Community promotion: The Macaron Community @Scxrlet_Moon

The Macaron Community

- The community was founded on the 3rd of November 2020.

- It was originally established as a cute and fun place for Wattpadders to come together and make friends and also like a book club only, but I had another vision in the early days of the community to make it into a place that can help writers become better versions of themselves. So I just added the two together and then whoosh, that's how it came to be. I also founded it with two other people at the time, namely @cyanidelolly and @wonderstar (would be wrong if I took all the credit)

- We are a community that offers graphic designing, editing, reviews and so much more. we are still a book club, as I previously mentioned, but we are not in full operation yet as we are still in the "HIRING" stage. We went on a 2-year break but we are back in business now.

- We have a very conducive environment for our workers (we refer to them as Macarons), but as for the membership we have not arranged for that yet. There are so many advantages our macarons enjoy too as it is listed in our hiring book; we are also a discord-based community.

Please click the external link to checkout this community.
