Solarion Chronicles

Toby quickly turned to you

" "_____" I need some help with this " they looked around nervously

"yeah i'll help but calm down and tell me what you need help with first" they let out a small chuckle

" Right, sorry about that." They brought their hand down from their chest

" I want your help with this" they opened their hands you looked down and saw a mermaid's pendant in their hand realization flashed through your mind and a smile spread across your face you looked back up at them

" So you wanna marry Shane huh." Deep red blush found its way to Toby's face they let out a small laugh

" yeah I just need help with a few details. I've lived here for a few years now but " they paused.

" I'm still clueless with a few things " you laughed

" yeah i'll fill you in don't worry" they smiled at you

"Thanks, "_____" '' you gave a nod after a few hours of planning and talking. Toby left giving you a wave as they sprinted out of town. You walked back to your room falling onto your bed letting sleep take you away. It felt like it had only been a few minutes until your alarm cut through your dream you groggily got up put on your uniform and walked out the cold air wrapping itself around you

the Joja mart building loomed over you the sliding door letting out a creek as you walked through them you quickly disposed of your things in your locker and began stocking the shelves near the back it wasn't anything significant just some canned food you tried not to gag Joja food was always filled with sugar and other things. as you were finishing the last box you saw movement out of the corner of your eye you turned to your right to see Sebastian.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you. What can I help you with today?" Sebastian let out a small sigh

" would you believe me if I said I needed more cigarettes" you quickly looked away

" well I guess, here i'll walk you to the case same as last time," you asked he gave a slight nod

" Pierre doesn't carry the kind I like plus he is more expensive" you hummed in response as you grabbed the keys to the case the speakerphone screeched as the voice of your boss cut through the air.

" "____" once you're done with this customer please meet me in my office " the speaker shrieked once more silence gracing your ears you felt your shoulders drop as you grabbed the cigarette carton and handed it to Sebastian he gave you an apologetic look

" hey I'm sorry if I got you in trouble" he whispered you waved your hand in the air

" no need to apologize '' he handed you the money and gave a quick wave before leaving. You felt the headache already forming as you walked into Morris's office "you called " your boss got up from his chair

" "_____" it seems as if you've been getting distracted at work and your performance has been lacking the past few days " you looked Morris in the eye as he continued

" If you're deciding to make this a trend I'm afraid that means we'll have to let you go " you glared at the man as he walked up to you.

" Now we already had this conversation once but I apparently haven't made it clear enough you're extremely expendable to this company" you felt anger boiling up in your stomach

" now that we've had this little talk I want you to start coming in earlier and I'm cutting your days off to only Thursdays I've realized I've been too lenient with you now that will change" you resisted the urge to spit in the man's face

" now get back to work i'll talk to you tomorrow" he walked back to his desk as you stormed out of his office

Timeskip again (sorry)

You slammed the door to your room and fell face-first into your pillow letting out an exasperated sigh you looked to the clock on your nightstand 3:32 you shot the clock a glare as you walked over to your dresser angrily opening the drawers ad taking out some jeans and a hoodie you tore off your uniform as you turned the shower to the hottest it could be without burning your skin you quickly sat down and let the water seep down your back you dug your fingernails into your skin recalling what morris had said

* why the hell haven't I quit that fucking job yet anyway * you questioned

* Gus would probably let me work at the saloon Pierre could also probably need a hand hell I would work with Toby on their farm if I needed any money* the realization hit you like a truck

* I don't need to work at that place * You quickly finished the shower and got dressed. You grabbed a pair of sneakers as you walked to the saloon.

" Hey, gus I'm going out i'll be back before closing " you quickly said gus gave a nod as you walked out the door. Before you could think you were walking to Robins the closer you got the more nervous you became you waved at Robin before walking down the steps leading to Sebastion's room. As you walked in you saw Sam and Sebastian sitting at a table Sebastian looked up as you walk through the door.

" Oh hey "_____" Sam and I were just about to play solarion chronicles: the game " he paused for a second

" Why don't you join us? It's better with three players anyway." you shrugged your shoulders

" Sure why not I've got time" you took a seat at the table you saw a ghost of a smile on Sebastian's face

" Okay here we go let me pull the scenario card" he pulled a card out of one of the decks on the table

" hmmm... It looked like today's quest will take us into the necromancer's tower... to try and reclaim the solarion staff from the clutches of dreadlord Xarth." sam looked over to you

" Cool ... "____" are you ready to choose your character?" you looked over the character models

*Sebastian must have painted them himself* you thought to yourself. three caught your eye the wizard the warrior and the healer you quickly ran the possibilities through your head

"Healer I prefer to help others" Sebastian looked at you

" healer huh that's a very important role" he paused looking over the other characters "I guess i'll pick the wizard then" he grabbed the small model

" cool warriors my favorite anyway" Sebastian looked back to you

"Let's begin.." you begin to imagine the scene ( the king has entrusted you and your companions with recovering the solarion staff... a task which if completed successfully will ensure your place in the hall of legends as well as a sizable fortune of gold and silver.)

( after a long month of journeying across unforgiving lands you step out onto a precipice to see your destination looming in the distance. There beyond a moonlit plane lies the necromancer's tower dreadlord Xarths usurps the power of the stolen solarion staff for his vile purposes.) you tried to contain your laughter at Sebastian's dramatic reading

( the tower lies before you) Sebastian looks up at you

""____" what should we do? " you stopped fiddling with the small model in your hand " go in the front fortune favors the bold," you said dramatically sam snorted while Sebastian rolled his eyes a smirk on his face

( a skeleton guards the hallway before you it looks dangerous) Sebastian turns to sam

"Let's fight it, " sam says enthusiastically "

why did I even bother to ask, " Sebastian said with a small smile making its way onto his face? ( The skeleton lunges forward )

" I raise my shield " (you successfully block the attack the skeleton stumbles backward giving you enough time to strike out and slay the foul beast )

" Hey nice " sam chimes in you shoot him a smile

( you continue down the hallway taking care to not step on the skeleton's remains. You find yourself in a sewer-like corridor to your left a hallway glows with a peculiar green light to your right a stairway leads up into the dark.) Sebastian looks back at you

"which hallway should we go down" without hesitation you made your choice " the left" Sebastian looks over to sam

" I'm with "____" on this one," he says Sebastian nods

(you are in a room on your left is a ladder on your right three are prisoners floating in strange glowing capsules that appear to be going through some sort of transformation. Could this be some sick experiments of the Dreadlords?) Sebastian turns to sam again without hesitation sam speaks

" destroy the capsules " Sebastian nods

( after putting those poor souls to rest you and your companions climb the ladder. you've come to a door at the end of a hallway the time has come to face Dreadlord xarth. " Intruders how dare you to trespass in my private chambers" ) sam laughs

"It's not like we walked in on the guy changing, why is he so offended?" Sebastian shot him a glare before continuing.

('' Ah so you've come for the isolation staff hehehehehe fools you'll make a nice addition to my skeleton army " dreadlord Xarth casts shadow beam. You were able to dodge the attack but both of your companions are Gravely injured) Sebastian and sam look at you

"I'll heal the wizard " sam gets a disappointed look on his face

" Thanks,"_____"," Sebastian says

( Sebastian casts pure bolt, a beam of white light hits xarth square in the face. The dreadlord lets out a shriek and crumbles into dust. You pick up the solarion staff and hold it high. Order has been restored to the world) Sebastian quickly pulls out a beat-up notebook

" Hey not bad" he looks up at you hair falling onto his face

" It took me at least three or four tries to beat my first scenario " you smiled at him " but hey thanks for stopping by" you nodded

" Not a problem " you looked down at your watch

" I better get going " sam go up from his chair

" me too moms making pizza tonight " Sebastian let out a small laugh

" yeah i'll see you guys around bye " you gave Sebastian one last wave before leaving

" so Sam how have you been holding up with Morris, " you asked sam let out a sigh

" I feel like he's on my back about everything you knock over a display by accident once and you can kiss your paycheck goodbye" you let out a sigh

"no kidding I feel like he's been breathing down my neck every day for the past few weeks " sam nodded

" it's almost like he's worried about something" you both walked in silence for a while as you got into town you quickly looked at sam

" Well, I need to talk to Toby so I'll catch you later, yeah?" Sam nodded before you could walk very far. He quickly stopped.

" Hey, "_____" wait for a second" you turned around

" yeah what's up" he quickly jogged over to you " my band is playing in Zu Zu city in a few days it would be cool if you could come" he quickly pulled a ticket out of his jacket pocket

" Sure sounds like fun i'll see you then " sam smiled handing you the ticket

" Great Sebastian will be happy you're there" before you could say anything else Sam was already jogging away. You looked down at the crumpled ticket in your hand as you walked the rest of the way to the farm

* is everyone in this town trying to play matchmaker or something * you thought to yourself.

A/n: wow this is officially the longest chapter I've ever written and I'm sorry this chapter took forever to get out like I said this is the longest chapter I've ever written so it's kind of a big deal anyway if you have any questions just shoot me a dm and i'll try to answer them as quickly as possible and thank you for making this story rank 33 in #Stardew Valley means a lot to me so thank you! now go get some water and a snack and maybe talk to your friends and take a walk now stay safe love ya - T:))
