
Chapter 86

Jiu Yingying didn't expect that He Huailing would let her make this decision, so she turned to look at He Huailing.

He Huai Ling looked at her with a smile, his eyes teasing.

She lowered her head close to He Huai Ling's ear and asked softly, "Test me?"

He Huai Ling raised his eyebrows and said noncommittally: "I am giving you a chance to take revenge."

Jiu Yingying smiled, "Then...thank you?"

She exchanged a glance with He Huai Ling, then sat up straight and leaned back in her chair.

She lowered her eyes to look at Jiu Hongdou who was kneeling on the ground, her gaze dark and unclear.

Jiu Hongdou felt a little embarrassed when she looked at her. She felt resentful and angry in her heart, but she had to pretend to be pitiful and innocent. She turned sideways and wiped away her tears, as if she had suffered some injustice.

Jiu Yingying stared at her for a while, then said slowly, "Second sister, what would happen if the news of you accepting the token of love from Mr. Liang got out?"

Jiu Hongdou's body stiffened. What would happen? Of course, her reputation would be ruined, her future would be hopeless, and she would be spurned by the noble ladies behind her back. The worst case scenario was... she would be forced to marry Liang Ping.

Qin said anxiously, "Yingying, you must not do this! No matter how wrong it is, it is all your aunt's fault. This matter must not be spread out! After all, you and Hongdou are sisters, you can't destroy your second sister with your own hands!"

Jiu Hongdou bit her lower lip and looked at Jiu Yingying, suddenly feeling extremely angry.

She raised her chin and said stubbornly, "I have been upright all these years. Even if you say this, no one will believe you. Anyway, I have already smashed the jade hairpin. You have no evidence, and everyone will just think that Liang Ping is harassing me."

She was determined to throw the jar into the air and refuse to admit her mistake.

Jiu Yingying said indifferently: "Second sister, no matter who everyone thinks is entangled with whom between you and Liang Ping, as long as your name is tied to his, from now on, when people mention him, they will think of you, and when they mention you, they will think of him."

"So what if you remember? You have no evidence! People might think that you are slandering me, so they will sympathize with me." Jiu Hongdou looked at the broken red plum hairpin and insisted that she would not let go.

"Isn't this the first time you wear this jade hairpin today?" Jiu Yingying asked suddenly.

Jiu Hongdou's face darkened. Ever since the family split up, she didn't have as much spare money as before, and the amount of gold and silver jewelry she bought decreased a lot.

If it were in the past, she would never wear the jade hairpin Liang Ping gave her, but the circumstances were special recently and the hairpin Liang Ping bought for her was quite valuable. In order to save face, she wore it a few times when attending gatherings of noble ladies.

Jiu Yingying took a sip of tea and said, "There is only one of each style of jade hairpin in Yuzhuoxuan. I don't need to explain it deliberately. If you just ask around, you will know everything. Second sister, you can't prove this matter. Don't be wishful thinking."

Jiu Hongdou frowned even more tightly, and her heart became even more flustered, but she still said stubbornly: "Even if everyone knows, so what? As long as I don't admit it, what can you do to me?"

Jiu Yingying stretched out five fingers, looked at her nails, and said in a flat voice: "We really can't do anything to you. The worst result is that your uncle will marry you to Liang Ping."

She smiled and said in a level voice, "Liang Ping has liked you for a long time. After the news gets out, maybe he will come to propose marriage to you immediately to save your reputation. At that time, your uncle will go with the flow and marry you to her, which will make it a good thing. The Liang family is not too low-class, so it can be considered a good match."

If Jiu Hongdou had a bad reputation, He Huaijin would definitely not marry her.

Jiu Mingxing has now married his mistress and has two more daughters and a son. He probably doesn't value his daughter Jiu Hongdou as much as before.

Although Jiu Mingxing is a useless person, he is very concerned about his reputation. In order to maintain his reputation, he will definitely marry Jiu Hongdou to Liang Ping without hesitation.

Jiu Yingying raised her eyes to look at Jiu Hongdou and said coldly: "Second sister, are you willing?"

Jiu Yingying's words penetrated deeply into Jiu Hongdou's heart. She was shocked and her face turned as pale as paper in an instant.

She shuddered at the thought of this possibility and finally couldn't help getting scared. She absolutely didn't want Liang Ping, that good-for-nothing drunkard!

If she marries Liang Ping, her life will be ruined and everything she has planned over the years will come to naught.

When Jiu Hongdou thought of this possibility, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave and stood there in a daze.

Qin quickly pushed her and said anxiously, "Hongdou! Please beg your sister. Your sister is always soft-hearted and will definitely understand you. We are all girls. How could she have the heart to ruin your future like this?"

She paused, glanced at He Huai Ling, and said with a hint of threat: "Your Highness the Crown Prince must also like gentle and kind women. How could Yingying have the heart to be so cruel to you in front of the Crown Prince?"

Her last sentence was very suggestive. She was reminding Jiu Yingying to take He Huailing's presence into consideration, to be more restrained, and to protect her image in He Huailing's heart.

She felt that all men in the world liked girls who looked gentle and kind, and He Huailing was definitely the same.

She had a good plan, but she didn't expect that He Huai Ling would sneer softly when he heard her words.

Qin was so afraid that her hair stood on end when she heard He Huailing's laughter, like a conditioned reflex. She looked up at He Huailing with some horror.

"Who said I like gentle and kind girls?" He Huailing raised his eyebrows slightly.

He reached out and took Jiu Yingying's hand, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb.

He smiled gently and said slowly, "I am a special person. I like vicious women. The more vicious, the more I like them."

Jiu Yingying: "..." She watched you pretend silently.

Qin's legs went weak after hearing this. He Huailing was indeed as perverted as the rumors said! Although he looked like a decent person, he was actually a bloodthirsty demon at heart!

He Huai Ling ignored Qin's expression, which was as if the sky had fallen. He looked at Jiu Yingying with a smile as gentle as water, but every word he said was more frightening than the last.

"Crown Princess, you must behave well. If you are too kind, I won't like it."

Qin: "!!!"

Jiu Yingying: "..." Hehe.

The more Jiu Hongdou listened, the more frightened she became. The arrogant and contemptuous look she had just had was no longer visible on her face, and she couldn't help but cry.

She threw herself in front of Jiu Yingying, hugged her legs, and started playing the emotional card again.

Her voice was choked with sobs, and she begged for mercy: "Yingying, you can't do this to me. We are sisters who grew up together. Do we have to be so estranged? You used to be very good to me..."

Jiu Yingying looked at her gradually collapsing face and asked word by word: "I used to be very good to you, so how do you treat me?"

"I..." Jiu Hongdou choked for a moment, and said with a guilty conscience: "Of course I treat you very well."

Jiu Yingying couldn't help laughing twice as if she had heard a joke.

"Second sister, think about it first. Your answer may change my decision later."

Jiu Hongdou rolled her eyes when she heard this, and said tentatively in a weak voice: "Yingying, I know that I was a little confused in the past. Maybe sometimes I thought I was good to you, but there were some things that made you unhappy. There are many misunderstandings between us. If you want to hear my explanation, I can explain them to you one by one..."

"I'll repeat it again, think it over carefully before you speak." Jiu Yingying's voice lowered and she interrupted her with a cold look.

"..." Jiu Hongdou was silent for a while, and suddenly said in a frustrated tone: "I used to say a lot of bad things about you behind your back, but that was because I was young and ignorant."

"I'm younger than you, how come I'm not ignorant enough to go out and say bad things about you?" Jiu Yingying said in a low voice, "I wonder if it would be too late if I go out and say bad things about you and Mr. Liang now?"

Jiu Hongdou frowned in annoyance, not daring to make excuses for herself anymore, so she had to honestly admit her mistake, "Yingying, I know I was wrong, please be magnanimous and let me go for a while."

Jiu Yingying asked: "Before, you and Big Sister pushed me into the water, but was that intentional?"

Jiu Hongdou clenched the handkerchief in her hand, turned around and glanced at Qin beside her in confusion.

Qin was so angry that her teeth were about to break. If it were in the past, Jiu Yingying would never torment them like this. As long as she gave a casual order, Jiu Yingying would keep her mouth shut and not say a word outside.

Now, not only did Jiu Yingying suddenly change her attitude towards them, but there was also the evil star He Huailing, which was really troublesome.

She hesitated for a while with a gloomy face, and nodded reluctantly to Jiu Hongdou beside her.

Now the things in the backyard of the house have not been resolved. There is a mistress causing trouble inside, and there is not peace outside either.

Jiu Mingxing now has a grudge against her because of the affair with his mistress. If Liang Ping really comes to propose marriage at this time, she has no confidence that she can stop Jiu Mingxing from marrying Jiu Hongdou to Liang Ping.

So we must not take any risks at this time. No matter what, we must be patient temporarily. The key is to fool Jiu Yingying.

After receiving Qin's instructions, Jiu Hongdou gently closed her eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, she looked at Jiu Yingying and said quickly, "I did it on purpose. That day you exposed my mother's usurpation of your family's money in public, and I was so angry that I wanted to push Jiu Hongmei into the water and frame you, but I didn't expect that the person who fell into the water would be you."

When she said these words, her tone was still somewhat angry and resentful. She had originally imagined it very well. If it wasn't Jiu Yingying who fell into the water, then the scene would be very different now.

When Old Lady Nine heard her words, she opened her eyes wide in disbelief. She originally thought it was just an accident, but she didn't expect it was actually Jiu Hongdou's deliberate plan.

She thought that the eldest wife being more cunning was already the limit, but she never expected that they would be so vicious as to push her granddaughter into the water. That was a human life!

She stood there in shock, never expecting that she had lived with this group of insidious people for so many years.

Jiu Yingying exhaled a breath of foul air and asked calmly, "And then?"

Seeing Jiu Hongdou's face flushed with anger, Qin couldn't continue speaking, so she spoke in a deep voice, "Then we were worried that your father would blame us, so we wanted to turn the tables and seize power, so we deliberately caused trouble."

He Huailing listened quietly and did not let go of Jiu Yingying's hand. He continued to hold it in his hand and knead it. Jiu Yingying's hands were white and slender, and felt very soft, like a ball of cotton. He pinched it on the left and kneaded it on the right, as if he had found a favorite toy and couldn't let it go.

Chapter 87

Jiu Yingying didn't notice that her hand was being held and kneaded by He Huailing.

She still looked intently at Jiu Hongdou and said, "Jiu Hongdou, think carefully, what else have you done in these years?"

Jiu Hongdou's eyes were red with anger. After a moment of silence, she gritted her teeth and said, "I have been deliberately slandering you and ruining your reputation all these years. I have also said behind your back that you are stupid and ignorant, and that your second branch bullies the first branch. This has made the women in the capital have opinions about you, and thus they have ignored and isolated you. Seeing you unhappy makes me happy."

The Ninth Old Lady was so shocked that she was speechless. It seemed as if everyone in the Big House had countless layers of masks on their faces. Every time a layer was revealed, it became uglier.

After Jiu Hongdou finished speaking, he stiffened his neck and looked at Jiu Yingying, "I have said everything I can say, what else do you want?"

Jiu Yingying looked at Jiu Hongdou with a cold face. She knew very well that Jiu Hongdou had teamed up with He Huaijin and Shufei to deceive her, and Jiu Hongdou would never tell it even if she was beaten to death. She also did not expect to force Jiu Hongdou to confess everything this time.

Jiu Yingying lowered her head and thought about it. What she said just now was true. If this matter got out of hand, the worst result would be that Jiu Mingxing would marry Jiu Hongdou to Liang Ping.

This was the result that Jiu Hongdou least wanted to see. Jiu Yingying should have been happy to see it happen, but she couldn't do that.

If Jiu Hongdou marries Liang Ping, it will be easier for her to take action against the Song family, and then what happened in her previous life will happen again.

Song Minglang is young and promising, upright and loyal to He Huailing. Jiu Yingying cannot watch such a man fall into dire straits, and cannot let He Huailing lose a strong arm.

But shouldn't Jiu Hongdou be punished? Of course she should be. This matter cannot be brushed aside so easily.

If she lets Jiu Hongdou off easily this time, Jiu Hongdou will become more fearless in the future and who knows how many mistakes he will make.

She pondered for a while and said, "Jiu Hongdou, if you want me to keep this a secret, that's fine, but..."

She paused deliberately, and Jiuhongdou's eyes lit up.

Qin asked quickly, "What do you want? I can give you whatever you want. As long as you don't tell anyone about Hongdou and Mr. Liang, I can do my best to satisfy you. You can beat me or scold me as you like."

Jiu Yingying almost laughed out of anger. Qin was really adaptable. She always had a very good attitude when admitting her mistakes, but she would still never show mercy the next time she did something bad.

Jiu Hongdou bit her lower lip lightly. She raised her head and looked at Jiu Yingying with burning eyes. There was a hint of expectation in her eyes, but she tried hard to restrain herself as she didn't want Jiu Yingying to notice.

Jiu Yingying raised her eyebrows slightly, looked at Jiu Hongdou and said, "Second sister, I don't want anything, I just want to give you some advice."

"...What idea?" Jiu Hongdou tried to calm down and asked.

She tried her best to look calm, but her eyes as she looked at Jiu Yingying were filled with uncontrollable resentment.

Jiu Yingying smiled slightly and said calmly, "Second sister, in fact, your current situation is not without solutions. As long as there is a powerful man willing to marry you, even if there are rumors about you and the Third Young Master Liang, your uncle will not marry you to Liang Ping. Even if others hear some rumors, they are afraid of the man's authority and dare not speak nonsense at most. "

Jiu Hongdou's expression changed, and she pursed her lips and said, "Who is this powerful person you are talking about?"

Jiu Yingying looked at her and smiled, "The Second Prince He Huaijin."

Jiu Hongdou's whole body trembled, and he looked at Jiu Yingying in horror and disbelief.

After Jiu Yingying said this, everyone in the room was stunned, and even He Huailing's hands unconsciously increased their strength.

Jiu Yingying then realized that He Huailing had been pinching her hand for fun. She glared at him in shame and anger and pulled her hand back.

He Huai Ling looked at Jiu Yingying's hand and gently stroked her fingers, "..." Not enough.

"...What do you mean, sister?" Jiu Hongdou's voice trembled unconsciously. She clenched the handkerchief in her hand, and her heart beat fast.

Why did Jiu Yingying suddenly link her and He Huaijin together? Did she know something?

Her heart was beating fast and the more she thought about it, the more scared she became.

Jiu Yingying smiled lightly and said nonchalantly, "Second sister, I know you have always had a crush on the Second Prince. Why don't you just ask him directly if he is willing to marry you? If he is willing, you and he can set a wedding date. Then you will be the future Second Prince's consort. Who dares to gossip about you behind your back? Of course, the Crown Prince and I will keep today's matter to ourselves for the sake of our close relationship."

"You... stop talking nonsense. When did I fall in love with the Second Prince?" Jiu Hongdou looked at Jiu Yingying in doubt. She couldn't figure out Jiu Yingying's thoughts for a moment, so she could only make excuses.

She had kept her love for He Huaijin hidden for so many years. How could Jiu Yingying know? Was she testing her on purpose? She didn't dare to admit it and could only observe Jiu Yingying's expression quietly.

Jiu Yingying heard her still quibbling, her eyes turned cold, she was too lazy to continue wasting words, and said directly: "Second sister, this is your last chance."

With just one glance, Jiu Hongdou knew that Jiu Yingying really knew her thoughts well.

Jiu Hongdou looked at Jiu Yingying in surprise. Jiu Yingying actually knew that she liked He Huaijin!

Jiu Hongdou felt both annoyed and happy. She had been carefully hiding her feelings all these years. Now that Jiu Yingying knew clearly, she could finally like He Huaijin openly, and He Huaijin would not have to worry about anything from now on.

She also wanted He Huaijin to give her gifts in front of everyone and give her supreme honor and favor, so that all the noble ladies in the capital would envy her. She always wanted to be the object of everyone's envy. She wanted Jiu Yingying to look at her with jealousy and pain.

She looked into Jiu Yingying's eyes, and a hint of understanding flashed through her mind.

No wonder Jiu Yingying suddenly changed her attitude towards her recently. It turned out that it was because Jiu Yingying knew that she liked He Huaijin. Although she didn't know how Jiu Yingying found out, this explained Jiu Yingying's recent abnormal behavior.

Jiu Hongdou pursed her lips and said with some difficulty: "... Yingying, you have to give me some time to ask the Second Prince..."

Jiu Yingying said calmly, "Second sister, are you admitting your feelings for the Second Prince?"

Jiu Hongdou was unsure of Jiu Yingying's thoughts. After hesitating for a while, he decided to give it a try.

She blushed and lowered her head, revealing a shy look, and whispered: "The Second Prince is young and promising, no woman would be unwilling to marry him, and of course I..."

The Ninth Old Lady looked at Jiu Hongdou in surprise and was stunned for a moment.

The words that Jiu Hongdou had said in her ears time and time again emerged in her mind unconsciously.

"Grandma, I saw Yingying secretly went to see her cousin again. They are both unmarried, and Hongdou is very worried. Yingying is not even married yet, but she is so reckless in her actions. What will happen if she gets into trouble in the future?"

"Grandma, Hongdou saw something today and I don't know whether I should tell you or not... Hongdou saw Yingying embroidering a purse, and heard that it seemed to be for the Second Prince... Hongdou felt that it was not good for her to do so, so I came to tell you secretly... Grandma, please don't tell Yingying that I was the one who informed on her. I did this for her own good. I am her sister, and I am worried that she will lose her sense of propriety, but I can't control her, so I thought about it and came to tell you..."

"My cousin gave Yingying a pair of white jade earrings today. Grandmother, although the white jade earrings are valuable, my cousin has a special status and is a man. Please ask Yingying to return them to my cousin. You must not accept this gift..."


Every word was still fresh in her mind, and Madam Jiu finally understood Jiu Hongdou's true thoughts.

Jiu Hongdou is not caring about Jiu Yingying, nor is she doing it for Jiu Yingying's good. Jiu Hongdou is just jealous and is using her hand to break up Jiu Yingying and He Huaijin.

It is really surprising that Jiu Hongdou is so cunning despite her young age.

Jiu Yingying lowered her eyes and looked at Jiu Hongdou, and said in a light voice: "Since Second Sister has admitted it, why not ask the Second Prince to come and ask him in person? If it can be done, it will be a happy event. What do you think?"

Jiu Hongdou blushed and lowered her head to think for a moment. She was sometimes nervous, sometimes expectant, and sometimes vaguely happy. Finally, she couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Jiu Yingying let her think carefully until she nodded, then she turned to look at He Huailing and said, "Could you trouble your husband to send someone to invite the second prince?"

He Huai Ling looked at Jiu Yingying with a pair of sharp eyes, with a look of scrutiny in his eyes.

Everyone in the capital city said that Jiu Yingying had been in love with He Huaijin for many years, but now Jiu Yingying suddenly wanted to matchmake He Huaijin and Jiu Hongdou. He was a little confused about what Jiu Yingying was planning.

Jiu Yingying looked at him impartially and let him look at her calmly.

She actually had no plans, and this move was not smart. She was just selfishly satisfying her curiosity from her previous life.

She wanted to know whether He Huaijin would marry Jiu Hongdou when she was no longer an obstacle. She had been curious about the answer for a long time.

In her previous life, when she found Jiu Hongdou, who was already pregnant, at He Huaijin's house, she could hardly believe her eyes.

She still remembered that Jiu Hongdou not only did not feel guilty, but instead criticized her harshly with her big belly.

Jiu Hongdou said that if she hadn't been in the way, He Huaijin would have married her long ago, and she wouldn't have had to hide it for several years.

She felt that she did nothing wrong, and all the mistakes were caused by Jiu Yingying. It was Jiu Yingying who prevented her and He Huaijin from living together. In her heart, Jiu Yingying was the hammer that broke up the couple.

So Jiu Yingying has always been a little curious, if she didn't get in the way among them, would He Huaijin marry Jiu Hongdou.

This time, not only will she not be the one who breaks up the couple, but she will also be the matchmaker and personally bring them together. She wants to see what choice He Huaijin will make.

He Huailing quickly withdrew his gaze. He couldn't guess what Jiu Yingying was thinking, but he was still looking forward to what Jiu Yingying would do.

After all... Jiu Yingying had tortured him for so many days, and he also wanted to see Jiu Yingying torture others, especially He Huaijin.

He frankly admitted his little intention of adding fuel to the fire, raised his hand slightly, and ordered someone to invite He Huaijin as Jiu Yingying said.

When Jiu Hongdou saw that He Huailing really sent someone to invite He Huaijin, she couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Although she was extremely surprised by Jiu Yingying's behavior, she couldn't help getting excited when she thought that she finally had the opportunity to force He Huaijin to marry her quickly.

Now that Jiu Yingying has married He Huailing, there is no possibility for her to be with He Huaijin anymore. She has always wanted to find an opportunity to talk to He Huaijin about marriage, but she has always been unable to open the mouth. Unexpectedly, Jiu Yingying would fulfill her wish today.

If this could be accomplished, it would be a blessing in disguise for her, and she would have to thank Jiu Yingying.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel happy. As long as she could become the Second Prince's consort and help He Huaijin become the emperor, the position of Queen would be within her grasp in the future.

Qin had obviously thought of this as well. Not only did she not speak to stop them, but she became calm. As long as He Huaijin came, they would have a backer, and He Huailing and Jiu Yingying would no longer be able to bully them.

Everyone had different thoughts and no one spoke.

Madam Jiu pressed her forehead with a headache. In the past few years, she had always been controlling Jiu Yingying and not allowing her to have much contact with He Huaijin. She didn't expect that Jiu Hongdou also had such thoughts about He Huaijin and was secretly having an affair with other men under her nose.

She suddenly felt that the future of the nine families was doomed to be turbulent. At least the eldest branch could no longer stay away from the bloody storm. They were too greedy and something would happen sooner or later. Perhaps it was right to split up the family in the first place, otherwise who knows what kind of troubles would arise in the future.

Chapter 88

When He Huaijin came, he walked in a hurry and looked cautious.

The person He Huai Ling sent to invite him refused to say anything, only saying that He Huai Ling asked him to come over.

He couldn't figure out why He Huailing suddenly asked him to come over, and why she asked him to come over on the day when Jiu Yingying returned home.

Did He Huai Ling know about his relationship with Jiu Yingying and wanted to take advantage of the situation to punish him? Or did he want to bring up old scores?

If this was true, based on He Huai Ling's temper in recent years, he was afraid that he would be in trouble. He wanted to ask the guards to come in and protect him, but on second thought, he felt that it would be better if He Huai Ling could fight him on impulse.

He had never found an opportunity to report He Huailing. If He Huailing beat him, he could take the opportunity to make a big fuss and force Emperor Jing to depose the crown prince.

He thought over and over again, and came up with various countermeasures on the way here. He decided to hold off for the time being and see what He Huailing was going to do.

After he entered the room, he slowed down his pace and quickly scanned the room. When he saw Qin and Jiu Hongdou kneeling on the ground, he was shocked and even more surprised.

Jiu Hongdou raised her eyes and met his gaze, her cheeks slightly red, and she lowered her head shyly.

He Huaijin was completely confused. He pursed his lips, walked forward without looking away, and bowed to He Huailing, "Greetings, Prince."

No matter how many tricks he played behind the scenes to harm He Huailing, he always appeared to be flawless. He was always respectful to the prince He Huailing and never overstepped the boundaries.

He Huaijin turned to look at Jiu Yingying, paused for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Greetings to the Crown Princess."

His eyes lingered on Jiu Yingying's face with a complicated look. He thought he didn't care about Jiu Yingying at all and only treated her as an emotionless chess piece. However, during the three days of Jiu Yingying's marriage, he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

At night, he couldn't help wondering what Jiu Yingying and He Huailing were doing. Would He Huailing hold her in his arms and kiss her? When the love was strong, what kind of amazing beauty would Jiu Yingying's gorgeous face show?

Whenever he thought about it, he felt uncomfortable in his heart. He even couldn't help imagining how happy he would be now if he could successfully marry Jiu Yingying.

As he thought about it, he couldn't help but start to resent Emperor Jing and He Huailing. If it weren't for them, he would have married the beauty long ago. Why would he end up like this, sleeping alone?

He looked at Jiu Yingying in silence for a moment before he remembered to greet Madam Jiu and Qin one by one.

After the greetings, he noticed that everyone looked a little strange, and he couldn't help but feel that the atmosphere was getting even weirder.

He hesitated for a moment and asked, "I wonder why the prince suddenly called me here?"

He Huai Ling raised his eyes and said calmly: "It's not me who is looking for you, it's the Crown Princess who is looking for you."

He Huaijin's heart tightened, worried that Miss Jiu Yingying was in a bad mood and was deliberately causing trouble for He Huailing.

He looked up at Jiu Yingying fearfully, fearing that Jiu Yingying would tell He Huailing everything at all costs in order to be with him.

Jiu Yingying knew what he was thinking from his expression, and couldn't help but sneer and said, "Second Prince, I asked you to come here today not for myself, but for my second sister Jiu Hongdou."

He Huaijin was stunned and turned to look at Jiu Hongdou.

Jiu Hongdou looked up at him with red cheeks and smiled, then turned her head slightly with an ambiguous look.

He Huaijin couldn't help but be surprised. He and Jiu Hongdou had always pretended to be ordinary cousins, and this was the first time Jiu Hongdou showed such an expression in front of everyone.

Jiu Yingying said, "Second Prince, my second sister has been in love with you for many years, I believe you know something about it. I have nothing to do today, so I want to tie the knot for you two. I want to ask you to come over, just to ask if you are willing to marry my second sister?"

He Huaijin was shocked and was stunned when he looked at Jiu Yingying.

He stood there, unable to help but wonder if he was dreaming. Did he hear it wrong? Jiu Yingying was actually matchmaking for him and Jiu Hongdou?

He almost suspected that he had drunk too much yesterday and had not sobered up yet.

His expression changed, and he quickly bowed and said, "Princess, please don't misunderstand me. Hongdou and I are innocent and have absolutely no relationship, let alone any ambiguity. I don't know whose slander the Crown Princess believed. That person must have deliberately slandered me and Hongdou. He deserves death."

Jiu Hongdou was stunned, the shy smile on her face gradually faded, and she looked at him angrily.

Jiu Yingying said: "Second Prince is really good at joking, how can you have no relationship with Second Sister?"

He Huaijin was shocked, and just as he was about to explain in a panic, Jiu Yingying smiled and said, "You are cousins."

He Huaijin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, forced a smile, and said, "I was confused and forgot for a moment."

Jiu Yingying chuckled, "The Second Prince can even forget this, his memory is really bad, it's time for him to learn his lesson."

He Huaijin frowned slightly. He always felt that Jiu Yingying seemed to have something else to say, but he didn't have time to think about it so much. He could only nod hesitantly.

"Second Prince, I don't care what your relationship with my second sister is. Today I just want to know if you are willing to marry my second sister." Jiu Yingying pulled the corners of her mouth coldly, not wanting to see his hypocritical look. She turned her head and looked at Qin, saying, "Aunt, it's not convenient for me to say more about this matter. Let you tell me the specific reason."

Qin naturally wanted to tell He Huaijin about this matter herself to prevent Jiu Yingying from adding fuel to the fire. When she heard Jiu Yingying say this, she couldn't help but feel happy and stood up from the ground.

He Huaijin is her nephew. With her nephew's support, her back straightened unconsciously. She was no longer timid and became more confident.

She looked at He Huaijin and smiled, and said in a gentle and intimate voice: "Huaijin, I know that it was a bit unexpected to ask you to come here today. To be honest, the reason why I am so anxious to discuss your marriage with Hongdou is that there was a little accident..."

He Huaijin frowned, "What happened?"

Qin turned her head and glanced at He Huai Ling, and said with a somewhat resentful tone: "The thing is, Hongdou ran into the Third Young Master Liang when she went to the Liang Mansion to deliver something a few days ago. As you know, the Third Young Master Liang has always been fond of Hongdou. After he saw Hongdou, he insisted on pestering Hongdou and gave Hongdou a hairpin..."

She stopped talking and didn't say anything else. He Huaijin already knew about this. Jiu Hongdou had always looked down on Liang Ping and thought he was of low birth. It was after He Huaijin knew about this that he asked Jiu Hongdou to hold Liang Ping back first and not to rush to reject him.

He Huaijin also said that Liang Ping's father was the prefect of Beijing. Although the position of the prefect of Beijing was not particularly high, he had a lot of real power in his hands and he might be useful in the future, so Jiu Hongdou never directly rejected Liang Ping.

Qin and He Huaijin looked at each other, paused and said, "This matter happened to be seen by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. The Crown Princess said that if we want to conceal this matter, we can only let a powerful young man marry Hongdou as soon as possible to suppress this matter..."

She didn't say anything else. At this point, He Huaijin should have understood.

Although she hoped that He Huaijin could marry Jiu Hongdou as soon as possible, if she said it too directly, it would seem like she was in a hurry to marry her daughter off. Then she would not be able to hold her head up in front of Concubine Shu in the future. So she could not say it clearly and could only stop there.

He Huaijin naturally understood. He frowned, lowered his eyes to glance at Jiu Hongdou who was kneeling on the ground, with a conflicted look on his face.

Jiu Hongdou was gentle and obedient, and was indeed a suitable woman for him, and also a candidate for his future queen, but that was after he ascended the throne.

Now is the time for him to fight for power and profit. Jiuhongdou is of no use except helping him a little in secret.

If Jiu Hongdou becomes the prince's consort now, it will not help him in his power grab. Instead, it will become a burden to him. It is better to maintain the status quo.

Jiu Hongdou couldn't help getting nervous when she saw that He Huaijin didn't say anything for a long time.

She originally thought that He Huaijin would not hesitate and would definitely agree, but now seeing He Huaijin's reaction, she began to feel a little nervous.

She pursed her lips and called Qin uneasily, "Mother..."

Qin also became anxious. In the past, He Huaijin took advantage of Jiu Yingying and wanted to marry her, but they endured it for the sake of the overall situation in the future. Now that Jiu Yingying is married and there are no more obstacles, what is He Huaijin still hesitating about?

As a prince, He Huaijin will have to marry a wife sooner or later. Isn't it just perfect for him to marry Jiu Hongdou now?

She straightened her expression and said to He Huaijin in a friendly manner: "Huaijin, just think of it as helping Hongdou and your aunt, okay?"

He Huaijin opened his mouth to refuse, the word "no" slipped around his lips, and he swallowed it reluctantly.

He pursed his lips, hesitated, and took two steps back and forth under the gaze of everyone.

Jiu Hongdou's family has done a lot for him over the years. If he directly refuses, they will definitely be disappointed and may not help him again in the future.

Although he is now more powerful, Jiu Hongdou's family may have some evidence of his past crimes in their hands, and he cannot offend them.

But it is simply impossible for him to marry Jiu Hongdou now.

He knew that women were extremely jealous. Even though Jiu Yingying acted as if nothing had happened, she must be anxious and angry in her heart.

If he married Jiu Hongdou, Jiu Yingying would be heartbroken and would be irreconcilable with him from then on, and all his efforts over the years would be in vain.

Jiu Yingying deliberately called him here today, probably because she suspected his relationship with Jiu Hongdou and was testing him deliberately.

He did want to marry a prince's wife, but that person would definitely not be Jiu Hongdou. He wanted to find himself another prince's wife of noble birth, and that prince's wife must not lose to Jiu Yingying.

His background is not as good as He Huailing's, so his wife's status must not be lower than Jiu Yingying, otherwise he will lose to He Huailing even more.

The woman he chooses must be helpful to him, and he must not compromise on this matter.

He thought quickly in his mind and soon came up with an idea.

He stopped and said slowly, "I have been busy with official duties these years and have not thought about these romantic matters. My marriage cannot be decided by me. I have to consult my father. But my father has been busy with state affairs recently and I am afraid he has no time to take care of these trivial matters of mine. Let's talk about this later."

In other words, it's not the right time yet, so I refuse.

Jiu Yingying was not too surprised by his answer. Although she was curious about He Huaijin's choice, she had actually guessed the answer a long time ago and just wanted to confirm her guess with her own eyes.

Sure enough, He Huaijin was as hopelessly rotten as she thought, and not a man at all!

The author has something to say: He Huailing: If He Huaijin is not a man, then what is he?

Jiu Yingying: Of course it's the eunuch like my benefactor

He Huailing: ...

Chapter 89

When Jiu Hongdou heard what He Huaijin said, she lowered her eyes in disappointment. He Huaijin kept asking her to wait, but how long would she have to wait?

Qin said unwillingly: "Huai Jin, this matter concerns Hong Dou's reputation, you can't not help her!"

It was clearly He Huaijin who ordered Jiu Hongdou to do this, but now that something had happened, He Huaijin just ignored it. She couldn't help but feel a little resentful in her heart. She had been secretly helping Shufei and He Huaijin over the years, wasn't it for the future of her and her daughter?

He Huaijin's face darkened. "Marriage is not a joke. How can you make a decision with just a few words?"

Qin was stunned: "This... Then let's talk it over before making a decision. I will go to the palace now to talk to your mother about this matter. She has agreed before..."

"Aunt!" He Huai Ling interrupted her harshly, looking at Qin with cold eyes, and said coldly: "I said that I am busy with state affairs now and have no intention of getting married. Do you understand?"

Seeing He Huaijin so serious, Qin was suddenly silent.

Jiu Hongdou bit her lower lip in anger. This matter concerned her reputation, but He Huaijin chose to ignore her and made so many excuses. In the final analysis, he just didn't want to marry her!

Qin fell silent and dared not say anything more.

Although He Huaijin was her nephew, he was a prince after all and had a noble status, so he had not been very close to her since childhood.

If He Huaijin gave her face, she could still put on some airs as an aunt and say a few words in front of He Huaijin. If He Huaijin did not give her face, she would not dare to say a word.

Jiu Yingying supported her chin with one hand and looked at them. The expressions of each of them were brilliant and worth appreciating.

He Huai Ling peeled a lychee, handed it to her expressionlessly, and asked in a low voice: "Did you vent your anger?"

Jiu Yingying nodded with curved eyebrows, took the lychee from He Huailing's hand, chewed it and swallowed it, then leaned close to He Huailing's ear and said, "Refreshed!"

If it weren't for He Huailing, she wouldn't be able to see this good show today, so she decided to repay He Huailing well and keep the secret strictly for him and never tell anyone else that he was a good child who liked to sleep with the smell of fragrance.

He Huai Ling didn't know what Jiu Yingying meant by a 'good boy'. He couldn't help but chuckle as he felt Jiu Yingying's soft breath brushing against his ears when she spoke.

A sweet lychee flavor.

He Huai Ling looked at the lychees beside him and couldn't help but reach out and peel another one.

He Huaijin was somewhat angered by Qin's ignorance. He turned around and saw Jiu Yingying and He Huailing whispering to each other. He couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Jiu Yingying coughed softly and said softly, "If the Second Prince is unwilling to marry Second Sister, then what should we do about this matter?"

"Even if the Crown Prince and I helped my second sister conceal this matter, the ministers who followed the Crown Prince that day must have already seen what happened between my second sister and Mr. Liang. We don't know whether they will tell others."

"In my opinion, this matter cannot be concealed. If no powerful man is engaged to my second sister before the news spreads, what will happen after my second sister's reputation is ruined?"

These were the questions Jiu Hongdou wanted to ask, and Jiu Yingying asked them for her.

Jiu Hongdou thought about all the possibilities that might happen after the news spread, and could not help but lower her head and sob twice, her shoulders shaking, looking weak and innocent.

He Huaijin lowered his eyes and looked at Jiu Hongdou, and couldn't help but feel a trace of pity in his heart. He was a person who would not tolerate tough situations but would give in to soft measures.

Jiu Hongdou contacted Liang Ping only after following his instructions. Today's events made her suffer for him. Naturally, he felt reluctant to let Jiu Hongdou go, but he was silent for a while and still did not compromise.

Jiu Hongdou is innocent, but now is not the time to be soft-hearted. If he wants to achieve great things, he must be ruthless. At worst, he can compensate her more in the future. I believe she can understand.

When Qin saw Jiu Hongdou crying, she couldn't help but become anxious. He Huaijin had promised to marry her daughter in the future. Now it was just a little earlier, but He Huaijin was making excuses. So would he really marry Jiu Hongdou in the future?

She couldn't help but feel uneasy. If He Huaijin changed his mind at that time, where could they seek justice?

She hesitated for a while, and couldn't help but said, "Huai Jin, if Hong Dou's reputation is ruined, her life will be ruined. After all, you are her cousin, you can't help her!"

Jiu Mingxing recently married that mistress as a concubine. She is already unable to take care of herself. If Jiu Hongdou gets involved in another scandal, that concubine will really take over her.

He Huaijin had made up his mind and was not moved at all.

He looked at Jiu Hongdou and said meaningfully: "My cousin needs a good reputation so that she can marry a good husband in the future."

"On the other hand, if my cousin is sure to marry a good husband in the future, and that husband trusts my cousin and doesn't care about what others think, then whether my cousin has a good reputation or not is not that important."

"What's more, as long as the husband is powerful enough, no one would dare to gossip behind his back."

Jiu Hongdou knew what He Huaijin meant was that as long as he became emperor, no one would dare to spread those rumors anymore.

She raised her eyes and looked at He Huaijin with tears in her eyes, and said hesitantly: "Then what about my father..."

What she was most worried about was that Jiu Ming would force her to marry Liang Ping for the sake of face, and then she would not be able to live to see the day when He Huaijin became successful and came to marry her.

He Huaijin said readily: "I will help you explain to your uncle."

Jiu Hongdou felt slightly relieved, but still couldn't help feeling a little aggrieved.

However, she knew that she could not force a man like He Huaijin, otherwise it would only backfire.

He doesn't like strong women. The weaker she is, the more pity he feels for her.

Jiu Hongdou brewed his emotions for a while, his voice choked up, and his eyes were filled with tears.

She knows how to arouse a man's sympathy, which is her greatest advantage.

She sobbed softly, suppressing her tears, and said softly, "The Second Prince is of noble status, so his marriage should be handled with caution. Hongdou understands this and dares not embarrass the Second Prince."

Jiu Yingying knew her thoughts very well, so she just watched coldly and continued to eat the lychees handed to her by He Huailing. Those lychees were crystal clear and each one was more delicious than the other.

Seeing that Jiu Hongdou was so obedient and sensible, He Huaijin's tone softened. He liked women who were knowledgeable and interesting the most. As long as Jiu Hongdou didn't cause him trouble, he would not hesitate to give Jiu Hongdou some tenderness.

"Hongdou, if it's not yours, don't think about it. What's yours will be yours sooner or later. Don't be impatient. Reputation is false. As long as you have a clear conscience, people will naturally be willing to believe you."

Jiu Hongdou understood that He Huaijin was hinting to her that the position of queen would eventually be hers.

What she wanted was He Huaijin's promise.

She couldn't help but chuckle in her heart, raised her eyes slightly, and looked at He Huaijin. He Huaijin smiled at her gently, looking gentle and elegant, still the gentle cousin she usually was.

Jiu Hongdou couldn't help but burst into laughter, pretending that the unhappiness just now had never happened. She stretched out her hand to He Huaijin and said in a coquettish voice: "Cousin, Hongdou's legs are numb from kneeling, please help Hongdou up."

He Huaijin was stunned when he heard the words. He did not reach out his hand immediately. Instead, he looked back at Jiu Yingying cautiously. Seeing that Jiu Yingying's expression had not changed, he reached out and pulled Jiu Hongdou up from the ground.

Jiu Yingying couldn't help but silently "tsk tsk" twice. Men really fall for this kind of thing.

She couldn't help but turn her head and look at He Huai Ling.

He Huai Ling raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he knew what she was thinking, and whispered in her ear: "I don't like this."

Jiu Yingying asked with a smile: "What kind does His Royal Highness like?"

For such a long time, she hadn't seen He Huailing fall in love with anyone, so she couldn't help but feel curious.

He Huailing looked at Jiu Yingying's smiling face and couldn't help but be dazed.

When Jiu Yingying smiles, her lips are curved and her eyes are bright, like a lively little yellow oriole, cheerful and lively, making people happy when they see her.

But the little yellow warbler was not obedient at all. It was always flapping its wings and jumping around.

Jiu Yingying looked at He Huailing and said with a smile, "Does your Highness like a girl like Miss Liu who can hold a knife, chop people beautifully, and roar like a lion to make people roar ten meters away?"

When Jiu Yingying opened the door this morning, she saw Liu Xuru chasing Lu Chengfeng around the yard with a knife. She was really impressed by He Huailing, the legendary "lover". The image of Liu Xuru drawing the knife could not be erased from her mind.

He Huai Ling pursed his lips into a straight line and said unhappily, "Anyway, it's not like you."

Jiu Yingying: "..." She had the urge to step on someone again.

When He Huailing saw her expression, he quickly retracted his feet and took a sip of tea with lingering fear.

After Jiu Hongdou was helped up by He Huaijin, she smiled at him gently, lowered her head to straighten her clothes, and the panic and embarrassment on her face disappeared. In a moment, she returned to the appearance of a lady from a noble family.

She bowed to He Huaijin and said softly, "Hongdou was ignorant today. My cousin is busy with official duties and I troubled him to come here. Hongdou will not do this again in the future."

He Huaijin's attitude softened, he hummed softly, and said, "My cousin is frightened. I'll have someone send some calming tea to Jiufu later."

Jiu Hongdou was flattered, nodded in surprise, and smiled very sweetly.

Although Qin was unwilling to miss the opportunity in vain, she also understood that He Huaijin was not someone she could force, and the marriage had to be considered over a long period of time.

Jiu Hongdou looked at Jiu Yingying and smiled, "Sister, my cousin is right. I am upright and honest. I am not afraid of what others say. I don't care what others say."

Jiu Yingying said in a flat voice: "Second sister, it's OK as long as you don't regret it."

Since Jiu Hongdou was willing to risk everything, give up her reputation, and wait for He Huaijin to marry her, she naturally would not stop him.

Jiu Hongdou chose to place all her bets on He Huaijin, so she has to bear all the consequences. Whether He Huaijin is good or bad, she has to bear the consequences herself.

When Jiu Hongdou heard her words, she looked up at He Huaijin and said with a curved lip, "Of course I won't regret it."

"When we went to cram school as kids, our teacher told us on the first day that the one who laughs last wins."

"Sister, why don't you and I see who wins in the end?"

Jiuyingying smiled: "Yingying will wait and see."

Jiu Hongdou and Jiu Yingying looked at each other, and they both smiled at the same time.

It is still unknown who will win until the end.

Chapter 90

At night, Jiu Yingying sat in front of her dressing table, wiping her wet hair intermittently. She turned around and saw He Huailing lying on the bed on his side, supporting his head with one hand, his black hair hanging behind him, and his narrow eyes staring at her.

She raised her eyebrows and said with her red lips curved, "Could it be that the prince suddenly discovered that I am as beautiful as a flower, so he has been staring at me?"

He Huai Ling retracted his gaze, threw the book in his hand aside, and said, "I just suddenly realized that a woman's heart is like a needle in the sea."

"What do you mean?" Jiu Yingying asked.

He Huai Ling curled his lips and said with a half-smile, "I'm very curious, how did you manage to personally matchmake He Huai Jin and Jiu Hong Dou?"

He believed that there was no smoke without fire. There must have been something between Jiu Yingying and He Huaijin in the past. That feeling might not exist anymore, but it was surprising that Jiu Yingying could match He Huaijin and Jiu Hongdou without batting an eyelid.

Jiu Yingying didn't care, she combed her hair with a comb and said, "Just do it if you want to."

He Huailing said: "You know that's not what I meant."

"Then what do you mean?" Jiu Yingying pretended not to understand and said with a curved lip.

He Huai Ling frowned slightly, looked at her and said, "I thought you would take this opportunity to torture her or make things difficult for her in order to avenge Jiu Hongdou, but you chose to facilitate her marriage with He Huai Jin."

He paused and asked, "If He Huaijin agrees to this marriage today, how will you end it?"

Jiu Yingying raised her eyebrows slightly, "...I hope they will be together forever and never harm others?"

He Huailing: "..."

Jiu Yingying put down the comb, found a pink ribbon in her dressing box, loosely wrapped it around the black hair hanging behind her, tied up her hair, and casually tied a bow.

He Huai Ling's eyes unconsciously fell on the bow, swaying gently with the pink ribbon.

He Huai Ling's voice choked for a moment before he said, "Then aren't you making wedding clothes for others, but fulfilling Jiu Hongdou's wish?"

Jiu Yingying said without even turning her head: "Husband, relax a little. Sometimes you just need to do what you want to do. Just be happy. Why think so much?"

She said frankly: "I don't have any purpose, and you don't have to guess what I'm thinking. You just need to know that you and I are husband and wife now, and I will never harm you."

She turned her head and looked at He Huailing with a sweet smile. Her soft face was charming and beautiful under the candlelight. She had fair skin and black hair, and a sweet smile. Her eyes were full of charm and beauty.

He Huai Ling's gaze froze on her face for a moment, then he frowned and looked away, saying in a somewhat stiff tone, "I don't know if you will hurt me, but I know you will definitely spare no effort in seducing me."

He turned over and turned his back, "But I advise you to give up this thought as soon as possible... I can't do it."

Jiu Yingying was so angry that she almost vomited blood. She really wanted to poke He Huailing's chest and ask him what was wrong?

Unexpectedly, He Huailing was addicted to acting. He showed a lonely expression, glanced at Jiu Yingying, looked at his legs and sighed softly.

"......"Jiu Yingying was stunned and speechless.

The prince of Qingfeng Liangyue is very thick-skinned.

She looked at He Huailing's legs on the bed and suddenly an idea came to her.

She walked to the bed, looked at He Huailing's legs, and sighed softly, imitating what He Huailing had just done.

"My husband has lost feeling in his legs. When I think of this, I feel unbearable pain in my heart. But I believe that hard work pays off. As long as we work hard, we will recover one day."

He Huai Ling's whole body froze, and he looked back at Jiu Yingying's bright eyes. He suddenly had the urge to retract his legs. He forced himself to remain calm and said, "How hard do you want to try?"

Jiu Yingying grabbed his legs and held them in place, preventing him from moving.

She smiled and said softly, "Yingying's grandmother's legs and feet are not very good, so Yingying has learned massage from the doctor. Why not let Yingying massage your husband a few times? Yingying believes that if you persist in doing so for a period of time, it will be effective."

He Huailing refused without thinking, "No thanks."

Jiu Yingying did not give him the chance to refuse. She sat down on the edge of the bed, put He Huailing's legs on her own legs, and rubbed them with her hands.

He Huailing's leg muscles are strong and powerful. They feel hard and tight to the touch, and are full of strength.

Jiu Yingying's hands deliberately wandered over his legs, massaging and secretly tickling him, and asked with a suppressed smile in her voice, "How do you feel, husband? Are you aware?"


Jiu Yingying smiled and said, "Then Yingying needs to continue to work hard."

Keep working hard to find your sweet spot.

He Huailing's eyes fell on Jiu Yingying's hands. Her hands were soft and smooth. He had just played with them during the day.

Now these soft little hands were playing with his legs all over, making people's heart flutter.

Jiu Yingying was still unaware of herself. She rubbed He Huailing's calves and pinched his thighs.

He Huai Ling's eyes sank silently, and he stared at Jiu Yingying's hand carefully.

"How do you feel, husband?"

"Can you feel anything here? Will it hurt if I pinch you?"

"Is this comfortable?"

"Husband? Husband?"

Jiu Yingying waited for a long time without waiting for He Huailing's answer. She raised her head and glared at him in dissatisfaction, frowned, and called out again: "Your Highness!"

He Huai Ling came back to his senses and coughed softly, "No need. My legs are already useless and the imperial doctors are helpless. Don't waste your time."

Jiu Yingying would not let him go easily. The more he said this, the more interesting it became.

Her hands lingered all over He Huailing's legs, scratching left and right, rubbing, and whispered softly: "Husband, you must have confidence in yourself, let's work hard together!"

Jiu Yingying felt that she was truly a wonderful lady in the world.

He Huailing: "..."

Jiu Yingying kneaded it for a while, then recalled what happened during the day, and pretended to remind him casually: "I have never seen Liang Ping, has your husband ever seen him?"

He Huai Ling managed to calm himself down and replied, "I met her once before at Old Madam Song's birthday party."

"Old Madam Song..." Jiu Yingying pondered for a moment, pretending to be enlightened, "By the way, Old Madam Song's grandson Song Minglang used to be your study partner."

He Huailing was no longer surprised that Jiu Yingying knew so much about him. He just raised his eyebrows slightly and his attention unconsciously returned to Jiu Yingying's hand.

Jiu Yingying must have learned massage. Her strength was neither too light nor too heavy, and her control was just right. The massage was very comfortable.

He usually pretended to be lame and couldn't move his legs and feet often, so he was actually not feeling very well. After Jiu Yingying's massage, his legs did feel a lot more comfortable.

Jiu Yingying continued to remind meaningfully: "Liang Ping likes my second sister so much, and he is Song Minglang's cousin, it is really fate."

After this incident, Jiu Hongdou should draw a clear line between herself and Liang Ping, but just in case, Jiu Yingying still wants to give him a few words of warning to prevent Song Minglang from being thrown into jail again.

He Huailing raised his eyes and looked at Jiu Yingying inquiringly. He felt that Jiu Yingying seemed to want to remind him to tell Song Minglang to be careful of Liang Ping.

But in the eyes of everyone, he and Song Minglang have fallen out and should have no connection with each other anymore. Jiu Yingying cannot possibly know that Song Minglang is still his.

He didn't know if he was overthinking it.

Jiu Yingying stopped talking and didn't say anything else. He Huailing was a smart man and naturally knew that he should be on guard against Liang Ping.

He Huailing lowered his eyes and looked at Jiu Yingying, who was still unaware of the massage on his thigh root, and his forehead couldn't help but twitch.

Unable to bear it any longer, he grabbed Jiu Yingying's hand that was making trouble and squeezed her palm hard as if to punish her.

Jiu Yingying's smile froze. She looked at the red mark that suddenly appeared on her hand and said unhappily, "You hurt me!"

He Huailing's hands had been holding knives and guns for years, so there was a thin layer of calluses on his fingertips, and he had no control over his strength. He looked down and saw that Jiu Yingying's hands had indeed been pressed red by him.

He withdrew his hand awkwardly, looked at the red mark on the back of Jiu Yingying's hand, felt a little regretful and anxious, frowned and said: "...squeamish."

He had never seen skin so tender. It felt as smooth as tofu and turned red at the slightest touch.

"You are the pampered one." Jiu Yingying snorted softly, lowered her head and rubbed her hands aggrievedly.

He Huai Ling had been in the military camp for too long, and he had no mercy on women. He was always rough with his hands and feet. In the previous life, the two had many misunderstandings because of this. Jiu Yingying thought he was hurting her on purpose, and He Huai Ling thought she was deliberately making trouble.

He Huai Ling frowned even more tightly when he saw her pitiful appearance of rubbing her hands with her head down. After hesitating for a while, he pulled her hand back irritably, softened his movements, and gently rubbed her palms.

Jiu Yingying: "..."

He Huailing's movements were so light, as if she was a fragile white porcelain vase. Even tickling her was not as light as his.

Jiu Yingying looked at He Huailing's cautious appearance and couldn't help but hold back her laughter.

She shook her head helplessly, put her other hand on He Huailing's hand, rubbed it twice, and taught: "It's just right to rub it with this much force."

He Huai Ling looked at the two people's folded hands and was stunned for a moment. Jiu Yingying's hands were much smaller than his. His hands should be able to wrap Jiu Yingying's hands completely in his palms.

At this moment he even had the urge to try it, but fortunately he came to his senses in time and pulled his hand out.

He frowned, thinking that his previous thought was a little unbelievable, and said stiffly: "You can rub it yourself, I want to sleep."

Jiu Yingying looked at his moody appearance and became angry again. She couldn't help but pick up the pillow next to her and hit him hard with it.

He Huailing was stunned by the pillow. He blinked slightly and turned to look at Jiu Yingying in surprise.

This was the first time in his life that he had been beaten by a woman.

Jiu Yingying didn't even look at him, she climbed into the bed angrily, turned her head and lay down on the inside, pulled the quilt over, covered her shoulders with it, turned her back to He Huailing, and rolled herself up in the quilt like an ostrich.

He Huai Ling remained shocked and silent for a while. Then he reached out and tugged at her exposed pink ribbon, "Hey!"

Jiu Yingying reached out and pulled the hairband back without looking back, held it in her hand, and retreated back into the quilt.

He Huai Ling looked at her angry appearance and said with some amusement: "Stop it."

Jiu Yingying thought about it, but still felt unsatisfied, so she quickly reached out her hand to check above her head and pulled the sachet hanging beside the bed into the quilt.

He Huailing watched her series of actions, "..."

He was surprised for a while, and when Jiu Yingying was about to fall asleep, he couldn't help but reach out and poke her back, whispering: "Give me back the sachet."

Jiu Yingying snorted softly and held the sachet tighter.

"It's late, go to bed."

Jiu Yingying rolled inside the quilt with her eyes tightly closed. No matter how He Huailing poked her, she didn't respond, proving with her actions that she had fallen asleep.

He Huailing looked at her chubby back, feeling helpless and puzzled.

When they were at the Falan Temple, Jiu Yingying seemed to be very afraid of him. How come she has become more and more lawless since she got married?

...Is it true that he is spoiled because of his favor? Did he favor Jiu Yingying?

He Huailing looked at the exposed back of Jiu Yingying's head and fell into self-doubt. He was silent for a while and walked back helplessly.

He lay on his back on the bed and closed his eyes gently. He thought that without the sachet, he would have a sleepless night, but after lying down for a while, he felt sleepy.

The scent of the crabapple on Jiu Yingying's body lingered between his nostrils. Usually, there was a sachet hanging on the head of his bed, and the scent of Jiu Yingying's crabapple was not so pure and obvious. Now without the disturbance of the sachet, the scent of Jiu Yingying's body spread naturally, and it was even better than usual.

He smelled the light fragrance and fell asleep unknowingly. He actually had a good night's sleep.

Before he fell asleep, he thought vaguely that he would ask someone to make the pillows in the room softer tomorrow, and also to make the soles of Jiu Yingying's shoes softer.

The author has something to say: He Huailing tugged at the pink ribbon on Jiu Yingying's head, "Hey!"

Jiu Yingying turned her head abruptly, glared at him and said, "First, don't pull my hairband, and second, I'm not calling you hello, I'm Jiu Yingying!"
