Chapter 12

Monika's POV
I will fight alone, I'm not a little child
,,Hey Cris see you at airport"
,,See you at airport, gorgeous"i kissed him.And i I went out, and then I realized I didn't​ have a car.
Cristiano's POV
,,Cris i just realized that i I don't​ have my car"
,,I was waiting for you to realize "i said laughing.
,, That's not funny"
,, You're a sleepyhead"
,, But ,i'm your sleepyhead"
,,Yes, you're mine"and we we went out
*In car*
,,Oh that's my favorite song"
,,Shape of you?"
,,Yeah,I can sing this song on the guitar"
,, Really,you never told me you could play on the guitar"
,,What I can say I'm full of secrets"
,,And I would like to find out all "
,,The world is not ready for my secrets. "And she started singing "I'm in love with the shape of you
We push and pull like a magnet do
Although my heart is falling too
I'm in love with your body
And last night you were in my room
And now my bed sheets smell like you
Every day discovering something brand new
I'm in love with your body"
,,You have a beautiful voice"
,,Thank you, but you just realized that?"
,,Nop,but your voice is more beautiful when you sing"
,, Thanks, you're very sweet"
,,But..when i wasn't"
,,Here we are,bye Cris see you at airport"
,,See you then"she kissed me and she got out of the car.Ok now i have a shoot.
*After 20 minutes*
,,Hey Cris"it's Ricky
,,Hey Ricky, my man,how are you?"
,,Good ,but you?"
,, I'm a little sleepy"
,,You knew you have a photo session and you didn't sleep well, why?"
,, Nothing I just looked at the internet"
,, Really?And you haven't​ seen these pictures with you and this lady?"Ricky He showed me some pictures, I was with Monika.No way and we kissed.What i did?
,, Ricky i can explain.."
,,Who is that girl, She's a model right? "
,,How did you know?"
,, It's easy only public person can hide face so what's her name?"
,,Cristiano we have a lot of work " that's my photographer,he saved​ me.
,,Yeah..i come."
,,I'll talk to you later"
,,So Cris let's start.."
*After a long day*
,, Well done Cristiano, that's all"
,, Thanks"
,,So Cris who is that girl"not now Ricky.
,,Have you ever thought about this all the time? "
,, who is she?"
,,Why you need to know?"
,, Because..."
,, Listen Ricky it's my personal life and you haven't​ right invade her ,ok!?"
,,Ok, understand"
,,Now sorry I'm busy and i need to go"i looked at watch its 5 :40 pm.I think Monika is waiting for me.
Monika's POV
Where is he.My fly is soon and he isn't here.
,,Monika, why are you so worried?"
,, Mom i don't know ,Cristiano said that he will be here"
,,He will come don't worry"
,,Hey sis what's up?"
,,Hey Korin a little worried"
,, About that fly?"
,,No about Cris ,he said he will be here"
,, Don't worried i know Cris he will come.Oh i have a notification.OMG Monika that's why you're so worried."
,,You and Cris ....are in love"
,,Shh..not so loud,how do you know?"
,,It's everywhere, in newspapers on TV, afterwards Facebook, Instagram.I quote *Cristiano Ronaldo has another adventure with another lady but nobody knows who is this misterios girl who stole the footballer's heart*"
,, That's all?"
,, Not *From these pictures we can say that Cristiano is more happier with this lady than with her girlfriend Giorgiana.What you thinking?*That's all.I can't believe here are so many pictures with you kissing"
,,Hey Monika"that's Cris
,,Hey I thought you forget"
,,How can I forget about you?"And he hugged me.
,,Cristiano i have a question"
,,You see that photos?"
,,Yeah "
,,And nothing will happen, don't think about that"it's a little hurt *nothing will happen*I looked to my watch oh my fly.
,,Guy i need to go"
,,Bye Monika"all hugged me
,,I will miss you all"And I left with little tears but that's life.I'm on the plane .
*RING RING*Strange i don't know this number
,,Monika Ferrari?"
,,Yes I am"
,,Monika, I'm Richard Smith"OMG that's my big boss from magazine.
,,Yes Mr.Simth it's a pleasure to speak with you"
,,Yes Ms. Ferrari it's a pleasure too,but I'm afraid to say you are fired"
,,Yes Ms, sorry .You did a lot of good things fot my magazine, but that's all"
,, But why?"
,, That's all sorry"He closed the call.Why me ?I started to cry .I lost my job ,my life,all..I need to call... Cristiano maybe..i don't wanna worried my mon.Cristiano...were is Cris.... Alex Smith.Wait Richard he can..Alex is Richard's son.I will call Alex
,,Hey Alex how are you?"
,,I think you are good with​ your Cristiano Ronaldo"
,,Why your father fired me?"
,,I don't know..maybe you hurt his only son"
,, Monika what are you thinking,you are the best journals ...i said to my
father to made you magazine's​ director"
,,But why?"
,,Why.. because i loved you,i know that you wanted that job so hard and..i was so stupid."
,,I was stupid ..i saw you with Jessica in that​ Amusement park in Madrid"
,,And how did you feel?"
,,I felt ... hurt....Alex tell me one thing..are you happy with Jessica?"
,,Yeah I'm ,happier than I was with you"
,, That's all i need to hear..."
,,Monika are you here?"
,,Yes I'm...listen If you loved​ me as you say please send all my things in Madrid​"
,,Ok i will send all your​ things"
,,Oh yeah and tell Jessica stop calling me ok?"
,,But you was friends from school"
,,Yeah but she and you could tell me that you love each other.Bye Alex"
,,But.."i closed the call .I felt so hurt.When the captain of the plane entered.
,,Ms we are ready to fly"
,, No we aren't i will stay in Madrid"and I got out of the plane.I need to call
,,Hey mom,Are you still in the airport?"
,,Yes we are"
,,Wait for me too"I said crying
,,Monika everything is well?"
,,No mom i will tell you everything"
*At home*
,,And that's all"i said again crying
,,Monika we are here for you"said Korin.I know Korin and my mom will be with me but...
,,Monika darling..i.. need to go...i have a business meeting"
,,Ok mom i know that's​ important one"and my mom left room."Korin can you give me my panda ?"
,,Yeah,but why that panda is so important for you?"
,, That's a gift from my friend from New York.We was very close...and that's important"
,,Monika, Cristiano know about you situation?"
,,Maybe you need to call him"
,,No he has his life with another woman"i started to cry louder
,,Monika where disappear that happy and strong girl ?"
,,I don't​ know maybe she ran into Bora Bora"
,,You are very funny,but Monika think so you are a model"
,,Yeah...A simple model"
,,Not a simple model​... a Victoria's Secrets Angel... a Channel, Michael Kors, Kelvin Klein model,you forget?"
,,Yeah you're right,i don't need a simple office job...i have my dream job to be a model"i said wiping tears
,, And things with Cris...he love you..and his so called "girlfriend" want his money "
,,I think you are right "
,,You don't​ think know that I'm right . So call Cris"
,,I think he is" said Korin
,,Leave Cristiano alone, and fly to New York "
,,Wait,i know who are you..!"and again that woman closed call
,,Monika what's up"
,, Someone threatens me to leave Cristiano alone"
,,You know who is this"
,,Yes i know it's.."

Hey guys that's Alice thanks for reading my book i love you all,and i hope you love my book how I love you.

P.S: Don't forget to vote my book
Kiss 😘
