onto him. He slowly pulled slack to her arms until her toes touched the surprisingly sturdy surface.

Marco snorted as she refused to pull her face away from his chest. "Isn't your crew with Garp for the next few weeks?"

"How'd you know that?" She grumbles, her lips moving funnily across his skin.

"Word travels fast when Garp doubles his crew and heads straight for the heart of the New World." Marco chuckles recalling the vivid reports.

Mara groaned, banging her head against Marco's chest, "he's going to get them all killed."

"Don't be such a mother hen."

She glared up at him for that one.

"You survived didn't you?" Marco amends lightly.

She glares harder.

"And look where that got me." She mutters to herself, sneaking half a glance before burying her face again. "If any of my crew come back with crazy stalkers like you, you're dead."

By this point she had rewound her arms around my torso, clearly not willing to let go and risk a plunge. Or maybe she just wanted to hold him, that was plausible considering he didn't let her go either. It's silent for a few minutes, the clouds passing and the breeze ruffling their hair and clothes.

Mara sighs deeply, "now what the heck do I have to do to get you to fly me back to land?"

Marco pondered the thought for a second before 'hmm'ing dramatically to annoy her. Boldly he says, "kiss me."

Mara's head snaps up. Chocolate eyes meeting blue ones. Is he serious? She gulped as she searched relentlessly for a wavering. But she couldn't find one. Marco was really asking - no, demanding - a kiss. Another one. She had vowed not to make a habit of kissing hot pirates. No matter how much she wanted to.

But she was still perfecting her soft platforms that were meant to cushion falls. She could create numerous steps but where would she end up and more importantly just how far up did Marco take them?

"You are really thinking this through huh?" Marco smirks lightly, "I don't really like to stay still too long in the sky, it makes for an easy target you know." his arms unwrapped from her waist and blue flames started to lick every surface until wings were all that was left. Before Mara had time to protest they were airborne again. Going even higher, Mara quickly latched onto his neck, her face no longer visible once again.

"You're such a jerk." She said above the wind.

Marco slowed again, barely noticing the change of oxygen in the air, it got so much thinner up here. If Mara didn't heal by herself, he would worry about her. But she could, so he didn't. As if needing the reassurance that they stopped Mara placed another flat surface beneath his feet, though he didn't let her down this time.

"I swear if you tell Thatch about this."

Marco almost missed it, her quiet voice was easily carried away by the wind. And before he could even realize his triumph and gloat Mara had brought her face to his, her lips on his. She tilted her head, kissing him deeper.

One of his hands found her waist, the other came up to the side of her head, entangled into her dark hair- that he just realized was down for a change. Out of its usual bun on top of her head. She looked beautiful.

Marco felt giddy. He had been wanting this feeling again. The feeling he only gets when he was with her. The marine. He knew he was a fool for falling for the enemy, but was she really? She always said one thing, but he knew the way she kissed him wasn't just her wanting to be back on solid ground. No, it was her need for him. And it was great to realize that.

Mara was on cloud nine. Figuratively and literally. Being so high up didn't help the rational side of her brain make her usual rational decisions. But now she realized that she enjoyed this. Her life was so stressful. And Marco was right, she did enjoy his company on those few days of the year where she could just be Mara. Not Rear Admiral Wilder who had to catch the bad guys, sit in on warlord meetings, train her crew, be the voice of reason in stupid petty court cases, or in some cases, the one to fend off psychotic pink flamingos who wanted to kill her and her friends.

Being just Mara was so relieving. And freeing. She didn't have to use her 'Wilder' alias, she didn't need to disclose her background prior to the marines at all. Everything just worked out.

"I can't believe you actually did that." Marco whispers as they both pull back. Mara hid her face once again, though for completely different reasons this time. Marco was sure he saw her blushing. There was a muffled "shut up". Marco laughed easily, descending to the water below them at a ridiculous speed.

Mara who was to afraid to look away from the incoming danger, held her breath. Marco knew because her chest was pressed firmly to his, and he no longer felt the movement from before. He cut up sharply, spraying water behind him as he spun effortlessly boosting their speed. Mara reached with shaking fingers to glide through the warm waters as they went, only pulling away when Marco went into the air once again down to land on the dock.

Marco had to pry her fingers out of his collar and set her on her feet. Though it didn't take more than that for her to shove her palms into his chest to seperate them completely, a firm glare on her face, though it was void considering she was still blushing.

Before either of them had a chance to speak another loud, familiar, obnoxious voice rang through the silence.

"Oi! Mara dear! Where the hell've you been woman? It's been ages!" Thatch shouted from the beach, where most of the crew was.

Mara glared at Marco.

"I hate you."


"Please?" Luffy asked.


"Pretty please." Shanks pouted.


"Pretty pretty please?!" They said in unison.

Mara ignored them, glaring out of Party Bar's window instead.

"Fine. We were only asking your permission to be nice. I'm going anyways!" Luffy declared standing on his stool, stomping a foot to the counter and his fist into the air.

Mara twitched.

Shanks backed away slowly, hands raised in a placating manor. "Uhh Luf... let's try again another day okay?"

"What?! No way! Shanks we've been talking about exploring the woods for days!" Luffy exploded rounding on the gulping red head. "Besides Mara is harmless okay? She wouldn't hurt a fly." Shanks violently shook his head, but Luffy ignored him. "What would she know anyways? Aren't men stronger and smarter than woman?"

That's it.

It went deathly quiet.

One second Luffy was proudly standing on the bar stool, Shanks blinked, then he was face first to the ground. A large bump growing on the back of Luffy's head.


"Let's go!"


"But Mara!"


"Why are you so difficult?!" Izo shouted angrily, tugging on one of Mara's legs.

"No!" Mara exclaimed back, her arms wrapped tightly around Marco's waist, her head in his lap.

"That wasn't a yes or no question!" Izo jerked harder.

Marco leafed through the newspaper, setting aside those few bounties Whitebeard would be interested in 'Fire Fist Ace' eh? Rookie brat. Marco sat comfortably on the sofa.

Thatch chuckled, "Give it up Izo. Mara dear doesn't do shopping." Thatch sat on a lounge chair across from them, feet kicked up on the short table between them.

Izo groaned, pulling even harder. In a swift fluid movement Mara had kicked Izo away -boot meet face- and curled up with her back to Thatch, arms still wrapped around Marco though now with him slumping she was able to lay her head on his toned stomach. She closed her eyes and sighed hearing Izo's profanities fade as he left the room then left the building.

"You're cruel."

"Shut up Thatch." Mara huffs, "If you're so concerned feel free to take my place."

"No thanks." Thatch smirks.

"We could use the quiet anyway." Marco added, putting aside another picture.


Mara and Marco ignore him until he leaves.


"So on a scale of one to ten-"

"Go away Red Hair."

"You slept with him didn't you." Shanks accused.

"No. I didn't. What's it to you anyways?" Mara grumbled, pulling her covers over her head.

"I don't like him."

"I didn't ask you to."


"Old man."
