tony stark

Living with Tony Stark, you never have a quite moment. It's normal to hear a crash coming from the lab, or music blasting from all rooms of the house. But when it's 3am and you hear a super loud crash coming from the lab, you jump out of bed and race down to find Tony in sweatpants and pieces of metal scattered around the floor.

"Oh, (y/n)!" Your boyfriend turns to you, his eyes blood shot, "just who I wanted to see!" You yawn and walk over to him and are suddenly hit with a smell of alcohol. You cough, covering your mouth and stepping back.

"Tony, it's 3am," you sputter, "go to sleep." He picks up a beer bottle. You pluck it from his hands. "And you shouldn't be drinking!"

He sighs.

"(y/n), I'm in the middle of something," he lurches for the bottle but you hold it back. You notice multiple other bottles around the room; A total of 11.

"No, you've had too much beer," you chuck it in the trash, "what are you doing?"

"Just tinkering with the suits," he lies. You roll your eyes.

"I know when you're lying." He smiles.

"Just go back to sleep (y/n)," he pleads, "I'll be there in a minute." You sigh.

"Tony, you've said that everyday for the past 3 months. You are always in the lab, and hardly ever eat. I'm worried about you."

"I'm fine, sweetheart. I promise," He kisses you on the the cheek.

"Don't 'sweetheart' me Tony," you snap. "You know you can trust me. What's going on?" Tony suddenly plops down on the stool next to him, rubbing his face with his hands.

"It's just, ever since New York, and Ultron, I can't help but feel like I can't protect you." You kneel in front of him, lifting up his head.

"Tony, I don't need protection. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Don't worry about me," you stand up and tug on his hand. "Now come back to bed. It's late." He gives in and follows you to your shared room.

"I've missed this," Tony says as you climb under the sheets and cuddle close to him.

"I've missed this too," you mutter, drifting off to sleep.


It was around 5 in the morning when Tony started having nightmares. You woke up to him tossing and turning, and you started to get worried.

"Tony?" you said, grabbing you boyfriend by the shoulders and shaking him. "Tony, wake up!" Suddenly, a cold metal hand grabbed your shoulder and pulled you back. You looked up to see one of Tony's suits aiming a repulser at you. You scream, causing Tony to jolt up and immiedaitly deactivate the suit. You sat there, breathing deeply.

"(y/n) I'm so-"

"Save it Tony," you cut him off, climbing out of the bed. You quickly changed in the bathroom before walking out of your shared bedroom. Tony quickly ran after you.

"(y/n) what are you doing?" he asked before you could walk out of the house. You held back tears as you turned to your heartbroken boyfriend.



idk if there will be a part 2
