
Chapter 67

Jiuyingying had a dreamless night, and the morning sun was bright, with birds singing and flowers blooming.

In the twenty-first year of Jingyuan, on the eighth day of the sixth lunar month, it is a good day for getting married, praying for blessings, breaking down houses, traveling, and making alliances.

Jiu Yingying woke up in the general's mansion, opened the carved window, faced the bright sunshine, and stretched lazily.

She is getting married.

Marry her husband from her previous life, that bastard who pretended to be lame.

The wedding dowry was sent to the Eastern Palace yesterday. Without Qin's interference, Jiu Yixing put all of Jiu Yingying's favorite and valuable gold and silver jewelry into the dowry.

Yesterday, dozens of boxes of dowry were loaded heavily on a carriage and sent from the General's Mansion to the Eastern Palace in a grand procession, attracting the attention of countless people along the way:

Everyone said that General Jiu was really generous to his daughter. They had never seen anyone who doted on his daughter so much.

Jiu Yingying looked at the bright sunshine, smiled, and called the maid to come in and serve her.

When the Ninth Old Lady heard that she had woken up, she quickly came over. She was dressed festively today, with a bright red jacket on the outside and a light-colored peony skirt on the inside, and a green agate necklace around her neck. She looked wealthy and kind.

Everyone had moved into the new mansion for many days and had already adapted to it. There was harmony in the house, without the trivial worries and intrigues of the past. The Ninth Old Lady was much more energetic than before, and the maids and servants were also more cheerful than before, and everyone had a relaxed smile on their face.

After Chun Xing and Li Bai came in, they hurriedly helped Jiu Yingying wash her face, change into wedding clothes, and put on makeup.

The Ninth Old Lady watched silently. She saw her granddaughter grow from an ignorant little girl into the graceful young lady she is today. She felt both gratified and reluctant to let her go.

When dressing up, the Ninth Old Lady took the jade comb from the matchmaker and combed Jiu Yingying's hair herself.

Madam Nine stood behind Jiu Yingying, combing Jiu Yingying's hair with a jade comb. Jiu Yingying's hair was black and smooth, and felt very good to the touch, like the finest silk, smooth and delicate.

Madam Jiu looked through the bronze mirror at Jiu Yingying's bright and beautiful face, and chuckled with some emotion, "Yingying, the last time I combed your hair was when you were a 15-year-old. I didn't expect that you would get married so soon."

Jiu Yingying smiled and lowered her head with a blushing face. When she got married in her previous life, she had a conflict with her grandmother. This was the first time that her grandmother combed her hair on the wedding day. She was curious and shy.

Old Lady Jiu looked at Jiu Yingying's shy appearance and wanted to cry. She was always reluctant to let her granddaughter get married, but today was a happy day. She knew she should be happy and not bring bad luck, so she tried hard to hold back her tears.

The Ninth Old Lady gently warned, "Yingying, after you marry the Crown Prince, you must be diligent and polite, respect your superiors and subordinates. As the Crown Princess, you must be considerate of the people and serve your husband. You must be sensible and follow the rules of etiquette and not act rashly."

"Don't worry, grandma. Yingying understands." Jiu Yingying nodded gently. She felt a little sad when listening to her grandmother's teachings.

She listened attentively, taking every word of her grandmother's instructions seriously.

The Ninth Old Lady smiled and touched the top of Ninth Yingying's head, "Grandmother believes Yingying will be able to do well."

Jiuyu pushed open the door and rushed in. He was wearing a red brocade suit today and a crown on his head. He looked fierce and cute.

Jiuyu held a "囍" character in his hand, his face full of joy. After he walked into the room, he saw Jiu Yingying putting on her makeup, so he lay obediently on the table next to him, staring at Jiu Yingying intently, "Sister, you are so beautiful."

Jiu Yingying looked at him with a smile, "Ayu has grown up and is already a little man. When sister is not at home, you have to take good care of grandma, understand?"

Jiuyu nodded vigorously and said in a clear voice: "I will! Sister."

He pursed his lips and said, "You have to come back to visit us more often, sister. I can't bear to leave you."

Madam Jiu looked at the lost Jiuyu with amusement and said, "Your sister lives in the capital, just two streets away. If you miss her, go see her."

"Is it okay?" Jiuyu's eyes lit up.

Jiu Yingying smiled, "Of course, Ah Yu can go anytime she wants."

Jiuyu immediately cheered happily, and all the worries he had just had were instantly thrown away. He heard that the Eastern Palace was particularly scary, but as long as his elder sister was there, he was no longer afraid.

Not only was he not afraid, he also wanted to go explore and see if the East Palace was really as scary as the rumors said.

Madam Jiu moved quickly. With her grandson and granddaughter chatting and laughing with her, her sour feeling of reluctance was diluted a lot. She laughed heartily and unknowingly had combed Jiu Yingying's bun.

Li Bai had been standing by and handed over the brocade box with a smile. The Ninth Old Lady took out the phoenix hairpin from it, took a look at it, and carefully put it on Jiu Yingying's head.

"Yingying, from today on, you are the Crown Princess. You must shoulder your responsibilities. Grandmother believes that you can do well. No matter what position you are in or what your identity is, you can do well."

Jiu Yingying nodded slightly. She faced the bronze mirror, looked at the phoenix hairpin on her head, and smiled gently.

In both of her lives, she married the same man, and she always wore this hairpin on her head when she got married.

When the auspicious time arrived, Jiu Yingying was helped out. When she stepped over the threshold, she saw Jiu Yixing standing outside the door with red eyes full of reluctance.

Jiu Yixing met his daughter's gaze and wiped his face with his hand in embarrassment. Being a tough guy, he was not used to showing weakness in front of his daughter.

Jiu Yingying's eyes were filled with tears. She couldn't help but went forward to hug her father, then turned around and hugged her grandmother and A-Yu. She looked at them with tears in her eyes and said softly with a choked voice, "Don't worry, Yingying will be fine."

She bowed her head and bowed deeply, her tears falling on the hem of her red skirt, leaving a small patch of water.

In this life, she will live a good life and let her family live a good life.

"Okay." Jiu Yixing smiled with red eyes, covered Jiu Yingying with a red veil personally, and sent her to the bridal sedan.

The gongs and drums were beating and the firecrackers were blasting.

The general's mansion was filled with common people. Everyone loved the great general who defended the country and was very concerned about his daughter. They all came to offer their blessings.

After all, everyone couldn't help but feel sympathetic when they thought about the fact that the young lady of the general's mansion was marrying the prince. They couldn't help but worry that the gloomy and irritable prince would hurt Miss Liu. They could only pray in their hearts, hoping that Miss Nine would be safe and that everything would go well after her marriage.

The second branches of the Jiu family stood in the crowd, all of them with smiles on their faces, but their eyes were filled with resentment as they looked at Jiu Yingying.

They are all waiting for the day when Jiu Yingying falls from the sky into the mud. When that time comes, they will definitely step on her hard a few times and make Jiu Yingying regret it for the rest of her life!

Jiu Yingying didn't know what everyone was thinking, nor did she want to care what everyone was thinking. She sat quietly in the eight-treasure sedan chair. Although she was reluctant to leave home, she didn't shed another tear.

In her previous life, when she married He Huailing, she cried all the way and ended up with a miserable ending.

She didn't want to cry again in this life, so she voluntarily married He Huailing and became a shield for He Huailing to confuse the world. She was willing and happy to do so.

She only hoped that after He Huai Ling ascended the throne, he would give her a chance to live and protect her family. Then she would be satisfied.

At that time, the worst that could happen is that she would find a reason to go to a Taoist temple and spend the rest of her life with Buddhists and green lamps. She had no objection to who He Huailing wanted to make the queen, and it had nothing to do with her.

The sedan chair swayed all the way to the East Palace before it stopped.

Jiu Yingying had a red veil on her head and could not see anything. She could only hear festive firecrackers and noise coming from outside. The sedan chair was kicked a few times, and then Jiu Yingying was led to the sedan door.

According to the marriage process, the groom should have carried the bride in on his back. According to the old rules, the bride's feet could not touch the ground when she got married. However, He Huailing had a "disease" in his legs and was obviously unable to carry Jiu Yingying. He had to ask his brother to carry Jiu Yingying into the East Palace on his behalf.

Jiu Yingying clearly remembered that in her previous life, it was He Huaijin who carried her in instead of He Huailing.

At that time, she cried all the way, and foolishly thought that she and He Huaijin were a pair of ill-fated lovers who were forcibly separated. The reason why God arranged for He Huaijin to carry her into the East Palace was to fulfill their fate.

Jiu Yingying: "..." Now that I think about it, I really want to beat myself up.

She waited for a moment, and just like in her previous life, He Huaijin squatted down in front of her and said in a low voice: "I will carry the emperor's wife to the East Palace on behalf of my brother."

There were whispering sounds all around, and many people were watching them silently, trying to find out if there was really something fishy going on between them.

Jiu Yingying smiled sarcastically under her red veil. She would never have anything to do with He Huaijin again in her life. Even if He Huaijin touched her, she would feel extremely disgusted.

She straightened up, looked forward, and said in a loud voice: "Today is the wedding of Yingying and the Crown Prince. Yingying dare not trouble the Emperor. If the Crown Prince cannot carry Yingying into the East Palace, then Yingying will go in by herself."

He Huaijin had already squatted down, but when he heard her words, he straightened up awkwardly. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when he noticed the looks from the people around him, he forced himself not to speak and had to obediently step aside.

Someone will definitely report to Emperor Jing about what happened at today's wedding banquet. The less he does, the less mistakes he will make. Although he doesn't know why Jiu Yingying suddenly rejected him, now is obviously not the right time for him to ask more questions.

The matchmaker next to Jiu Yingying couldn't help but get anxious when she heard this, and said anxiously, "Crown Princess, according to the rules, the bride's feet cannot touch the ground. If you walk into the East Palace, your feet will definitely touch the ground. This is against the rules."

"Rules are dead, but people are alive. It's okay to bend them occasionally."

The matchmaker shook her head vigorously, disagreeing, "That's absolutely not allowed! The rules are passed down by our ancestors. If you don't follow them, it will be unlucky. When we hold weddings in the royal family, we pay attention to the word rules. We must not break the rules."

"As long as Yingying and the prince are in harmony, everything will be fine. Why should we stick to rigid rules? And how can there be anything unlucky?" Jiu Yingying said in a firm voice that would not tolerate any rebuttal.

The matchmaker was speechless and extremely anxious, not knowing what to do. In her life, she had always given brides instructions according to the rules and had never met such a rebellious bride.

The wind blew Jiu Yingying's fiery red skirt, making her look like a phoenix spreading its wings ready to fly. Although she couldn't see other people, everyone was looking at her, and everyone's eyes were filled with slight surprise.

They have always heard that Jiu Yingying is the most beautiful woman in the capital, but few people have seen her. Although everyone has not seen Jiu Yingying's appearance now, just by listening to her voice and looking at her figure, they feel that she must be an extremely beautiful woman.

Only now did they understand what "beauty lies in the bones, not in the skin" meant. A true beauty is beautiful in every frown, smile, movement and stillness; even the corners of her clothes seem exceptionally delicate and beautiful.

Jiu Yingying stood there calmly under everyone's gaze, waiting for the matchmaker to lead the way for her.

She didn't know that He Huai Ling was sitting in a wheelchair not far in front of her, just looking at her silently without saying a word.

He Huai Ling stared at her for a while, then suddenly curled his lips, and under the gaze of everyone, he reached out and pulled her into his arms.

Jiu Yingying was startled for nothing and could not help but scream, then fell into He Huailing's arms. The people around her also gasped.

He Huai Ling's voice was close to Jiu Yingying's ears, and it sounded a little low, "If the Crown Princess doesn't mind, I, a cripple, will personally carry the Crown Princess into the East Palace."

When Jiu Yingying heard his voice, she puffed her lips in frustration. It turned out that He Huailing was here, and he hadn't said a word just now. He was really bad.

She glared at He Huailing angrily through the red veil, found a comfortable position to sit on He Huailing's legs, and hugged He Huailing's neck with both hands. Her movements were so skillful and natural that He Huailing couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

He Huaijin stood in the crowd, silently looking at Jiu Yingying who was held in He Huailing's arms. He took a step forward unconsciously. He frowned slightly, and silently retracted his foot.

At this moment he couldn't help feeling a little lost, but he quickly cheered up. If he could only choose one between the country and the beauty, he would choose the country.

Seeing that the problem was solved, the matchmaker smiled with great joy, took the red silk and stuffed it into the hands of Jiu Yingying and He Huailing. Jiu Yingying and He Huailing each held one end of the red silk in their hands, and were connected together by a red silk, just like their fate for the rest of their lives, destined to be connected together and could never be separated.

Jiu Yingying sat on He Huailing's lap and was pushed into the East Palace amid the sound of firecrackers and congratulations.

Jiu Yingying hugged He Huailing's neck and sighed slightly in her heart.

As the saying goes, if you marry a chicken, you follow the chicken; if you marry a dog, you follow the dog. If you marry a man who pretends to be lame, you can only sit in a wheelchair together.

Chapter 68

"Bow to heaven and earth."

Jiu Yingying lowered her eyes and through the gap under the red veil, she could see He Huailing being helped to kneel down.

They both bowed together.

"Bow to your parents."

Emperor Jing came to the East Palace in person and sat in the seat of honor. The Queen had passed away, so the seat next to her was empty. Even if Concubine Shu was favored, she could not sit in the seat of honor with Emperor Jing in such an occasion, let alone accept He Huailing's kneeling.

"Husband and wife bow to each other."

Jiu Yingying turned around and lowered her eyes slightly. She could see He Huailing's hands hanging at his sides, with white fingers and round nails.

She vaguely remembered that before she died in her previous life, He Huailing used these hands to wipe the blood from the corner of her lips.

She was already extremely weak at the time, and because of the painful torture of the poison, all her senses seemed to be magnified several times.

She could feel that He Huailing's movements were exceptionally gentle, as if she was an easily broken porcelain doll. She was so careful that her fingers were even trembling slightly.

He Huai Ling kept calling her name.

She was gradually losing consciousness at that time. Before closing her eyes, she tried hard to open them wide, wanting to take another look at He Huailing.

She used all her remaining strength to look up, only to find that the usually cold and noble Crown Prince had already had red eyes. A crystal tear rolled down from his eyes and landed on Jiu Yingying's face, heavy with weight.

The touch of that tear was extremely vivid, cool yet warm, like a plump pearl, rolling down with silent tenderness. This was Jiu Yingying's last memory of her previous life.

Jiu Yingying came back to her senses and smiled with curved lips.

For that tear, she was willing to marry He Huailing again.

Her eyes moved and she bowed to He Huailing.

In her previous life, she caused chaos in the Eastern Palace, and in this life, she wanted to see He Huailing ascend to the throne with her own eyes.

"The ceremony is over! Send her to the bridal chamber!"

Everyone couldn't help but applaud and cheer, and the atmosphere was joyful and lively.

Jiu Yingying was supported and walked to the backyard. There were many people gathered along the way. She was led to the bridal chamber by the matchmaker.

When Jiu Yingying was about to step over the threshold, a foot suddenly stretched out from the side.

Jiu Yingying lowered her eyes, looked at the familiar embroidered shoes in front of her, and couldn't help but smile.

She knew without looking that these were Liu Xuru's shoes. In her previous life, when she stepped over the threshold, Liu Xuru suddenly stretched out her foot and tripped her, causing her to lose a lot of face.

She was already in a bad mood at the time, so she naturally couldn't hold back her anger. She got up and tore off the red veil. After seeing Liu Xuru's smiling face, the two of them became enemies and had a fight on the wedding day.

Although Liu Xuru had practiced martial arts, she had always disdained bullying the weak, so when she fought with Jiu Yingying, she didn't use any martial arts at all. The two of them just relied on brute force to pull each other's hair, and in the end, Jiu Yingying's wedding dress was almost torn to pieces by Liu Xuru.

He Huai Ling saw Emperor Jing off in the front yard before rushing over. When he saw what was happening to the two of them, he laughed so happily, completely gloating, and had no intention of helping them resolve the conflict.

Even for a long time afterwards, He Huailing treated their quarrels as after-dinner entertainment. After enjoying them for a while, he would go to the study to do his official business.

Jiu Yingying expressed her contempt for his bad taste.

This time Jiu Yingying was prepared. She pretended not to see Liu Xuru's feet and continued to move forward. However, this time she was not tripped, but kicked on Liu Xuru's feet.

A muffled groan suddenly came from the side, and Liu Xuru gasped in pain.

"Sister Xuru, what's wrong with you?" a female voice asked next to her.

"...It's okay." There was a hint of gritted teeth in Liu Xuru's voice.

"Why is your face pale? Why are you sweating? Are you hot?"

Liu Xuru was overwhelmed by the questions, but her feet were hurting so much that she couldn't speak. She could only keep gasping for air.

Jiu Yingying curled her lower lip and moved her feet away. Although she couldn't see, she could guess that Liu Xuru's face was probably blue now.

She walked into the house as if nothing had happened. Everyone happily made noises for a while and then dispersed. After He Huailing's legs were crippled, his temper became unstable. No one dared to come to the bridal chamber to make trouble, so she got a moment of peace.

She sat on the big red wedding bed. There were dates and longans on the mattress beneath her. It was a bit uncomfortable to sit on.

She had been married twice and had some experience, so she was not nervous. It was just that the phoenix crown on her head was a little heavy, and she wanted to find a place to lean on.

The matchmaker beside her kept nagging about things to pay attention to after getting married. She felt a little drowsy listening to her and leaned against the head of the bed with her eyes half closed.

When the matchmaker saw her leaning against the bed, she screamed anxiously, "Crown Princess, you can't do that! You can't sleep. You still have to drink the wedding wine with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and help him go to bed! Your clothes will get wrinkled if you lean like this."

She was so worried that her hair almost turned white. The Crown Princess never played by the rules, and she had to be alert all the time, fearing that she would cause trouble.

Jiu Yingying was helpless because of her noise, so she had to straighten up and sit down obediently.

Jiu Yingying was just raising her hand to hold the phoenix crown out of boredom when she heard the matchmaker and maids beside her shouting in unison, "Welcome to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

She put her hands down and waited for He Huailing to pick out a red veil for her.

After He Huai Ling walked into the room, it suddenly became quiet. Everyone was silent, no one dared to speak, and even their breathing slowed down a lot.

Jiu Yingying couldn't help wanting to laugh. She was also a little scared when she saw He Huailing for the first time after getting married. Later she found that He Huailing was still the same He Huailing. He would laugh when he was happy and would just sulk when he was angry. He was not as scary as the rumors said.

Speaking of which, the reason why Jiu Yingying caused such chaos in the Eastern Palace in her previous life was inseparable from He Huailing's indulgence.

He Huailing's wheelchair stopped in front of Jiu Yingying. He didn't say anything. He just stared at Jiu Yingying in silence, not knowing what he was thinking.

Jiu Yingying let him look at her and still held the phoenix crown on her head with her hand, sighing silently in her heart. The phoenix crown looked gorgeous and beautiful, shining with gold and inlaid with many precious pearls, but it was really too heavy.

"Your Highness, please use the wedding scale to lift the bridal veil, and you will be happy from now on." Although the matchmaker's voice sounded a little nervous, she was still cheerful.

Jiu Yingying waited quietly for a moment, her eyes blurred, the red veil was lifted up, the dim light dissipated, and the scene in front of her became bright again.

She looked up and saw He Huailing sitting in a wheelchair in a bright red wedding dress, a jade crown tied high on his head, a long robe with wide sleeves, a brocade jade pendant tied around his waist, and a weight in his hand. He looked handsome, noble and suave.

Jiu Yingying: "..." Although she had seen him once, she was still dazzled by He Huailing's handsomeness.

He Huailing was also looking at her. When Jiu Yingying raised her eyes, her clear eyes were shimmering with water, her eyebrows were picturesque, her red lips were delicate, and her red dress was dazzling. Her cheeks were white and bright, making her look like the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady who was not involved in the worldly world. She was bright and charming.

He Huai Ling was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses, calmly looked away, and put the weight back on the tray.

When he looked back again, his face had returned to its frosty look. His Crown Princess was indeed the most beautiful woman in the capital and had an enchanting appearance. Unfortunately, she was just a shield.

The matchmaker personally brought two cups of sake over and said with a smile on her face, "Crown Prince, Crown Princess, please drink the wedding wine and live in love until the end of your lives."

Jiu Yingying smiled without saying anything. He Huaijin took the wine glasses and handed one of them to Jiu Yingying. With their arms crossed, they drank the wine in tacit understanding. After drinking, they looked at each other in silence and put down their glasses at the same time.

The wedding candles in the room were burning brightly, and the matchmaker said many festive words. After she had said all the festive words she knew, she repeatedly reminded them that the peanuts and dates on the bed must not be removed, as those peanuts meant giving birth to a son soon, which would help them have a son soon and expand the royal family.

Jiu Yingying smiled. These things were of no use to them, but they were good for eating.

She reached out and touched her stomach, "..." Well, she was indeed a little hungry.

She waited for the matchmaker to finish, then turned to look at He Huailing and said pitifully, "Prince, I'm hungry."

He Huai Ling looked up in surprise. He didn't expect that Jiu Yingying's first words after getting married would be this.

He thought Jiu Yingying might make a fuss or cry, but he didn't expect Jiu Yingying to be so calm and only think about having a full meal.

...seems to be easy to raise.

He Huai Ling raised his eyebrows and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

"Fish porridge." Jiu Yingying answered without hesitation.

He Huai Ling turned to the eunuch behind him and ordered: "The Crown Princess is hungry. Bring whatever is in the kitchen to her."

The eunuch in charge looked at Jiu Yingying cautiously, lowered his head and said, "Yes."

Jiu Yingying: "..." He bullies me on the first day of marriage. I can't live like this!

She turned around angrily and asked Chun Xing to take off her phoenix crown.

Chun Xing walked forward with her head lowered, not daring to look at He Huailing. She lowered her eyes and helped Jiu Yingying take off the phoenix crown on her head. After putting the phoenix crown down, Jiu Yingying couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and reached out to rub her head.

The eunuch in charge brought the meal up quickly. Jiu Yingying's stomach was rumbling with hunger and she didn't care whether it was her favorite fish porridge or not. She sat down at the table impatiently.

She reached out and opened the lid of the jar. The aroma of fish porridge wafted into her face. Her eyes lit up and she looked at the eunuch in surprise.

The eunuch in charge smiled and said respectfully, "My princess, the fish porridge is being warmed up in the kitchen at the perfect temperature."

Jiu Yingying couldn't help but glance at He Huailing, and the eunuch in charge smiled and lowered his voice and said, "The prince knows."

Jiu Yingying couldn't help but smile with her hands covering her lips. The eunuch's name was Lai Fu, and he was the managing eunuch in the East Palace. He was not only capable but also eloquent. Jiu Yingying had a good impression of him in her previous life, and she liked him even more in this life.

He Huai Ling raised his eyes and glanced at Lai Fu, "I heard it."

"..." Lai Fu quickly stopped talking, made a gesture to shut up, bowed and retreated.

Jiu Yingying also served He Huailing some fish porridge and put it on the table, "Prince, you've been busy all day, you should eat something too."

On an occasion like today, He Huailing must have been busy entertaining the guests and probably didn't eat much.

He Huai Ling stared at her, and he realized that Jiu Yingying was really not afraid of him at all. Not only that, she was even a bit presumptuous.

Jiu Yingying didn't care whether He Huailing ate or not. After serving him a bowl of porridge, she picked up the spoon and started eating impatiently.

After taking a spoonful of fish porridge, she couldn't help but squint her eyes slightly. The porridge was at just the right temperature, the fish fillets were soft and smooth, and the rice porridge was glutinous and fragrant. She didn't know if it was because she was extremely hungry, but she always felt that this bowl of fish porridge was particularly delicious. After she took a few bites, she couldn't help but feel relaxed.

He Huailing looked at her for a while. Seeing that she was eating so happily, he suddenly felt a little hungry for some reason.

He pushed his wheelchair over and picked up the spoon silently.

Jiu Yingying pretended not to see it and continued to drink the porridge with relish. After a busy day, she could finally take a break.

The room was filled with a faint smell of fish. The palace maids in the room looked at the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess sitting together drinking porridge, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

They had thought that the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess would make a lot of noise tonight, but they didn't expect them to be so harmonious.

It seems that their worries may be unnecessary, and life in the Eastern Palace will not be as difficult as they imagined.

Chun Xing also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She had originally thought that the prince looked extremely vicious, but she had not expected that he was such a gentle and kind young man. The fear and worry in her heart were reduced a lot.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. The atmosphere in the room suddenly became much more relaxed, and even the burning wedding candles became brighter than before.

The author has something to say: He Huailing: It is a blessing to have a wife who can eat

Chapter 69

After eating the fish porridge, Jiu Yingying strolled around the house for a while and then went to take a bath next door. There was a natural hot spring in the bathroom next door. The hot spring water was smooth and clear, and it was very comfortable to soak in. She always liked it.

She soaked for a long time, and when she returned to the room, He Huailing had already taken a shower.

He was wearing a light-colored shirt and sitting on the bed with a book in his hand. The room was very quiet. The servants were very careful when putting things away. It was obvious that the rules of the Eastern Palace were very strict.

Jiu Yingying didn't follow so many rules. She put on her shoes and socks, hummed a song, sat in front of the bronze mirror, lowered her head slightly, picked up a handkerchief and began to wipe her hair.

He Huai Ling frowned slightly and looked up from the book. Jiu Yingying was wearing a light red shirt. She had a graceful figure and a slender waist. Her whole body was filled with moisture. Her long black hair hung down behind her, revealing her small white ears.

As he listened to Jiu Yingying's gentle and soft singing, he suddenly realized that no matter whether the Crown Princess in front of him was a shield or not, there would be one more woman in his life in the future.

This woman was his legally married wife. His peaceful life would be disrupted and perhaps even add a lot of trouble, just like now, Jiuyingying was chirping non-stop like a little yellow warbler, disturbing his peace.

Jiu Yingying didn't know that He Huailing was criticizing her behind her back. After drying her hair, she put the phoenix hairpin into the brocade box and put it away carefully.

He Huai Ling saw her careful and cautious movements and silently withdrew his gaze. Perhaps he could still tolerate the fluttering of this little yellow bird for a while longer.


After Jiu Yingying dried her wet hair, Chun Xing led the maids in the room out and closed the door considerately.

The huge room suddenly became quiet. Jiu Yingying was too embarrassed to continue humming. She combed her hair and looked around the room.

In this life, she has not asked Lai Fu to turn this place into a "golden house", so the house maintains its original appearance, looking quiet and bright, with simple and beautiful tables and chairs, intricate carved beams, and the ornaments on the antique shelves are luxurious and elegant.

Jiu Yingying was quite satisfied. She just needed to add a few more ornaments to make the room have more women's things.

She combed her hair and looked back at He Huai Ling who was sitting on the bed. He Huai Ling was reading a book seriously. She couldn't help but smile secretly.

In her previous life, on her wedding night, she held a phoenix hairpin in her hand and placed it around her neck, threatening and warning He Huailing not to touch her. He Huailing pretended to be threatened and agreed to her, promising that he would never touch her before she agreed.

She later realized that she was just a shield in He Huailing's heart and should be abandoned when necessary. In order to avoid trouble, He Huailing would not touch her even if she was willing.

This time she wanted to see how He Huailing would escape from the bridal chamber if she didn't take the initiative to make trouble.

She smiled and made up her mind. She stood up, walked to He Huai Ling's side, looked shy, and glanced at He Huai Ling shyly.

He Huai Ling looked up in surprise and was stunned at her shy look.

Jiu Yingying curved her lips and whispered softly, "Husband, it's late, it's time to go to bed."

He Huailing frowned, and when she heard the word "husband", she slightly widened her eyes and looked at Jiu Yingying in disbelief.

Jiu Yingying took a step forward, stretched out her hand to the collar of He Huailing's clothes, and said in a low voice: "Yingying will serve my husband to bed."

He Huai Ling stepped back, avoiding her hand, and said coldly: "No need."

"Then...we..." Jiu Yingying said hesitantly.

She tried hard to hold back her smile, and when He Huai Ling looked over, she showed a shy and timid expression again, looking at him hesitantly as if she wanted to say something.

He Huai Ling's forehead twitched, and he pursed his lips and said, "My legs are in trouble, so I'm afraid I can't fulfill my duties as a husband. Crown Princess, you should rest early."

Jiu Yingying tried hard to hold back her laughter. It felt really good to tease the man.

Jiu Yingying blinked her clear eyes and looked at He Huailing without blinking, "What does my husband mean? Yingying doesn't understand..."

He Huai Ling clenched his fist and placed it on his lips. He coughed softly and said with difficulty: "It's just... it's inhumane."

Jiu Yingying almost laughed out loud. She pretended to be lost, lowered her eyes slightly, and said softly, "Is that so...my husband has suffered..."

No matter which man says that he is "inhumane", his expression will not look good.

He Huaijin waved his hand and said tiredly, "Go to sleep soon."

Jiu Yingying nodded gently and climbed onto the bed obediently.

Although she and He Huailing were in name only, they had been husband and wife for three years after all, and had slept together for three years. Jiu Yingying still had a certain understanding of her husband.

For example, He Huailing likes to sleep on the outside, separating Jiu Yingying between him and the wall, leaving her nowhere to escape. This seems to make him very happy and he is very obsessed with it.

For example, He Huailing liked to fall asleep with the faint scent of crabapple flowers. It was said that this was because Empress Chunshan liked crabapple flowers, so when he was young, Empress Chunshan liked to put a few fresh crabapple flowers next to his pillow when he slept.

After Queen Chunshan passed away, he often missed her in this way, so he got used to it over time. Now he has trouble falling asleep if he can't smell the fragrance of the crabapple flowers.

Just like in her previous life, Jiu Yingying automatically and consciously lay down on the inside of the bed, then picked up the crabapple sachet next to her and habitually helped He Huailing hang the sachet on the head of the bed.

When Jiu Yingying first learned of his habit in her previous life, she thought he was as spoiled as a princess. Although she respectfully called him "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince" every day, she couldn't help but secretly call him "His Royal Highness the Princess" in her heart.

Once, she accidentally spoke it out in her sleep, and He Huailing happened to hear it, and his face became gloomy for a month.

In order to appease the pampered Crown Prince, Jiu Yingying would personally help him hang the Begonia sachet on his head every night before he went to bed.

After she persisted for a while, she developed a habit. Now when she returned to this familiar bed, she would automatically hang the sachet on it.

He Huai Ling watched her movements silently, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked a little puzzled.

He Huai Ling took off his coat without saying a word and lay down on the bed.

On the wedding night, the wedding candles must be burned all night and cannot be blown out, so the room remains brightly lit.

Jiu Yingying and He Huailing lay side by side on the bed. He Huailing closed his eyes. Jiu Yingying secretly opened her eyes and stared at him. She felt inexplicably at ease.

She looked at him silently for a while, then smiled gently. Just as she was about to close her eyes, He Huai Ling suddenly turned over, supported his arms on both sides of her, and stared at her intently with a pair of eagle-like eyes.

Jiu Yingying was stunned. Could it be that He Huailing suddenly changed his mind and wanted to be a "humane" man?

He Huai Ling stared at her, his eyes moving from her beautiful peach blossom eyes to her fair and tender earlobes.

He Huai Ling lowered his head, leaned close to her ear, and whispered, "Jiu Yingying, you even know my preferences so clearly, do you really want to seduce me?"

"..." Jiu Yingying was a little slow in remembering the sachet and felt that she was very wronged.

He Huailing lowered his head, and was too close to Jiu Yingying. He could smell a faint crabapple fragrance emanating from Jiu Yingying's body, which was even better than the sachet he placed on the bedside.

He was stunned for a moment before he said coldly, "It's a pity that I'm a useless person. You are destined to be disappointed."

Your Highness, I will not allow you to slander yourself like this. You are clearly in good health, so come down and take a walk!

"..." Jiu Yingying only dared to shout twice in her heart. She looked at He Huailing's sharp eyes and didn't dare to say a word loudly.

Her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she explained in a low voice: "Yingying didn't."

He Huailing's eyes moved. He actually couldn't confirm whether Jiu Yingying did it on purpose. It was very likely that Jiu Yingying saw the sachet placed there and just hung it on the wall. After all, only people who were close to him would know about his living habits, and other people would have no way of knowing.

But just now Jiu Yingying had been secretly staring at him, which made him uneasy, so he couldn't help but want to tease Jiu Yingying.

When Jiu Yingying felt aggrieved, she would bite her lower lip unconsciously, and her delicate red lips would turn slightly white due to her biting.

He Huaijin's eyes unconsciously fell on her lips.

Jiu Yingying has beautiful lips, with snow-white teeth biting on her bright red lower lip, making her look charming and beautiful.

Because today was their wedding day, Jiu Yingying wore only a thin red inner garment, revealing her delicate white collarbone and slender neck.

He Huai Ling's eyes deepened. He looked into Jiu Yingying's eyes and said, "I heard that you made a few new dresses specially for me to show them to me after the wedding. Is this the one you are wearing now?"

Jiu Yingying was stunned. This was how she fooled Liu Xuru. She didn't expect that He Huailing actually knew about it.

She shook her head vigorously and said, "It was given to me by the maid of the East Palace. It's not mine."

Today is their wedding day, and the clothes and decorations she wore were all prepared by the palace according to the rules.

He Huai Ling pulled up a few strands of her hair, played with them gently in his hands, and asked in a low voice: "So what do you want to wear to seduce me?"

Jiu Yingying looked at the mockery in his eyes, turned her eyes away unwillingly, and suddenly turned over, and He Huailing was caught off guard and pressed under her.

With a charming smile on her face, she lay on He Huailing's body, and her fingertips gently slid across He Huailing's cheek.

She leaned slightly closer, exhaling softly, "Your Highness, Yingying really wants to serve you well, but it's a pity that you can't do it. You were so close to Yingying just now, could it be that you are attracted to Yingying?"

When she turned over just now, she accidentally exposed a piece of her snow-white shoulder, and He Huailing's ears turned red uncontrollably.

He turned his head and said coldly, "Go down."

Jiu Yingying blinked innocently, "What's wrong with the prince? Why are the tips of his ears so red?"

Jiu Yingying's breath vaguely surrounded He Huailing. His body was getting hotter and hotter. He couldn't help but grit his teeth and said, "Get off."

Jiu Yingying smiled sternly, raised the corners of her lips in satisfaction, stepped back, and let He Huailing go.

"Good night, Your Highness."

Jiu Yingying pulled the quilt over contentedly and lay down with her back facing He Huailing.

He Huai Ling lay on the bed alone, and it took him a long time to finally calm his breathing.

He turned his head with a sullen face and found that Jiu Yingying had fallen asleep, soundly sleeping.

He Huailing: "..."

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-05-30 11:31:30~2020-06-02 11:40:06~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: 41610791 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Gu Yi 10 bottles; Yi Ke Da You Zi 4 bottles; Ja□□yn? ? 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Chapter 70

The night was peaceful and quiet, and the entire East Palace was silent, because tonight was the wedding night of the Crown Prince and Crown Princess. The guards and maids walked in much quieter tones, and no one dared to speak, as they were careful not to disturb the Crown Prince and Crown Princess.

He Huai Ling fell asleep in the room without realizing it, while Jiu Yingying was sleeping peacefully beside him. The two of them lay side by side, and the room was very quiet.

Only the red wedding candles are still burning, witnessing the joy of the wedding.

Early in the morning, Jiu Yingying opened her eyes and stared at the bed curtain above her head in a daze for a while. She had woken up here countless times before. Now looking at the familiar bed curtain, she couldn't help but feel a little emotional and slightly pulled the corners of her mouth.

She felt her abdomen was a little heavy and looked down. As she expected, she saw the familiar arm lying across her lower abdomen, hugging her gently.

She blinked her eyes, feeling the familiar warmth beside her, and became very calm.

Because of this situation, after getting married in her previous life, she would experience it every morning when she woke up.

Every time she woke up in the morning, she would find He Huai Ling holding her tightly in his arms.

At first Jiu Yingying couldn't help but exclaim, but later she calmed down and took He Huailing's arm away from her body. Later, she was able to sleep peacefully in He Huailing's arms.

He Huailing is not as calm as Jiu Yingying.

He opened his eyes and found himself holding Jiu Yingying in his arms. He sat up suddenly as if struck by lightning. He was so startled that he stepped back unconsciously and almost fell to the ground.

Jiu Yingying looked at his frightened face, smiled softly, and said, "Your Highness, you took the opportunity to hug me while I was sleeping, what did you mean?"

He Huai Ling's eyebrows were furrowed, his lips were stretched into a straight line, and he was unable to speak.

Jiu Yingying smiled softly, stretched out a white and tender finger, and slid it gently down along the side of his face, and said slowly: "Or... Your Highness, are you seducing me?"

He Huai Ling's whole body was shocked. If he hadn't remembered that he was a "cripple", he would have jumped up.

The smile on Jiu Yingying's lips became brighter and brighter. "Your Highness the Crown Prince is so handsome. If you want to seduce Yingying, you don't have to be so sneaky. Yingying feels moved just by looking at your face."

He Huai Ling's whole body froze, as if he had not yet recovered from the shock, and he looked at his hands in disbelief.

Jiu Yingying smiled. Seeing He Huailing's doubtful look on his face, she felt very happy. She got up and changed her clothes considerately, leaving He Huailing alone to think about life.

He Huai Ling didn't know what was going on, but Jiu Yingying knew very well that He Huai Ling liked the scent of her body.

Although she didn't feel that there was any fragrance on her body, He Huailing could smell it.

He Huailing said that the fragrance was like that of a blooming crabapple, and was even better than the scent of the flowers in those sachets.

Jiu Yingying didn't know whether the crabapple scent on her body was nice or not, she only knew that He Huailing really liked it.

Because during the three years they slept together, every morning when she opened her eyes, she would find He Huailing holding her tightly in his arms, with his face buried in her neck, without exception.

She went from being angry at first to becoming helpless and accustomed to it, and finally, she felt a little uncomfortable when she woke up in the morning if He Huailing was not around.

Later, she gave up. Since He Huailing had been very well behaved except for holding her to sleep and never touching her, she just went with He Huailing.

He Huai Ling sat on the bed in a daze for a long time, as if he couldn't accept that he had done such a thing after falling asleep, and it took him a long time to recover.

After Jiu Yingying finished her makeup and put the phoenix hairpin on her head, He Huailing got up from the bed with a sullen face and began to wash and change clothes.

The palace maids came in quickly to serve, and everyone was busy. A maid walked to the bed, picked up the handkerchief, looked at it again and again, then looked at He Huailing and Jiu Yingying suspiciously, and finally set her eyes on He Huailing's legs. As if she had discovered some secret, she put the handkerchief away and recorded it in the book in her hand.

Jiu Yingying watched her actions calmly and pretended not to know. Within a day, anyone who wanted to know about her relationship with He Huailing would know that they did not consummate their marriage.

There is no need to conceal this news. Firstly, it is a fact. Secondly, the fact that she and He Huailing are not a real couple will probably make many people feel at ease and relax their vigilance, which is a good thing for them.

The more relaxed they are and the less they take He Huailing seriously, the more free He Huailing will be.

While having breakfast, Jiu Yingying faced He Huailing's angry face and happily ate half a plate of lotus cake, which was more than she usually ate in the morning.

He Huai Ling, who was sitting opposite her, couldn't eat. He only drank two mouthfuls of porridge and put down his chopsticks. He looked absent-minded and sat at the table, rubbing his eyebrows gently.

Liu Xuru was so worried that she didn't sleep all night last night and rushed over early in the morning.

As soon as she entered the room, she saw He Huai Ling's gloomy face and could not help but become anxious. She turned her head to look at Jiu Ying Ying who was opposite He Huai Ling and became even more anxious. Jiu Ying Ying was radiant, with a smile on her eyes and eyebrows, and the word "happy" was almost written on her face.

Her first reaction was that her nephew was being bullied, so she quickened her pace and limped over.

She pointed at Jiu Yingying and asked, "Prince, why do you look so bad? Did she bully you last night?"

Jiu Yingying looked at Liu Xuru's finger pointing at her and smiled maliciously, "What kind of bullying are you talking about, Miss Liu?"

He Huailing had been tortured by Jiu Yingying in the morning, so when he heard Jiu Yingying's shocking words, his eyes just shook slightly and he managed to remain motionless.

Liu Xuru's cheeks instantly turned red, and she looked at Jiu Yingying with her mouth opened in disbelief, "You, you, you...shameless!"

Jiu Yingying nodded obediently, "You said the same thing last time, you can use a different word next time."

"You..." Liu Xuru had a limited vocabulary, and for a long time she couldn't find a suitable adjective to describe Jiu Yingying's shamelessness. In the end, she could only utter, "You are a woman!"

Although she had been in the underworld for a long time, she also knew that women should be gentle and careful when speaking. Her father used to often yell in her ear, "You are a woman." She thought that her fighting and killing all day long was already too much, but she didn't expect that there was a woman like Jiu Yingying who didn't play by the rules in this world. It was simply incredible.

"Yes, I am a woman." Jiu Yingying smiled, nodded without hesitation, and said in a leisurely voice: "I am still the Crown Prince's woman."

The palace maids in the room quickly lowered their heads, looked at their noses and ears, and all pretended to be wooden figures.

Liu Xuru stared at Jiu Yingying with her eyes wide open. She really wanted to shout, she had never seen such a shameless person!

Jiu Yingying brushed the black hair behind her ears, lowered her eyes to look at Liu Xuru's feet, which were no longer light, and pretended to be ignorant and said: "Miss Liu, what's wrong with your feet? Are you injured?"

Liu Xuru retracted her feet and glared at Jiu Yingying, the culprit, in anger.

Jiu Yingying smiled slightly, picked up the chopsticks and picked up a golden crisp for He Huailing, put it in his bowl, and said gently: "Husband, eat more."

He Huailing raised his eyes to glance at Jiu Yingying, stared at the golden crisps in the bowl for a moment, then looked up at Liu Xuru and said, "I'm fine, no need to worry."

Jiu Yingying had already eaten her fill, so she put down her chopsticks, supported her chin with one hand, and smiled at them.

She discovered that He Huai Ling had a habit of not calling himself "Gu" in front of people close to him, but "I" instead.

He Huailing was named the crown prince almost when he was born. Logically, he has always called himself "Gu" as long as he can remember, and has basically had no chance to call himself "I". I think he must have developed this habit when he was in the army a few years ago.

Jiu Yingying thought about it carefully and found that in the later period of her previous life, He Huailing basically no longer called himself "lonely" in front of her, so she was once a close person to He Huailing?

When Liu Xuru turned around, she saw Jiu Yingying staring straight at He Huailing. She could not help but move sideways to block He Huailing and glared at Jiu Yingying, "Be honest and don't take advantage of the prince!"

Jiu Yingying came back to her senses, looked at her and smiled, and said softly: "Miss Liu, you are blocking me from looking at my husband."

Jiu Yingying's voice is soft and sweet, and it sounds especially nice when she calls "husband".

He Huai Ling heard the words "husband" and "husband" over and over again in just a short while, and she could no longer remain calm.

He coughed softly and said to Liu Xuru, "I'm fine. Your feet are not in good condition. Go back and rest first."

"No! I'm afraid she'll bully you while I'm not around."

He Huai Ling was helpless, "I'm not a three-year-old child, I won't be bullied."

Liu Xuru hesitated for a while and nodded reluctantly. Her feet did hurt from standing for so long.

She turned her head and glared at Jiu Yingying again, then limped out.

Jiu Yingying watched Liu Xuru walk away, then turned back and stared at He Huailing's handsome but cold face, teasing him deliberately, "Your Highness the Crown Prince is so attractive, I'm jealous."

He Huai Ling knew that he shouldn't explain to Jiu Yingying, but he still spoke unconsciously: "Liu Xuru and I are not in the relationship that the rumors say."

"What's the relationship?" Jiu Yingying didn't expect He Huailing to explain to her. Although she knew the answer, she couldn't help but ask.

He Huai Ling regained his senses, put on a stern face, and refused to say anything more. He picked up the golden cake, put it in his mouth, and chewed it gently.

Jiu Yingying knew that he would not tell her Liu Xuru's true identity now, and she did not force him. It was a rare progress that He Huailing was able to explain it to her this time.

In her previous life, she fought with Liu Xuru for two years, and it was not until the third year that she found out Liu Xuru's true identity.

At that time, the relationship between He Huailing and He Huaijin had become increasingly tense. This was originally a big news, and she should have informed He Huaijin as soon as possible. But for some reason, she did not tell He Huaijin a word at the time, and even helped them conceal the matter.

She looked at the golden cake that He Huailing put into his mouth and smiled gently. After He Huailing chewed the golden cake slowly and ate it, she smiled and said, "Your Highness, the golden cake you just ate was given to you by me."

He Huai Ling froze for a moment. Jiu Yingying was already happily humming a song as she went to pick out the dress she was going to wear today.
