Part 15: An artist, but an idiot

I haven't updated in ages.


(Y/N) got up from bed and left the king's room. Now it was time to go bug someone who was probably still sleeping. Since the Kou representatives will leave this afternoon, there was plenty of time left to annoy a little more certain people.

While walking towards Kouha's room, (Y/N) spotted a first imperial prince, his nose buried in a scroll, which she recognised, because it was the one he stole from her.

"'Morning Entei."

The said prince didn't even bother looking at her. He just patted her shoulder before leaving, towards the library she assumed. Looks like she won't be able to wake him up. But even if the book obsessed was up, it doesn't mean that his younger brother is, or their priest.

When the (h/c) haired girl reached the third prince's door, she cautiously opened it, before freezing. There was Judal, hugging Kouha close, while the said guy was drooling in his sleep.

"...Let's just say it's normal."

The girl walked in and closed the door without a noise.

She stared at the two with a monotonous look. How on earth will she be able to wake up the two of them without being caught? Then, a mischievous expression appeared on her face. She had an idea.

She walked over the side of the bed where Judal was. Luckily, she always had a black marker inside her pocket. Cautiously, she started drawing all over his face.

We could say that this face drawing was wonderful. (Y/N) was particularly proud of the moustaches.


The magi didn't wake up, so now it was time for part 2 of the plan. The (h/c) haired girl then turned to Kouha's side. Grinning like the devil, she whispered in his ear.

"I love you."

The eyes of the third prince snapped opened. Then, he faced Judal, with moustaches.

"What the heck Judal?"

Meanwhile, (Y/N) hid under the bed, trying hard to not laugh. The third prince just stared at the person in front of him. There was Judal with freckles, a tribal tattoo on his forehead and moustaches. Plus, he just woke up because someone whispered in his ear. It took him some time to process, before bursting in laughter.

"Dude! You grew moustaches during your sleep!"

The said prince rolled on the bed, hugging his stomach. Judal just slowly opened his eyes, yawning.

"What's happening to you?"

"J-Just l-look at your f-face!"

The said magi rubbed his eyes, not really understanding. I mean, it was like 9 am. A normal person would be already awake. Turning his head, Judal faced the mirror that was in the corner of the bed room.

"Kouha, the fuck did you do?"

"I haven't done anything! I woke up and you already were like this."

"I'm going to fucking kill you!"


The third prince quickly got off the bed and ran towards the door, while the magi took his staff. The pink haired boy slammed the door shut, running away in PJ.

"Come back here, you little shit!"

And now the black-haired guy ran after him, leaving (Y/N) alone, still under the bed.

"...I might have sentenced my friend to death."

Still with her Cheshire smile, she couldn't help but to be proud of her achievement.

Getting out of her hidden spot, the (h/c) haired girl quickly left the room. While passing through the halls, she spotted the third prince hidden behind a pillar, still in PJ with Judal yelling at him.

"I'm telling you it wasn't me!"

"You're lying! You were the only one who was in my room."

"What? It was my room! You just showed of in the middle of the night and invaded my bed!"

"So, who's killing who?"

Turning their attention towards the voice, they spotted a very familiar person, who was walking around with her hands inside her pockets, acting like everything was perfectly fine. Looking at Judal's face, she smirked.

"Nice moustaches carrot."

"Shut the fuck up!"

"(Y/N) save me!"

Kouha cried, still hiding away from the magi.

"I could, but I don't want to."


Waving at the two, (Y/N) gave a quick smile to Kouha, who just paled.

"Try to survive for a while~"

"No don't leave me!"



The (h/c) left. It was all her fault, but they will never find out so she will be just fine. Not what we could say about Kouha but shh, it's okay. Still walking around aimlessly, (Y/N) spotted Ja'far, running around with scrolls in his arms, like every morning.

"Need some help Ja'?"

He turned his head, facing the girl.

"Actually, yes. Can you give those to Sinbad? I have some more I need to take care of."


Picking up all the scrolls from Ja'far, it was now time to face the worst thing inside this palace: the king. It took her less than a minute to get towards the king's office. She the kicked the door open.

"Dumbass! I have something for you!"

But the king wasn't sitting at his desk. In fact, he was just in front of her and barely dodged the door.

"What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to work?"


"You were about to leave uh?"

"Nooooooo... What makes think this hehe..."

"Go back to your sit. Now."

"Yes Ma'am."

The purple haired king went back to his chair, pouting the whole way. He was so close to finally have some freedom again and yet, she had to appear like that. Reaching his desk, he plaed. There was still his drawing on the paper he was working on. He quickly hid it with his hand, before sitting.

"What are you hiding?"


"Sinbad, remove that hand now."

Letting down the scrolls on the desk, (Y/N) pushed the arm of the king.

"...Are you sure you have the right to draw on official papers?"


"...This Ja'far is fabulous. You're forgiven."

The worried expression on the king's face soon vanished and was replaced by a brilliant smile.

"Want to draw one?"


And now, instead of working, those two idiots started drawing little Ja'fars on each page of the document. At the end, when you flip the pages, you can see Ja'far wiggling his sleeves, and at a moment, turning into a monster breathing fire.

"You two."

The glacial voice made the king and the (h/c) haired girl stop. Slowly raising their heads, they faced a very pissed advisor.

"...It's his fault."

"Hey! You also drew some!"

"But you started it!"

"And you didn't stop me!"


The advisor yelled at the two, making them shut up.

And now, the two idiots were being lectured by Ja'far, because responsible and mature adults don't draw on official documents. Plus, those two are ruling over a country. You don't draw on official documents, especially if those are supposed to be send to the members of the seven seas alliance. Picking up the paper and leaving more on the desk, the advisor glared at the two.

"Since you two are complete idiots, you will both stay inside this office and work until the end of the morning!"

"But I already did my work!"

(Y/N) started arguing back. It wasn't fair, it was all the stupid king's fault.

"Then you'll watch over Sin until he finishes!"

The advisor slammed the door shut. An awkward silence followed after. The two of them just stayed sit on their respective chairs, staring at the door who was just slammed earlier.

"Must be hard to be that door."

"My god (Y/N)."
