Joja cola and Pool

you felt refreshed as you walked through the doors out into the fresh night air you waited out by the doors until you saw Shane walkout bouquet still in hand

"you're head over heels for the farmer huh " he practically jumped out of his skin you began laughing as he whipped around.

"for the love of Yoba "____" way to give someone a heart attack," you laughed " well I'm not the one who's been staring at flowers for an entire day " you snorted Shane rolled his eyes

" well at least I didn't spill bleach on some guys pants " you stopped laughing and stared at him a smirk on his face you shot him another glare

" hey uncool " you responded he shrugged it off

"you coming to the saloon tonight it's Friday" You shrugged your shoulders

"I mean as long as I can relax and eat some greasy food sure" Shane smiled,

" cool Toby said they could get some time away from the farm it would be great if you met them"

you nodded as you opened the door to the saloon the smell of food and beer-filled your nose as you walked up to the bar " hey Gus how's business going" Gus turned to you

" "_____"! business has been good now what can I get you started on tonight "you gave Gus a smile "i'll have the special please" Gus nodded you made idle conversation with Shane until your food arrived you grabbed the radish salad and sat in one of the booths after a while the door opened to reveal Toby they had a very pale complexion despite being a farmer their hair was dyed black and cut short it looked fluffy they had a bit of blush to give a bit of life to their skin and some eyeliner and almost a racoon style eyeshadow around their eyes, they looked around for a minute before seeing shane and walking over they had a short conversation before walking over to your booth

" Hello you must be "____" i'm Toby it's nice to finally meet you " you shook their hand they were wearing camo cargo pants with black t-shirt that had dios face on it with a misspelled quote beneath it and a pair of black converse "yeah it's great to finally meet you too, Shane tells me great things about you " they smiled as they looked at Shane

" oh really how sweet" you talked for a while as you ate your food Toby was telling a story about their cat Jambo when the man walked through the door you nearly choked on your food

" hey "____" you good?" Toby asked, you nodded your head as you looked away from the man Shane suddenly had a smirk on his face

"is that him " you shot him a glare

"yeah " you responded quietly Toby gave you a puzzled look "what's up with you and Sebastion" you looked up at them

" I spilled bleach on his pants at work today it was an accident of course but it's still embarrassing" Toby let out a small giggle

" oh so you're the bleach person " they were trying to contain their Laughter

" Sebastion told me about that when I went to talk to him today if you're worried about him being mad dont, he was a bit annoyed if anything" they gave me a warm smile

" he might seem mean but he's just anxious around new people don't sweat it ok"_____" " you gave them a small smile

" Thanks, Toby I needed that" you laughed

they suddenly perked up " hey would you mind grabbing me a Joja cola i'll give you the money for it, there should be a vending machine in the back by the pool table"

" Oh sure " they handed you 75g as you got up from the booth you were counting the money to make sure you got the right amount as you stopped in front of the vending machine, not noticing Sebastian behind you as you turned to leave you made eye contact you held his gaze for a few seconds before you walked back to the booth

"here I got your Cola" you handed them the Joja cola

"Ah thank you I don't know why but I've been craving Joja cola for a few days" they let out a small laugh

"Hey, why don't we all play a few rounds of pool?" Shane suggested "I'm sure they wouldn't mind letting us have a go at it"

"Hey good idea "____" what do you say" they smiled

"sure sounds fun" you all went back into the room

"Hey Sam wanna let us have a turn," Toby asked " sam looked up from the pool table

" Yeah I would love to have a break" he sighed

"from losing" Sebastian piped up a small grin on his face moth let out a laugh

"Thanks, guys" Toby said as they took the pool cue from Sam after a few rounds surprisingly you and Shane were tied Toby backed out 2 rounds ago

"pool is not my forte " they Laughed before talking with Sam about his band you were too busy focusing on the game you just needed the right angle and you could win you saw your opportunity you squinted as you hit the ball

"damn it" Shane cursed you beat me you gave him a smile you checked your watch

"it's getting late you should probably go" you laughed as Toby looked at their watch

" "_____'s" right we don't want to keep Gus up all night" you watched as they all left you waved to them as you locked the saloon up for the night you turned to Gus

" I should probably get started on the dishes but I'm calling it a night afterward ok" Gus nodded

"If you need anything just holler." you gave him a smile

" Will do Gus " after you did the dishes you walked up the stairs to the attic. It was a small space but it was yours. You quickly took a shower, brushed your teeth and got into bed letting your mind slip into a peaceful well deserved sleep.

A/n: hello another chapter is done and away with I hope you've been enjoying my story so far I know it's not really how stardew valley is but hey I'm being creative at like 4:20 am heh nice anyway get sleep do homework drink or eat something Luv ya- T
