Just leave me alone

I wake up to a sudden knocking on my door

"Mia if you don't get up right now, I'm barging in" I hear Dylan yell as if he's been outside my room for a while

"What do you want" I yell from my bed still half asleep.

I hear my bedroom door open and I open one eye to see Dylan in-front of me in his work clothes. He's wearing a dark blue suite with a white shirt underneath. His hair was jelled back and he had a clean shave. He looked good. Really good.

"Don't just stare at me! Have you forgotten about your job? It's Monday and you have to go to work" he says angrily

"Oh no, I don't want to upset my boss" I say sarcastically while trying to go back to sleep

"Mia wake up, we're going to be late" he says as he pulls away my blanket

"Erghhh cold cold cold" as I try to look for the blanket to cover my self again. "Why are you still here? Don't you leave at like 5am?" I ask while still in bed

"I'm driving you. Now get up and get ready. You have 15 min and I swear to god Mia that if you're not ready, you-" I cut him off

"Fine! I'm awake" I say as I get up and go to my bathroom.
"You're so annoying" I say looking back at him

After taking a quick shower, I  decide on wearing a cute white dress with yellow flowers and some yellow wedges. I put my hair up in a bun and put some red lipstick on to go with the look.

I grab my purse and go downstairs.

"Ok I'm ready" I say

We go downstairs and drive to work. I always really liked Dylan's car, even though I've only been in it a few times. He has many cars but always drives this White Mercedes.

When we get to work, he stops his car in the front of the building and gives his keys to the valet to go park his car. As soon as we enter the building, all eyes go to us. Well I guess to Dylan since he practically owns this whole company. We go on the elevator and he presses his floor. I'm about to press my floor when he stops me and says "you're moving to my floor. I already told them to move you're stuff"

"Why? I like where I already was. And I don't wanna see you even more" I say as I role my eyes

"Well too bad. You're on my floor now." He says as the elevator door opens

He walks me to my new office which is two doors away from his. This office looked soo much better than the other one.

"Whoa this is cool" I say as I go to my new desk. "So what am I now? A personal assistant?" I ask

"No you're still a secretary assistant. I would never trust you to make my appointments, you would mess everything up" he teases

Why is he being nice? One minute he's nice and the next he goes crazy

He leaves and goes to his office. I work on some papers that needed to be sent and emailed. After working for 5 hours straight, I get a knock on my door

"Come in" Nick enters through the doors,

"Hey Mia, wow you got moved up here? 2nd day and you're already on the VIP floor! You go girl!" He says as he sits on the couch in my office. I know right? A COUCH!

"So how can I help you Nick?" I ask

"Wanna go out for lunch? There's this really cute cafe near by. We can go there" he suggests

"Ooo sounds fun! Ok let's go" i click on my lunch break and we go out

Nick was right, it was such a cute cafe. It was an old village style cafe and their food was soo good. I ordered a sandwich and got a latte while Nick got a salad and can of pop.

As we were eating I notice I left my phone in my office, "Nick what time is it?" I ask him
He grabs his phone "2:20" he replies

"Ok, we still have a few minutes" I say as I finish up my sandwich. All of a sudden I hear someone barge through the door

"What the hell are you doing here?" Dylan yells with a surprised  face

"Umm I'm eating?" I answer confused

"I've been calling you and you didn't answer, I went to your office and you were gone and this whole time you've been here! Are you kidding me?" He says as he grabs my arm and pulls me up

"Hey what are you doing?" I yell

"Man, let her go what's your problem?" Nick asks Dylan.

"Excuse me?" Dylan says as he looks at Nick,
Dylan turns to me and says "so this is where you were? Having a date with this guy"

"Dylan I have a life, leave me be what's wrong with you?" I ask quite upset

"We're leaving" he says and pulls me out of the cafe. He looks at Nick one last time and says "you shut it, if you want to keep your job" giving him a death glare

We exit the cafe while Dylan continues to drag me

"You've got to be kidding me!" I yell as I try to release his grip. "Dylan let go" I say

He continues to hold his tight grip while speed walking to work.

"Dylan stop you're hurting me!" I yell when he finally snaps out of his thoughts and let's go of my arm.
He was holding it so hard that it was starting to get bruised

"Mia" he says as he looks at my arm. He continues to talk and swear under his breath while just standing on the middle of the sidewalk

"You need to stop!" I yell at him, "why can't you just leave me alone!" I continue

"Leave you alone? With that guy? What's wrong with you! You could get hurt by him" he yells back
"I was worried that you were out of your office and weren't answering your phone when it turns out that you were out on a fucking date with a guy" he says

"You idiot! Why do you care?! Did I care or question you when you brought you're fucking s*x friend? No I didn't! So just leave me alone" I yell as I start to walking away. He grabs my arm again and turns me to face him

"As long as you are living under my roof, you will obey me and my rules" he says slowly

I yank my arm away from him and speed walk back to my office. I get in and and close the door behind me and start crying. My life used to be soo different. I'm used to caring for my self and being free and now all of a sudden people are telling me what to do. I grab my purse and phone and call Lexi to come pick me up. I am definitely not staying at work.

I get into the car and Lexi drives off

"What's wrong?" She asks me

"I'm sick and tired of people controlling me" I say

"It's ok don't worry. I know, he's an ass. You can stay with me if you want?" Lexi asks

"Can we just do something fun?" I ask

"Ya for sure! We're going to the movies!" She screams.

Lexi is just something else. She can make anyone smile even at the worst times.

We go to the movies and buy tickets to watch "Mamma Mia" I've been dying to watch it! We catch up and turns out that the guy from the other day who's name was Jimin is the guy she told me she had a crush on. Dylan, Jimin and Lexi all live in the same neighbourhood and we're childhood friends.
After the movie, me and Lexi play at the theatre arcade. I know, we're little kids but honestly, arcades are the best.

After our fun hangout, Lexi drops me home. Dylan thankfully wasn't home yet so I go to my room.

Well, he didn't end up coming home at all that night.

Hellooo lovelies!!!
Whoa, what happened to Dylan?
I'm trying to update for you everyday 😊
Please comment and vote!
Love you lots everyone
Bye for now 💋
