The Talk

Author's Note: Just a fair warning, we'll be getting into one of the reasons this is an M rated fic. Sooo Lemonade anyone?

Bakugo had arrived to school early, but he still couldn't avoid the stares of his classmates. His head was bowed back on the chair, his feet propped up on the desk and a permanent frown on his lips. Kirishima, Kaminari and Uraraka flanked him looking over his head.

"You lost didn't you?" Uraraka said bluntly and got a snarl. He rocked upright.

"Shut up! Round face, I didn't lose anything."

"Then you won?" Kirishima asked scratching his temple.

"Didn't look like the face of a winner to me." Kaminari jerked a thumb at him with a smirk.

"I didn't win either! Draw, it was a draw, and I just gave that stupid bastard permission." He'd damn well wouldn't admit he lost anything, nor admit he'd spent the rest of his Sunday putting bandaids on a broken heart.

Kirishima and Kaminari eyed each other with small smiles of sympathy. He lost, they mentally agreed.

"It really is a pity. I was actually in full support for you, Bakugo." Uraraka put in catching him off guard. "You're a jerk, but unlike Todoroki who keeps a poker face, your emotions are all out in the open and it's easy to tell when you've got attachment to something or someone."

"Bull Shit..." Bakugo started to deny it but Uraraka leaned in all smiles and had him leaning away flushed.

"No, no, it's true. Todoroki was gonna hold his emotional baggage all inside, but you brought it out of him because you know how he would feel if you were in his position. You could have just let it all build up inside him." Uraraka pointed out and Kirishima caught on and bounced a fist on his palm.

"Yeah I get yah, Uraraka, One day he'd finally explode like with Sero at the Sports Festival, and he and Izumi would have an inevitable fight over it. Instead you chose to drag it out of him and challenge him head on, so manly!"

"Now you idiots tell me?" Irritation spread over Bakugo's face and he grit his teeth.

"Hey if you're still sore about it," Kaminari put in. "Why not just make her jealous?"


"Midori-chan still has feelings for you," Uraraka clarified. "He's suggesting you find another girl to give attention to, in order to make her jealous and rethink her relationship with Todoroki." Her eyes narrowed. "Though it sounds kind of underhanded."

"You've a point there," Kirishima agreed. "Still in your position, Bakugo, I would try paying attention to a different girl. If it really looks like she's serious about her relationship with Todoroki you're gonna have to get over her at some point."

:...and the easiest way to do that is with another pretty girl." Kaminari motioned around them at the other girls in the room. "Someone from this class, or maybe even from class B. Date Kendo for instance, and you'd be killing two birds with one stone. Making Midoriya jealous and driving that bastard Monoma up the wall."

"Shut up! I'm not dating anybody else, I've been too distracted by girls at it is!" He snarled and his eyes darted to the entrance. He saw Todoroki walk in, surprisingly alone and looking pissed off. It intrigued him, maybe they'd had a fight afterall.

"Oi Icyhot where's Usagi?" Bakugo shouted across the room.

"She's with recovery girl," he snarled his response digging his hands in his pockets. "That idiot she's training with went too hard on her and she could barely walk to school."

"I bet you anything she's the one that over did it." He stood up and went to the door. "Stupid rabbit doesn't know her own limits." He went to leave and go see her, but Aizawa was at the door.

"In your seat, Bakugo. Class waits for no one."

~Recovery Girl's office~

"OWOWOWOWOWOWOW!" Izumi bounced in her seat as Recovery girl put salve on a bad burn across her leg. "Ugh, stupid Endeavor. Another week of this is gonna kill me!" She eyed her leg as it was bandaged.

"You're pushing yourself too hard." Recovery girl put in and finished wrapping it. "I healed the rest of your burns, but you'll need to come see me at Lunch in order to finish them. Tell Endeavor he's getting a bill."

"Yes, Ma'am." She stood up wincing some but at least now she could walk. It was embarrassing having Todoroki carry her from the car to the nurse's office. She was glad no one from their class had seen it. "Hmmm those burning hands of his are a problem." She started murmuring as she left the room. "I need to find a better way of countering or avoiding them without getting heavily burned."

"Little Midori!" All Might came barrelling down the hallway and skidded in front of her panting. "Are you okay, little Midori. I'd just heard you were in Recovery Girl's office. What happened?"

"All Might! Oh... I'm alright, I just overdid it in training today. Endeavor and I went hand to hand but this time he didn't want me to use my quirk and just had me practice dodging his flame attacks... I didn't do too well."

"He should have more care," All Might said grudgingly. "I gave him full permission to train you, not to rough you up."

"You were pretty hard on me too if I remember correctly... still the difference in difficulty in your guys' training is intense. I need to do better." She walked and he walked beside her. She felt his hand on her shoulder and she glanced up. "What is it?"

"Come with me a moment, I'll write you a note for Aizawa, but it's time we talked about your current situation."

Though his tone and serious face frightened her she went with him to the lounge. He popped free of his bulk form and sat on the couch motioning her to sit across from him. She sat, and fisted her hands in her skirt feeling the nerves jump in her belly.

"I can't deny I've been seeing your progress in your Hero Basic Training lessons, but I was worried that your mind has been too preoccupied with your relationship." He gave a small smile. "Seeing your face as you talked about training has made me change my mind. It shows you know where your priorities lie."

"Thank you, but you're right when you say I have been a bit preoccupied. The situation with Shoto and Kacchan left me confused and emotional, and I missed a whole day of training trying to straighten it all out."

"Did you?"

"I think so..." She tucked hair behind her ear. "Kacchan seems okay with the relationship now, or at least is accepting it. I hurt him, and it makes me ill to know that."

"You're all young yet. There's no guarantee that the relationships you all have now will last past these few years you have together." He leaned his elbows on his knees. "Still I can tell Young Todoroki makes you happy."

"He does," she blushed and laughed a bit. "He can get on my nerves at times, but we always seem to work past the little things."

"I'm glad... in the future you may not have such a luxury. With this power I'm giving you, you'll be forced to make difficult decisions regarding your loved ones."

"I know, it's like that old saying, with great power comes great responsibility? The image I'm trying to make of myself will give me many allies but also many more enemies. I've come to realize that when we went up against the league of villains at USJ. So many people gathered together all because they wanted to kill you. That's the reality of it, isn't it?"

"Yes..." he said grimly. "Which is why even though it's important for you to remain in the spotlight and become that image of peace and justice, it is also important for you to take care with those you share in your secrets. Any one of them could be used against you."

"I understand..." she looked at the time. "I should probably go. I'm already gonna get a lecture from Aizawa-sensei." She stood up but he motioned her back down.

"Just... one more thing. Um..." He scratched his cheek reaching in his pocket and handed her a pouch. She blinked a few times and opened it and her face went blue.

"All Might!? What!?"

"Calm down, don't give me that look. You're a young woman, living with the man whom you're involved with. There are temptations around every corner, and while I don't really approve of you going down that path as of yet, as your stand in father it is my duty to ensure you use protection. We don't want any... erm... accidents."

"Acci-" She blushed bright red and her eyes spun as her head rushed to impure thoughts. "Y-Yes... okay... um....uh...well... class... need to go to class." She fumbled with her bag stuffing the pouch inside before hobbling out. The moment she was gone All Might went beat red and held his heart.

"They grow up so fast..." he said teary eyed.

~Class 1A~

Izumi ignored the stares she got when she walked into class and just hobbled to her desk and immediately pulled out her books.

"Glad you could join us, Midoriya." Aizawa scowled at her. "I realize you're anxious for your internship to start, but don't be too reckless in your training. You're careless enough as it is."

"Yes sir.." she whimpered and opened her notebook. Bakugo glanced over his shoulder at her, saw the bandages on her cheek, fingers and leg and had to scowl. He wondered just who the bastard was that she was training with. He'd have to find out.

As class ended and lunch was announced, Izumi opened her bag to stuff her books in, and she saw the pouch. She grimaced and sighed heavily quickly zipping it back up. Damn it, why did All Might have to put those images in her head? She was finally able to concentrate on her hero work, and now she couldn't think of anything else. She was barely able to concentrate on school.

"Midoriya..." Todoroki went to her desk his hands in his pockets. "You going to the nurse's lounge to finish the healing?"

"Hmmm? Oh, yeah." She set her bag back down and walked beside him as they left the classroom. "Shoto... do... .um... did..." got she couldn't ask him. How the hell was she supposed to go about asking if the guy was thinking of her in a sexual way?

"What's wrong?" He paused in the hallway. "You've been distracted ever since you got back." He reached a hand out touching her forehead. "You're warm, are you sick?"

"No... just..." She turned her eyes up to him. "Do you ever get... um..." she looked around to make sure no one was around to listen and she whispered to him. "Impure thoughts?"

"What do you mean?" He narrowed his eyes, thinking she might be referring to evil deeds, or villainous intent. "Are you worried that I might be thinking of doing something you're not comfortable with?"

"Well..." she tapped her fingers together. "I could understand it. It's only natural because we're human right? I mean Kacchan's obviously thought about it."

"Yeah well," Todoroki grunted remembering all of Bakugo's wild outbursts. "With a personality like his, it's hard not to."

"Mineta-kun thinks about it too. Maybe more so than Kacchan." She wriggled in discomfort. "So I wondered if you did too."

"Mineta?" Suddenly it clicked and his face went bright red. "Oi, Midoriya, are you talking about sex?"

Izumi squeaked and her face went red as a tomato and she covered his mouth with her hands.

"Don't say it out loud, baka!"

Todoroki flustered and he pulled her hand away from his mouth.

"Sorry, it's just... where did this come from? I mean, are you thinking about it?"

"I don't know, I thought about it briefly a time or two, but never seriously considered it until All Might gave me The Talk."

"All...Might... did?" He felt his footing fumble and he had to brace himself on a wall. "Oi... I suddenly need to sit down. Why would All Might give you the talk? How would he even know?"

"He's concerned, and he does see me as kind of a surrogate daughter. So I guess he felt obliged to do so. He was worried." She pouted bashfully and kept her head down. "So... you DO think about it."

"Of course I think about it, am I an idiot?" He choked out trying to steady his breathing. "You're with a girl and living so close to her, of course you're gonna have those kinds of thoughts pass through your head. I don't have to be Mineta to want to have..." he trailed off not wanting to say it aloud again. "Intimacy."

"Okay... I just... wanted to know."

"Right..." then it hit him. "You said Bakugo obviously thought about it. Have you and he ever..."

"No!" She declined immediately. "There was this one time behind our junior high where he... well got intimate but it never went past kissing and touching. He likes to touch... and you don't touch places like that unless you're interested."

Bad question to ask, Todoroki thought feeling his temper rise up. His competitive nature wanted him to be put on an even level, but he quickly pulled the reigns on his loins and his ego.

"Alright... I just wanted to know. You better go get your wounds seen to. I'll save you a spot in the cafeteria."

"Okay..." she watched him turn and walk away and then called out to him. "Shoto!" She waited for him to pause and look back at her. "Thanks for hearing me out."

"Don't mention it... but-" he glanced off a moment then looked back at her. "We are gonna have to talk about this again," and soon he thought. "Just warning you."

"Mmmm... I understand." She nodded and turned around to go see recovery girl.

~Todoroki Household: After School~

Izumi was immediately put back into training mode. With her burns healed Endeavor put her into cardio, making her run on the treadmill and lift weights til her arms were aching. Shoto worked with her, not wanting to let her suffer alone, so the two of them worked with Endeavor guarding the door to make sure neither of them balked on their regimen.

Sweaty and sore they finished their workout and headed back to their rooms. Izumi wanted to whine and complain, but resisited doing so in front of Shoto because she knew it upset him. He decision to try and improve Todoroki's relationship with his dad was going no where. She didn't expect him to forgive the ass, in fact she highly recommended against it.

However... Shoto was the son of the Number 2 hero. She didn't want him to waste the opportunity he had to use his father's connections and status to help his own career. In the world of heroes popularity was key to a successful agency. You could be the greatest hero of all time, but unless people knew your name you'd never get to use those talents.

So... they didn't have to get along with each other, but Izumi was bound determined to get Father and Son to at least respect and acknowledge each other. Shoto was halfway there, and Endeavor at least acknowledged his son's power.

"I'm gonna take a bath before dinner." Shoto spoke interrupting her thoughts. "You might want to do the same."

"Yeah," she agreed rubbing the ache in her muscles. "Good idea." She opened her door and closed it behind her. She gathered her bath stuff... and paused. Fuyumi had mentioned there was a hot spring down the path. The hot water sounded good for her aching muscles. Pleased with the idea she grabbed a towel and robe and made her way out and down the path.

She found it easily enough, breathing in the steam and sighing happily. Already she could feel her tense muscles relaxing. She set her stuff down and stripped out of her clothes folding them neatly before slipping into the water and moaning with delight. This, she thought, was heaven!

Izumi waded further in and sat in the corner by a rock. The steam was thick and dense and she breathed it in while running the hot water over her arms. She felt her eyes drooping some and she propped herself back against the rock and let them close. She wasn't sure how long she spaced out for, a minute, maybe ten... but when she woke back up she felt groggy and rubbed her eyes clear. She heard a little splash and glanced over, she couldn't see anything in the dense steam.

Probably just imagined it... she thought standing up and walking towards the edge. She pumped into something and let out a squeak as she fell backwards and someone on top. An arm had come around her to catch her fall and she blinked and focused seeing Todoroki's wide eyes and embarassed flush.

"M-Midoriya!? Are you okay?"

"Shoto? What are you.. .GAH!" She shoved him back covering her breasts and sinking down blushing. "Idiot I'm naked!"

"So am I... I mean... sorry!" He quickly turned around crouching into the water. "I didn't know you were here."

Izumi whimpered and turned away as well so they were back to back. Damn it... they'd just talked about incidents like this at school, so why of all days did it have to happen now? She could have gone to the springs at any point over her training period but she just had to choose today. Luck... just her stupid luck.

"I thought you were gonna use the regular bath, and the hot springs sounded nice so I came out here."

"I almost always bathe in the hot springs." He told her shifting some and tensing up when he felt her back on his. Izumi tensed too but didn't want to risk moving.

"So... now what are we gonna do?" Izumi said flustered. "We can't just sit here like this, one of us is gonna have to get up first."

"I just got here." he told her.

"Wha... hey I haven't been here that long either." She angled her head just a bit to see his bare shoulder then turned away again.

"We could just leave at the same time..." he suggested, his heart pounding in his chest. "It's not really a big deal if we just look, right?"

"Baka, of course it's a big deal." She whimpered and put a hand to her head. "Not even Kacchan's seen me naked. You'd be the first."

Shoto let out a little sound that had her thinking she just made him like the idea even more.

"You'd be the first for me too, you have to have your first with somebody and it might as well be the one you're dating."

He had a point, she mused with some embarrassment. She felt his hand move and grab hers underwater and squeeze it.

"I won't force you. If you want me to leave first I will, but-" He shifted again and brought her hand up to his lips kissing them. "I want to see you. I won't lie about that."

"Cheater..." she moaned and she felt an uncomfortable heat in her belly making her shift her legs. She had to admit though, she wanted to see him too. She'd got glimpses of his form... well toned bare arms, flat ripped torso, strong sturdy legs. Just this afternoon during cardio she'd watched him bench press, the muscles in his arms rippling and making her heart flutter.

"It's up to you, Midoriya." He kept his hand on hers letting it sink back underwater. There was silence for one full minute and then he felt her turn around to face him. He glanced over his shoulder, saw her eyes through the mist and turned around as well.

He was gorgeous, she thought her eyes glimmering with female appreciation. Her hands wanted to touch the muscle and skin, feel it ripple against her fingertips. Her breath shook out and she lowered her arm to fully expose her breast to him. She watched his eyes widen, heard his breath catch at the lovely sight.

"You're so beautiful." he whispered to her, his hand lifted up out of the water, but instead of touching her chest he reached up and took her face stroking her cheek. "You're beautiful, Izumi."

He hadn't called her by her first name since the first time he'd told her he loved her. It made her heart gallop and she inched closer to him. She touched him now, her hands stroking over the scar on his left and then through his hair.

"Shoto..." she whispered it breathlessly and found herself rising up on her knees, her hands wrapping around his neck and they slip into the kiss. Shoto strung his fingers through her hair and then held her to him, those soft lovely breasts he'd admired now pressed to him, and he felt her heart pounding in rhythm with his.

He felt her tense up when his own anatomy pressed on her belly and he slowly pulled back stroking her face again. "Sorry, natural reaction." He moved to let her go, but she clung on, her eyes soft and wet. The look had his brows raising. "Midoriya..."

"It's... I want to... but I don't have-" She stammered and looked nervously in his eyes. "You know."

It took him a minute to comprehend, then realized she was talking about the protection and he smiled stroking hair from her face.

"Let's go back, Izumi."


"Let's go back... and if you're okay with it... we'll skip dinner."

She nodded... they dressed together, and walked silently side by side back down the path to the mainhouse.

And they skipped dinner.

Author: *ducks and waits for a barrage of hate mail*
