Chapter 2

Iean Aqish had found solace in the remote region of Sukabumi, Indonesia. For years, he had worked selflessly at a local hospital, dedicating his life to helping those in need. The chaos of his past, the transformation into the Hulk, had become distant memories as he focused on the healing of others and the serenity of his newfound inner peace.

The verdant tranquility of the Indonesian jungle enveloped Iean as he went about his daily routines. Mornings began with the melodious cacophony of exotic birds, and evenings faded into symphonies of insects. This serene existence was a world away from the tumultuous life he once led, where every heartbeat was a battle cry and every breath filled with fury.

But when a series of mysterious letters arrived at his doorstep, each urging him to meet at an abandoned house, Iean's curiosity got the better of him. He had a feeling that his past was catching up with him, and he couldn't ignore the call any longer.

With cautious steps, Iean ventured to the decrepit house, his senses on high alert. He knew not what to expect but braced himself for whatever lay ahead. The broken windows and crumbling walls whispered secrets of the past as he stepped into the dimly lit interior. Shadows danced around him, and a shiver ran down his spine.

As he moved deeper into the dilapidated building, he was met by the sight of a woman waiting in the shadows – Lilik Rahayu. Her silhouette was framed by the faint light filtering through a cracked window.

Lilik wasted no time, her expression serious and determined. "Iean Aqish, we don't have much time. I need to talk to you about something of utmost importance."

Iean regarded her with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. "Who are you, and what do you want?"

Lilik, keeping her distance, revealed a small device in her hand, projecting a holographic image of the Tesseract. Its otherworldly blue glow filled the room, casting an eerie light on Iean's face.

She spoke urgently, "This is the Tesseract, Iean. It possesses unimaginable power, and it's in the hands of a dangerous individual. We need your help to find it and stop the catastrophe that could be unleashed."

Iean's eyes widened with disbelief and then narrowed with anger. "Stop lying to me!" His voice carried the weight of his past traumas, the battles he had fought as the Hulk, and the peace he had found in isolation.

Lilik, undeterred, pressed on. "Iean, I'm not lying. This is real, and the threat is imminent. Lives are at stake."

Iean's frustration turned into fury, and his body began to tremble. "You're playing with fire, lady."

In a desperate move, Lilik aimed a gun at Iean, her hands steady but her voice filled with regret. "I'm sorry, Iean, but we can't afford to waste any more time. I need you to listen, and you need to cooperate."

Iean's rage burned hot, but the threat of the gun brought him back from the precipice. He took a deep breath, calming himself as best he could. "Alright, alright, put the gun down. We can talk."

Lilik lowered the weapon slowly, her eyes never leaving Iean's. "Thank you for understanding. We need you to approach this in a way that 'the big guy' will respond to."

Outside the abandoned house, SHIELD soldiers, under Lilik's command, had taken positions. She spoke into a communication device, her voice firm and unwavering. "Hold your fire, everyone. We've got this under control, for now."

The tension in the air was palpable as the fate of the universe rested on the fragile alliance forming between Lilik Rahayu and Iean Aqish. The path ahead was uncertain, but they had no choice but to work together to prevent the impending catastrophe that Nadhr and the Tesseract represented.

Iean's gaze never left the holographic image of the Tesseract. It hovered in the air, an ethereal blue gem pulsating with an otherworldly energy that defied explanation. Memories of his time as the Hulk surged forward, a reminder of the incredible power he had once possessed. It was power he had struggled to control, power that had brought destruction and chaos in its wake.

Lilik must have sensed his internal turmoil. She approached cautiously, her every movement measured. "Iean, I understand that this is a lot to take in. But you must believe me when I say that the Tesseract is a threat to everything we know."

Iean's eyes remained fixed on the hologram. "How do I fit into all of this? Why me?"

Lilik took a deep breath, her shoulders visibly relaxing now that the immediate threat had passed. "You have some kind of a gamma radiation that could senses the Tesseract, Iean. You have a unique connection to this kind of power. We need your expertise to track down the Tesseract and, if necessary, to deal with whoever wields it."

The mention of his alter ego sent a chill down Iean's spine. He had fought hard to distance himself from that part of his life, to find peace and redemption in helping others. But it seemed that destiny had other plans.

"I want to help," Iean admitted, his voice heavy with resignation. "But I need to know more. Who has the Tesseract, and why is it such a danger?"

Lilik nodded, relieved that he was willing to listen. She projected a series of images, each more unsettling than the last. "This man, Nadhr, is the one who possesses the Tesseract. He's a brilliant scientist, but he's become obsessed with its power. He believes he can reshape the world with it, and not for the better. If he succeeds, millions could die."

Iean studied the images of Nadhr, a man who seemed to radiate both intelligence and madness. "So, what's the plan?"

Lilik leaned in closer, her voice hushed. "We have a lead on Nadhr's whereabouts, but we can't approach him directly. He has connections, resources we can't match. That's where you come in. We need you to draw him out, to make him believe that you're interested in helping him harness the Tesseract's power."

Iean frowned. "And what happens when he takes the bait? What's the endgame here?"

Lilik's gaze was unwavering. "We stop him, Iean. We take the Tesseract away from him, no matter the cost."

Iean knew that this path would lead to danger, to a confrontation he had hoped to avoid. But he also understood that the power of the Tesseract in the wrong hands was a threat too great to ignore. With a resigned sigh, he nodded. "Alright, Lilik. I'm in."

As they continued to plan, the abandoned house seemed to come alive with whispered secrets of its own, bearing witness to the alliance that had formed within its crumbling walls. The past and the present collided, and Iean Aqish, the man who had once been the Hulk, found himself on a new journey, one that would test his resolve and his ability to control the power that had once consumed him.

Outside, the jungle's symphony continued, oblivious to the weight of the world that now rested on Iean's shoulders. The fate of millions hung in the balance, and in the depths of Sukabumi, a reluctant hero prepared to confront his past and embrace a destiny he had long tried to outrun.
