The Unexpected Twist

Izumi and Bakugo made a break for the gate after executing their plan.

"I can't believe that stupid plan of yours worked." Bakugo's eyebrow twitched.

"Hey other bright ideas were more than welcomed." Izumi retorted with irritation as she recalled her spur of the moment decision.


Izumi flew backwards out of the alley as Bakugo sent out a blast.

"That does it! I've had enough of your whining and lame brain plans, Usagi! I'm finishing this my way!" He stepped out of the alley and Izumi got to her feet and stomped to him, her hood flying off and her hair caught in the wind as they argued.

"That's the way it's always been! You never change you selfish jerk! You're the same angry, stuck up, ass hole only with a fancy costume on!"

"Now, heroes, did you forget who you're really supposed to be fighting?" All Might stepped up cracking his knuckles but the two look at him snarling.

"Shut up!" They shouted together then looked back at each other. All Might tensed up, a sweatdrop slipping down his temple. They were really pissed, the two were cursing the air blue, he'd never heard his little Izumi use such foul language.

"I don't know what I ever saw in you! You're just a curly head slut who gave away their virginity at the first opportunity."

"What?!" All Might's face twisted in shock and horror. His character was broken by this shocking news and he was reduced to Papa Might once more. 

"And you're just pissed off I didn't give it to you! Here have a consolation prize..." Izumi barked back and she moved to lift the top half of her costume and had All Might stammering.

"LITTLE MIDORI!" He grabbed her shirt pulling it back down which brought him in close.


"TAKE THIS!" Bakugo pointed his gauntlet at his face and set the blast off at point blank range. The move had knocked All Might back and gave them the time they needed to get a good distance away.

~End of Flashback~

"It worked at least.... Although a little too well." Izumi looked down at her costumed, the top half of her uniform had been charred and shredded from being too close to the blast and she had to tie it like a makeshift bra around her breasts.

"Of all the times I imagined seeing your boobs this was not in one of my fantasies." Bakugo grunted and spotted the gate up ahead.

"I didn't mean to actually flash them... I just hope no body in the monitor room saw that."

Bakugo's face went blue at imagining Mineta gluing his eyes to the screen and drooling uncontrollably. "I'll have to kill him later."

"What was that?" Izumi glanced up at him, then gasped as All Might sprinted between them. He'd broken the distance and was punishing both of them for their actions by breaking Bakugo's gauntlets and grabbing Izumi by the arm hoisting her up. After using her to knock Bakugo to the ground he hoisted her hip by her wrists watching her squirm and fidget.

"We'll talk later, young lady." All Might said in a brooding voice. "For now I must do my duty and continue testing you. While I applaud the fact you two worked together, coinciding with one another was a prerequisite." He stepped on Bakugo's back keeping him on the ground and Izumi kicked up her legs trying to pry herself free.

"What's with that face, little Midori?" He tossed her making her roll on the ground and stumble up. "Your plan to catch me off guard, and use your maximim firepower to get away was clever... but now that I've broken Bakugo's gauntlets you've lost that firepower. It's over."

"Shut up!" Bakugo turned his palm upright and let the same uge explosion rip from his hand. Izumi gasped and ran through the cloud of smoke.

"Kacchan? Whoa!" She felt Bakugo's hands on her and he pulled her in so they were face to face.

"You swear you're not pregnant?"

"I'm not... what are you-"

"Good, cuz I would have really hated myself for this." He hoisted her up and sent her flying. "DIE!"

"Kya!" Izumi soared through the air, the blasts from Bakugo's hand speeding her ascent and distance. She could see the gate and with All Might in midair from Bakugo's attack she could feel victory within reach.

"New Hampsire... SMASH!" All Might punched the air sending his body rocketing into hers. She screamed out in pain as the hit cracked her back and sent her hurdling into a nearby bus. She lay crumpled on the ground, fidgeting and twitching in pain.

"Mnnnng! My back.... Damn it All Might's not fooling around. He's really trying to beat us." She slowly raised her head at the sound of explosions. "Kacchan..."

"Get Moving, Usagi!" He shouted at her doing his best to keep All Might at bay by sending wave after wave of massive explosions.

Though her vision blurred, though her back twinged with massive pain Izumi got to her feet and stumbled toward the exit. Her breathing was ragged and she started gaining speed her feel lifting to jog a bit. She stumbled once going to her knees to catch her breath and she glanced back.

All Might had Kacchan pinned to the ground, and she could barely hear them speaking over the sound of her pounding heart. "Ka-Kacchan..."

"Go to sleep, Young Bakugo. Sorry, but as your teacher I'm a little traumatized you would destroy your own body to fight." He sighed heavily remembering Izumi in a hospital bed, her entire left side damaged from her fighting so hard against Todoroki. He snapped back when he felt Bakugo's hand close over his wrist and sent off a weak blast which was all he could manage.

"Hurry up and go... you stupid rabbit." Bakugo's eyes stared between the holes of All Might's fingers. "I break, and break myself... even if it means twisting myself up, I will win the way I choose. I won't accept that I can't win that way." He opened his mouth gasping some and then bit down on the hand that held his face down. "No way!"

Izumi's spirit rose at his words... Even in this weakened state he still continued to fight back. Kacchan never gave up, Kacchan always found a way to win no matter what. More, he won the way he chose, with grit and gusto. She could run to the gate now and they'd both pass... but that's not who she was nor was that what she'd choose. She told Bakugo before when he constantly told her to run she would not run without him. She would not leave him behind!

One for All soared through her and she whipped around running across the field and straight to him. She clenched her fist rushing straight at them. "All Might!" Her smile was wicked and just a hint of threatening. "Step aside... right NOW!" She thrust her fist out, and it connected with his cheek, the blow knocking him off Bakugo and she immediately knelt down hoisting him up and over her shoulder and running out of the gate.

All Might cheek sang with pain, and he coughed as he reached his time limit. That last hit... was more than he'd expected. She truly had hit him with everything she had to get him away from Bakugo. It made him smile and bow his head in concede. She could have won without him, but the fact she ran back for her partner just showed exactly the kind of Hero his Little Midori was.

~Recovery Girl's office~

"While I'm relieved you're not pregnant... I can't help but wonder if he might have gone easier on you if you'd let All Might believe that." Todoroki told Izumi who lay propped up on the bed her back still aching, but the worst of the damage was healed.

"Ugh... maybe but I think the alternative would have been worse as far as lectures go. I already got an earful from exposing myself" She flushed and had Todoroki grunting and rubbing his temple.

"I can't be angry... but I can still be irked that you did that, can't I?" He turned his eyes away, flushed a bit from his own jealousy.

"Go ahead, it's a welcomed emotion under the circumstances." She turned her head glancing over at Bakugo was still lay unconscious. "At any rate I think Kacchan got the worst of it. He really took a beating."

"Yes... remind me to thank him for trying to protect you even though it wasn't necessary." He stood up and bent down kissing her cheek. "I'll go get yours and Bakugo's stuff. Relax awhile Izumi... you passed and you earned it."

"Thanks Shoto..." She watched him leave and she slowly lowered onto the bed her eyes on Bakugo's face. She reached out and was barely able to brush her fingertips along his cheek. "It was a close call, Kacchan... but we made it." She smiled and let her eyes droop and sleep take her.

When Bakugo's eyes opened he felt a weight on his chest. Somewhere between her first doze off and the second Izumi had crawled into the same bed, her body half covering his in a hug. Though she was a little heavy, the scent of her hair and the feel of her body was so familiar and comforting he didn't mind the extra weight on his chest.

"Izumi..." He brought his hand up and stroked her hair. 

Do you want to know why I chose to date Shoto? It's because unlike you, Shoto LISTENS to me. He respects me!

His fingers tensed up as her words rang clear bells in his brain. Guilt and frustration caused pain to erupt in his chest. This was so messed up. He should have given up on her a long time ago. She wouldn't come back to him, he knew she wouldn't... and yet he couldn't give her up. He held on, and refused to let go.

"I can't quit you... even though I should I just can't."

~Saturday after Test Results~

Relief flooded the Class 1A students when Aizawa ensured that everyone including those that failed was going on the week long training camp. Despite some of them having to take extra curricular courses while there, the entire class was pumped to go.

"Hey since we all have tomorrow off, I say class 1A goes shopping together!" Hagure announced and got the approval of most of the class.

"Bakugo you'll come too, won't you?" Uraraka asked looking hopeful and he grunted.

"I hate the mall..." He started but Izumi's laugh had him glancing over his shoulder at her.

"Shoto will you come?" Izumi asked as Todoroki got his belongings together.

"I visit my mom on our days off. I was hoping you'd come with me." He shouldered his bag. "Girlfriend or not she really wanted to meet you."

"I have things I need to pick up, but I can always meet up with you later. I'll even pick up some flowers for your mom." She said with a bright smile and had Bakugo grunting.

"Fine, I'll come." He told Uraraka and eyed her. "We'll go shopping together."

"Bakugo-kun..." Uraraka's brow twitched. "You're too easy to read."

~At The Mall~

The moment they got there Bakugo was reminded why hated the mall. The noise, the crowds, the irritating salespeople. He wanted to get this over with, and was about to suggest splitting up, when everyone suddenly began to separate into groups, leaving him, Uraraka and Izumi by themselves.

"Everyone's fast, aren't they?" Izumi said with a twitching brow. She wore a Sunday dress, sandals, and her hair braided over her shoulder. She'd pulled on the same little green purse she'd brought with her on their date to the amusement park.

"Yeah..." Uraraka agreed standing between Izumi and Bakugo. She was about to make her excuses and leave the two of them alone, but Bakugo slipped his arm around her shoulder.

"You need bug spray don't you, round face? Let's get you some!" He pulled her off towards a camping store leaving Izumi behind.

So Izumi was left alone. She watched the two of them disappear behind some canoes and wasn't entirely sure why seeing those two together made her edgy... and just a little... lonely. Still, she was happy Bakugo was making friends, and with someone she actually liked.

"Alright then, guess I'll just pick up some wrist weights and flowers for-"

"Ah, you're from U.A aren't yah? Let me get your autograph!" The voice came from behind and she felt an arm around her shoulders. "You're the one who fought that Todoroki guy and got kissed huh?"

"Uh, yeah..."She grunted, her face going blue. She really needed to get used to this popularity thing.

"You got requested by Endeavor didn't you? You were in that mess with the Hero Killer in Hosu city."

"You sure do know a lot." This guy was clingy, what a creep. She started to push him off and she felt the hand come up around her neck, and the tone of his voice changed making her tense.

"I never thought I'd see you again... though of course for you we haven't seen each other since USJ..." Shigaraki peered down as her head tilted up and those green eyes went wide with fear. "Izumi Midoriya."

"Sh-Shigaraki Tomura..." her voice squeaked out and she felt his grip on her neck increase.

"Don't move... calm your breathing, and act natural. We're just being a little cozy." He told her. "If you struggle, all I'd need to do is set all five of my fingers and the skin on your neck will start to decay until you're nothing but dust."

"I-If you do something like that, the heroes will more than surely catch you in a place this crowded." She tried to calm down, but his grip intensified. He kept one fingers out to keep his quirk at bay.

"That's true... but look around you." He motioned to all the smiling face and leaned in close to her ear, his breath hot and sickening her down to the bone. "Look at all the smiling faces... completely unaware of what's happening. I could probably kill twenty or thirty of them before I'm caught. As a future hero, you wouldn't want that would you, Izumi-chan?"

She tensed up and whimpered.

"Walk with me, unless of course you want to have a chat with me right here..." he brought up his other hand to the edge of her skirt waving a finger over it as well. "In front of everyone."

She swallowed hard her voice cracking. A private word... he wanted a private word... if she could just get him someplace where there weren't as many people around she might be able to use her quirk to escape.

"I'll walk... w-what did you want to talk about?"

"That's a good girl..." He let go of her dress and walked with her, keeping a grip on her making them appear more as a couple than as a hostage and captor. "I want to talk to you about the hero killer..."

~Bakugo and Uraraka~

"Bakugo this was your chance to be alone with Izumi. Why are you shopping with me instead of her?" Uraraka stood awkwardly beside him, fidgeting in place as she watched Bakugo eye some weights in sporting goods.

"Because if I'm alone with her I'll just get all these needy and annoying feelings I no longer want. I came to shop not to be with that damn rabbit." He shoved the back and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Besides... she made her feelings for me perfectly clear during the test."

"What do you mean? What did she say?"

"I was trying to protect her because I thought Todoroki got her pregnant. All I ended up doing was making her mad. She said this was why we couldn't be together, and why she'd chosen Todoroki in the first place. It's because we can't communicate without shouting at each other." He clenched a hand over his chest as the fresh pain filled him. "Sad fact is she's right. Even that date we went on, we were barely alone for an hour before I was screaming at her."

"I think you guys communicate fine for the most part. Sure you yell, but unlike her and Todoroki that tends to bottle feelings up til they explode, you make sure to get it all out in the open. You guys don't like to lie to each other and that's important." Uraraka took his shoulder and turned him around. "Look I'm rooting for you, Bakugo. I'm Izumi's best friend and I'm telling you the two of you have something special. Todoroki makes her happy, but don't diss yourself because for a time you made her happy too."

Bakugo stared at Uraraka, her fierce round face frowning firmly. He then snorted a bit. "Are we having a moment?"

"Maybe... but I'm not the one you should be having moments with. Come on, let's pay for your weights then go find Izumi and have lunch."

~Shigaraki and Izumi~

The walk had taken them down the mall path and they squeezed into a dark alley between shops, he pressed her into a wall keeping the grip on her neck. "Hey, what do you think the difference is between the Hero Killer and myself is?"

"The difference?" Izumi shook, her nerves were on high alert and her brain trying hard to come up with a way to have him let go so she could get help.

"No matter how much he boasts, he just destroys what he doesn't like same as me..." He eyed her up and down, a mutual arousal and hate boiling in his gut. He wanted to kill her, and wanted to have her all the same time. Why was that? He didn't like girls, didn't like people in general, and yet... "What do you think the difference is, Izumi chan?"

"I don't understand nor sympathize with your ideals..." Izumi struggled to keep her voice calm. Her instincts were screaming at her to fight back but this guy, his demeanor frightened her to the point she couldn't move. "Hero killer, while I may disagree with his tactics... I can understand him, because... for me and for the hero killer, it all started with All Might."

There was a change in Shigaraki's eyes, a kind of realization. His body pressed in closer his eyes boring into hers.

"Also..." she put in quickly trying to give herself more time to think. "The Hero killer saved me, he wasn't destroying simply because he wanted to. He also didn't just-" She growled at him deciding anger was better than fear. She watched his eyes change again, the frightening realization coming to his eyes making her shudder and she wanted to sink to the floor. She felt his grip starting to lessen, and Izumi shifted ready to use that hesitation, but her cellphone rang.

His grip tightened again, and he shoved his hand into the pocket of her purse to pull out her cell. He opened it and sneered at the read out. "Shoto... your boyfriend? You'll have to call him back, I'm not done talking to you. He hung it up, then his eyes focus on the picture of her background. It was a selfie of her and All Might, Her carried in his right arm, her hugging him around the neck, while he held the cellphone out to take the selfie, both of their smiles bright and cheerful.

Something inside Shigaraki clicked.

"Mmmm" he let out a shuddering sigh of relief. "I feel like a weight's been lifted from my chest." Still holding her and the phone he looked back at her eying her again. "Everything's making sense now. Why the hero killer pisses me off, and why your face both irritates and intrigues me... it's all because of All Might." The scars of his face became exaggerated in a frightening smile.

Izumi's breath whooshed out and she struggled but he slammed her back.

"Don't move, do you want to die?" He looked at her phone again and pulled up the camera to get a picture of their surroundings. He then sent the message "come get me" to Kurogiri then pulled Izumi in for a selfie.

"Sorry... I was gonna let you go now that I got what I wanted... but I've finally figured something out in my head that's been bothering me since I saw you at the U.A sports festival." He turned his face into hers and licked her cheek making her gut twist. "I destroy what I don't like... it's not enough to just kill you." He sent the selfie to every contact in her phone. "I'm going to destroy every piece of you, little by little... and bring All Might directly to me." He dropped the phone on the ground as Kurogiri's fog appeared in the wall and Izumi let out a single scream as she was shoved into the dark.
