Oh shit

I don't know what it was that lead us to the events of what came next that night. Maybe it was because we were both drunk, or maybe we both were mad and something ticked us both off. Or maybe we just couldn't hold ourselves away from each other because we both still loved each other. Who knows....

It takes him a couple of seconds to realize what's happening and for him to kiss me back. He pulls me by the waist closer to him,
It was a long damn kiss. I felt so many emotions during the kiss that I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I felt all those empty years. All the times I had been hurt by him. All the times I had been loved by him. Everything this man had ever given me I felt in this kiss. And we just couldn't stop. It felt like an eternity.
My arms were around his neck while his were around my waist. I didn't have to step on my tippy toes to reach him anymore. (Well it was prob cuz of my heels)
I feel him push against me which lead me to walk backwards till I felt the wall against my back.
I can't help but tangle my hands in his hair as he roams my body with his hands, our lips never disconnecting.
My hands travel down to his jacket and I push it off. His lips finally leave mine but continue down around my neck and jaw. I can't help but roll back my head as I try to catch my breath. After unbuttoning his dress shirt, I can't help but run my fingers around his toned stomach. He still was as fit as before. His touch, it made me feel tingles go down my spine. I missed his touch.

His hands find my zipper and my dress falls to the floor. I step out of it and bring my arms back to his neck connecting my lips to his once again. I push my self away from the wall and against Dylan. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his torso. Then I feel myself drop onto the soft bed followed with Dylan hovering over me. I look him straight in the eyes and move my hands to unbuckle his belt not moving my eyes away from his. As soon as his pants are off, I unclasp my bra. He starts to mumble a few words but I was too drunk to understand what he was saying.

"Shut up" I whisper and flip our positions so that I'm on top of him. The rest of the night is history....

I feel a heavy arm draped across my side. I pry my eyes open and see Dylan sleeping. It felt like I was 18 and still living with Dylan. I move his arm away and get up. I collect my clothes that were scattered around and put them on. Grabbing my purse, I make my way downstairs to the lobby of the hall. The party was over but there still were people cleaning up. I check my phone and notice it's 5am, so I call my driver to come pick me up.

As I wait for him, I see his car pull up

"Miss Clark, how was your night?" Derek my driver asks me

Derek was a older man that was very sweet and kind.
"Hi Derek, it was eventful. Thanks for picking me up"

"Where to miss?"

"Just the hotel please" I respond and lie back in the car with memories of last night flashing into my mind.

My flight was scheduled to leave at 12:30 so I still had some free time so I decide to take a shower at the hotel and get some breakfast. I had a bad hangover so I took some pills to help. After I was done, I met Derek at the front of the hotel to drop me off at the plane.

Saying my goodbyes to New York, I get into the plane leaving whatever just happened behind.

Getting back to LA and to my normal life and routine wasn't a problem. I mostly would work on new designs and collections for a big launch Carlos was planning. I called Lexi after I arrived and she was telling me that she was at the airport getting ready to board the plane for their honeymoon.
I didn't have any close friends beside Carlos in LA. I never really had the time to go out with friends and party like I did before. I was always busy at work, and if I was at home, I would probably be sewing or doing something work related. Carlos was the only friend I had here but I didn't get to see him that often anyway since he's always travelling. But I'm not complaining. It was nice to keep private and be free to do whatever, whenever.

It's been 2 months since the wedding. I haven't talked to or heard from Dylan which isn't something new. My PA has only brought some documents to sign that was from his company since we were close to closing the deal with C.D.M Corp.
Lexi had come back from her delightful honeymoon in Aruba last month. She decided to come visit me and have a girls weekend here in LA. Today was Saturday and we just finished shopping and we're going home to get ready to go out tonight. It's nice to catch up with her and hear about her married life. We arrive at my apartment and I decide to make us some lunch.

"Awe Mia your place is so cute and cozy" I hear Lexi say from the living room

"Thanks! I designed it myself!" I say from the kitchen.
"How do you feel about pasta?" I ask her

"Sounds good!" She replies

I put some pasta in a pot to boil and grab a can of tomato sauce. I open the can and poor it in the saucepan. The smell does something to me and I feel a wave of nausea. At first I think it's fine, but then I feel it again and run to the bathroom.

"Mia?" I hear Lexi run behind me worried

I'm leaning against the toilet spilling my guts out. I've never felt this sick in my life. I start to get a huge headache.

"Mia omg are you ok?" Lexi asks and pulls back my hair for me as I continue to vomit in the toilet

After I'm done, I lean against the wall while still sitting in the bathroom.
"How are you feeling?" Lexi asks

"Like shit"

"Do you want me to call a doctor?" She asks again

"No I think I'll be fine. I don't know what's wrong with me. My head hurts like crazy" I say as I try to get up

"Let me get you a glass of water. Is it maybe something you ate?" She suggests

"Ya I think it was maybe the coffee I had earlier. The cream didn't smell too good" I say and get up

After a few minutes, I still feel sick so I decide to take an Advil to help but the bottle was empty

"Lexi I'm gonna go get some Advil from the pharmacy next door, wanna come?" I ask her

"Ya for sure!" So we go downstairs to the pharmacy that was right beside my building

As we walk in, I go straight to the aisle with Advil. This pharmacy has always been so convenient for all my last minute emergency needs. We turn to the next aisle and head straight for the cash register

"Mia wait, let me just grab a box of tampons. I ran out" Lexi says and that's when it hit me

"Shit" I say under my breath at the realization

"What? What's wrong?" Lexi asks

"Omg I'm late. I've been like 2 months late and I just realized" I say looking at my calendar on my phone

"Hey maybe your pregnant!" Lexi says jokingly

Then it hits me again, maybe I AM pregnant! Holy guacamole this can't be good

"Wait are you? Omg that would explain the sickness. Have you been with anyone recently" she asks

"No I haven't. I'm not pregnant that would be ridiculous...." then flashes from her wedding night flood my head

"Wait. I have I mean I did. No no Lexi I can't be fucking pregnant" I say as I start to panic

"Ok ok clam down. Why don't you take a pregnancy test then we'll know for sure. It's ok calm down" she says and try's to calm me. Along with the Advil, I purchase a pregnancy test and we rush home

I haven't been with anyone since that night with Dylan. I told you guys... I'm lonely.

I go to the bathroom and pee on the stick. While waiting I cross my fingers hoping that everything will be ok

"How long has it been?" Lexi asks

I check my time "it's been 30min" I go back to the bathroom to check the stick

"Please don't let me be pregnant. Please don't let me be pregnant" I say while crossing my fingers.

Opening my eyes, I look at the big red + on the stick.
"No no no no... no this can't be. Omg this can't b-" I let out a big sob and slide down to the floor

"I can't be fucking pregnant I just can't!" I yell while Lexi try's to comfort me

"Shh it's ok. Mia it's ok calm down"

"How the fuck is this ok Lexi? I'm fucking pregnant" I mumble while sobbing

"Mia it's not the end of the world, there are other options you can consider later.... besides who's the baby daddy?" She asks curious to know

I wipe away my tears and look her dead in the eye
"It's Dylan"

"Oh shit"

🙊 🙊
Are you speechless? Well I am...
