Chapter 8

Monika's POV
I'm ready for my trip.I took my breakfast​,and now i wait for Cristiano.
I heard a car,i think it's Cris.I will go out.Ow that's his new Bugatti.
,,Hey Monika are you ready?"
,,I was born ready!"
,,Ok let's go"
We are in his private plane.I think i will sleep a little.
Cristiano's POV
We arrived in Portugal ,but Monika sleep ,need to wake up her
,,Hey gorgeous,wake up"
,,Yeah,one seconde my handsome "what?her handsome .Wow something new.
,,Weak up,we are in Portugal"
,, Already?my...Cristiano?"
,,You wanted​ to say my handsome"
,,I named you my handsome?"
,,Yeah,ok let's go"
Wow her handsome,i want to heard that all my life.But now i need to know if Monika like me.We are at the hotel
,, Cristiano,but were is all the people?" Need to lie again
,,They will come soon.Monika that's your key go to your room and get ready,ok?"
,,Ok ,but i need to wear a dress or.."
,,We go to a party right​?"
,,Ok,i understand"sha said smiling at me.Oh,my phone ring ,James
,, What now?"
,,Hey Crissy ,how is Monika?"
,,She is ok,she named me her handsome"
,, What?Really?,You move fast bro"
,,She was asleep and said that"while speaking at phone i went to my room
Monika's POV
My room is so beautiful.
,,Hey gorgeous"
,,WTF,Cristiano,you want i do a heart attack "
,,Oh God, no.How i will live without you,my princess"
,,Cris you are drank again?"
,, No!Monika i come here to say you something"
,,I listen you"i said while looking into mirror
,,Ok, first we won't go to a party today,"
,, Wait, what ?Why i came here with you than?"i said looking in his beautiful brown eyes.He is perfect.Monika focus
,,I like you, you can understand that,i know you have a boyfriend,but i can't live like that anymore.I want to wake up and see your beautiful face,your beautiful eyes,lips,and smile.You can understand how much you hurt me, it's​ hurt me to see with another man.he said a little nervous.
,,Cris.."i said that hugging him from behind.,
,, What?,But no, don't say anything."he turned to me,, Listen you can go home.I will stay here anyway i miss people how care about me.Oh ,and forget what i said ,bye"he left room.He hurt me,but why? Maybe he.. No, no he can't.I need to speak with mom,she knows what to do.
Cristiano's POV
Why?Why Cris are you so stupid,she never will love you.My phone again ring,and again is James
,,Hey,bro, how was"
,,Hey fly to Portugal"
,,OK, anything for you"
,,See you soon​"Now i will go home i miss my little champion and the woman who really love me, my mom.
,,Papa,i missed you"
,,Hey my little champion ,i missed you too.Hey mom"
,, Hello dear",
,,Papa, play with me football"
,,Ok let's go"
*After 1hour"
,,Ok Junior, defense this ball"
,,Hey guys"it's James
,,Hey tío James"
,, Junior, i lisent that your grandma cook something delicious for you"
,,Hey Crissy how are you"
,, How?very fine, listen i will go to my room"I will go drink sometime
,,Do you want some wine James?"
,, Listen it isn't good for health to drink"
,,Take care of yourself"
,,Ok then i see that you don't need my help,so I'm​ going to play with Junior"James said going out.I can't believe she rejected my love, again.
,,You will be mine, Monika Ferrari"i said laughing.
Monika's POV
,,Hey Monika,how are you?"
,, Not fine,mom"
,, What, happened"
,, Cristiano,said that he love me,and i don't know what to do"
,,Monika,are you happy with Alex(my actual boyfriend)"
,,I don't know,he is always busy,and.."
,, Understand ,you aren't happy with him, right
,, Yeah, right"
,,Monika,i want to see you happy,so if you love Cristiano ,go and tell him"
,, You are right mom, thanks for help"
,, Anytime ,bye,take care"
,,Bye mom"ok now, where he is?I will call James, maybe he knows.
,,Monika, what's up?"
,,James i need do talk with Cristiano"
,,I don't know,you hurts​ him ,he drink much,and.."
,,Just tell me where is he?"
,,He took his keys and went somewhere"
,,Maybe you know where? Please"
,,I think he is at his at his new hotel"
,, Thanks for help"
,, Monika what was between you again?"
,,I can't speak now,i will tell you later"i closed the call.I need to find Cristiano.But I'm near the hotel.Oh i see Cristiano's car.I entered in hotel
,, Good evening miss.Can i help you?"
,, Yes, today i came with Cristiano Ronaldo,and i think he is here."
,, Right miss he is here,but we can't.."
,, Please,i need to speak with him"
,,Ok,ok room 110 "
,, Thanks"i said smiling .I entered in elevator.I need to speak with him.Ok room 110.I knock at the door.
,,Enter"he said
,,Cris i need to talk with you"
,, Listen Monika ,we have nothing to talk about"
,, Please Cris, listen me "
,,What?"my phone is ringing
,, Sorry.Yeah Jessica"
,, Hey besties,i have bad news"bye the way Jessica is my best friend.She live in New York and she work as fashion designer .
,, What? What happened?"Cristiano turned to me
,,Is about you boyfriend ,Alex"
,,What about Alex?"
,,You know you told me to came every day and feed your fish
,, Yes"
,,And you also told me that Alex​ went to California"
,,Yes but i can't understand"
,, So today when i came to feed your fish , i listen strange sounds from your room,I approached to room ,the door was a little open,and i see Alex and Sarah...You understand what happened between they"
,,He cheated on me?Why?"i said with tears in eyes
,,Monika don't cry ,be strong"i saw Cristiano putting the glass down,,Where are you? With who"
,,Im in Portugal"i said started cry
,, Monika listen i need to go let's speak letter on Skype,ok?I love you"
,,Ok,love you too"i said crying
,, What's wrong?"Cristiano asked
,,My boyfriend...he cheated me"it's so hurt, maybe i wasn't happy,but it's hurt
,,You need a hug?"
,,Yeah i need"i said crying
,, Listen it's not the end.But why you came?"
,,I came said​ that i did a big mistake"
,, What kind?"
,,I rejected you love"

Hey guys thanks for reading my book,i think you love it.
