Chapter 6

The next day, aboard the Quinjet en route to a secured location, Agent Asyraf found himself in conversation with Arif, Captain Malaya. He couldn't contain his excitement as he spoke about the honor of finding Captain Malaya and even mentioned his collection of Captain Malaya trading cards.

Asyraf's enthusiasm was infectious, and Arif couldn't help but smile. "It's good to know that my legacy lives on," he mused.

Their journey took them to the helicarrier, a technological marvel that could transform from an aircraft carrier into a flying fortress. It was a sight to behold, and Arif couldn't help but marvel at the advanced machinery surrounding him.

Inside the helicarrier, Arif was introduced to Dr. Iean Aqish, a brilliant scientist and the counterpart to Bruce Banner. The two heroes exchanged greetings, both curious about the mission that had brought them together.

As they settled in, Lilik approached Arif and Iean, her expression serious. She briefed them on the situation – Dr. Saif and Nadhr had been traced to London, United Kingdom. Their mission was clear: apprehend Nadhr and bring him on board the helicarrier.

In London, chaos was brewing. Nadhr had infiltrated a formal black-tie gala at an art museum, intent on kidnapping a doctor who possessed the key element needed to activate the Tesseract.

"Kneel!" Nadhr declared as he stepped forward, his voice ringing with authority, "he addressed the civilians present." He gestured broadly to the crowd that had gathered, his dark eyes scanning the faces before him. "I demand that you all kneel before me," he thundered, his words laced with a chilling conviction. "Understand this, my friends," he continued, his tone cold and unyielding, "You are made to be ruled."

The people in the square shifted uneasily, their fear palpable in the air. Nadhr's power was undeniable, and his words weighed heavily on their hearts.

However, amidst the tension, one figure stood out from the rest. An elderly man, with the lines of wisdom etched deeply into his weathered face, refused to bow down. He stood with a stoic resolve and tell him "Not the man like you!", his eyes fixed on Nadhr.

Nadhr's patience had never been his virtue, and he felt a simmering anger rise within him at this display of defiance. He took a step closer to the elderly man, his hand reaching for the hilt of his gleaming sword. It seemed he was about to deliver the killing blow.

But then, out of nowhere, a sudden metallic clang echoed through the square. The crowd gasped in surprise as a vibranium shield intercepted Nadhr's attack, stopping the deadly strike just inches from its intended target.

Arif had arrived, resolute and unwavering, also known as the legendary Captain Malaya himself. With a determined expression, Arif stood between Nadhr and the defiant elderly man, his vibranium shield raised high, reflecting the sunlight in a dazzling display of defiance.

Nadhr's face contorted with anger as he faced the unexpected interference. "The soldier!" he hissed, his voice a venomous whisper. "A man out of time! You dare to defy me?"

Arif's response was measured and unwavering. "I dare to defend what is right," he declared, his voice carrying the weight of a thousand convictions.

The standoff continued, the square now divided between those who had cowered in fear and those who stood with Arif, inspired by his courage. It was a moment frozen in time, a battle of ideologies, and the outcome hung in the balance.

The confrontation escalated into a fierce battle between the two formidable adversaries. Inside the Quinjet, Lilik attempted to reason with Nadhr, urging him to stand down. But Nadhr, clutching his spear, remained determined to achieve his goals.

The tension hung thick in the air, a sudden entrance seized the attention of everyone present. The ground seemed to shake as Aqil Muhtadi, donned in his formidable Metal Man armor, descended dramatically, weapons poised for action. The iconic chords of AC/DC's "Shoot To Thrill" reverberated in the background, adding to the theatricality of his arrival. Aqil swiftly unleashed a relentless repulsor blast, and Nadhr found himself sprawled on the unforgiving ground.

With unwavering confidence, Aqil threw down the gauntlet, challenging Nadhr with a taunt-filled, "Make your move, Reindeer Games!" His suit bristled with an arsenal that included missiles and rockets, ready for whatever response Nadhr could muster.

Faced with the overwhelming might of Captain Malaya and the formidable Metal Man, Nadhr found himself in a predicament with limited options. Arif, recognizing the dire straits they were in, addressed Aqil with a nod of respect, uttering a simple, "Mr. Muhtadi."

Aqil's response mirrored the respect shared between them, acknowledging the profound legacy of Captain Malaya. He replied with a solemn, "Captain."

As they stood united, they knew that their cooperation was crucial to the mission ahead. The confrontation with Nadhr was just the beginning of a larger battle, one that would test their mettle and resilience in the face of an impending catastrophe.

As the Quinjet soared through a tumultuous lightning storm en route to the high-tech prison on the helicarrier, Arif couldn't help but engage in a conversation with Nadhr. He noticed the storm and asked Nadhr if he was afraid of lightning.

Nadhr's response was cryptic and foreboding. "It's not the lightning I fear, brother. It's what follows."

Before Arif could inquire further, the sky erupted with a burst of lightning, and the God of Thunder himself, Ams, descended from the heavens. He sought to capture Nadhr and bring him to Asgardian justice, a process that would be far more effective than Earth's methods.

Ams entered the Quinjet with an air of authority, determined to fulfill his mission. Metal Man, Aqil, quickly activated his repulsor rays, attempting to defend against the Asgardian intruder. But Ams, wielding his mighty hammer, Mjolnir, effortlessly knocked Aqil aside.

Ams seized Nadhr and prepared to depart with him, but Metal Man wasn't about to let them escape without a fight. Aqil got back on his feet, determination burning in his eyes. He instructed Arif to prepare for action.

Arif, knowing that they couldn't let Ams take Nadhr without a fight, swiftly retrieved a parachute and made a daring leap from the Quinjet.

Somewhere on a remote cliff, Ams implored Nadhr to come home, to face Asgardian justice for his crimes and interrogates where is the Tesseract. But Nadhr remained defiant, refusing to yield.

Ams, desperation in his voice, said, "Listen well, brother... We can't keep running from our destiny."

Before Ams could continue, a clanging sound echoed through the desolate cliffs. Metal Man, relentless in his pursuit, had tracked them down. With a swift strike, he incapacitated Ams. Nadhr, his eyes ablaze with determination, turned to Metal Man and stated coldly, "I'm listening."

With his brother incapacitated and the enemy closing in, Nadhr had to make a decision that would shape the fate of Asgard.

Ams cautiously warned Aqil, "Don't touch me again!" Aqil retorted, "And don't take my stuff." Ams countered, his tone laced with concern, "You do not know what you're dealing with??" Aqil, with a mischievous grin, replied, "Shakespeare in the park?? Doth mother know weareth her drapes?" Ams, attempting to keep a straight face, shot back, "This isn't beyond you, Iron Man." Aqil, his resolve firm, stated, "Well then, he is yours, but not the cube. Stay out of our way!" As tension hung in the air, Aqil's Metal Man's mask closed down, signaling he was ready for a fight.

The tension escalated as Ams and Aqil engaged in a fierce battle, their powers clashing amidst the woods. Ams unleashed a thunderous shock, but to his surprise, Aqil's Metal Man Mark 6 suit proved to be electric-proof. In fact, the suit's power surged to 400% capacity due to Ams' thunderstrike, resulting in a retaliatory blast that sent Ams reeling.

The tumultuous battle raged on relentlessly, the air heavy with tension as Ams and Metal Man locked in combat, their powers colliding in a symphony of destruction. Ancient trees shattered into splinters, their once-majestic forms reduced to mere debris, while the very earth quivered beneath the unrelenting force of their clash. Ams, his eyes crackling with raw energy, summoned bolts of searing lightning, each bolt a manifestation of his unyielding determination. In one fluid motion, he swung Mjolnir, the enchanted hammer, with unbridled ferocity, a weapon that bore the weight of legends.

On the opposing side, Metal Man, gleaming and resolute, met Ams' assault head-on. His metallic fists, like sledgehammers, struck with the precision of a master craftsman, each blow leaving a trail of sparks in its wake. Simultaneously, the Repulsor Ray, a technological marvel embedded in his armor, hummed to life. It emitted a searing beam of energy that sizzled through the air, threatening to consume anything in its path.

Amidst the chaos, a dramatic exchange of words crackled through the charged atmosphere.

Ams, his voice resolute, roared, "You can't hide behind your metal, Metal Man! Face the might of the storm!"

Metal Man, his cold tone laced with mechanical precision, retorted, "Your thunder and lightning won't save you this time, Ams. You're fighting a battle you can't win."

Their words were punctuated by the thunderous clashes of their powers, each combatant locked in a fierce struggle for dominance. The fate of their world hung in the balance, teetering on the edge of annihilation, as the battle between these two formidable adversaries reached its climactic crescendo.

Arif, standing between the two combatants, finally called for a ceasefire. Ams explained his mission – to thwart Nadhr's scheme and ensure he faced justice.

Arif implored Ams to put down his hammer, a request that Aqil couldn't help but comment on with a touch of humor. But Ams had other plans, and he lifted Mjolnir with an air of determination.

With a mighty strike, Ams shattered Arif's vibranium shield, sending them both flying. The fight reached a stalemate as Arif, Aqil, and Ams stood amidst the aftermath of their battle.

Arif, ever the peacemaker, asked, "So... Are we done here?"

The trio faced a pivotal moment, one that would shape the course of their future interactions and determine the fate of Nadhr and the impending crisis.
