bucky barnes pt. 2

Two years later

You are suddenly jolted awake by a loud crash and voices.

"God danggit Stark. You could've woken her up," you hear a voice coming from the lab.

"Well if you would sit still I could get this thing on here!"

Jumping out of the bed, you run down the hall of the Avenger Tower and into Tony's lab where he has been working on something that you don't know of.

"Sit still, would you!" You hear Tony shout from the lab. Angry mumbles can be heard by another other perosn.

Before you have a chance to go in, hands grabs you from behind.

"You can't go in there!" Steve says as you turn around, facing him.

"Who's in there with him?" you ask, eyeing the metal door.

"Rowdey," Steve lies. You roll your eyes.

"You're a terrible liar," you say, turning around.

"Just don't go in there. Tony is really busy," he pleads, spinning you around again.

"Uh hu. Last time he was 'busy,' he created a evil robot and practically destroyed all of Slovakia." Steve puts his hands on his hips.

"(y/n), I'm being serious. This is really important so you better not mess it up." He walks away and you smirk.

You swing open the door to the lab and step inside.

"I heard a crash," you glance around the room but see only Tony.

"Hey, (y/n)," Tony greets, throwing down something he had in his hands.

"I also heard another voice," you say, glancing around the room.

"Nope, just me." You narrow your eyes.

"What are you doing?" you ask, striding over to his work space. Picking up a piece of the metal, you examine it carefuly, needing to know more.

"Just toying with stuff." Your eye catches a blueprint.

"What's this of?" you ask, sliding the drawing in front of you. Looking closer, you gasp.

"Are you..." You point to the sketch of a arm with the Avenger logo instead of a star.

"I figured Barnes would need a new arm when he is, you know, defrosted."

You shoot him a glance of annoyance at the word defrosted. The doors suddenly open and Tony and you turn your attention to the figure.

"Ta'challa!" You exclaim, "What a nice surprise!" He smiles.

"Nice to see you again Miss. (y/l/n)." You blush when he calls you by your last name.

"Please, call me (y/n)." He looks to Tony.

"May I please speak with Mr. Stark?" he asks.

"Sure," You now and walk out of the lab.

"What's Ta'challa doing here?" you ask Steve, walking into the gym.

"He had to discuss something with Tony," Steve replies. You sit down on the bench.

"Do you know why Tony had drawings of a new arm?" you blurt.

"Excuse me?"

"Tony had blueprints of a metal arm. For Bucky," you repeat.

"I don't know (y/n)."

"I don't understand," you groan, "first, I hear two people in the lab. Second, Tony has draws of a new arm. And third," you pause for affect, "Ta'challa shows up suddenly in need to talk to Tony." You sigh and rest your chin on your hand, your elbow digging into your leg. You ignore the pain.

"Would you sit still for two seconds!"

You jerk up as you hear Tony yell from the lab.

"You try having metal melted into your skin!" Another voice replies.

"(y/n) wait!" Steve calls, but you're already out the door of the gym and halfway to the lab.

"Done," you hear Tony say.

"What in God's name is on...." You freeze as you swing open the door.

You look from Ta'challa, to Tony, and then to Bucky.

"Bucky?" you gasp quietly, your knuckles white from gripping the door.

"I told you," Bucky mumbles to Tony.

"I tried," Steve pants from behind, "to stop her." You close your eyes and shake your head.

"Okay, you two," you point to Ta'challa and Tony, "out." They slowly obey and walk out. You shut the door and look to Bucky. He starts to get up but you motion for him to sit.

"You, sit," you order. Walking up to where he is seated on a stool, you slap him.

"Sorry," you shake your head once more, "I, had to make sure you were real."

"Why wouldn't I be real?" he asks in a sweet tone of voice

"I'm not going into detail." It's quiet for a few moments.

"How long?" Bucky blurts.


"How long has it been?"

"Two years." He raises his eyebrows. You chuckle as he continues to stare at you.

"What?" you ask.

"You haven't changed," he finally says.

"You haven't either."

"That's because I've been frozen for two years." You start laughing. Soon, Bucky joins in.

After you stopped, it got quiet again.

"Bucky?" You break the uncomfortable silence.

"Yes?" He stands up, worry already in his eyes. You stand on your toes so you are eye to eye.

Slowly, you kiss him. You wrap your arms around his neck and embrace you. You stay like that for a while.

"You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that." you breathe as you let go. He smiles and pulls you back into the hug.

"I'm sure," he whispers, his mouth close to your ear.

"I'm never letting go."

"Then don't," he says and kisses you once more.


I hate revising
