Part 5 : I don't

I'm going to be honest with you guys, I only wanted to write this story for this chapter, for one scene in particular. I'll let you find out 😉


(Y/N)'s point of view

I was so nervous. And everybody would be if you had to marry a perfect stranger. The maids finally let me breath. I was looking at me reflect in the mirror. A wedding day is supposed to be happy, especially when it's your wedding. A soft knock was heard at my door, and Clarisse entered the room, alongside with Nathalia.

"You look beautiful darling."

"Tanks girls."

"It's a shame that you have to marry so soon. We didn't have the time to talk about your world."

"It's Ok. We can still manage to see each other."

"My lady? I'm sorry to bother you but the king is waiting for you. The ceremony is going to start."

The maid cuts of our conversation. Guess it's time for me to say goodbye to this world. She bowed and redrew herself, closing the door behind her. They both took my hand, and led me down the halls, where my 'father' was standing. They gave my hand to him.

"Good luck sis."

I watched them walking away. I turned around to face the man next to me.

"You look beautiful my daughter. I'm proud of you."

Just wait until the end of the marriage before being proud.

The doors opened, and he led me through the people that stood when we came in. I recognise the man I was supposed to marry, and the more I though about it, the more I wondered why Melody fell in love with him. He was looking at me. I could see the despaired in his eyes. It was pathetic. I could also recognise the people I got along with. There was Pisti that I liked, Spartos, Masrur, Rosè, Lagu ... A lot of people. My father left me by Sinbad's side. He didn't look at me. You don't have to worry. It's not like I want to marry you either.

The priest cough, and spoke.

"Fellow daughters and sons of the goddess, we're reunited today to celebrate this day, where two people will bound their souls for the afterlife."

Not on my watch.

"Do you, King Sinbad of Sindria, take Melody Van Nestrea to be your beloved wife, trough sick and sin, and for all the years to come?"

"I do"

I'm glad I was wearing a veil. My smirk only started to grow wider.

"And do you, 3rd princess of the Nestrean Kingdom Melody Van Nestrea, take King Sinbad of Sindria to be your beloved husband, trough sick and sin, and for all the years to come?"

"I don't."

All the people in the room gasped at my words. I turned around and faced the crowd, who was quite shocked.

"I'm sorry everybody, but I'm not going to do this shit anymore. It happened that I'm no royalty. Therefor, this contract isn't valid. I'm the daughter of Vanilla, and the man she loved. And it happened that that man wasn't your dear Nestrean king. By the way, I'm not Melody neither. My name is (Y/N) and in fact, I'm the devil in disguise."

I removed the veil, tossed it on the floor and shook of my hair arrangement.

"Because no matter how much we can deny it, we only live once. Even when you manage to steal the body of someone else and kill them in the process. And now that I have a new body and a whole world to explore, I don't want to waste my time. Guess I'll always be an awful troublemaker!"

Then I turned to face Sinbad.

"Sorry about this. I'm pretty sure you'll manage to marry someone else, who will love you for who you are. Dell in me, Raum!"

The power of Raum flowed in my body.

"It was a pleasure buddies! Have a nice day!"

I jumped in the air and fled away, breaking the stained glass in the way. Sorry but I rather be free!

As I left, I could still hear all the agitation I caused. A great day indeed.

Rosè's point of view

I'm going to be honest, I wasn't expecting that at all. I like it. Every bode was confused by the scene that happened before them, except father, who yelled at us to go and catch the runaway demon. I looked at future brother, and ... He was smiling. He looked amused. When his friends came by his side, they were all having a worried expression, until purple man started to laugh.

"That girl's awesome!"

You said it. That girl is one hell of a demon.

A butler! One hell of a butler!

I watched purple man djinn equip. It seems that he wants to catch his wife now. He left flying as well. I stayed here and watched my siblings looking at each other. Glad that father left by the way. It seems that none of us wanted to steal her freedom from her.

I turned back to my room.

"You'll see (Y/N), it's a beautiful world."

(Y/N)'s point of view

I landed in the city. First of all, I need to hide, because if I left now, it would be easier to catch me. A flying fox is quite easy to notice, especially when he has red hair and dressed in a flashy way. I removed my djinn equip, and now I'm still in a wedding dress. I removed it. Glad that I thought about putting better closes under the dress, alongside with my metal vessels. Now, it's time for some infiltration. Since Melody never liked to go out in the city, citizens should recognise her face. I hid myself in the crowd, where everybody was ready to celebrate the wedding. Little they know that it would never happen.

I heard a lot of agitation behind me. Do not look around (Y/N). It might be the soldiers. I started to hurry. It's not like I could run with all the people around me, but I can still manage to go forward.

Suddenly, the crowd dispersed, to let a man in djinn equip the place to land. And I was still here, standing in front of him... My god, why didn't have moved? I glared at him and his proud smirk.

"Well Melody, I wasn't expecting you to reject me like that."

"Dell in me, Raum."

Seems that I'll need to fight for my freedom.

I saw all the Nestrean royal family running in our direction. Nathalia gave me a thumb up. Glad that I have her approbation.

"Sinbad, we don't have anything to talk about. I'm not from royal blood, therefore I want you to leave me alone."

"Even if you're not from royal blood, the engagement remains unshaken. Besides, it would be a shame to let such a wonderful lady alone in this cruel world."

"So what? If I want to face all the dark side of this world, I shall do it. And if I need to fight for this, I shall do it to!"


The voice of the king echoes through the streets.

"Melody, I don't know what you're talking about, but you're not going anywhere."

"You killed my mother. You don't have any wrights to command me."

"Please your highness, let me handle my troublesome wife."

"As you wish, King Sinbad."

"Wasn't I cleared enough? I don't want to marry you and you neither. I already said no."

"Don't worry. It's just a matter of time for you to fall for me."

"Not even in your dreams."

A staring contest began between us. He was quite close to me now that I realised it. It's not because he's taller than me that I'll give up.

I felt a sharp pain on my stomach. He punched me right in the stomach. Quite hard actually, enough for me to start feeling dizzy. I closed my eyes and drifted into darkness.


The picture is from a game called Crash fever. All rights belong to them!

Hope you enjoyed that chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! I shall continue this story because I still have some ideas. Tchao!
